
新聞英文解析 白紙革命

作者: 麋鹿兒。

China has some of the lowest Covid death rates in the world since a few detected cases can lead to buildings or cities being put into strict lockdowns in China.


*death rate:(n.)死亡率
*put into:(v.)置於

A fire in Urumqi, Xinjiang, killed 10 people in a building had been under lockdown for weeks. Authorities insist residents were not locked in their homes and could get out, which sparked a fierce reaction.


*authorities :(n.)當局
*insist :(v.)堅持
Last weekend, thousands in China took to the streets in cities including Shanghai and the capital Beijing to vent their anger over the zero-Covid policy,demanding changes to the Chinese government's harsh Covid rules.


*thousands:(n.)上千人(thousands of people )
*zero-Covid policy:(n.)新冠清零政策

Protesters blame lockdowns for deaths.On top of that, some even called for more freedom of speechandgreater democracy, or even for President Xi Jinping to be removed.


*on top of that:此外
☆on top of that的用法與in addition及besides相同,都是「除……以外還有……」的意思,用於「附加說明」,表示將後方所提到的人(或事、物)「包含在其內」。
*call for:(v.)呼籲
*freedom of speech:(n.)言論自由

Protesters are holding them to symbolize the lack of freedom of speech.
Nevertheless, the police have been arresting protester and try swiftly to smother mass protests that swept the country.



Blank sheets of white A4 paper have become a stand-in for all the things people cannot say. Some now refer to the protests as the "white paper revolution".


*a stand-in for:(n.)代表
*refer to:(v.)指稱
☆S. refer to A as B:S. 將A指稱為B
*white paper revolution:(n.)白紙革命
☆外媒將中國的「反對動態清零政策運動」稱為White Paper Revolution或 A4 Revolution。此次中國的封控抗議除了抗議清零政策更號召中國人民覺醒,導致罕見的全國範圍抗議再次出現在中國境內。「白紙運動(或白紙抗議)」也普遍被認為是自1989年六四事件以來中國最大規模的全國集會示威運動,故引發了國際輿論的廣泛關注。

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