County Government Charters Liner to Ship Locals Home for Duanwu
縣府端節包船 旅台鄉親順利返鄉 金門縣政府端午節返鄉包船「金門快輪」5月28日搭載三百九十二名旅台鄉親返金,在歡度端午佳節後,金門快輪依然載著鄉親於31日回航台中,對於縣府的貼心服務,讓鄉親都感到窩心。 Kinmen County Government chartered(1) the ocean liner(2) "Kinmen Express", on May 28 to bring 329 Kinmenese who reside in Taiwan to Kinmen for the Dragon Boat Festival. After the holiday on May 31st, the boat again took the same folks back to Taichung. Needless to say, every one was deeply touched by the considerate service. 今年的端午節,一共有連續四天的假期,縣府交旅局局長林振查表示,縣政府為紓解空中交通壅塞和考量旅台鄉親需求,配合端午節連續假期,特別採取包租「金門快輪」輸運鄉親,提供旅台鄉親返鄉另一管道,從台灣經由海上交通返鄉與家人歡聚、共渡佳節。 Director-general of Kinmen County Transportation and Tourism Bureau Lin Zhengcha said, since the Duanwu Festival happened to be a four-day weekend, the county government specifically chose to charter "Kinmen Express" to ship people back to their hometown. It was also a solution for the holiday busy air traffic as well as an alternative to help Kinmenese living in Taiwan get home to celebrate the traditional occasion with their families. 載著返鄉鄉親的端節包船「金門快輪」係在27日晚十時四十分,自台中港開船,經過海上九個多小時的航程,「金門快輪」於28日上午七時五十分抵料羅港,緩緩地駛進港區停泊。李縣長同縣府交旅局局長林振查等人,到料羅港歡迎鄉親返鄉,揮手致意,向大家說「辛苦了」。 The boat left Taichung Harbor at 10:40pm on the 27th and cruised(3) on the ocean for over nine hours. At 7:50am on the 28th, it eased into Liaoluo Harbor and docked. Magistrate Li and Director-General Lin were at the harbor to greet the town folks. 縣政府端節包船,主要費用由縣府負擔,單程票價成人為新台幣五百元,學生、老人和身心障礙人士只要三百元,比台金航線機票的二千元左右便宜許多;因此,受到旅台金門鄉親歡迎,四百個船位登記客滿,只有八人缺席。 The county government shouldered(4) most of the cost to charter the boat. One-way ticket for adults was NT$500 and NT$300 for students, senior citizens and handicapped persons. Compared with flying, which costs NT$2,000 per person, the rates were much cheaper. As a consequence, all four hundred seats on the boat were booked and only eight people failed to show up. 雖然鋒面過境,台灣海峽風浪達九級,少部分乘客發生暈船,但絕大多數鄉親十分興奮,帶著大包小包的行李返鄉過節。接受訪問的鄉親表示,縣政府端午節包船,對鄉親幫助很大,船費大部份由縣府買單,大家出的錢很少;如果全家一起搭船回到金門的話,那可以省下很多錢,非常的感激在心,也感受到縣府關懷鄉親的溫暖。 Although the boat ride happened to coincide with(5) a frontal(6) passage and the waves reaching level 9 in the Taiwan Strait, besides a few people who got seasick, the great majority of the passengers were excited to be going home by sea. Those who were interviewed expressed their gratitude to the county government for chartering the boat. Since the tickets were so inexpensive. People who made the trip with their entire families were able to save a significant amount of money. Everyone was touched by the thoughtfulness and generosity. 桃園縣金門同鄉會理事長楊榮煥也搭端節包船返鄉過節,他說,有三十多年未曾搭過船,這次特別帶著家人搭船,重溫走海路到台灣打拚的往事,很開心,也感受到縣府關懷旅台鄉親的美意。 Chairman of Taoyuan County Kinmen People's Association, Yang Ronghuan, also took the boat to return to his hometown for the holiday. He said it had been over three decades since the last time he had traveled home on a ship. The boat ride with his family particularly reminded him of his trip by sea to Taiwan to pursue a career. He was happy and thanked the county government for their concern about Kinmenese living in Taiwan. 另外,有六位來自台灣騎自行車旅遊的愛好者,他們是金門籍鄉親的朋友,並且以前在金門待過。這次聽金門朋友說有端節包船,於是就和金門朋友一起登記買船票搭船來金門,實現舊地重遊的夢想,以及重溫舊夢。他們指出,第一次從海上看料羅灣和金門本島,感覺非常新奇。 Among the passengers there were also six cyclists(7) from Taiwan. They were friends with some Kinmen folks and had spent some time in Kinmen before. When they learned about the Daunwu chartered boat, they booked the seats with their Kinmen friends right away to revisit Kinmen and relive old memories. For them, looking at Liaoluo Bay and the Kinmen Island from the ocean was a novel(8) experience. 為了能在今年端午佳節順利返鄉過節,有的鄉親在節前就已經規劃好要搭縣府端節包船返鄉;所以,一般鄉親對於縣府端午節包船載送旅台鄉親返鄉過節政策和照顧鄉親,他們表示:「非常的好!」 To make sure they could spend the holiday at home, some folks had made plans to take the chartered boat much earlier. Most people had the same reaction to the county government's effort. Everyone gave the thumbs-up(9) and said, "Well done!" 「金門快輪」則是在五月卅一日端午連假最後一天下午二時,從料羅港出發,當天晚間十時至十一時抵台中港,並以接駁專車將鄉親送到目的地,趕上連假後第一個上班、上學日。 "Kinmen Express" set out from Liaoluo Harbor at 2:00pm on May 31, the last day of the Duanwu holiday and arrived at Taichung Harbor between 10 and 11pm the same day. Shuttle buses took people to their destinations so that everyone could make it to work or school the next morning. ■1. charter-(vt.)特許設立。 ■2. liner-(n)此指定期開航的班輪;而ocean liner指的是航程較長的遠洋客輪。 ■3. cruise-(vi.)巡航、航遊。(以最省燃料的方式)航行。 ■4. shoulder-(vt.)此處當動詞使用,指肩負起、承擔。 ■5. to coincide with-動詞片語,與…一致。 ■6. frontal-(n)鋒面;frontal passage為名詞片語,指鋒面過境。 ■7 cyclists-(n)腳踏車騎士。 ■8. novel-(adj.)指新的,新穎的,新奇的。 ■9. thumbs-up-由拇指(thumb)跟up所構成的複合名詞,意指翹起大拇指的動作,即表讚賞地翹起拇指。 資料來源:金門縣政府
Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Forest中山紀念林 (下)
