Shueitou水 頭
Shueitou village is located in the southwest of Kinmen island. In the Yuan dynasty, the Huang family and the Lee family moved here first from Twong-an County of Fujian. Afterwards the Tsai family and the Chen family followed suit. All of these families have made Shueitou a multi-clan village. Shueitou is a culturally rich and diversified village, which embraces many scenic sites such as "Deyue Tower & Western Style Houses," "Jinshuei Elementary School", "Huang Family Youtang Villa," "Stories of the Overseas Chinese," and "Overseas Chinese Hometown Cultural Exhibition Hall," etc., all representing a combination of Chinese and Western culture. Walking along the alleys at Shueitou, one can easily admire the village for its cultural combination of traditional Fujian style houses and those of western style. 水頭村位於金門島的西南方,在元朝時就有黃姓、李姓先民由福建省同安縣遷移至此,後來又有蔡姓、陳姓等陸續遷進,使水頭成為多姓血緣的村落。水頭村是一個豐富且有多樣文化的聚落,整個水頭聚落包含「得月樓洋樓群」、「金水國小」、「黃氏酉堂」、「出洋客的故事」和「僑鄉文化展示館」等,呈現中西合璧的景觀。走在水頭村的鄉間小路上可以同時欣賞傳統的閩南建築與西洋樣式的「番仔樓」。 The Huang Family Youtang Villa is rated as a national historical relic of second class. It was built in the Ching dynasty (A.D.1766) by a wealthy millionaire whose name was Huang Jyun (also called Huang Bai-wuan, or Millionaire Huang). He made a great fortune doing business in Southeast Asian countries and became the richest man in Kinmen at that time. Then he came back home to build the villa. On the front door of the villa, there hung a tablet carved "You Tang," hence the name of the villa. The villa was once used as a local private school, and was later designated by Commander Hu Lian as an official news agency during his tenure of office in Kinmen. 黃氏酉堂是國家二級古蹟,興建於清朝乾隆三十一年(西元1766年),當時的金門首富黃俊(又名黃百萬)因為到南洋經商賺錢,便回鄉興建這處別墅。別墅門前掛有『酉堂』的橫額。早期的酉堂也是私塾的場所。在胡璉司令官的任內也曾作為官方的報社。 Tourist: The houses here differ a bit from those of Cyonglin village. Especially this one with a pond in the front. 遊客:這裡的房子跟瓊林的聚落有些不一樣。尤其是前面有水池的造景,很特別。 Tour Guide: The pond of the villa is called "Sun Moon Pond." With the Sun Moon Pond in the front, and the hills in the back, this villa has the characteristics of a stylish Soochow garden. 導遊:這個水池叫做「日月池」。房子前面有日月池、後面有山丘,是屬於江南庭園式的建築。 Tourist: Then it is one of the few houses in Kinmen with a pond. 遊客:那可算是金門地區少見的囉! Tour Guide: That's right. There are few traditional houses in Kinmen that have a pond of their own. Two of them are the "Sun Moon Pond" and the "Half Moon Pond" of the Folk Culture Village at Shanhou. 導遊:是的。金門傳統建築中擁有水池的並不多。其中有水池的是水頭黃氏酉堂的「日月池」和山后民俗文化村的「半月池」。 Tourist: There are some western-like houses here. Are they also among the traditional houses of Kinmen. 遊客:這裡還有幾棟洋樓的房子,也是金門的傳統建築嗎? Tour Guide: Well, the western-style houses were owned by the local people who had gone to Southeast Asian countries doing business and had become rich. After returning to their hometown, they built the houses blending Chinese style and Southeast Asian colonial architectural style together. Hence, the houses have an exotic flavor. 導遊:這些洋樓是早期金門人到南洋一帶辛苦賺錢後,返回家鄉所蓋的房子,所以,把中國和南洋殖民建築風格融入住宅之中,建造出富有異國風格的建築。 Tourist: May I take a look at one? 遊客:可以進去參觀嗎? Tour Guide: Yes, you may. Kinmen National Park has designed the houses around "Deyue Tower" as a site for display, along with the two exhibits, "Stories of the Overseas Chinese" and "Overseas Chinese Hometown Culture" for display. Both of the exhibits are the main attraction. 導遊:可以。金門國家公園將「得月樓」附近洋樓群設計為展示館,並以「出洋客的故事」和「僑鄉文化」作為展示主題,非常吸引人。 Tourist: Do you have any other ways to let me know more about these western houses? 遊客:有什麼方法可以讓我更瞭解這些洋樓嗎? Tour Guide: The exhibition hall has pictures with subtitles. These pictures can help us trace back the time when the houses were first built. The subtitles let us realize how hard the emigrants worked to earn their money. You can also understand how people made a living in the early stages of Kinmen. 導遊:展示館以圖畫加文字敘述的方式來呈現,圖畫讓我們追溯到洋樓建造時的情境;文字的敘述讓人體會先民到南洋時,辛苦賺錢的情境;可以深深瞭解早期金門居民的生活情形。 Tourist: I have to experience it myself. It's just unimaginable. 遊客:這樣的體驗一定要親身經歷才行,是無法用言語來形容的吧! Tour Guide: Definitely. And seeing is believing. 導遊:的確!而且,百聞不如一見喔!(二十三) ■1. followed suit-動詞片語,「跟著做」的意思。 ■2. clan-(n)家族、宗族。multi-是「多重」的意思,兩者合在一起是「多姓氏」之意。 ■3. embrace-(vt.)包含、包括。另有「擁抱」之意。 ■4. villa-(n)別墅,位於郊區的住宅。 ■5. designate-(vt.)指定;委任、指派。 ■6. tenure-(n)任期。 ■7. Soochow-此處是「蘇州」的音譯。原文為「江南」,但對外國人來說,蘇州就是江南的代表,因此翻譯時把「江南」轉譯為「蘇州」。 ■8. colonial-(adj.)殖民地的、殖民的。 ■9. subtitle-(n)說明或(電視、電影)對白的字幕;副標題。 資料來源:金門縣政府 原書作者:陳建民、漢貴恩
Free Milk Policy Implemented for Students
學童免費喝鮮乳政策正式施行 The policy to provide free milk for students two days a week by the county government took effect(1) on April 1st. On the first day 473 students in Xiaojinmen (Little Kinmen) received the delivery. According to the Livestock Research Institute, on the morning of April 1st, the carton-packed fresh milk was delivered to Shueitou Pier via Styrofoam thermo-containers(2) for the 8:30AM ferry to Jiougong Pier. Whether the cartons will be replaced by buckets is still being evaluated for safety and sanitation concerns. Based on the trial delivery this week, the shipment and distribution details will be reviewed comprehensively and the outcomes can be expected next week. 縣府買單學童每周二天免費喝鮮乳政策四月一日起上路,首日小金門四百七十三位學童受惠。畜試所指出,一日上午將盒裝鮮乳以保麗龍保溫箱送到水頭碼頭,搭八時三十分的船到九宮碼頭,至於未來是否以桶裝取代紙盒,因安全衛生考量仍在商議中,相關配送細節將以本周試送情形做全盤考量,預計下周會有結果。 To help students maintain balanced diets, the county government encourages students at each schooling level to drink fresh milk from the Livestock Research Institute. Two days each week the country government delivers milk to both eastern and western regions, as well as Lieyu, and pays for the bills. 縣府為增進學生攝取均衡營養,鼓勵各級學校學生飲用畜試所鮮乳,於每周針對金門東、西半島、烈嶼地區供應鮮乳二天,費用由縣府買單。 All the students get to enjoy the taste of fresh milk from the Livestock Research Institute twice a week. The Livestock Research Institute furnishes(3) free milk to Jincheng and Jinning Schools, on the west side, on Mondays and Thursdays, and to Jinsha and Jinhu Schools, on the east side, on Tuesdays and Fridays. Lieyu receives the treats on Mondays and Wednesdays. April 1st happened to fall on Wednesday, so Lieyu students became the first to enjoy the benefits. 學童每周有二天可喝到畜試所鮮乳,畜試所於星期一、四免費供應西半島金城、金寧各校鮮乳;星期二、五提供東半島金沙、金湖各校鮮乳;烈嶼則於星期一、三有免費鮮乳喝,一日為星期三該政策首日,烈嶼學童成為首批受惠者。 The trial delivery during the first week will be made mainly in carton-packs, according to the Livestock Research Institute. Whether bucket containers will be used in the future, with the students drinking the milk with environment-friendly cups to reduce waste of carton-packs, is still being assessed due to potential safety and sanitation problems. Unwashed milk residues(4) left in the cup may also be a health concern if the students use the same cup again to drink milk the next time. Since the carton-pack is sealed for better temperature and sanitation control, the entire issue is still being discussed. 