
新聞英文解析 疾病管制中心報告首例台灣本地猴痘病例

作者: 麋鹿兒。

Taiwan on Wednesday (Mar.1) reported two cases of locally acquiredMpox(formerly known as monkeypox), the first domestic infections of the viralzoonosis. The Centers for Disease Control(CDC)warned that the risk of local infection has increased.

台灣週三(3 月 1 日)報告了兩例本地猴痘 (Mpox) (舊稱猴痘)病例,這是國內首例病毒性人畜共患疾病感染病例。疾病管制中心(CDC)警告台灣本地感染的風險有所增加。

☆viral也被用來比喻「像病毒般瘋狂流傳的」或者是「爆紅的」,比如:病毒式營銷是viral marketing,而viral video則是指網路爆紅影片。
*The Centers for Disease Control (CDC):(n.)疾病管制中心

A male in his 40s from Hsinchu County and a male in his 20s from Kaohsiung City started exhibiting symptoms in late February, including fever, itchy rash, blisters, swollen lymph nodes, and lesions on the tongue, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).



The patients tested positive for Mpox on Sunday(Feb. 26)and Monday(Feb. 27), respectively. Two men infected in February have no recent overseas travel history, said the CDC.

患者分別於週日(2月26日)和週一(2月27 日)檢測出Mpox呈現陽性。疾病管制中心說,在二月染疾的這兩名男子近期內沒有出國史。這使得台灣的Mpox病例總數達到 7 例,其中包括 2 例本地病例和 5 例進口病例。


The CDC said there were no connections found between the two localcases, while contacts had been identified.A total of 25 contacts, including 4 family members and 2 intimate contactshave been identified and asked to monitor their health for 21 days. The conditions of the two men would be monitored until March 20, saidPhilip Lo (羅一鈞), theCDC Deputy Director-General.

疾病管制中心表示,這兩起本土病例之間沒有發現任何聯結,同時已經確定了接觸者,總共確定了包括4名家庭成員及2名親密接觸者在內的25名接觸者,並且要求在21天內監測他們的健康狀況。疾病管制中心副主任羅一鈞表示,這兩名男子的情況將被監測到 3 月 20 日。


A global Mpox outbreak that began in May last year has affected 109 countries with over 86,000 cases, according to the CDC. The WHO on Feb. 15 said that mpox would remain a "public health emergency of international concern." Taiwan has listed Mpox as a category 2 notifiable communicable disease onJune 23, 2022.

根據 CDC 的數據,去年 5 月開始爆發的全球Mpox疫情已影響到 109 個國家,有超過 86,000 起病例。世界衛生組織在 2 月 15 日表示,mpox仍將是「國際關注的突發公共衛生事件」。台灣已於2022年6月23日將Mpox列為第 2 類法定傳染病。


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