Tourist: This is a great place for its beautiful surroundings and fresh air. 遊客:這裡的環境真好、空氣也很清新,是一個很棒的地方。 Tour guide: Yes. If you breathe deeply, you can enjoy the smell of the forest that makes you feel relaxed and carefree. And besides natural beauty, you can also enjoy experiencing the best of military life here. 導遊:是啊。你在深呼吸後便可享受森林的清香,可讓人心曠神怡,暫時忘記煩惱。而且,除了享受大自然之外,這裡還提供最佳的軍事體驗。 Tourist: How is that? 遊客:要怎麼體驗呢? Tour Guide: In the memorial forest, you can see the planes and tanks of the wartime. And another military site to experience is right at the "Old Rushan Fort." Here there is an old military campsite where soldiers lived. Nowadays, Kinmen is no longer considered a battle front, so military personnel reduction is underway. A short time ago this base was transferred to the National Park Administration for renovation,(5) and was reopened to tourists as an original feature. 導遊:在紀念林內可以看到當時打仗用的飛機和戰車。還有另一個軍事體驗地點就是『乳山故壘』。這裡早期是國軍的營區,阿兵哥就住在這裡面。現在金門已不是前線了,兵力逐漸裁減,於是軍方將這個軍事據點移交給國家公園,國家公園整理後,保留當時的原貌供遊客參觀。 Tourist: We can only see the military campsite without experiencing the military training and combat. Too bad, isn't it? 遊客:現在只能看到以前軍人住的地方,看不到當時訓練或戰備的情況,似乎有點可惜。 Tour Guide: No. After the National Park Administration had taken over and renovated this place, it made many wax figures that portray the soldiers of old who were stationed here and defended this place. Therefore, the Old Rushan Fort actually simulates military combat as well. 導遊:不會的。金門國家公園在接收整理後,特地建造許多栩栩如生的蠟像,來模擬當時國軍駐守及保衛國家的情形。所以,乳山故壘是一個模擬的軍事戰鬥區。 Tourist: How diversified the park really is! 遊客:這真是個多元化的園區。 Tour Guide: And besides that, there are Chiang Jing-guo Memorial Hall and two tourist centers inside the forest, which you can take your time to visit. 導遊:是啊。紀念林內還有經國先生紀念館和兩個遊客中心,你可以利用時間去參觀。(十七) ■5. renovation-(n)更新、修理。動詞是renovate。 【本系列及新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院Patti老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】 資料來源:金門縣政府 原書作者:陳建民、漢貴恩
Landing Stage Received as a Gift from Xiamen Magistrate Li: It opened the door for exchange between Fujian and Taiwan.
廈門贈躉船 李縣長:開啟閩台交流大門(下) 他說,當中表達金廈的合作可以開啟閩台交流的大門,可以奠定中華共榮的基礎,希望躉船的設置可以帶給金廈兩地的安全與舒適,從而激勵中央政府能重視金廈的黃金航線,為台金的交流邁向新的境界。他也提到,金門長期以來濃霧不能正常降落金門機場的飛機,應該可以獲得廈門的協助,廈門的高崎機場可以做為金門機場的備用機場,不久的將來,大小嶝之間的第二個規模更大的機場就會在眼前,由大陸來規劃、來投資,受益最大的恐怕是金門,未來金廈生活行政共同市就在眼前,今天我們為歷史留下見證,順著軌跡推動,再竭盡智慧與心力。兩岸合作更具體提升,兩岸和平早日到來。 潘世建副市長指出,廈金客航從2001年開通以來,由第一年的二萬一千多人次,逐年成長到去年的九十一萬人次,今年有望突破一百萬人次,已經成為兩岸交流的重要航線,廈門方面已經擴大東渡郵輪中心客運碼頭、五通海空聯運碼頭因應。 他說,隨著兩地通過廈金直航、往返的客流量增加,為保障金門水頭碼頭的靠泊能力與廈門同步提高,廈門政府與金門方面商議,由廈門市政府贈送躉船支援一條鋼絲躉船,命名為「五緣躉船」,以提高金門水頭碼頭的靠泊能力。 洪成發感謝廈門市政府贈送五緣躉船,他說,小三通自二零零一年啟動以來,七年來中央政府很多的限制,小三通碼頭無法發揮功能,直到二零零八年六月十九日政策開放以後,但通關大樓太小、船席也不夠,廈門市政府贈五緣躉船暫時解決船席不夠的問題,但機場對金門長期發展也非常重要,希望交通部能加速改善金門機場與碼頭等交通問題。 廈門市政府贈送金門的鋼製「五緣躉船」,長30公尺、寬7公尺,造價人民幣1000萬元,功能有如浮動碼頭,原為廈門港口管理局所有但未使用,贈送金門後將配合水頭碼頭增設新船席使用。昨日並由縣長李炷烽、廈門市副市長潘世建、縣議會議員洪成發、福建省交通廳副廳長馬繼列、副縣長楊忠全、福建省港航管理局局長莊和明、港務處處長楊廷標、廈門港口管理局局長王勇軍共同剪綵,並參觀躉船設施,共祝五緣躉船為金門帶來新契機、共創金廈新榮景。 Magistrate Li said that the cooperation between Kinmen and Xiamen can open the door of exchange between Fujian and Taiwan, and establish the foundation of the co-prosperity of the Chinese people. He hoped the set-up of the landing stage will bring safety and comfort to people from both Kinmen and Xiamen. And hopefully, this will urge the central government to pay more attention to the "golden route" between Kinmen and Xiamen, so that the exchange between Taiwan and Kinmen will reach a greater level. He also mentioned that, over a long period of time, airplanes have been experiencing problems landing in the Kinmen Airport normally because of the heavy fog. This situation can be improved with Xiamen's help. The Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport can be the alternate airport(10) for Kinmen. In the near future, the second and larger airport between Dadeng Island and Xaiodeng Island will be built. It is being planned and invested by Mainland China. But the beneficiary(11) is actually Kinmen. Soon the combined living and administrative city of Kinmen and Xiamen will become reality. Today we witnessed an historical event together. Following the track moving forward, and sparing no efforts and wisdom, the cooperation between Mainland China and Taiwan will be concretely(12) improved, and the peace across strait will arrive one day. Deputy Mayor Pan indicated that, since the construction of the travelers' route between Kinmen and Xiamen in 2001, the number of passengers has been climbing year by year, from around 21,000 in the first year, to 910,000 last year. This year the number will probably go over 1 million. This route has already become an important route between Mainland