畜試所也表示,試送首周以盒裝鮮奶為主,至於是否改以桶裝,由各校需要之學生用環保杯盛裝飲用,減少紙盒浪費,由於有安全衛生問題,以及牛奶若殘留於杯中未被學童清洗乾淨,再次盛裝飲用也將會引發衛生問題,再且,盒裝為密封,在溫度和衛生上較好掌握,因此,目前仍在商議中。 Furthermore, from the actualordering to the receiving of the milk, the number of students of each school is continuously changing. Some of the schools have complained that the amount is insufficient. Yet based on total volume control, the Livestock Research Institute recommends provision(5) of appropriate amounts of milk. Based on comprehensive review of the trial delivery this week, the shipment and distribution details will be finalized next week. 另外,各校有些學生從訂購到免費喝到牛奶,人數以及需求均還在變動:有學校反映數量不夠,但基於總量考量畜試所建議適量提供,所以,相關配送細節將以本周試送情形做全般考量,預計下周會有結果。 ■1. take effect-生效。 ■2. Styrofoam thermo-container-以聚苯乙烯發泡塑料做成的保溫容器。Styrofoam即俗稱的「保麗龍」,是一個從「商標」轉化而來的普通名詞;thermo-則是與「熱」有關的字首。 ■3. furnish-(vt)提供、供應。 ■4. residue-(n)殘餘、殘渣。 ■5. provision-(n)供應。 本系列由金門技術學院邱佩蒂老師校正英文原稿,本報編輯部提供解說 資料來源:金門縣政府
Old Wen Tai Pagoda文台古塔
Old Wei Tai Pagoda(1) is located on the southeast side of Jinmenchen (also called Old Jinchen). It's a five-storied hexagonal(2) construction made of granite and was built in the Ming dynasty in 1387, over 600 years ago. The pagoda has been rated a second class national historic relic.(3) 文台古塔位於金門城(又稱舊金城)東南方,是由花崗石堆砌而成的五層高六角型實心塔。古塔建於明朝洪武廿年(1387年),現在已經有六百多年的歷史,是國家的二級古蹟。 Kinmen has three big pagodas in its history, including Taiwu Mountain's Daoieng Pagoda, Shuitou Village's Maoshan Pagoda and Jinmenchen's Old Wen Tai Pagoda. They all functioned as lighthouses for sailors in the nearby sea. The Daoieng Pagoda on Taiwu Mountain was destroyed in 1918 by an earthquake, while the Maoshan Pagoda in Shuitou village was also ruined(4) in 1961 during the August 23rd Bombardment. Fortunately, Old Wen Tai Pagoda survived the other two, and is well preserved now. 古代金門有三大古塔,分別是:太武山上的倒影塔、水頭村的茅山塔和金門城的文台古塔。這三大古塔在六百年前是附近海域船隻的航行指標。太武山上的倒影塔,毀於民國七年(西元1918年)的大地震;水頭村中的茅山塔,因為八二三砲戰的緣故,於民國五十年(西元1961)損毀;而文台古塔倖免於難,是現今唯一存在的古塔。 Near Old Wen Tai Pagoda there is a huge rock carved with the four characters "Shu Jian Shiao Wo" written by Yu Da-yiou, a general of the Ming dynasty during his tour of duty(5) in Kinmen. 文台古塔的旁邊有觀海岩,岩石上的「虛江嘯臥」大字,是明代俞大猷將軍駐守金門時所題的字。 Tourist: This small and oblique(6) pagoda looks magnificent. I've never seen one like this before. Is it the only pagoda in Kinmen? 遊客:這小小、斜斜的塔很莊嚴;以前都沒看過這種塔,金門島上只有這個嗎? Tour Guide: Not exactly. In ancient times, there used to be three pagodas in Kinmen-Taiwu Mountain's Daoieng Pagoda, Shuitou Village's Maoshan Pagoda and Jinmenchen's Old Wen Tai Pagoda. They were known as the three huge pagodas of Kinmen. But the pagoda you see now is the only one that still exists. 導遊:在古代原本有三座塔,那就是太武山上的倒影塔、水頭村的茅山塔、以及現在看到的這個塔,合稱金門的三大古塔,只是另外二個都已經不存在了。 Tourist: What was the function of the three pagodas? 遊客:這三個塔有什麼特殊的功能嗎? Tour Guide: It's said that the pagodas were used for sailors' safety, and acted like sailors' guardian angels.(7) The pagodas were just like lighthouses for the navigators. When they were seen in a line, the navigators could easily locate the island of Kinmen, without mistaking it for the mainland of China. Besides that, they are also thought of as "feng-shui pagodas" where people prayed for good fortune. 導遊:嗯,傳說古塔的興建是為了航行安全,可說是航海者的守護神。三大古塔是附近海面的燈塔,當三大古塔連成一線時,代表看到的地方就是金門,而不是大陸。同時,古塔本身也是祈求運氣的風水塔。 Tourist: Do you have any legends(8) or stories concerning this? 遊客:有什麼相關的傳說故事嗎? Tour Guide: It's said that Old Wen Tai Pagoda was a "feng-shui pagoda" and an "astrology(9) pagoda." The emperor of the Ming dynasty believed what his astrologer had said, that Kinmen was going to have a native emperor. Therefore, the emperor took precautions(10) and built this pagoda to destroy the "feng-shui" (environment) around. 導遊:據說這個古塔除了是「風水塔」也是「文星塔」,也就是古塔的興建與風水有關。況且明朝時代的皇帝聽信風水師所言:『金門將會出生一個土皇帝』。因此,建造古塔來破壞金門的風水。 Tourist: Besides the old pagoda, what are some other things to see? 遊客:在這裡除了看古塔,還有其他風景嗎? Tour Guide: There is a rock not far from the pagoda. It's called "Sea-watching Rock". From there you can feel no boundary between the sea and the sky. And, if you are fortunate enough, you can also observe some migratory birds and ducklings here. 導遊:在塔的不遠處還有一個地方叫做「觀海岩」;在這裡你會有遠眺海連天的感覺。而且,運氣好的話,還會看到許多小水鴨群等候鳥。 Tourist: Sounds amazing! This is also a highlight(11) for bird watchers, isn't it? 遊客:聽起來很動人!這裡也是金門賞鳥的據點之一嗎? Tour Guide: Yes. The main reason birds come is that Kinmen Liquor Factory nearby discards "distilled grains"(12) that can attract birds looking for food. 導遊:是的。由於金門酒廠在附近,所排放出來的「酒糟」常常會吸引一些覓食的候鳥。 Tourist: Wish me good luck as I go to take a look. 遊客:希望能有好運氣一飽眼福!(二十二) ■1. pagoda-(n)東方寺院的塔,或公園涼亭。 ■2. hexagonal-(adj.)六角形的。 ■3. relic-(n)遺跡;遺物;紀念物品。此處,第幾級古蹟以序數+class來表述,第一級古蹟就是the first class historical relic。 ■4. ruin-(vi.)毀滅、毀壞。 ■5. tour of duty-軍人駐守某地期間;任期。 ■6. oblique-(adj.)傾斜的;非直角的。不直截了當、拐彎抹角的。 ■7. guardian angel-(n)守護神;守護天使。guardian是守護者或監護人的意思。 ■8. legend-(n)傳說;傳奇故事。 ■9. astrology-(n)占星術、占星學。占星術士則是astrologer。 ■10. precaution-(n)預防措施。常見用法為take precaution against~。 ■11. highlight-(n)最突出、最精彩的部分;最明亮的部分。 ■12. distilled grains-此處指酒糟。distill指以蒸餾方式萃取;grain則是穀類。 資料來源:金門縣政府 原書作者:陳建民、漢貴恩
Jyuguang Tower 莒光樓
Jyuguang Tower is located at the eastern suburb(1) of Jincheng downtown. It is one of the famous landmarks of Kinmen. The tower was built in 1952 and completed the following year. In order to commemorate(2) the bravery and glory of the soldiers who participated in battles in Kinmen, General Hu Lian gave orders to build this tower. The tower was also named after the story of "Don't Forget the Time at Jyu" based on late President Chiang Kai-shek's philosophy to enhance military morale. The tower has a magnificent look and modification of a traditional city wall tower. The three characters on a wooden tablet bearing the tower's name were written by Lai Sheng-ming, a war hero of the Daerdan battle. The tablet is hung on the tower's top floor. On October 25, 2003, this tower was open to the public again in a brand-new aspect. On the first floor a multimedia profile of Kinmen is presented. The second floor provides the panorama(3) of geographical and ecological Kinmen, and the third floor is a showcase of Kinmen during the wartime. 莒光樓位於金城鎮東邊郊區,是金門縣的地標之一。莒光樓建於民國四十一年(西元1952年),並在民國四十二年(西元1953年)完成。當年胡璉將軍為表揚官兵,並且實踐 先總統蔣介石先生「毋忘在莒」的訓示而興建此樓。莒光樓以仿古城樓式建築,外觀雄偉、氣宇非凡。樓前「莒光樓」三個大字,是當時大膽戰役英雄賴生明所題。民國九十二年十月二十五日修建後,重新規劃使用並開放參觀。樓內規劃一樓為多媒體影片觀賞;二樓介紹金門的地質景觀;三樓則展示當時國共戰爭的歷史照片。 