English Guidebook of Kinmen Tourism
金門觀光英文解說參考手冊─戰役篇 (Battles) August 23rd Artillery Battle Museum 八二三戰史館 The August 23rd Artillery Battle Museum is on the eastern part of Kinmen island, by the side of Banyan Park of Sihuen village, Jinhu township. It was completed in 1988, on the 30th anniversary of the "August 23rd Artillery Battle". It looks stately(註一) with white walls, red columns and green glass tiles. 八二三戰史館位於金門的東半島,金湖鎮西洪村榕園的旁邊。戰史館在八二三砲戰第三十週年完工(民國七十七年,西元1988年)。外觀為白牆、紅柱、琉璃翠瓦,非常莊嚴。 Displayed outside the museum are jet fighters, tanks and cannons used during the battles. In the museum there are historical documents of the battle, military intelligence data, and reports of battle status, all reflecting the details and the causes and effects of the battle relevant to the present time. The museum serves as a historical record. One of the newly completed facilities inside the museum provides the tourists with moving experiences of the war. They can feel the fierceness(註二) and sadness of the war. Meanwhile, they are brought into the presence of the lively(註三) bombardment and they get to understand the violence of the artillery battle. 八二三戰史館外面兩側,陳列著曾經參與戰役的戰鬥機、戰車、加農砲等。館內收藏戰史、軍情、戰況等文獻,詳實記錄著戰役發生的原因和情況,以及其對後世的影響,是一座可以為歷史留下見證的紀念館。新完成的「震撼教育體驗」讓遊客感受到戰爭的激烈和悲壯,同時,也可體驗砲戰發生的實況,進一步置身其中,瞭解當時戰役的慘烈。 Tour Guide: You have to understand a bit about the history of the battle before you step into the museum. 導遊:在參觀這個紀念館之前,要先瞭解一下有關八二三砲戰的歷史。 Tourist: Surely we do. 遊客:一定要的呀! Tour Guide: The artillery battle occurred at 6:30P.M., August. 23rd, 1958. The Chinese communist's military focused 342 cannons of various kinds and shelled Kinmen for two consecutive(註四) hours. The artillery shells totaled about 57,500. Our ar tillerymen fought back, too. 導遊:八二三大戰是發生在民國四十七年(西元1958年)八月二十三日下午六點三十分。共軍集中各型火砲共有三百四十二門,朝金門發射。連續兩個小時大約發射五萬七千五百餘發砲彈。我軍也以火砲加以反擊。 Tourist: How long did they fight with each other? 遊客:雙方火拼多久? Tour Guide: Forty-four days in all. The Chinese communists fired a total of 478,911 artillery shells. At that time, it could be said that everyone had heard of "Kinmen", because the artillery sounded the alarm.(註五) 導遊:前後共四十四天,大陸共軍砲火向金門群島發射了四十七萬四千九百十一發砲彈。那時,可說沒有人不知道「金門」這個地方,正是「八二三」砲戰把金門打響了。 Tourist: Under such circumstances, Kinmen was a very dangerous place, wasn't it? How was Kinmen able to survive? 遊客:在這情況下,金門不就非常危險!怎麼還生存得下來? Guide: Yes. Not only were the airport and the harbor both destroyed by artillery shells, but also all supplies from the air and the sea were cut off. Thanks to(註六) their perseverance, (註七) soldiers and civilians did survive the disaster. 導遊:是啊。當時強烈的砲火不但轟炸機場、碼頭還斷絕海空運補。但是軍民還是堅苦卓絕,度過災難。 Tourist: Did any other countries help Kinmen ? 遊客:難道都沒有其他國家來救援嗎? Tour Guide: Yes, the American military sent warships to cruise in the Taiwan Straits to help, and they played a remarkable(註八) role in stabilizing the whole situation. 導遊:有啊。