新聞英文解析 中國首度透過WTO通知對台貿易壁壘調查
An investigation into Taiwan's trade barriers on more than 2,400 Chinese products has launched, announced by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce yesterday. Economics minister Wang Mei-hua said that, for the first time ever, China notified Taiwan of the investigation via the WTO.
*launch: (v.)開始;積極投入;猛力展開(+into)
*investigation: (n.)調查
*trade barrier: (n.)貿易壁壘又稱貿易障礙。對國外國間商品勞務交換所設置的人為限制,主要是指一國對外國商品、勞務進口所實行的各種限制措施。
*notify: (v.)通知
*via: (prep.)藉由;經由;通過
1. by強調從旁邊經過或路過,由於by的本義有「在附件」或「在旁邊」的意思,通常主體要跟隨工具在一起,或者說,主體和工具不能發生分離。
2. via是較為正式的用詞,日常生活中少用。via表達的意思是「經由某個人、區域或工具達到某個目的」,這裡的人、區域、工具都是中間媒介,扮演傳遞與連接等作用,主體跟工具是要分離的。
3. through的核心意思是從中穿透或貫穿,所以through強調從完全封閉的(比如身體)或部分封閉的(比如地表或峽谷),甚至可以是開放的(比如某一扇牆壁或門板)的內部穿透、貫穿、穿過、透過或通過。
*WTO: (n.) World Trade Organization世界貿易組織的頭字與縮寫
The MOC on Wednesday announced that it had opened an investigation into tariffs and other "unilateral" restrictions on 2,455 Chinese products, including agricultural, textile and mineral products after the ministry received complaints from three Chinese trade groups.
中國商務部 (MOC) 週三宣布,在該部收到三個中國貿易集團的投訴後已對包括農產品、紡織品和礦產品在內的2,455 種中國產品關稅和其他「單邊」限制措施展開調查。
*the MOC: (n.)中國商務部 Chinese Ministry of Commerce的頭字與縮寫
*tariff: (n.)關稅
*unilateral: (adj.)單邊的;單方的
*restriction: (n.)限制
It was unknown when the results of the investigation would be unveiled. The investigation was scheduled to conclude before Oct. 12, the ministry said, but added that the probe could be extended by three months to Jan. 12 next year if necessary.
目前尚不清楚調查結果何時公佈。該部表示計劃在 10 月 12 日之前結束調查,但補充說明,如有必要,調查可以延長三個月至明年 1 月 12 日。
*unknown: (adj.)未知的;不清楚的
*unveiled: (adj.)被揭露的;公布
*conclude: (v.)結束;完成;作出(結論)
*probe: (n.)調查
The launch of the MOC's probe has sparked concern that China might eliminate preferential trade conditions afforded to certain Taiwanese goods under the Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement.
*spark: (v.)引起;導致;觸發(尤指爭論或打鬥)
*concern: (n.)憂慮;關切
*eliminate: (v.)排除;消除
*preferential: (adj.)優先的;(關稅)優惠的
*afforded: (p.p.)被提供的;被給予的
☆the Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement: (n.)《海峽兩岸經濟合作框架協議》又稱為兩岸經濟協議,簡稱ECFA,是海峽兩岸(台灣與中國大陸)之間的雙邊經濟協議,2009年馬英九總統於執政期間提出,將視其為加強臺灣經濟發展的政策。
The Chinese government's probe would look at import restrictions that Taiwan has either already imposed or is considering imposing on 2,455 types of products from China, the ministry said in a statement on its Web site.
中國商務部在其網站上發表聲明表示,中國政府的調查將審查台灣已經實施或正在考慮對來自中國的 2,455 種產品實施的進口限制。
*impose: (v.)推行;強制實行;尤其指把信仰或生活方式強加於……。
*import: (n.)進口
The Chinese ministry's regulations dictate that it will hold bilateral consultations or start a settlement mechanism for a multilateral dispute if the measures under investigation are confirmed to constitute a trade barrier.
*regulation: (n.)規定
*dictate: (n.)下命令;決定;規定
*bilateral: (adj.)雙邊的;雙方的
*consultation: (n.)協商;磋商
*settlement: (n.)(結束爭端的)協定
*mechanism: (n.)機制
*multilateral: (adj.)多邊的;多方的
*dispute: (n.)爭端
*confirm: (v.)確認
*constitute: (v.)被看;作被視為;構成;形成
Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua (王美花) welcomed bilateral discussions "without preconditions" regarding an investigation launched by Beijing into Taiwan's trade restrictions on select Chinese goods.
*precondition: (n.)先決條件;前提
*regarding: (prep.)意思等同於about(關於)