Jyuguang Tower faces the estuary(4) of Wujiang Brook, and overlooks Lake Jyuguang. The scenery around it is very attractive. From the top floor visitors can have a bird's-eye view of downtown Jincheng, the ebb and flow of Wujiang Brook, Lieyu Island(Little Kinmen), and catch a glimpse(5) of mainland China just a short distance away. Jyuguang Tower was adopted as a motif(6) for domestic stamps many times between 1959-1964. Needless to say, this tower is a landmark building as well as an eye-catching scenic spot in Kinmen. 站在莒光樓前,可以看到浯江溪出口以及臨近的莒光湖,風景非常秀麗。遊客也可以爬上頂樓陽台,遊覽金城市區全貌及浯江海潮,更可眺望小金門及大陸山河,美麗景色盡收眼裡。莒光樓曾經在民國四十八年(西元1959年)到五十三(西元1964年)年之間,多次被採用為中華民國郵票圖案,是金門具有代表性的建築和名勝。 Tourist: Wow! What a beautiful building! 遊客:哇!這棟建築真是漂亮。 Tour Guide: Yes, it is. This is "Jyuguang Tower", one of the famous landmarks for sightseeing in Kinmen. 導遊:是的,它叫「莒光樓」,是金門有名的觀光地標之一。 Tourist: What does the name of Tower mean? 遊客:為什麼叫做「莒光樓」呢? Tour Guide: The first character "Jyu" which has the same meaning with "Wu Wang Zai Jyu"(Don't forget the time at Jyu) inscription(7) on the summit(8) of Taiwu Mountain is historically meaningful. The second character "Guang" means glory in English. 導遊:莒光樓的『莒』字與金門最高峰太武山上面的「毋忘在莒」的『莒』字一樣,有歷史的意義,『光』有光輝的意思。 Tourist: What's the historical meaning, though? 遊客:有歷史典故嗎? Tour Guide: Well, in ancient China a general called Tian Dan recovered his homeland from the hands of invaders at the stronghold(9) city "Jyu", using a last-ditch(10) strategy. So this story was related to strengthening military morale in a war zone like Kinmen. 導遊:有的。在中國古代有一位叫田單的將軍,在『莒』城守城時出奇制勝,進而收復失土。所以毋忘在莒的故事具有激勵士氣的用意存在。 Tourist: I've got it. 遊客:原來如此。 Tour Guide: After redecoration this tower was open to the public again in a brand-new d?cor(11) on October 25, 2003, the day of commemorating the "Guningtou Battle" of 1949. On the third floor several precious pictures of the war are preserved. 導遊:莒光樓最近整修後,在二00三年十月二十五日重新開放參觀,這個日子是紀念民國三十八年的「古寧頭大捷」。進入莒光樓後你可以前往三樓,那邊保存了當時戰役的歷史珍貴照片。 Tourist: This is beautiful, and what a lovely view! 遊客:這附近風景真是不錯哦! Tour Guide: Sure. On the balcony of the top floor you can see the whole downtown Jincheng and the mouth of Wuchiang Brook. To catch a farther glimpse of view from there, you can even use the binoculars on both sides. Little Kinmen and Chinese mainland are close at hand. 導遊:當然。在三樓陽台上,我們可以清楚的看到整個金城鎮市區以及浯江溪口。如果想看的更遠的景色,可以透過二邊的望遠鏡看到小金門以及臨近的大陸。 Tourist: I can't wait to enjoy such a wonderful scenery around here. 遊客:我等不及要上樓好好欣賞這些美麗的景物! ■1. suburb-(n)郊區;近郊住宅區。 ■2. commemorate-(vt.)紀念;慶祝。 ■3. panorama-(n)全景、全貌,概述。 ■4. estuary-(n)河口;海口。 ■5. glimpse-(n)一瞥;瞥見。 ■6. motif-(n)主題;中心思想、基本圖案。 ■7. inscription-(n)銘刻、銘文,刻印文字。 ■8. summit-(n)山頂;山巔。 ■9. stronghold-(n)要塞、堡壘。 ■10. last-ditch-(adj.)堅守最後防線,拚死抵抗的。 ■11. d?cor-(n)室內裝潢;裝飾。
Lake Shuangli (Twin Carps)雙鯉湖(二)
Tourist: We just saw a little construction near the temple. What's that? 遊客:剛才看到廟旁邊好像有一個小小的建築物,那是什麼? Tour Guide: This is "Gulongtou Shuiwei Pagoda,"(6) which is believed to have the power to protect the village from flooding. It's now a third-class national historic relic. The pagoda measures about 7 meters high and the four characters carved on the top mean "Monks and Buddha's Magic Tool". It's said that the pagoda was used to suppress all sorts of devils from the sea and keep villagers in good health and wealth. Other than that, the pagoda also serves as a symbol from generation to generation, warning residents not to use up all the money they have earned. 導遊:那是『古龍頭水尾塔』,具有鎮水的功能,現在列為的國家三級古蹟。大約高度為七公尺,在塔的最上層刻有「僧佛法寶」四個字。相傳水尾塔是用來壓制海上的各種惡邪和鎮保顧財之用,並且告誡子孫不要將辛苦賺來的財富如潮水般花掉。 Tourist: So that's it. What is the house on the other side of the lake? 遊客:原來如此。在湖另一邊的那棟房子是什麼呢? Tour Guide: It is Shuangli Wetland Nature Center. The building displays human and natural resources of Guningtou. It also introduces the natural ecology of Kinmen. 導遊:那是雙鯉濕地自然中心,館內有介紹古寧頭的人文和自然資源,還有金門島上的自然生態。 Tourist: What are the specific displays? 遊客:有什麼值得一看的嗎? Tour Guide: There are presentations of local birds and native plants on the first and second floors. In the basement there is a display window of round-the-year scenery, which provides you with different facets of the beauty of Kinmen. Meanwhile, you are going to admire the skittish(7) creatures in the water and the chirping(8) birds above the water if you walk along the transparent windowpane. It's absolutely a lot of fun. 導遊:一樓和二樓有金門鳥類和當地植物的介紹;地下一樓是金門四季特殊景色的櫥窗,在這兒你可以看到金門不同的美。同時,你也可以到水岸走廊去觀賞生物在水裡遨遊,也可清楚看到湖面水鳥嬉戲的畫面。十分有趣,值得一看。 Tourist: Really? Let's go there in just a minute. Can I take pictures in there? 遊客:真的嗎?那要好好參觀一下囉!對了,裡面可以拍照嗎? Tour Guide: Yes, you can. You can take as many as you like to record the diversified beauty of Kinmen. 導遊:可以的。你可以多拍幾張,把金門不同時節的美紀錄下來!(二十一) ■6. Pagoda-(n)東方寺院的塔或涼亭。 ■7. skittish-(adj.)易受驚嚇的。 ■8. chirp-(vt.)擬聲字,指鳥類發出啁啾聲。 資料來源:金門縣政府 原書作者:陳建民、漢貴恩
Situated Between China & Taiwan American Is Also Concerned About Kinmen-Part II
兩岸下的金門美國也很關注(完) 有關金門人口及未來經濟發展?李縣長說,金門人口約有8萬多人、海外華僑約1百萬人,金門是名副其實「僑鄉」;近年來金門人口呈現回流現象;他說,「金門發展在大陸」,未來發展仍以觀光旅遊為主軸,連國內外財團也紛紛上門探路;他相信只要大陸25省巿居民皆可不受限來到金門觀光旅遊,金門發展契機會更大,前景指日可待。 How about the future of population and economy development in Kinmen in the future? Magistrate Li said that there are about eighty thousand local people in Kinmen, with about one million Kinmen people overseas, which makes it an authentic(9) "overseas Chinese homeland". There has been a returning of Kinmen residents in recent years. Li said that "the future development of Kinmen should be based on China." In the future, they will focus on the development of tourism, bringing many domestic and foreign entrepreneurs to visit and explore Kinmen for potential opportunities. He believes that if the residents from the 25 provinces in mainland China can come to Kinmen without any limitation, there will be a chance for Kinmen's development. The prosperous(10) future of Kinmen can be expected. 「金門人悲哀!」,李縣長感慨台灣在乎選舉,未能考量離島金門發展;美籍教授問:「在台北,金門有沒有聲音?」,李縣長回答說:「總統、行政院長都聽到金門聲音」,但遠在一水之隔的金門沒有任何抗議、動員遊行等管道傳達,主要金門人生性保守、溫和,所以未能引起中央政府重視。 "Poor Kinmen people!" sighed Magistrate Li. He said that Taiwan only cares about elections and overlook(11) the development of Kinmen. Professors from the U.S. asked, "Is there any way Kinmen can express its opinion in Taipei?" Magistrate Li answered, "The president, and the premier already heard Kinmen's voice" but Kinmen, which is situated across the ocean, has never protested, or demonstrated. It is all due to the conservative(12) and kind personality of Kinmen people. This makes the central government pay less attention to Kinmen. 金門過去軍管,居民有如籠中鳥,儘管籠子打開了,也不敢飛出去,與台灣居民迥然不同,現在不是他一個人「發聲」即可,他為金門尷尬角色抱屈;李縣長疾呼,中央應設金馬決策單位專責規劃及執行離島的各項建設與政策。他期待中央不要忽略金門存在的價值。 