美國軍方派遣軍艦到台灣海峽協防,對於穩住戰局扮演了相當重要的角色。 Tourist: The "August 23rd Artillery Battle" must have meant a lot to Kinmen. 遊客:「八二三大戰」對金門一定具有重大的歷史意義! Tour Guide: Yes, you bet! Kinmen is considered the first line of Taiwan's defense. The victory has altered the history of Kinmen, changed the fate of both sides, and has offered Taiwan a firm platform for future development. By the way, after the war, local people collected artillery shells and sold them to knife factories, making the so-called "Kinmen Artillery Shell Knives" so famous and popular. 導遊:一點都沒錯。金門被視為台海的第一道安全防線。八二三砲戰的勝利,扭轉了金門的歷史,改變了兩岸的局勢,同時,也讓台灣穩定發展。值得一提的是,砲戰結束後,百姓蒐集砲彈片賣給菜刀工廠,打造了聞名的金門「砲彈菜刀」。 Tourist: Are you going to show us how the "Kinmen Artillery Shell Knives" are made? 遊客:妳會帶我們去參觀砲彈製作的菜刀嗎? Tour Guide: Surely I will. I won't let you down. 導遊:會的!我不會讓你們失望的。 Tourist: Oh, do the characters on the walls by both sides of the museum have any special meaning? 遊客:對了,在戰史館外面兩側牆上刻的字是有什麼特殊的意義嗎? Tour Guide: Of course!Carved on the walls are the names of the soldiers killed in the battle-altogether 578 soldiers of all ranks. 導遊:有啊!這是用來紀念當時打戰陣亡的將士,刻有五百八十七位官兵的名字。 Tourist: I want to salute them and show my highest respect. 遊客:我要去向他們致上最崇高的敬意。 Tour Guide: Mmm, the museum opposite here is the "Memorial Museum of Dr. Yu Dawei." He was the defense minister at the time. Displayed in the memorial museum are his relics, pictures, and medals of honor from abroad. We can drop by there after we finish here. 導遊:戰史館對面是俞大維先生紀念館。俞大維先生是當時的國防部長,館內陳列俞大維先生的生前遺物、照片和各國頒贈之榮譽獎章等。這裡結束後可以順便去參觀一下。(三) ●註一:stately-(a.)莊嚴、堂皇的。 ●註二:fierceness-(n.)由fierce(a.)變化而來的名詞,指凶猛、猛烈。 ●註三:lively-(a)生動、栩栩如生;活潑、有生氣的。此處形容「震撼教育體驗」讓人有被帶回到砲擊現場(be brought into the presence of the lively bombardment)的臨場感。 ●註四:consecutive-(a.)連續不斷的。 ●註五:sound the alarm-就字面解讀是指發出警報,或高聲宣布重要事項以吸引眾人注意,此處則指砲戰的「聲響」引起世人對金門的關注,使金門無人不知、無人不曉。 ●註六:thanks to-片語,由於、幸虧。可等同於because of 或 owing to,這裡thank並非一般動詞用法,與全句時態無關。 ●註七:perseverance-(n.)(不畏任何艱難,依舊)堅持不懈,堅毅不拔。 ●註八:remarkable-(a.)非凡、卓越的。類似的形容詞還包括noticeable,(輕易即可察覺或區別)顯著的、重要的;outstanding,(在同類、同儕當中顯得)傑出、顯著、重要的。 【編按:本系列註解部分由本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界來函建議、指正。】
English Guidebook of Kinmen Tourism
金門觀光英文解說參考手冊─戰役篇 (Battles) Guningtou Battle Museum 古寧頭戰史館 In memory of the Guningtou Battle that began at 2:00A.M. on Oct.25th, 1949, Guningtou Battle Museum was begun in 1983 and finished in the following year. It is located on the former battlefield. 「古寧頭戰史館」是為了紀念民國三十八年(西元1949年)十月二十五日凌晨二點鐘發生的古寧頭戰役,於民國七十二年(西元1983年)興建,民國七十三年(西元1984年)完成。地點在當年發生古寧頭大戰的古戰場。 The appearance of the museum is magnificent. It imitates the appearance of an old-fashioned castle. The sculptures on both sides of the main gate celebrate our soldiers」 bravery and glory during the war. On both grassland sides are displayed M5A1-shaped tanks named the 『Bear of Kinmen』 that lit up(註一) the battlefield in those times. Inside there are 14 oil paintings that depict(註二) the battle scenes. Also displayed are the war history, trophies(註三), documents, as well as the pictures of the commanding officers of the war. The museum also provides films that record the 『Guningtou Battle』 so that tourists can experience the essence of the combat. 