China and Taiwan. Therefore, Xiamen has already extended the Dongdu International Wharf and the WuTong Combined Transport Wharf to ease the problem. Deputy Mayor Pan said, the presenting of this landing stage named "Wu Yuan" as a gift to Kinmen is the consensus(13) of governments from both islands. The purpose is to guarantee the simultaneous improvement of Kinmen Shueitou Pier's anchoring capability, since the number of passengers journeying through the direct cross-strait transportation is increasing. Councilman Hong Cheng Fa thanked the Xiamen Municipal Government for the gift, the "Wu Yuan" landing stage. He said, since the "Mini-Three-Links" policy took effect in 2001, there have been a lot of limitations which make the "Mini-Three-Links" docks unable to function as they are supposed to. Until June 19th, 2008, the policy was deregulated.(14) But the Shueitou Passenger Service Center & United Office Building is too small, and so is the berth. The "Wu Yuan" landing stage as a gift from the Xiamen Municipal Government did solve the berth problem temporarily. But the airport is also crucial(15) to the long-term development of Kinmen. It is hoped that the Ministry of Transportation and Communication can accelerate the improvement and solve the communication problems both of the airport and docks in Kinmen. The gift from the Xiamen Municipal Government, the "Wu Yuan" landing stage, is 30 meters in length and 7 meters in width, and costs 10 million RMB. It functions like a floating dock. Although it had belonged to the Port of Xiamen, it has never been used. After being given to Kinmen, it will be used by the Shueitou Pier for new berth. The opening ceremony was held yesterday. Presiding(16) over the ribbon cutting were Magistrate Li Zhu Feng, Xiamen Deputy Mayor Pan Shi Jian, Councilman of County Council Hong Cheng Fa, Deputy Chief of Fuchien Provincial Communications Department Ma Ji Lie, Deputy Magistrate Yang Zhong Quan, Director of the Fujian Port and Channel Bureau Zhuang He Ming, Director of Harbor Bureau Yang Ting Biao, and Director of Port of Xiamen Wang Yong Jun. They also visited the facilities of the landing stage. Together, they expressed good wishes to the "Wu Yuan" landing stage for bringing new opportunities for Kinmen and creating a prosperous future for both Kinmen and Xiamen. ■10. alternate airport-航空術語,指備降機場。其中alternate為形容詞,指「供選擇、供替換的」。 ■11. beneficiary-(n)受惠者;受益人。 ■12. concretely-(adv)具體地。 ■13. consensus-(n)共識;合意;一致。 ■14. deregulate-(vt)解除對~的管制。 ■15. crucial-(adj)有決定性的;重要的。 ■16. preside-(vt)主持;擔任會議主席。通常與介係詞 at 或 over 連用。 (資料來源:金門縣政府)
Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Forest中山紀念林 (上)
Built in 1983, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Forest is located along the Central Highway (Boyu Road), between Siguoshan and Shuangrushan. This is the biggest forest for sightseeing in Kinmen. It measures about 100 hectares in area. There are trees and flowers all over the forest, and a theater stage and an amusement park are included, providing nice facilities for family picnics, camping, BBQs, and recreation. 中山紀念林在民國七十二年(西元1983年)開闢興建,位於中央公路(又稱伯玉路)旁邊,介於昔果山和與雙乳山之間。是金門地區規模最大的森林遊憩區,佔地約一百公頃。園區內遍滿林木花卉,還有劇場表演台以及規劃完善的遊樂場,可提供野餐、露營和烤肉,是全家出遊和親子同樂的好地方。 On the northern tip of Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Forest, Chiang Jing-guo Memorial Hall is set up. It was completed in 1989 in the shape of a traditional Chinese mansion, and it has quiet and beautiful surroundings. At the entrance to the Memorial Hall, there is a bronze(1) statue of Mr. Chiang Jing-guo, the late President. On display inside the hall are pictures and relics of his from the time of the war. Besides that, there is the "Old Rushan Fort" near the memorial hall. It's a simulated(2) military battlefield where there are exhibitions of battle planes and tanks. 中山紀念林北端設有經國先生紀念館一座,於民國七十八年(西元1989年)完工,為傳統四合院式建築,四周環境清幽。在紀念館前方入口處,有經國先生的銅像一座。館內則陳列經國先生戰爭期間親臨戰場的照片和遺物。除此之外,在紀念館旁,還有『乳山故壘』設施,陳列軍事模擬陣地和戰爭時的飛機和戰車等。 Kinmen National Park Administration was set up on October 18th, 1995. And the administration office and a tourist center have been established inside the memorial forest. 金門國家公園管理處成立於民國八十四年(西元1995年)十月十八日,並將國家公園管理處及遊客中心設處於中山紀念林內。 Tourist: There are many trees and flowers, and there is much grass here. I feel peaceful when I walk on the paths in the forest. 遊客:這裡有許多的樹木、花草,走在步道上感覺很悠閒。 Tour Guide: It's the biggest forest for sightseeing and leisure in Kinmen. There are many plants and animals. 導遊:這裡是金門島上最大的森林遊憩區,裡面有很多的植物和動物。 Tourist: Mm, what are some things worth seeing? 遊客:嗯,有什麼值得參觀的嗎? Tour Guide: Well, there are some lemon-scented gum trees(3) and pine trees. The trunks of the gum trees are white and straight. And one thing even more interesting is that when you stick your ear to the trunks and listen carefully, you can hear the underground water flowing. There are also many pinecones(4) in the pine forest. The cones are used as decorations during the Christmas season. 導遊:有許多檸檬桉樹和松樹。檸檬桉樹的樹幹是白色的,非常的筆直,更有趣的是當你耳朵貼在樹幹上,靜下心來聆聽,可聽到地下水流聲。松林裡還有許多的松果,松果在聖誕節時,常被用來裝飾。(十六) ■1. bronze-(adj)青銅製的;青銅色的。 ■2. simulated-(adj)仿造的,模仿的。 ■3. lemon-scented gum trees-檸檬桉樹,就字面上解讀,就是發出檸檬香味,會產出樹膠的樹。-scented 是指發出~香味的。 ■4. pinecone-(n)松果、松毬。 【本系列及新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院Patti老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】 資料來源:金門縣政府 原書作者:陳建民、漢貴恩