Kinmen was managed by the military, and residents lived like birds in a cage. Now the cage is open, but the residents are afraid to cross the line, which is totally different from Taiwan people. It's of no use if he is the only one to "shut out". He bemoaned(13) against the injustice(14) for Kinmen's awkward(15) role. Magistrate Li strongly called for an administration to be in control of and plan all kinds of off-shore island policy construction and policies. He expects that the central government won't overlook the value of Kinmen's existence. 「金門人儲蓄率排名全國第一」,李縣長向美籍教授介紹,金門人賺10元,至少會存7元,主要過去打仗生活苦,居民普遍有存錢的居安思危想法,儘管現在已是太平,但也不輕易花一毛錢,消費水平低,若以「有錢的窮人」喻之,一點不誇張;美籍教授乍聞之下驚嘆豎起大拇指直呼:「這款金門精神,殊值學習。」 "Kinmen residents rank the highest in the saving rates among the country" Magistrate Li told the professors from the U.S. Kinmen people will save 7 out of 10 of their income. This is because Kinmen residents who lived under the torture(16) of wars, have the concept of being vigilant(17) in peace time. Although the peace has come now, they won't easily spend a penny. The consumption level is relatively low here. It's of no exaggeration if we called them the"rich poor people." Professors from the U.S. were impressed by this spirit of Kinmen, and they said with their thumbs up, "We should learn this spirit from Kinmem." 李縣長說:「金門國民所得是廈門3倍」,但目前廈門消費不便宜;金門人普遍理財觀念保守僵化,近年來紛紛跨海赴廈門等置產,早期「登陸」投入房地巿場,幾乎都有賺到錢。至於,有關金門戰地、閩南文化及環保,包括垃圾、污水整體處理,李縣長也言簡意賅逐一向美籍教授細說。 Magistrate Li said "The national income of Kinmen is three times of that in Xiamen," but things are expensive in Xiamen now. Most Kinmen people are conservative about the way they manage their money. In recent years, more Kinmen people have crossed the ocean to invest in real estate in Xiamen. People who "landed" there and invested in real estate earlier have made a fortune. Magistrate Li succinctly(18) yet comprehensively explained the battlefield culture, southern Fujian culture and environment preservation, including the processing of garbage and polluted water to the visiting professors. 美中關係全國委員會成立於1966年,總部設在紐約,是一家獨立的非營利機構,成立以來,委員會在促進美中兩國民間往來上發揮了非常重要的作用,主要致力於促進美中人民之間的理解與合作;他們堅信增進的公共知識,面對面的交流,以及坦率地交換意見,都是一個健康的美中關係所必需具備的要素。 National Committee on US-Sino Relation was established in 1996, and the headquarters is in New York. It is a non-profit organization. Ever since its establishment, the committees have played a very important role in promoting the contact between the United States and China. They mainly put their efforts in promoting the understanding and cooperation between people in the two sides. They firmly believe that improving public knowledge, face to face contact, and frank opinion exchanging are the elements of the healthy relationship between the United States and China. ■9. authentic-(adj.)真實、可信的。 ■10. prosperous-(adj.)興旺、昌盛、富足的。 ■11. overlook-(vt.)忽略;寬恕;監督。 ■12. conservative-(adj.)保守、守舊的;傳統的。 ■13. bemoan-(vt.)哀悼;哀嘆。 ■14. injustice-(n)不公平、不正義。 ■15. awkward-(adj.)尷尬的,笨拙的。 ■16. torture-(vt.)折磨,使為難、使痛苦。 ■17. vigilant-(adj.)警惕的,警醒的。 ■18. succinctly-(adj.)簡潔的。 本單元資料來源為金門縣政府,國立金門技術學院邱佩蒂教授協助校正英文原稿,解說由本報編輯部提供。
Lake Shuangli (Twin Carps)雙鯉湖(一)
Lake Shuangli is located between Nanshan and Beishan of Guningtou village at Jinling town. The lake was connected with Lake Cih before a road was built in between, making Lake Shuangli an inland lake. Thus the original ecology around the lake has also changed and become what it is now. Nowadays, the lake contains many sorts of fishes and waterweeds;(1) therefore, birds like to come here for food. The beautiful migratory birds here attract bird watchers who like to frequent(2) this place. And if they are lucky enough, as they walk on the path around the lake, they are likely to see some legally protected otters as well. 雙鯉湖位於金寧鄉古寧頭南山村與北山村之間,早期與慈湖相連並且相通,後來外海築堤為路,湖變為內湖,原來的生態環境也改變了,形成了現在的景色。現今的雙鯉湖湖內有許多魚和水草,因此,聚集了許多鳥兒在這裡棲息。雙鯉湖附近有許多美麗的候鳥,可以吸引賞鳥人士駐足,沿著湖周圍的賞鳥步道行進,有時候甚至可以看到保育類的水獺在此出沒。 On the bank of Lake Shuangli stands a nature center designed by Kinmen National Park. Inside the Center there are displays of Kinmen's birds, plants, natural ecology, geological features, historic relics, etc. Films recording these features are also presented. The most marvelous feature is in the basement where plants and living creatures in the water can been seen clearly through transparent windowpanes. It's great fun. 金門國家公園在雙鯉湖畔設置自然中心一座,館內介紹金門當地的鳥類、植物、自然生態、地表景觀以及人文古蹟,並提供相關影片供遊客欣賞。最精彩的部分是在地下一樓,進入裡面可以透過玻璃窗,清楚看見水生植物的樣子和水中生物活動的情形,十分有趣。 Facing each other across the lake, Nanshan and Beishan villages are named together as the "Twin Carps Feng-shui" and are considered to be among the earliest traditional villages in Kinmen. At Nanshan village there is a "Sanyian Well," where the residents pass their leisure time. On the other side of the lake, Beishan village has a statue of the Wind Lion God that faces toward the south and is made of granite. 古寧頭南山村與北山村隔雙鯉湖相對,共稱「雙鯉風水」,是金門發跡最早的傳統聚落之一。南山聚落中有一處三眼井,是現今居民生活的場所;而雙鯉湖畔靠北山聚落這一邊,有一尊座北朝南花崗石雕的風獅爺。 Tourist: Why is the lake called "Shuangli"? 遊客:為什麼叫『雙鯉湖』呢? Tour Guide: Because the lake looks like twin carps. And we call it "Shuangli", meaning twin carps in English. 導遊:因為湖的形狀像似鯉魚因而得其名。 Tourist: Except for its shape, does it have other connotations?(3) 遊客:「雙鯉」除了形狀之外,還有沒有其他的涵義呢? Tour Guide: Yes. The two villages on each side of the lake are Nanshan and Beishan. "Shuangli," which means two carps, also refers to the two villages as a figure of speech.(4) The two villages face each other across the lake and are also among the earliest traditional villages in Kinmen. Generally, Guningtou village is a combination of the two villages and Linciu village. The residents of Guningtou village are mainly from the Lee family, thus the village is also called "The Lee's Village". 導遊:是的,「雙鯉」還意指著古寧頭南山和北山二個村莊。這二個村隔著雙鯉湖相望,是金門有名的傳統聚落之一,和林厝村合稱為古寧頭。古寧頭區域內的居民以李氏宗族為主,因此又稱為「李家莊」。 Tourist: Any other legends? 遊客:有什麼傳說嗎? Tour Guide: Yes. It's said that Nanshan and Beishan villages also represent two carps, and the Guan Monarch's Temple on the lakeside facing toward the lake resembles a brilliant pearl. The Temple is also called "Twin Carps Old Landing". And, according to the records, all the pilgrims(5) coming from afar to pray in the Temple could take bamboo rafts directly to the entrance with the rising tide. But the waterway has been blocked by sand, and this scene from the past is now gone. 導遊:有的。傳說南山村與北山村各像一條鯉魚,而朝向湖畔的關帝廟像是一顆靈珠,因此,這個廟也稱為『雙鯉古地』。而且根據記載,很早以前來關帝廟拜拜的善男信女,在漲潮時可搭竹筏至廟口下船。不過,現今水道已淤積,不再具有往日的景觀。 Tourist: We just saw a little construction near the temple. What's that? 遊客:剛才看到廟旁邊好像有一個小小的建築物,那是什麼?(二十) ■1. waterweed-(n)水草。 ■2. frequent-(vt.)時常出入於~,常到~;通常這個字比較常以形容詞形式出現,此處則為動詞。 ■3. connotation-(n)意涵,言外之意。 ■4. figure of speech-比喻的說法。 ■5. pilgrim-(n)朝聖者,香客。 資料來源:金門縣政府 原書作者:陳建民、漢貴恩
Situated Between China & Taiwan American Is Also Concerned About Kinmen-Part I