古寧頭戰史館的外型壯觀雄偉,是一幢仿古城堡式的建築。大門口兩側的浮雕是描述當年古寧頭大戰我國軍英勇奮戰的情景。兩旁草地上停放當年揚威戰場的M5A1型戰車,又叫做「金門之熊」。戰史館內掛有描繪古寧頭大戰戰況的油畫,還有陳列大戰簡介、戰利品、戰事文件、作戰指揮官照片等文物。館內也提供了「古寧頭大戰」的紀錄片供遊客欣賞,讓遊客體驗戰鬥之精神。 Tourist: I knew that several famous battles occurred in Kinmen. Can you tell me about them? 遊客:我知道金門有發生過幾個世界聞名的戰爭,可以告訴我嗎? Tour Guide: In 1949, the Chinese Communist」s army took advantage of(註四) the darkness of night and landed in Kinmen. The battle was launched thereafter and lasted for 56 hours, or about 3 days and 3 nights. Finally, our military captured over 7,000 POWs(註五) and confiscated(註六) lots of weapons. This battle was thus called 『Triumph Over Guningtou."(註七) Besides that, the ensuing(註八) battles that occurred in Kinmen include the Dadan & Erdan Battle in 1950, the September 3rd Battle in 1954, and the August 23rd Artillery Battle in 1958. 導遊:是的。民國三十八年(西元1949年)共軍利用夜晚強行登上金門,雙方展開了五十六小時,大約是三天三夜的戰爭。最後,我國國軍一共俘虜共軍七千多人,和許多的武器。這次的戰役被稱為「古寧頭大捷」。此外,後來發生的戰役還有民國三十九年(西元1950年)的大二膽戰役;民國四十三年(西元1954年)的九三砲戰,以及民國四十七年(西元1958年)的八二三砲戰等。 Tourist: But, how did the Chinese Communist」s army land in Kinmen? 遊客:共軍是如何到達金門? Tour Guide: They went across the sea and reached Kinmen using over 200 boats from Lianhe, Aotou, and Dadeng Islet of the mainland. 導遊:他們是在大陸蓮河、澳頭和大嶝島等地乘坐二百多艘的船來到金門。 Tourist: What effect did the battle produce? 遊客:「古寧頭大戰」所帶來的影響是什麼? Tour Guide: The battle lifted our army」s confidence and became the 『turning point』(註九) of the whole situation. The victory also frustrated the Chinese Communists」 attempt to liberate Taiwan by force, with the result of maintaining Taiwan」s sovereignty and retaining our country」s future. 導遊:這場戰爭提升了國軍的信心,同時也是當時整體局勢的「轉捩點」。古寧頭大戰的勝利暫時阻斷中共以武力犯台的企圖,具有確保台灣主權及維護國家機運的重大意義。 Tourist: This is truly a famous battle with worldwide significance! How can we learn more about it? 遊客:這真是一場舉世聞名的戰役!還有其他方法可以讓我更瞭解這場戰役嗎? Tour Guide: You can take a look at the oil paintings with English subscripts. 導遊:你可以多參觀一些油畫,每幅油畫附有解說。 Tourist: That」s a good idea. 遊客:嗯,這是一個好方法。 Tour Guide: Besides that, you can enjoy the film recording the battle. It lasts for about 13 minutes. 導遊:另外,你還可以觀賞「古寧頭大戰」的紀錄片,影片播放大約是十三分鐘左右。 Tourist: Really? That」s great. Can I take some pictures in here? 遊客:真的嗎?那真是太好了。館內可以照相或是攝影嗎? Tour Guide: No, you can」t. The oil paintings are very valuable. If you do it, the flash will destroy them. So, no camera or camcorder is allowed.』 導遊:不行的。館內所展示的油畫是非常珍貴的。我們拍照或攝影時,閃光燈會破壞油畫,所以,館內禁止使用照相機或攝影機。 Tourist: Is any painting here more significant than another? 遊客:有沒有比較特殊的畫? Tour Guide: Yes, one of the paintings is a 3D picture made by Professor Gu of Taiwan Normal University. It」s called 『Generalissimo Chiang」s Army Review.』 