Unusual 3KG Large Yellow Croaker Worthy of NT$10,000
罕見大黃花魚重達五斤市價上萬 新湖漁港勝利號漁船四月十四日捕回一條重達五斤的大黃魚,漁民們神情大樂。這樣的一條大黃魚,近年來很少見;在對岸大陸的行情看俏,一尾要上萬元。 勝利號的船長是陳松樹,船員有陳嘉仁、陳興琳、張礽裕等。他們於十四日清晨三點多出海之後,早上八點半捕回了一尾大黃魚;對較年輕的漁人而言,這是他們加入討海行列以來,看過最大尾的大黃魚。 陳松樹討海已經三、四十年,擁有勝利號和昇順興號兩艘漁船。對船長陳松樹而言,這尾大黃魚,勾起了當年金門大黃魚的盛況;他說,民國六十年時,他曾經一網捕到九千斤的黃花魚。不過,今非昔比,盛況難再;這一條五斤重的黃花魚,竟成新湖漁港中很難得一見的新聞。 據張礽裕表示,一尾超過三斤的大黃魚,在大陸每斤的價格是兩千元;五斤多的黃魚,一尾身價上萬。 On Apr. 14, fishing Boat Victory brought home to Sinhu Fishing Harbor a large yellow croaker(1) weighing 2.5 kilograms. The fishermen were overjoyed.(2) since a large yellow croaker of this size is a rare sight in recent years and could be worth as much as NT$10,000 in China. Captain Chen Song-shu and his crewmen(3) Chen Jia-ren, Chen Xing-lin and Zhang Nai-yu took Victory out around 3:00 AM on the 14th and returned to the harbor with the large croaker at 8:30 AM. For the younger fishermen, this was the largest croaker they had even seen. Chen Song-shu has been a fisherman for almost four decades. He owns two fishing boats-Victory and Sheng-shun. For Captain Chen, this large yellow croaker brought back memories of the days when large yellow croakers abounded(4) around Kinmen. He said, in 1971, he once netted 4,500 kg of yellow croakers. However, this just doesn't happen anymore and never will. It's funny now that even a 2.5 kg yellow croaker would be the focus of attention at Sinhu Fishing Harbor. According to Zhang Nai-yu, a large yellow croaker over 1.5 kg is worth NT$2,000 per 500 g in China. This 2.5 kg large yellow croaker could cost NT$10,000 over there. 解說 ■1. croaker-(n)指石首魚。根據維基百科,大黃花魚是鱸形目石首魚科黃魚屬,俗名以large yellow croaker稱大黃花魚。 ■2. overjoy-(vt)使狂喜。使得到極大的樂趣。 ■3. crewmen-(n)是crewman的複數,指船員。 ■4. abound-(vi)大量存在、富足、多產。 【資料來源:金門縣政府】
Jinning Elementary and Junior High School Field Trip Brings Nice Surprises
寧中小戶外教學很驚喜 寧中小國小部的戶外教學活動,很不一樣,校長許維民4月24日帶領師生二百多人步行十多公里的路程探索安岐海域的蚵田,也利用排雷大隊工作人員休息的時間,到沙崗雷區實地參觀排雷的重型機具,親身感受到排雷人員的辛苦工作。 寧中小國小部這一次的戶外教學活動很「節能減碳」,學生以徒步方式到安岐海域探索海域的自然生態景觀,參觀人工養殖的蚵田。此外,也進入沙崗「雷區」的禁區外圍,參觀排雷人員所使用的重型機具,這都是師生首次看到的景象,很驚喜。 由於沙崗的雷區,目前正積極進行排雷的工作,排雷人員已剷平一大片的土地,正進行海岸邊的掃雷工作。該校師生利用工作人員休息的時間,在外圍區參觀掃雷機具,上了一堂寶貴的「地雷課」。 許維民說,雷區的存在不僅影響地方的發展,也潛藏危機,排雷工作人員冒著生命危險來清雷,還給金門後代子孫安全的生活環境,也助益地方的建設發展。不過,許維民也站在教育者的立場,希望地區在全面進行掃雷工作,也能選擇一小區域 ,保留下來,讓金門的後代還有機會能看到家鄉早期戰地的軍事產物,來體認先人為了捍衛國家安全,在充滿危機的雷區土地過生活,這也是一種教育。許維民也希望利用戶外教學活動,讓學生更深刻的了解自己家鄉週遭的生活環境。 The Field trips(1) of Jinning Elementary and Junior High School were quite unusual. Principal Xu Weimin on Apr. 24 led 200 odd(2) teachers and students and covered over 10 km to explore the oyster farms in the waters along Anqi. They also took the opportunity, while the demining(3) team was taking a break, to pay a visit to the Shagang Minefield to see the heavy machinery and have a sense of the hard work of the demining personnel. This field trip was very "energy saving and carbon reducing." Students walked all the way to observe the natural ecological landscapes around the waters of Anqi and visited the oyster farms. At the same time, they also entered the peripheral(4) area of the forbidden Shagang Minefield to have a look at the heavy machines used for demining. This was the first time for both the teachers and the students. Everyone was nicely surprised. Demining work has been underway(5) in the minefield in Shagang. The deminers have already leveled a large area and are currently removing the mines along the coast. It was a "Landmines Lesson" opportunity that not everybody could has. Xu Weimin said that minefields not only have an effect on local development but also are dangerous. The deminers are risking their lives to remove the mines to give the future generations in Kinmen a safe living environment. They are also helping with local development. However, Xu Weimin added, from an educator's view, that he hopes the future generations in Kinmen will still be able to see military structures from the early days when the island was a war zone, so that they can understand how their forebears(6) lived among perilous(7) minefields in order to protect their country. This will also be a form of education. Xu Weimin hopes to use field trips to help students have a more profound understanding of the living environment in their hometown. 解說 ■1. field trip-指學生的校外實地考察旅行。field指田野、原野。 ■2. odd-(adj)用在數字後面,表示有零頭的。亦指單數、零散或古怪的。 ■3. demining-(n)排雷,排雷的過程。這個字是從mine,地雷演化而來,前面加上de-字首,表示移除、分離之意。地雷也稱land mine,或landmine。雷區則是minefield。 ■4. peripheral-(adj)周圍的,外圍的。 ■5. underway-(adj)正在進行中的。 ■6. forebear-(n)指祖先,正常情況下以複數形式出現。 ■7. perilous-(adj)危險的。【資料來源:金門縣政府】