兩岸下的金門美國也很關注(一) 美中關係全國委員會訪問團12人,六月二十七日由副會長白莉娟(Ms. Jan Berris)率領,從廈門循小三通到金門訪問,同時親自登門拜會縣長李炷烽,針對兩岸關係下金門各項重大公共議題進行了解。李縣長期盼透過他們專業研究及接觸,傳達金門存在的價值,提高金門在世界能見度。 A 12-member-interview-group from National Committee on US-Sino Relation arrived at Kinmen from Xiamen through Mini-Three-Links route on June 27. The team was led by vice president of the committee, Ms. Jan Berris. During this time, they met with Kinmen County Magistrate Li Zhu Feng personally and discussed the important public issues of Kinmen, that strongly relate to the cross straights relationship. Magistrate Li hoped that they would support the value of Kinmen's existence and elevate(1) the visibility of Kinmen with the assistance of their professional study and contact. 從廈門小三通抵金的美中關係協會12位美籍教授,在大陸北京、長沙和廈門進行一週的訪問後,上午11時20分在金門技術學院副教授江柏煒陪同下抵縣府拜會,受到李縣長熱忱歡迎,李縣長對他們擁有一口流利國語讚賞有加,雙方交談甚歡。 The twelve American professors arrived at Kinmen from Xiamen after a week of interviews in Beijing, Chang Sha, and Xiamen in China. They were accompanied by Jiang Bo-Wei, an associate professor from National Kinmen Institute of Technology at 11:20 in the morning. Magistrate warmly welcomed them and praised their fluent Chinese. Both sides had a good time. 12位「中國通」的美籍教授,係由副會長白莉娟擔任領隊,拜會則由宋怡明「一日團長」,負責介紹團員及引領發問,他2年前曾到金門進行研究,專長是當前海峽兩岸關係的社會文化領域,涵蓋福建-金門-台灣一帶、封建中國晚期社會史,尤其是明朝,以及當前關於政治改革的爭論。 The twelve American professors, who are China experts, led by vice president, Ms. Jan Berris, were led by the "one-day-guide," Song Yi Ming to meet with Magistrate Li. Song Yi Ming introduced the members, and led the questions. Being in Kinmen two years ago he applied his expertise(2) to study the current social cultural domain between cross straight relationships, including areas within Fujian- Kinmen-Taiwan, social history of late feudal(3) China, especially in Ming dynasty, and current debates on political reform. 談及美中關係,李縣長指出,金門與美國間有段深厚淵源,1958年(八二三砲戰)期間,台灣執行運補工作至金門前線,當年係由美國艦隊護航,金門才保有今天特色,這段歷史彌足珍貴;目前,兩岸因具有共同文化背景及民俗風情,已取代過去一甲子對峙。 Speaking of the relationship between the United States and Taiwan, Magistrate Li pointed out that there is a long history between the two countries. In 1958(during August 23rd Artillery Battle), Taiwan was responsible for delivering and replenishment(4) things to the frontline in Kinmen. If it were not for the protection from the U.S. navy, Kinmen would not have been so special today. This is a precious history. Currently, the six decades of confrontation between cross straight has dissolved because of the common cultural background and customs. 兩岸關係和緩,符合兩岸人民的期待。李縣長強調,政治的發展來自人民的需求,尤其在邁入21世紀,兩岸對抗的思維已淡化,地球村概念形成,未來更應以開闊胸襟共同合作,創造美好前景;他認為,美台關係改善,有助兩岸關係正常發展,也是大家所期待的。 The alleviation(5) between the cross straight conforms(6) to people's expectations. Magistrate Li emphasized that the development of politics originated from the needs of the people, especially when Kinmen entered the 21st century, which the thought of the confrontation between cross straight had weakened and the concept of global village had taken shape.(7) Both sides should be open-minded and cooperate in the future to build a better prospect. He thought that the improvement between the US-Taiwan relationship could help the normal development between cross straights and this is what everyone is expecting. 小三通走過8載歲月,其經驗及突破也促成大三通穩健上路,小三通為大三通開路,也為兩岸和平發展奠定根基,李縣長說:「金門人沒作總統沒關係,至少,現在總統都接收金門主張,兌現金門構想」,金門過去飽受戰爭殘酷教訓,深刻體會和平的永世價值,這是台灣同胞所無法感受。 It has been eight years since the opening of the Mini-Three-Links. Its experience and improvement has helped to promote the implementation of the Three-Direct-Links. Mini-Three-Links not only paved the road for the Three-Direct-Links, but also laid a foundation for the peaceful development between cross straights. Magistrate Li indicated that it doesn't matter if none of the Kinmen residents have ever been president. At least, the president now adopts the opinion from Kinmen residents and realizes Kinmen's "concept." Kinmen was battered by wars in the past, so residents in Kinmen know the value of eternal peace by heart, and this is something people in Taiwan can never realize. 美籍教授關心金門議題,其中之一是「金廈大橋」建蓋可行性。李縣長指出,金廈大橋規劃路線是從金門五龍山連接廈門大嶝,兩岸都已經有規劃,建橋經費不到4億美金,資金和技術不是問題,連大陸國營企業、海外華僑都感興趣,現在只等政府政策同意,就能建造兩岸和平的、觀光的大橋。 One of the Kinmen issues of concern by US professors was the feasibility(8) of the construction of "Kin-Xia Bridge." Magistrate Li pointed out that the route planned for the bridge across Kinmen and Xiamen is from Wu Long Mountain to Da Deng in Xiamen. The two sides had previous plans, and the construction budget is less than 400 million US Dollars. Money and technique are not problems to mainland China. Even the state-owned enterprises and overseas Chinese are interested in the project Once the government has consented, the bridge linking the peace and tourism between cross straights will be under construction. ■1. elevate-(vt.)提升,使上升。 ■2. expertise-(n)專門知識、技術。 ■3. feudal-(adj.)封建制度的,封建時代的。 ■4. replenishment-(n)補充。此處指補給品。 ■5. alleviation-(n)減緩;減輕。 ■6. conform-(vt.)符合、相一致;遵照、遵守。通常與 to 連用。 ■7. take shape-成形,體現。 ■8. feasibility-(n)可行性、可能性。 本單元資料來源為金門縣政府,國立金門技術學院邱佩蒂教授協助校正英文原稿,解說由本報編輯部提供。
Lake Cih 慈湖(二)
Tourist: What was the purpose of building the Lake Cih causeway? 遊客:慈湖築堤的用意是什麼? Tour Guide: The construction of the causeway adds about 70 hectares of reclaimed land(1) from the sea and 120 hectares of breeding pools. Another function of the causeway was to protect the island from invading enemies during wartime. Besides that, the causeway has contributed a great deal to people's livelihood and construction in Kinmen. 導遊:慈湖的興建增加了海埔新生地約七十公頃及養殖池約一百二十公頃。築堤後,可阻擋共軍直接登上金門島,並且對金門本島的民生和建設有很大的貢獻。 Tourist: Understood! By the way, I have noticed that the trees over there are especially white. 遊客:原來如此。不過,我覺得那樹林裡的樹都是白色的,好特別。 Tour Guide: That is the excrement(2) of the migratory birds that has painted the trees white. You don't have to wonder about the huge numbers of birds. And most of the migratory birds come to Kinmen in winter before Christmas Eve; therefore, they are also called "Santa Claus's Greeting" by the local people. 導遊:那是棲息候鳥的排泄物,讓樹都彷彿穿上白色的衣裳,可見候鳥數量之多。而且,冬天候鳥來金門過境時,大約是聖誕節前夕,因此,候鳥也稱為到金門報佳節的聖誕老公公。 Tourist: What attracts the birds and causes them to stay here? 遊客:這裡有什麼資源可以吸引候鳥停留呢? Tour Guide: In the intertidal(3) land along the coast of Lake Cih's, there are plenty of living creatures that can attract the birds looking for food. And around the Lake, there are fish farms and wetlands that provide a good habitat for migratory birds. 導遊:在慈堤沿海的潮間帶,有豐富的生物資源,可以吸引候鳥來此覓食。而且,湖的四周有多處的魚塭、濕地,是候鳥的棲息地。 Tourist: When is the best time for us to watch the birds? 遊客:賞鳥最佳的時機是什麼時候呢? Tour Guide: The best time of watching the birds is at dawn or dusk, and the best seasons are spring, autumn, and winter. Especially in autumn of each year, hundreds of thousands of birds come to rest and find food here, making this surrounding a bird paradise. 