
新聞英文解析 主計處對今年度GDP的預測下修之幅度創近8年新低

作者: 麋鹿兒。

The Executive Yuan's Directorate-General of Budget,Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) trimmed its forecast for GDP growth this year to 2.12 percent, down 0.63 percentage points from its previous projection. This year's GDP forecast has been revised down to a near eight-year low.
行政院主計處(DGBAS)將其對今年GDP增長的預測下調至2.12%,比之前的預測下調0.63 個百分點。今年GDP預測的下修幅度已創近8年新低。

*the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics :行政院主計處,簡稱DGBAS,為中央二級行政機關,主管中華民國政府歲計、會計與統計工作。
☆GDP:是Gross Domestic Product的縮寫,指 國民生產毛額。
計算公式為:GDP = C + I + G +(X-M)
成立於國內從事達一年以上活動的生產單位即被認定為本國長住生產單位(Resident Producing Units),生產結果均計入本國GDP。


DGBAS attributed to a lingering global economic slowdown constraining demand for goods and services and exports and private investment are expected to weaken amid economic uncertainty, which is unfavorable for Taiwan's export-oriented economy.

☆private investment:(n.)私人投資

Certainty of a global economic downturn has increased. Private investment is expected to shrink 1.13 percent this year, DGBAS data showed. The electronics industry has been hit hardest, and many manufacturers and semiconductor companies are still clearing inventories. With persistent inflationary pressure, officials say going over the 2% inflation target set by the central bank has become the norm.
全球經濟不景氣確定性增高。DGBAS 數據顯示,今年私人投資預計將萎縮1.13%。電子業衝擊最大,不少製造業及半導體仍在清庫存,加上通膨壓力仍在,衝破2%的通膨警戒線已成常態。


Although post-pandemic recovery and strong domestic demand have maintained momentum for growth, these factors cannot alter the reality of an overall economic recession. With the economy upended, even experts are finding it hard to make predictions.

☆domestic demand:(n.)國內需求;內需