Banyan Garden 榕園(之一)
Banyan Garden is located at the rear of Tai Lake. Its original name was Sihwong village and Fengshan village. The garden used to be the old residence of the prominent Hong family during the Ming dynasty. Although the garden village had few residents, most of them served the emperor's regime at that time, according to the old proverb "Less than a hundred village residents, more than 36 palace officials." 位於太湖遊憩區內的榕園原名西洪,又名鳳山。原本是明朝洪氏望族的故居,村中人口不多,但在朝當官者不少,自古即有「人丁不滿百,京官三十六」之美稱。 At the end of the Ming dynasty, Jheng Cheng-gong (Koxinga) felled trees and made boats at the expense of(5) land conservation, thus the whole village couldn't survive the attack of strong winds and was buried in the sand, except for only one house, which remains to the present time. In August of 1967 when Mr. Chiang Jing-guo, the late President of our country visited here, he considered the place shaded in green leaves of the old banyan trees to be an appropriate recreation resort. Consequently, he named the place "Banyan Garden" and renovated the only old house before he bestowed its name " Wuei Lu." 明朝末年,鄭成功為了造船,砍伐大量樹木,陸地在失去原有樹木的保護下,無法抵擋巨大風沙的侵襲,因而導致整個村子的房屋被風沙湮沒,無法保存,後來僅剩下一戶。民國五十六年(西元1967年)八月,先總統蔣經國先生到這裡巡視,看見古榕樹綠蔭蔽天,是個休閒遊憩的好地方,便將此處命名為「榕園」,並且整修剩餘的一間古厝,取名為「慰廬」。 By the side of Banyan Garden is "Tai Lake", the biggest man-made fresh-water lake in Kinmen. It measures 36 hectares in area, and provides the largest single source of water supply in Kinmen. The main function of the lake is to offer water for the residents of Jinhu town. In the middle of the lake there are three islets with a pavilion on one of them. All in all, being a part of "Chiang Kai-shek Park", the lake just silhouettes the natural beauty of the entire park. 榕園旁的「太湖」是金門島上最大的人工淡水湖,面積約有36公頃,是金門島上最大的水利設施,主要供應金湖鎮地區的民生用水。湖面上有三座小島,島上有涼亭,整座「中正公園」秀麗的景色都襯托在湖面中。(十四) 資料來源:金門縣政府 原書作者:陳建民、漢貴恩 【本系列之新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院Patti老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】
Taiwu Mountain 太武山
Tourist: That's great. I will do it all by myself. Would you please recommend to me some of the sights worth seeing on the way up to the summit? 遊客:太好了。那我可以自己安排一下。可以請你介紹一下沿路以及山上不可錯過的景物嗎? Tour Guide: No problem. You are going to view the beauty of the whole Kinmen island on the way up the mountain. The breeze feels very comfortable as you walk on the road. Along the way there are noteworthy places such as the Place Where Koxinga Reviewed Military and Played Chess, Wu-Wang-Zai-Jyu Inscribed Rock, and Haiin Temple. At the Place Where Koxinga Reviewed Military and Played Chess you can have a bird's-eye view of the northern seashore of Kinmen. On the opposite side from the same place, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Jinhu township and Liaoluo Bay. 導遊:沒問題。金門的美景風光,只要登上太武山便可一覽無遺。由山下步行上山,風微吹來,真的非常舒服。沿路 看到的景點有明朝鄭成功觀兵弈棋處、金門精神指標毋忘在莒以及香火鼎盛的海印寺。在延平郡王觀兵弈棋處可望見金門北面海濱。另一個方向,則可俯看金湖鎮和料羅灣的優美風景。 Tourist: The scenic spots you mentioned sound intriguing. I just can't wait to see them immediately. 遊客:那麼多的景點,真是令人精神振奮,好想趕快上山一眺美景。 Tour Guide: I can understand that. Also, on the left front side of Haiin Temple, there is a stone door called "Shimen Pass" carved with characters of "Hai-Shan-Di-Yi" (Number One in the World). It's classified as a third class historical relic. 導遊:是啊,除了剛才說的景點之外,在海印寺的左前方,還有一石門,門上刻有「海山第一」大字,是三級的古蹟。 Tourist:And what else? 遊客:還有嗎? Tour Guide: Yes, there is an "An-shin Stone"(Soothing Stone) in the Haiin Temple. Rumor has it that, when you touch the stone with your right hand while touching your heart with left hand, you will feel no pain at all. Tranquility and comfort will fill your heart. Just try it. By the way, Haiin Temple is the end of our trekking journey. You can sip the non-polluted tap water of the mountain spring in the front of the temple. Have a nice break. 導遊:有的,在海印寺廟內有一「安心石」。傳說右手摸摸安心石,左手放在自己心口,就能讓內心感覺一股平靜、安樂,可以心安哦,你可以試看看!而且,海印寺是這健行之旅的終點站,你可以在廟前的飲水機上喝山上無污染的山泉水,好好休息一下! Tourist: What else do we have to pay attention to? 遊客:對了,在山上有什麼要特別要注意的嗎? Tour Guide: Oh, you can't walk on the deserted trails or roads with "No Trespassing" signs, because some of them lead to military camps, and also this is for the sake of safety. And after the break, you must return back by the same way. Because we will go up and down the mountain on the same road, and the car will wait for us in the same place where we got off. 導遊:嗯,有一些比較偏僻的小路、或是寫著「禁止通行」的路就不可以進去,那是通往軍隊的營區,而且為了安全起見,我們不要隨便進出。還有,在休息後要記得往原來的路下山,因為我是原路上山、原路下山,來回都是同一條路,車子在山下原來下車的地方等著我們。 Tourist: I see. I will be back on time. See you later. 遊客:我知道了,我會準時回到車上的。回頭見! (全文完)