導遊:每天的清晨或黃昏是最適合賞鳥的時間。在春天、秋天和冬天則是賞鳥最佳的季節。尤其秋天時成千上萬數不清的鳥兒到此棲息覓食,這裡儼然變成了鳥兒的天堂。 Tourist: If we want to watch the birds, what do we have to bring with us? 遊客:如果想加入賞鳥的行列,要準備什麼工具呢? Tour Guide: You have to be equipped with binoculars, cameras, and bird-watching brochures. Another thing you need to pay attention to is that you don't wear colorful clothes, lest you scare the birds away. 導遊:望遠鏡、相機和賞鳥圖鑑是必備的工具。另一個要注意的就是不要穿過於鮮艷的衣服,以免嚇到候鳥。 Tourist: I see. Besides the birds, are there any other animals here? 遊客:我知道了。除了鳥類,這裡還有其他的生物嗎? Tour Guide: There are otters(4) that are facing extinction.(5) So they are legally protected now. 導遊:有快要絕跡的水獺,它是保育類動物。 Tourist: I think here is the best ecology(6) class about the nature in Kinmen. 遊客:我想這裡應該是金門本島上最自然的生態教室吧! Tour Guide: You bet. 導遊:沒錯。 (十九) ■1. reclaimed land-指海埔新生地。reclaim(vt.)是開墾、開拓,或回收利用之意。重新回收的土地,或開墾開拓的土地,即海埔新生地。 ■2. excrement-(n)排泄物、糞便。 ■3. intertidal-(adj.)潮間帶的。 ■4. otter-(n)水獺。 ■5. extinction-(n)滅絕、消滅。 ■6. ecology-(n)生態學,或指生態、環境。形容詞為ecological。 資料來源:金門縣政府 原書作者:陳建民、漢貴恩
Six Swimmers Complete First Kinmen-Xiamen Test Swim
泳渡金廈兩岸6泳士完成試泳創舉 「2009年金廈海域泳渡活動」,將於8月15日舉行,為求慎重和安全,6月17日特安排第一次試泳,來自兩岸6泳士全力挑戰這趟艱辛任務,第1位「登陸」是大陸選手林佳勇,以1小時29分23秒游完全程;另兩位台灣選手則分別以2小時10分、20分時間完成泳渡金廈創舉,過程圓滿成功,也為「泳渡金廈、永度和平」活動熱身演練。 The 2009 Kinmen-Xiamen Swim is set to take place on Aug. 15. To ensure safety, the first test swim was arranged for Jun. 17. Six swimmers from both sides took the challenge. The first to come ashore was Lin Jiayong from the Mainland, finishing in 1 hour 29 minutes and 23 seconds. The two Taiwanese contestants(1) clocked 2 hours 10 minutes and 2 hours 20 minutes respectively. The first rehearsal(2) for the "Kinmen-Xiamen Swim for Cross-Strait Peace" event went smoothly. 金廈兩門首度以官方對官方正式合辦金廈海域泳渡體育交流創舉,舉行第1次試泳,金門縣組立試泳隊包括選手、救生人員、水流測試專家等,是由體育場場長許換生率領,上午9時多從水頭碼頭,分乘7艘工作船出發前進廈門。試泳隊上午10時20分在檳榔嶼與大陸引導船會合,前往廈門椰風寨海灘,在11時40分開始試泳。 The "Kinmen-Xiamen Swim" is the first athletic event held under official collaboration between Kinmen and Xiamen. The test swim team on the Kinmen side included athletes, lifeguards, water current test specialists, etc., led by Director of the Kinmen Stadium Xu Huansheng. The team left Shueitou Pier on seven workboats some time after 9:00am, met with the pilot boat from Mainland at Binlang Island at 10:20am, then headed toward Xiamen Yefenzhai Beach. Then, the test swim began at 11:40. 參與試游選手包括台灣選手賴曉春(32歲)、倪盛琅(46歲)等2人;大陸選手有林佳勇、劉鶴翔、宋頌(女)、周洋(女)等4人。他們從椰風寨下水,經中點檳榔嶼,再轉游向小金門的雙口海灘,全部泳程約8千公尺,全程迄下午2時10分結束。此趟試游熱身演練,主要藉以瞭解金廈之間變幻莫測的海流,也適時探測泳道的安全與維護之道。 The participants included Lai Xiaochun (32-year-old) and Ni Shenglang (46-year-old) from Taiwan, and Lin Jiayong, Liu Hexiang, Song Song (female) and Zhou Yang (female) from the Mainland. They went in the water at Yefengzhai, passed the midway point at Binlang Island, and then turned toward Little Kinmen's Shuangkou Beach. The entire distance was about 8,000 meters and the event ended at 2:10pm. The main purpose of the test swim was to get a feel of the hard-to-predict currents in the waters between Kinmen and Xiamen, as well as to check the safety of the swim route and establish protective measures. 大陸女選手宋頌、周洋在成功挑戰金廈海域時神情激動不已,她們接受記者訪問時興奮地說,泳渡金廈海域,是她們從未有過的經驗!儘管泳程太漫長、在海上感到孤單,但一點也不累!兩位大陸女選手外表十分秀麗,她們充分展現驚人體力與耐力,甫抵達終點時,立受到大家熱情掌聲喝采,也成各家電視台及平面媒體的焦點。 Song Song and Zhou Yang were quite beside themselves(3) after completing the challenge successfully. In excitement, they said to the interviewing reporters that swimming across the waters between Kinmen and Xiamen was a brand new experience. Despite the long distance and the feeling of solitude(4) on the ocean, they were not tired at all. People applauded(5) and hurrahed(6) at their impressive physical strength and endurance(7) when the two good-looking Chinese swimmers arrived at the finishing point. Naturally they became the target of all the TV and print media. 來自台灣的選手倪盛琅,係2006年全國游泳分齡賽自由式冠軍、混合式第4名;他係以2小時10分游完全程,據他指出,金廈海域的海流時好時壞,變化多端,比想像複雜,一不留意,很容易被暗流帶偏賽道,但大致來說還算順利,至於,海水的水溫適當,游起來感覺很舒服,他對自己寫下歷史紀錄感到興奮。 The Taiwanese contestant, Ni Shenglang, had won the title of champion in the freestyle race of the 2006 National Age-Group Swimming Competition and 4th place in the individual medley.(8) After finishing in 2 hours and 10 minutes, he pointed out that the currents between Kinmen and Xiamen were more unpredictable and complex than he had expected. When one is not careful, he or she could be easily carried off the route by undercurrents. However, everything had gone smoothly. On the other hand, the water temperature was just right and comfortable. He was excited about having set a historic record. 老家住在台東、目前在台北工作的賴曉春(32歲),曾參加鐵人三項,成績表現亮麗,泳齡14年,他係以2小時20分抵達終點,他說,他這輩子從未曾想過會從一個國家游到自己的國家,實在令他太興奮!他說,檳榔嶼四面八方的水流不穩,控制不易,身體有股被強力拉開感覺,其次,導航問題也會對時速產生誤差及影響體能。 Having been a swimmer for 14 years, Lai Xiaochun (32-year-old) is from Taitung and currently working in Taipei. She had participated in triathlons(9) with remarkable results. After finishing in 2 hours and 20 minutes, she commented that she had never dreamed about swimming from one country back to her own. She was simply overjoyed by the experience. According to Lai, the currents around Binlang Island were unsteady and difficult to manage. Occasionally, she had the feeling that her body was being torn apart by a strong force. Other than that, the navigating boat sometimes could lead to pacing errors and have an effect on the strength of swimmers. 縣府教育局長李再杭對首次試泳過程十分滿意,有關雙口海灘的蚵架、軌條砦等障礙物,他表示,將會同烈嶼鄉公所協調拆除蚵架,軍方並已同意將軌條砦移除250公尺,預計在正式活動前20天執行,以確保選手安全。烈嶼鄉長林金量對活動在小金門辦理表達樂見其成態度;他也表示,將全力協助促成這件兩岸和平的喜事、好事。 County Education Bureau Director Li Zaihang was very happy with the process of the first test swim. For the oyster shelves and spear-like anti-landing barricades(10) that came in the way at Shuangkou Beach, he stated that he would negotiate with Lieyu Township Village Administration to dismantle(11) the oyster shelves, while the military already promising to remove 250 meters of the anti-landing barricades 20 days before the official event to ensure safety for the athletes. Lieyu Township Chief Lin Chin-liang said he was happy that the county government conducted the activity in Little Kinmen and that he would do everything he could to assist in this positive event for Cross-Strait peace. 除了6名選手,還動員籌備處2人、水道組2人、競賽組2人、30hpIRB動力救援橡皮艇1艘(2人)、85hpFRB動力救援膠艇1艘(3人)、150hp動力小船1艘(3人)、獨木舟2艘(1人、2人)、水試所試驗船(1組人員);人員含選手、救生人員、水流測試專家、水手等共計30多人。 