
新聞英文解析 機場「自願篩檢」將持續至農曆年

作者: 麋鹿兒。

The international airport quarantine stationsin Taiwan hasbeen notified by the CDC last week to increase alertness and encouraged travelers from China, Hong Kong and Macau with flu-like symptoms to undergo voluntary pathogen testing, as cases of respiratory illnesses, including pneumonia, mostly among children, surge in China.


*the CDC:(n.)衛生福利部疾病管制署Centers for Disease Control 的頭字語縮寫。
*flu-like symptoms:(n.)類流感
☆類流感flu-like symptoms即類似流感的意思,是指任何病毒若造成與流感一樣的嚴重症狀,如果不能證明是由流感病毒所引起的,則可稱為類流感。
*surge:(v.)急遽上升, 湧現

17 types of viruses and four types of bacteria in the respiratory tractcan be detected by taking the pathogen testing, including influenza viruses, COVID-19 strains, rhinoviruses, Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria, adenoviruses and human metapneumovirus.


*Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria:(n.)肺炎枝原體
☆腺病毒是一種常見的病毒感染,有超過 50 種以上的血清型會感染人類,統稱為人類腺病毒。腺病毒一般潛伏期 57 天左右,容易侵犯 6 個月至 5 歲小孩,具有高度傳染力,容易高燒不退,症狀類似感冒。

Although the Chinese government claims that its surge of respiratory illnesses are caused by known pathogens, the CDC still has concerns and hopes to confirm the claim through testingand to detect if there are new variants or other novel pathogens.



Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan said that the voluntary testing program will be shortened or extended according to the outbreak situation in China, but the current plan would be going on until the Lunar New Year holidaydue tothe gradually increasing travelers form China during the period.



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