Wuhu Mountain 五虎山
Wuhu Mountain is also call Jhaiz Mountain. It is the second highest mountain in Kinmen, second only to Taiwu Mountain. It measures about 127 meters in height and 7 hectares in area. The path leading up and down the mountain is 1.5km long, and tourists can go up the mountain from the military camp on one side or from Beiyu Temple on the other. 五虎山又稱寨子山,是金門的第二高山,僅次於太武山,高約有127公尺,佔地約有7公頃。五虎山步道全長約為1.5公里,遊客可從軍營登山口或北嶽廟登山口上山。 Wuhu Mountain is a scenic spot, with newly-constructed facilities such as an elaboration path and an observation platform. There are plenty of endemic plants on the mountain and numerous sorts of butterflies, insects, and birds. It is a nice place where tourists can feel the essence of nature, and it provides a good place for biology research. 五虎山是新開發出來的景點,設有解說步道及觀景眺望平台。山上有非常多的原生植物,也有眾多的蝴蝶等昆蟲或其他鳥類。這裡是遊客接觸大自然的好地方,也是提供生物研究的最佳地點。 Currently, Kinmen National Park exercises management over the abandoned military camp on the mountain. A project combining Wuhu Mountain, Folk Culture Village, and Maple Leaves Resort is underway, and it will make the whole area a complete recreation resort in the eastern half of Kinmen. 目前,金門國家公園將五虎山上的廢棄營區納入管理範圍,未來將與五虎山、山后民俗文化村和楓香林遊憩區等景點結合,成為金門東半島完整的遊憩區。 Tourist: The mountain doesn't look high. What's the difference between it and Taiwu Mountain? 遊客:這座山看起來不高,和金門第一高的太武山有什麼不同? Tour Guide: Though it is not high, it's still the second highest mountain in Kinmen. The mountain is not as famous as Taiwu Mountain, but because of its location tourists can view Jiaoyu, Dadeng, and Siaodeng islets from its top. The eastern half of Kinmen is also visible, including Mashan, Shanhou, Jinsha Township and so on. The view from the summit is second to none in Kinmen, not even Taiwu Mountain. 導遊:這座山雖然不高,在金門算是第二高山。五虎山名氣比太武山來的小,它的位置可讓登山的遊客,清楚的俯視大陸的角嶼、大嶝和小嶝等地。也可看到金門島的東半部,包含:馬山、山后和金沙等地區,風景之秀麗可不在太武山之下。 Tourist: Exactly. It provides a view of the island from a different angle. 遊客:也就是說從不同的角度來看金門囉。 Tour Guide: Yes. And Wuhu Mountain doesn't have a military curfew at night. Hiking up the mountain, you can have a view of night lights on the Mainland coast and the eastern half of Kinmen. The night scenes are different from the day. The flavor of the night breeze on the mountain will satisfy royal tastes. 導遊:是啊。而且五虎山在夜間並沒有宵禁,晚上上山可以看到是大陸沿海和金門東半島的燈火。夜晚的景觀和白天大異其趣,涼風徐徐吹來,別有一番風味。 Tourist: Hiking up the mountain at night is dangerous, isn't it? 遊客:晚上登山不會危險嗎? Tour Guide: Well, it only takes about 10 minutes walking to the platform on the mountaintop. It just takes a short time and it's neither difficult nor dangerous for you to reach. 導遊:五虎山的登山步道約十分鐘的路程,就可以抵達山上最高處的瞭望平台。登山花費時間短、困難度也不會很高,所以,不會有危險的。 Tourist: If we spend our daytime on the mountain, there is nothing interesting to see, then. 遊客:那我們是白天來登山,不就沒什麼特別之處囉? Tour Guide: That's not true. Along the path, there are many abandoned military camps, which are unique. They look just like mouse holes, and were used especially for military defense and attack. Under such circumstances, you will feel like you are soldiers and have fun. 導遊:不會的。在五虎山登山步道上,有多處阿兵哥廢棄的軍營,而且,這些營區不像一般所看見的軍事碉堡,而是有如老鼠洞般的攻防戰專用據點,相當特別。在這種氣氛下,讓人有置身戰區的感覺,非常新鮮和特別。 Tourist: What are some other things interesting about the mountain? 遊客:還有別的嗎? Tour Guide: Also, on the mountain there are lots of endemic plants and insects. You can find different sorts of plants and chirping insects and birds. Just be sure to pay careful attention. 導遊:除此之外,五虎山上有許多的原生植物和昆蟲,多注意一點,你可以發現不同的植物,還可以聽到蟲鳴鳥叫的聲音。(十三)原書作者:陳建民、漢貴恩
Airline Transportation Voucher For The Disadvantaged On The Way
航空交通券即起上路 全國首創的社會福利政策!金門縣政府為照顧弱勢族群特別推出航空「交通券」補貼福利政策,自即日起上路,估計約有身心障礙者、低收入戶近5600人以上受惠,每年申請以一次為限,補貼金額由4000至 6000元不等。將實施至民國100年12月31日止,縣府請符合資格者自即日起可逕向戶籍所在地之鄉鎮公所提出申請、使用。 金門縣政府考量金門位處離島,縣民對外交通主要仰賴台金間之航空運輸,基於低收入戶家庭是經濟弱勢,台金航空交通費普遍無力負擔;身心障礙者也因身心健康因素,經常須赴台就醫或復健治療,往返交通費也造成家庭沈重負擔,因此金門縣政府實施這項航空票價補貼辦法。 據縣府社會局指出,依「金門縣弱勢族群航空票價補貼實施辦法」規定,地區弱勢族群於搭乘航空班機往返金門與臺灣本島時,得申請票價補貼。補貼對象為現設籍本縣三年以上列冊低收入戶之戶內人口及身心障礙者(未滿三歲者不受本條第一項設籍本縣三年以上之限制)。補貼標準為未滿二歲每人每年全額補貼二次(來回四趟)。 縣府社會局表示,2歲以上具低收入身分者每人每年補貼新臺幣6000元;具身心障礙身分者,每人每年補貼新臺幣4000元。低收入戶或身心障礙者,同時符合本縣學生航空票價補貼實施辦法請領資格,應優先申請學生航空票價補貼,如金額低於本辦法標準,再依本辦法申請其差額。 有關補貼方式,2歲以上航空票價補貼以發給交通券方式,交通券面額新臺幣五百元。未滿2歲依票價金額核實補助。2歲以上受補貼對象於搭乘航空班機往返金門與臺灣本島時,得持交通券折抵票價。但每次使用交通券,應自行負擔部分票價,不得全數以交通券折抵。 至於交通券發給時間為:一、低收入戶:原列冊低收入戶,於每年一月份低收入戶重新審查核定後受理申請,經審核通過後發給一年份交通券。