The swimmers, lifeguards, water current test specialists and sailors totaled over 30 people, including the 6 swimmers mentioned above. Other personnel mobilized for the test swim also included 2 at the organizing office, 2 for the swim route unit, 2 for the competition unit, 2 on the 30hp IRB powered inflatable rescue boat, 3 on the 85hp FRB powered fast rescue boat, 3 on the 150hp powerboat, 3 on two canoes, and a crew on the research boat from the Fisheries Research Insti tute. 這次雖屬試泳的性質,但金、廈兩政府在金廈海域建立起三層戒護網絡─第一層:泳渡路線內層,每一位泳者都安排一艘獨木舟全程跟隨戒護;第二層:泳渡路線中層,安排水上摩托車、IRB、FRB水上救生艇機動戒護;第三層:兩岸指揮工作船艇(含救護)。三層戒護保護泳士們的安全。 Although this was just a test swim, both Kinmen and Xiamen governments set up three layers of protection. The first and inner layer of protection is that each swimmer be safeguarded by a canoe following all the way. The second and middle layer of protection to include jet skis, IRB, and FRB ready to rescue the swimmers in case of emergencies. The third layer of protection provides the commanding boats (emergency aid included) from both sides. 針對第一次試泳過程,據中華民國成人游泳協會總會長張新龍表示,這次參與試泳的選手都是精挑細選,首次試泳過程順利,比預定時間提早半個小時,但仍將進行檢討,第二次試泳預定7月17日實施。對參與試泳選手,工作人員在途中提供選手小黃瓜供解渴及補充維他命,保持其體力。 According to the Chairman of Masters Swimming Association of Taiwan Zhang Xinlong, the athletes for the first test swim were carefully selected. As a result, the event had gone smoothly and finished half hour earlier than originally expected. However, a close review was still required. The second test swim is scheduled for Jul. 17. The swimmers will be provided small cucumbers to quench(12) their thirst and vitamin supplementation for their strength. 縣府教育局長李再杭指出,試泳的目的在確定全程泳者安全路線與距離,確定水流、潮汐等水文的變化、暗礁等對泳者、救生船艇的影響,並熟悉安全警戒救護工作等,以期確保泳渡活動正式登場時能順利完成。針對整個試泳,教育局將召開會議進行檢討。 County Education Bureau Director Li Zaihang pointed out that the purpose of the test swims was to confirm the safe route and distance, ascertain the influence of change of water currents, tides and hidden reefs on the swimmers and the rescue vessels, to become familiar with security and emergency measures so that everything could go smoothly during the official swim. The Education Bureau will hold a meeting to review the test swim. ■1. contestant-(n)參與競賽者,角逐者。 ■2. rehearsal-(n)預演、排練、演習。 ■3. beside oneself-片語,極度興奮。 ■4. solitude-(n)寂寞;孤寂。 ■5. applaud-(vt)向~鼓掌;向~喝采。 ■6. hurrah-(vt)以歡呼聲迎接~,為~喝采。當名詞使用,是興奮時所喊出的感嘆詞,「萬歲」! ■7. endurance-(n)耐久力;持久力。 ■8. medley-(n)混合、混雜。指游泳比賽當中的四式混合。 ■9. triathlon-(n)指游泳、單車、路跑等三項混合的「鐵人三項」。 ■10. barricade-(n)障礙物,路障。此處係指軌條砦。 ■11. dismantle-(vt)拆除、拆卸。 ■12. quench-(vt)解渴;壓抑(慾望),抑制,撲滅。 本系列資料由金門縣政府提供,國立金門技術學院邱佩蒂老師協助校正英文內容與解說。
Kinmen Tops County/City Sense of Pride List
縣市光榮感金門排名全國第一 你對自己居住的縣市感到光榮嗎?2009年台灣25縣市中,最以家鄉為豪是金門人。縣市光榮感反映了民眾對地方文化、縣市長施政成績的認同,根據遠見雜誌調查,因為小三通而地位提升的金馬地區,縣市光榮感巨幅上升,金門縣從上年的第11名快速攀升為第1名,成為大黑馬。 Are you proud of the county or city you are living in? In 2009, among the 25 counties and cities in Taiwan, Kinmen is the hometown to be most proud of. The county/city sense of pride reflects the residents' identification with the local culture as well as their recognition of the administration of the magistrate or mayor. According to a survey conducted by Global Views Monthly, the county/city sense of pride of the people in Kinmen and Mazu had increased drastically(1) as a result of the Mini-Three Link. Kinmen County soared(2) from the 11th place last year to become No.1 in 2009, to the surprise of every one. 《遠見雜誌》今年25縣巿大調查首度採取開放式問法,詢問民眾對於縣巿長三年半以來的整體施政,金門縣長李炷烽主持縣政近8年中,97年歲入預算總額占全國23縣巿歲入成長排名第1名;歲出成長排名第3名。金門縣各項社會福利躍居全國第一,已名副其實「福利縣市」。 The survey by Global Views was conducted, for the first time, with open-ended questions to find out what people thought of the overall administration in their county/city in the past three and a half years. During the eight years under Magistrate Li Zhufeng's leadership, Kinmen's financial revenue growth in 2008 was the largest among the 23 counties and cities (not including the Taipei and Kaohsiung), while its annual expenditure increase ranked No.3. The social welfare in Kinmen was the best in the country, making it a genuine(3) "welfare county." 「縣巿長最滿意施政」:金酒營收突破百億、推動全面小三通、傳統建築與歷史建築維護。政府從去年6月19日起擴大小三通,而今年1月起,大陸25省市及地區人民開放赴台旅遊,金門小三通旅客人數逐漸成長,平均一天約有3500人進出。小三通航班平均每天達32航班次。 The factors that made Magistrate Li the "Magistrate/mayor with the most satisfactory administration" included the annual business income of more than 10 billions of the Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc.(KKL), promotion of the Mini-Three Link, and conservation of traditional buildings and historical monuments. The government expanded the applicable scope of the Mini-Three Link on Jun. 19 last year and lifted the restriction on tourist visits by people from the Chinese Mainland in January this year. As a consequence, the number of people traveling through Kinmen has grown to an average around 3,500 per day, and there are 32 Mini-Three Link liners each day. 據遠見雜誌民調結果顯示,今年二十五縣市長施政滿意度調查,該調查是按星級評等,最高等級五顆星,次為四顆星,以此類推;李縣長施政滿意度,從上任二顆星一路爬至今年的三顆星,施政表現逐年獲得縣民認同,有漸入佳境的味道;「民眾最滿意三項施政」,分別是小三通和交通建設4.7%、社會福利3.3%、金酒回饋券3.0%。 The survey by Global Views Monthly rated satisfaction with the administration of the magistrate/mayor by giving a number of stars-five stars maximum, then four stars, and so on. Satisfaction with Magistrate Li's administration went up from two stars in his last term to three stars this year, indicating the residents' recognition of the improvements under his administration over the years. The "Three Most Satisfactory Policies" respectively were Mini-Three Link and transportation construction at 4.7%, social welfare at 3.3%, and issuing of Commemorative Vouchers at 3.0%. 金門縣長李炷烽今年獲得三顆星,主要是金門的小三通因地利之便帶來更多大陸觀光客,甚至增加國際旅客,大陸商機等等都是今年金門縣長李炷烽施政滿意度有所上升因素。儘管中央未能提升小三通碼頭、機場設施,限制了金門的發展性,但金門縣長李炷烽施政滿意度仍受肯定。 Magistrate Li was given three stars this year. The increase of Chinese tourists, growth of international travelers, and business opportunities due to Kinmen's proximity(4) to mainland China and the Mini-Three Link, all these elements contributed to Magistrate Li's improved rating. Despite that the central government failed to upgrade the harbor and airport facilities for Mini-Three Link and Kinmen's development was limited, Magistrate Li's administration still received affirmation(5) from the people in Kinmen. 綜觀金門縣民對縣長李炷烽施政滿意度評比給的三顆星,主要對他主政近8年所持續推出社會福利有關,包括65歲以上老人月領至少新台幣3000元撫慰金、專職媽媽月領3000元津貼,從國中、國小和幼稚園學生免費營養午餐、免繳學雜費、生育給予補助,縣民搭公車全免費,連高中職校女學生免費施打子宮頸癌疫苗等。 In fact, the residents in Kinmen gave Magistrate Li three stars chiefly because of the social welfare policies during about eight years of his administration, which included the monthly NT$3,000 pension for senior citizens over 65 years of age, the NT$3,000 allowance for non-working mothers, free lunches for junior high, elementary school and kindergarten students, exemption of tuitions, maternity(6) subsidies, free bus rides, and even free cervical(7) cancer vaccination(8) for senior and vocational high school girls. 