From wherever you pass by, the jeep in the middle will be facing you, as if you are examining the troops. 導遊:其中有一幅很大、很特別的油畫,主題是「蔣公閱兵」圖。這幅畫是由師範大學美術系顧重光教授所畫的。不論你從油畫前面的哪個角度看,中間吉普車的正面都會朝向著你,就好像你親自正閱兵一樣。 Tourist: Sounds interesting. 遊客:聽起來蠻有意思的。 註一:lit up—lit 為light的過去分詞。light up就字面上有點亮或照亮的意思。此處指M5A1戰車發射的砲火照亮了戰場,用以比喻「金門之熊」於該場戰役中的彪炳戰績。 註二:depict—(vt.)以繪畫方式呈現,亦即描繪。 註三:trophy—(n.)戰利品。 註四:take advantage of—利用;佔~的便宜。 註五:POW—軍事用語,為prisoner of war之縮寫,指戰俘。 註六:confiscate—(vt.)沒收;充公。 註七:triumph—(n.)大勝或大捷。提到「勝利」,常見的字彙有victory、conquest、triumph,其中victory指的是在比賽或戰爭中擊敗對手;conquest則有征服、佔領的意涵;triumph另有得意洋洋、耀武揚威之意,指贏得較victory更為重大的勝利,在此藉以譯為「大捷」。 註八:ensuing—(a.)緊接著發生的,接踵而至的。 註九:turning point—(歷史上)重大的轉折點、轉捩點。
金門觀光英文解說參考手冊 【編者按:金門素以觀光立縣,亦不斷朝國際化目標努力,期讓世界認識金門,也推動金門走向世界。為擴大對金門旅遊之介紹,因應逐漸增多的外籍學生與旅客所需,如何讓導覽解說人員有能力以英語推介金門,實為旅遊環境國際化工作的重要一環。緣此,本報特協調金門縣政府交通旅遊局,提供「金門觀光英文解說參考手冊」,授權本報連載刊登以饗讀者。 本書作者為國立金門技術學院觀光管理系教授陳建民,及曾客座於應用外語系之外籍教授漢貴恩,相關圖片則由呂怡艷、李筱梅、蔡瑩慧、呂昭勇等提供,全書中英對照、圖文並茂,實為地區從事外語導覽解說之寶典,內容計分金門簡介、戰役史蹟、風景名勝、民俗特產、小吃、行程建議等章節。本報將透過專刊形式陸續刊載,供各界參考應用,並對金門縣政府、交通旅遊局、國立金門技術學院一併致謝。】 Foreword In recent years, due to the trend of globalization, economic developments have gradually become more and more important, and the tourism industry has also been affected. Kinmen was a battlefield, and its tourism industry started late and lagged behind, but its profound cultural resources and precious war history could not be ignored. Therefore, the government of Kinmen has been constantly focused on culture and tourism development, and one of the policies I have been making efforts to implement since my tenure of office is to "make Kinmen known on both sides of the Strait, and to move towards the global community". The way of making Kinmen connected with the global community lies feasibly and practically in the development of the tourism industry. Thus an in-depth English guidebook of Kinmen tourism is necessary for foreigners. For this reason, Kinmen County Government purposely invited professors of National Kinmen Institute of Technology to write this book for those who would like to know more about Kinmen, and they are likely to love Kinmen more after reading it. This English-Chinese guidebook focuses upon and systematically sorts out all of the tourism resources in Kinmen to suit the readers' need. The book can also contribute to the development of Kinmen tourism industry as well as to the promotion of Kinmen internationally. Besides that, the book is presented in the form of a series of dialogues between a tourist and a tour guide. Anyone who makes good use of this guidebook can both be a good promoter of Kinmen tourism and an informal participant in foreign service. Lee Chu-feng Mayor of Kinmen 縣長序 近年來在全球化的趨勢下,經濟發展的重要性與日俱增,而觀光產業更是受到立即且直接的影響。金門曾屬戰地,在發展觀光方面起步較晚,但是其雄厚的文化資產與珍貴的戰役史蹟是不容忽視的。因此,文化和觀光立縣一直是金門的重要施政目標,而「讓兩岸認識金門,讓金門走向世界」,也是本人上任以來大力倡導的政策之一。 