二、身心障礙者:原持有身心障礙手冊者,配合當年度低收入戶審查核定時間受理申請,經審核通過後發給一年份交通券。年度中新增個戶(案),於申請核定之當月份發給。六月份以前核定者發給一年份交通券;七月份以後核定者發給半年份交通券。 符合請領資格者,即日起可攜帶戶口名簿影本及私章,身心障礙者並檢附身心障礙手冊影本,向戶籍所在地鄉鎮公所申請。申請案經審核完成,縣府並完成使用人姓名等資料套印後,會通知申請人領取使用。至於2歲以下符合依票價全額補貼者,於搭乘航空班機次日起至當年度十二月底以前,填寫申請表,並檢具戶口名簿影本及登機證,逕向縣府社會局申請補貼。 縣府社會局再度提醒,本交通券六月份以前核定者發給一年份交通券;七月份以後核定者發給半年份交通券,請符合請領人掌握時效提出申請,以維護個人權益。又交通券僅限受補貼對象本人搭乘臺金航線臨櫃使用,如因遺失或毀損,不得申請補發,亦不得轉讓、兌換現金及找零。 縣府社會局強調,本(98)年度交通券應於98年12月31日前使用,逾期不得使用,使用時並應主動出示身分證件,以利核對。 First seen in the national social welfare policy! In order to take care of disadvantaged groups(1), government of Kinmen county introduced this policy of airline" transportation voucher", and it starts from today. It is estimated that more than 5600 people, including people who are physically or mentally challenged(2), low income households, will benefit from this policy. The compensation is between 4000 and 6000 NT dollars and can be applied for once a year. The policy will last until December 31st, 2011. County government asks people qualified to apply to village or town office in the domicile(3) and use the voucher. Kinmen county is a off- shore island. Government of Kinmen County realizes that residents rely on the airline to commute(4) between Kinmen and Taiwan. Since low income household is economically disadvantaged transportation between Taiwan and Kinmen is usually unaffordable; (5) people with physically or mentally challenged have to commute between Kinmen and Taiwan very often to go to the doctors and go under treatments because of mental and health problems, and the fee for transportation can be a big burden to the family. Thus, government of Kinmen County introduces this compensatory policy to subsidize(6) for the airplane tickets. Social Affairs Bureau of Kinmen county pointed out that according to the "Implementation Measures of Airplane Ticket Subsidies for Disadvantaged Groups in Kinmen County", disadvantaged groups from residents of Kinmen area can apply for subsidy for the ticket while commuting between Kinmen and Taiwan. Those who can get the subsidy is subjected to those who has the residency(7) of Kinmen county for more than three years, and also are on the list of low income household or physically or mentally challenged. (Children under three years old are excluded from the first limitation of holding residency of Kinmen for more than three years.) Subsidy standard is that people under two years old can get full subsidy twice each year (which is four trips back and forth). Social Affairs Bureau of Kinmen county indicated that residents older than 2 years old with low income identity can get 6000 NT dollars of subsidy each year; residents with mentally or physically challenged can each get 4000 NT dollars each year. If low income households or residents with physical or mental disability are simultaneously(8) qualified to apply for subsidies according to the "Implementation Measures of Airplane Ticket Subsidies for Students in Kinmen County", they should apply for students' ticket subsidy first. If the amount of money is less than this standard, they can apply for the margins according to this regulation. As for the ways of subsidy, residents older than two years old will be subsidized through the transportation voucher. Each voucher has the face value of 500 NT dollars. People under two can get a full compensation according to the ticket's price. People over two years old can use the transportation voucher to discount the ticket while taking planes back and forth between Kinmen and Taiwan. Transportation voucher can only cover for part of the ticket. It cannot discount full price of the ticket so residents should pay the rest. The timing(9) of distributing transportation will be: 1, low income households: originally listed low income households can get the transportation voucher for the year after qualifying the reexamination of the application in Jan each year. 2, mentally or physically challenged: for residents with the handbook for the physically and mentally challenged persons, their qualification will be examined at the same time as the low income households'. Once qualified, they can get a year's quota of transportation voucher. New cases each year will get the subsidy from the month qualified under the condition that one year amount of transportation voucher will be distributed to those qualified before the end of June; after July, qualified people can only get half amount of transportation voucher. From today on, qualified residents can bring a copy of certificate or booklet of each registered residence and private stamp to apply to village or town offices. Mentally or physically challenged