尤值一提是,今年起加碼的福利,國中到幼稚園學童免費喝鮮乳算是小福利,大手筆的政策是就讀金門高中職校和大學學生,享有就學津貼和交通券補助,其中,大學生一學年就學津貼為1萬元、交通券4000元,而且連台灣學生到金門求學也納入受惠對象,希望吸引台生來金就學,均為國內教育的創舉。 Special mention should be made of those new welfare policies initiated this year. They include minor benefits like free fresh milk for junior high and elementary school and kindergarten students. And major funding items include NT$10,000 tuition subsidy and NT$4,000 transportation vouchers for high school and university students. Even students from Taiwan studying in Kinmen were included, in the hope of attracting more of them. All of these policies are innovations in Taiwan's education system. 另外,金門縣政府實施多年的春節、端午和中秋三大節日配售高粱酒,20歲以上符合資格的縣民,可獲得縣營金酒公司配售專用酒一份,每份轉售即有2000至3000元進帳,形同縣民三節「紅包」。縣民福利可以說比其他縣巿居民享有更多照顧,彌足珍貴,也讓縣民的幸福感增加不少。 There is also the allocation(9) of kaoliang liquor to Kinmen residents at the cost price for the three major traditional festivals-Chinese New Year, Duanwu and Mid-Autumn, and this policy has been practiced for years. All qualified residents over the age of twenty are eligible(10) to purchase a specific kaoliang liquor set which they can easily resell and make a profit of NT$2,000 to NT$3,000, like a bonus for each of the said festivals from the county government. Without doubt, such benefits can only make Kinmen's residents feel taken care of and happy. 今年為古寧頭戰役60週年,金門縣政府在中央發放每人3600元的消費券激勵下,更是推出金酒感恩回饋券,在清明、端午和中秋三大節日,每名縣民不分老少,每次都可領取3600元的回饋券,年領1萬800元,用以兌換高粱酒,更是讓縣民樂翻了。在全世界經濟不景氣中,金門縣政府對縣民福利措施不僅沒打折,反而持續加碼,羨煞全國各縣市民眾,事實上,地方民眾都知道是靠「金雞母」縣營金酒公司釀造高粱酒賺錢所賜,去年金酒公司營業額超過120億元,即「捐贈」47億元給金門縣政府,而受惠最大的是全體縣民。 The year of 2009 happens to be the 60th anniversary of the Guningtou Battle. Encouraged by the central government's issuance of the NT$3,600 consumption vouchers, Kinmen County Government also handed out the NT$3,600 KKL Commemorative Vouchers for each of the major traditional festivals. The vouchers worthy of NT$10,800 in total can be exchanged for Kinmen kaoliang. The people were overjoyed. To the envy of the rest of the people in the Taiwan, Kinmen County Government, amidst the global economic downturn, not only did not reduce the benefits for the residents but also raise them instead. The residents knew well that they should thank the "Golden Goose"-the county-government-owned Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc-for the benefits. It grossed over NT$12 billion last year and "donated" NT$4.7 billion to the county government, and the county residents became the biggest beneficiary. 遠見民調中心的調查是在今年三月中旬至四月中旬展開,二十五縣市共訪問一三二六八位二十歲以上的民眾,多數縣市分別完訪約六百人,在95%的信心水準下,抽樣誤差為正負4%。 The survey by Global Views was conducted on 13,268 people over 20 years old in the 25 counties and cities between the middle of March and the middle of April. About 600 people were surveyed in most counties and cities. Under 95% confidence level, the sampling error percentage was ±4%. ■1. drastically-(adv)激烈地;大大地。 ■2. soar-(vt)猛增;暴漲。 ■3. genuine-(adj)真實的,名副其實的。 ■4. proximity-(n)鄰近,接近。通常用法是one's ~ to ~。 ■5. affirmation-(n)肯定,批准。 ■6. maternity-(adj)產婦的。 ■7. cervical-(adj)子宮頸的。 ■8. vaccination-(n)疫苗注射、預防接種。 ■9. allocation-(n)分配;配給。 ■10. eligible-(adj)法律上有資格的。通常用法是be ~ to+V;或be ~ for+N。資料來源:金門縣政府
A group of ancient cannons unearthed, Draw Noticeable Attention
古砲群出土 引各界關注 金城鎮南門里一處工地發現大批明清時代古砲群,也是歷年來數量最多的一次,引起各界高度重視,建商陳滄江將已開挖出來的十九尊古砲正式移交給金門縣文化局。 A group of ancient cannons of Ming and Qing Dynasties were discovered in Nanmen Village, Jincheng Township. This is the largest discovery of ancient cannons during past years, and has drawn noticeable attention(1) from all circles. The constructor Chen, Cang-Jiang formally handed over 19 unearthed(2) ancient cannons to Cultural Affairs Bureau, Kinmen County. 文化局長李錫隆肯定陳滄江對於保護古物的諸多協助,值得大家來學習,李錫隆也指出,依照文資法,將立即發文要求廠商停工,並有請台省專家前來鑑定。 Director-general of Cultural Affairs Bureau, Kinmen County, Li, Xi-Long approved Chen, Cang-Jiang 's assistance in protecting antiquities(3) and everyone should support him. Li, Xi-Long also pointed out that according to the Cultural Heritage(4) Preservation Act, the government will immediately issue a document to request firms to suspend work, and invite Taiwan's experts to authenticate(5) the ancient cannons. 李錫隆也特別肯定陳滄江的表現,他說,古物是金門最珍貴的公共財,民眾一旦在施工時發現古物,應當立即停工,並報請文化局協助,共同來維護保存金門的珍貴古蹟。 Li, Xi-Long especially approved Chen, Cang-Jiang 's performance. He said that antiquities are the most precious public goods of Kinmen. If people discover antiquities in the process of construction, they should suspend their work instantly and seek help from the Cultural Affairs Bureau so that Kinmen's precious antiquities can be preserved altogether. 文化局也提到,挖掘出古砲消息一出,已經引起台灣與大陸方面的關注,很多單位都主動打電話跟他們聯繫,希望可以提供協助,到現場鑑定。 The Cultural Affairs Bureau also mentioned that as the news of unearthing ancient cannons was issued, both Taiwan and China turned their attention to Kinmen. Lots of authorities initiatively made contact with them, hoping to provide assistance and have a chance to authenticate the ancient cannons on the spot. 文化局人員許勇為指出,目前陳滄江計移交十九尊古砲給文化局,加上工地約有四、五尊還未挖掘出來,總計在該處就發現了至少廿四門的古砲,相當難得。 Staff member of Cultural Affairs Bureau, Xu Yong-Wei, pointed out that so far Chen, Cang-Jiang has already transferred 19 ancient cannons to the Cultural Affairs Bureau, but 4 or 5 haven't been unearthed yet. As a result, there were at least 24 ancient cannons in total, which is very rare. 據了解,這批在金城南門里出土的古砲群,外型與放置於莒光樓、延平郡王祠,及在湖下、后豐港等地出土的古砲相似,研判為明清時代的遺物。對照鄭成功曾在金門練兵,且清代金門海防重要,設有金門鎮派駐總兵把守,而南門為海港,海防重地,因此,合理推測古砲群為明清遺物,並為出土數量最多的一次,很值得研究,但到底這批出土的古砲群是何年代產物?有何特殊歷史意義,還是要等待專家進一步鑑定,才能釐清。 It is understood that the appearance of these ancient cannons, which were unearthed in Nanmen Village, Jincheng Township, resembled the cannons that are placed in Jyuguang Tower, Koxinga Shrine, Hu-hsia Village, and Houfeng Harbor. Therefore, they were inferred(6) to be relics of Ming and Qing Dynasties. Besides, Zheng Cheng-Gong once did troop training in Kinmen. Since the coast defense of Kinmen in Qing Dynasty was critically important, the army was accredited(7) to guard Kinmen County. Moreover, Nanmen Village was a harbor with vital military importance. Consequently, it is reasonable to presume(8) that the ancient cannons are relics of Ming and Qing Dynasties. The amount of the ancient cannons is the largest of all; therefore, it is worth investigating. But which dynasty do these unearthed ancient cannons belong to, or what special historical meaning do they have, will be judged and clarified by the experts. ■1.draw attention-吸引注意力。 ■2.unearth-(vt)從地下發掘、掘出,出土。 ■3.antiquity-(n)古代的遺物;古代。 ■4.heritage-(n)遺產;繼承物;傳統。 ■5.authenticate-(vt)證明~為真實;鑑定。 ■6.infer-(vt)推論、推測;暗示。 ■7.accredit-(vt)委派。 ■8.presume-(vt)推測、認定。 資料來源:金門縣政府