also have to give a copy of the handbook for the physically and mentally challenged persons. Once qualified, Kinmen county government will print out the voucher and information such as the user's name and will inform applicants to pick up and use the voucher. For residents under two qualified for full compensation can fill out applications and give the boarding pass and a copy of booklet of each registered residence and apply to the Social Affairs Bureau of Kinmen county from the day of the flight to the end of December the same year. Social Affairs Bureau of Kinmen County reminds that one year amount of transportation voucher will be distributed to those qualified before the end of June; after July, people can only get half amount of transportation voucher. Residents who are qualified have to grasp the right time and apply for it to protect individual's rights and interests. Transportation voucher can only be used by the one who is subsidized while on the trip between Taiwan and Kinmen. If the voucher is lost or destroyed, it cannot be reissued. No transferring of the ownership of the voucher. Nor can it be cash into money or get the change. Social Affairs Bureau of Kinmen County emphasizes that the voucher issued this year should be used before December 31st, 2009. It cannot be used after that. While using the voucher, please provide an identification for check over. 解說 ■1. disadvantaged groups-弱勢族群。disadvantaged (adj) 指下層社會的,貧困的,弱勢的。 ■2. physically or mentally challenged-指身、心障礙者。challenge (vt)指向~挑戰,或強烈要求、需求。此處引伸為「殘障的」較委婉的說法。 ■3. domicile-(n)住處。指戶籍所在地。 ■4. commute-(vi)通勤。通常是commute between A to B,或者commute from A to B。 ■5. unaffordable-(adj)負擔不起。為affordable(負擔得起)加上表反義的un-字首,成為affordable的反義詞。 ■6. subsidize-(vt)給予津貼、補助。名詞為subsidy。 ■7. residency-(n)定居、住處。此處指在某地設有戶籍。 ■8. simultaneously-(adv)同時地、同步地。 ■9. timing-(n)時間的選擇或安排。 【資料來源:金門縣政府】
Taiwu Mountain太武山(之三)
Tourist: How long are we going to stay here? 遊客:這個地方將停留多久呢? Tour Guide: About two hours. 導遊:大約是二個小時左右。 Tourist: Why are we staying here for such a long time? 遊客:為什麼需要那麼久呢? Tour Guide: Everybody needs to change into light clothing and hiking shoes now. We will have a small hike today. It's a little different from usual. We will have a mountain hike and we might sweat a bit. It will be sort of like an army trek.(1) 導遊:現在大家都必須換上輕便的鞋子,進行有別於一般行程的爬山健行之旅,讓大家運動和流汗,就像陸軍阿兵哥的行軍一樣。 Tourist: Mountain hiking! Will that be hard? Are we walking on the road or climbing stairs? 遊客:爬山!會很辛苦嗎?是走水泥路?還是走階梯的山路呢? Tour Guide: Not as hard as you think. It takes about an hour walking from the bottom to summit(2) of the mountain. Along the road you will view the charming scenery and have plenty of free time. So, just take it easy.(3) 導遊:走水泥路,但不會很辛苦。步行上山和下山大約一個小時左右。但沿途的風景迷人,景色秀麗,而且有充裕的自由活動時間,大家不必急。(十二) 解說: ■1. trek-(n)指艱苦跋涉,緩慢行進的長途旅行。 ■2. summit-(n)山巔,即山的峰頂、尖峰。 ■3.take it easy-指從容不迫、不緊張。 【本系列及新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院Patti老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】 資料來源:金門縣政府 原書作者:陳建民、漢貴恩
Taiwu Mountain 太武山(續)
The four characters(1) of "Wu Wang Zai Jyu" inscribed on the rock were written by the late President Chiang Kai-shek in 1952, when he inspected(2) the military in Kinmen. His purpose was to remind both military and civilians of(3) General Tian-dan's spirit of winning against the superior(4) forces at Jyu city in the ancient country of Chi. Nowadays, it has become an outstanding sightseeing point and tourists consider this as one of the best places for taking pictures. 毋忘在莒為先總統蔣介石先生在民國四十一年(西元1952年)巡視金門所題,用以期勉軍民效法古代齊國田單在「莒」城以寡擊眾的精神。現在已成為著名的觀光景點,也是遊客拍照的最佳地點。 Haiin Temple is also call Taiwuyan Temple. It was built in the Song dynasty (1265-1274 B.C), over 800 years ago. Nowadays, the temple exhibits(5) Guanin Buddha, Rukai Buddha, and eighteen Lohan for people to worship.(6) In 1958, during the Aug. 23rd bombardment, the temple was destroyed by the artillery shells and was rebuilt in 1961. The people of Kinmen go to the temple and worship deities(7) routinely(8) on every lunar January 9th, which is believed to be "Birthday of Heaven". 海印寺又稱太武巖寺,建於宋咸淳年間(西元1265-1274年),至今已有八百多年的歷史,目前寺內供奉觀音佛祖、如來佛祖及十八羅漢供民眾膜拜。在民國四十七年(西元1958年)八二三砲戰時,曾經受到砲火重創而被摧毀,後於民國四十九年(西元1961年)重建。每年農曆正月初九是「天公生」,金門居民會上山進香。(十一) 解說 ■1. character-(n)字;字體。另一個較常見的解釋是「性格、特質、特色」。 ■2. inspect-(vt)檢閱;檢視。 ■3. remind SB of STH-使SB回想起STH。 ■4. superior-(數量上)較多的、較大的;(地位、職位)較高的、上級的。 ■5. exhibit-(vt)展示、陳列。在此指廟宇中「供奉」。 ■6. worship-(vi)崇拜、信奉。 ■7. deity-(n)(希臘羅馬神話裡的)神、諸神。 ■8. routinely-(adv)常規地、慣常地。routine可以當名詞,是「例行公事、慣例」的意思;也可當形容詞,指「例行的、常規的、平凡的」。 【本系列及新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院Patti老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】 資料來源:金門縣政府 原書作者:陳建民、漢貴恩