欲讓金門和世界接軌,從觀光產業上著手是實際而可行的。要讓國際人士認識金門,也必須要有深入的英文導覽書籍。有鑑於此,本府特別委請國立金門技術學院編纂本書,使外籍人士在認識金門之餘,進而瞭解金門、喜歡金門。 本書將金門觀光各方面的資源以中英文對照,作有系統的整理、分類,內容豐富詳實,符合讀者需求,而且對促進金門觀光事業的發展極為重要,也是推動金門走向國際化的第一步。此外,本書對於導遊與遊客雙方之互動,也提供了一份生動的劇本。任何人善用本書,在推銷金門觀光之餘,也能同時做好國民外交的工作。 金門縣縣長 李炷烽 中華民國九十三年夏 金門簡介(Briefing) Kinmen has many ancient names such as Wujhou, Sianjhou, Wujiang, Changwu and so on. During the twentieth year in the reign of Emperor Hong Wu in the Ming dynasty (1387A.D.), Jhou Teh-shing, Marquis(註1) of Jianghsia established a one-thousand-household garrison(註2) at Old Jincheng to defend this island. The name of Kinmen ("Gateway Fortress") was given because the island was considered impregnable(註3) and safe, a fortified fortress that could serve as a gateway for navigational routes. In 1915, Kinmen became a full-fledged(註4) autonomous county. 金門舊時稱為浯洲、仙洲、浯江、滄浯等。後來明太祖洪武 20 年(西元 1387年),江夏侯周德興在島上(現在的舊金城) 置守禦千戶所,築城設寨。並且,因為島上的地勢「固若金湯,雄鎮海門」,所以取名為「金門城」。民國四年(西元1915年),金門始設縣治。 Kinmen is an historical island, and is full of human and natural resources. It has 15 additional islands, including the largest secondary island, Lieyu (Little Kinmen), Dadan, and Erdan islets, etc., with a total area of about 150.456 square meters. Kinmen has five administrative townships, namely Jincheng, Jinhu, Jinsha, Jinning, and Lieyu. Its population is approximately 60,000. 金門是一個歷史悠久的小島,島上有豐富的人文資源和自然資源。目前總面積約為150.456平方公里,包括金門本島、烈嶼(小金門)、大膽、二膽等共有十五個大小島嶼。在行政區域上區分為金城鎮、金湖鎮、金沙鎮、金寧鄉、烈嶼鄉等五個鄉鎮,現有人口近60,000人。 Located to the west of the Taiwan Strait and at the Jiulong River estuary(註5) off the coast of Xiamen, Kinmen is strategically important. Because of its position, Kinmen has experienced many battles in history. In October of 1937, Kinmen was occupied by the Japanese military, and didn't recover from the enemy until 1945 when the ROC won the Anti-Japanese war. In 1949, the Nationalist army retreated from mainland China and was stationed in Kinmen. On October 25th of the same year, a battle occurred at Guningtou. The ensuing(註6) battles that occurred in Kinmen include the Dadan & Erdan Battle in 1950, the September 3rd Battle in 1954, and the August 23rd Artillery Battle in 1958. Fortunately, Kinmen has survived many battles and become an internationally famous island. 金門位於台灣海峽以西、廈門沿海的九龍江口外。由於戰略位置重要,在這小小的島嶼上,曾經受到幾次戰役的洗禮。民國二十六年(西元1937年)十月金門淪陷於日本,直到民國三十四年(西元1945年)抗日戰爭勝利後,金門才回歸祖國。民國三十八年(西元1949年)國軍從大陸撤退後,即駐守金門,同年十月二十五日發生古寧頭大戰;民國三十九年(西元1950年)發生大二膽戰役;民國四十三年(西元1954年)有九三砲戰;民國四十七年(西元1958年)則發生八二三砲戰等。所幸經歷這麼多的戰爭,金門仍然屹力不搖,並且成為舉世聞名的小島。 The traditional southern Fujian architecture is one of the features in Kinmen. Besides that, the combination of Chinese and Western style houses is another. Those houses built by early residents of Kinmen who had made a fortune doing business in the Southeast Asian countries still remain examples of stylish southern Fujian architecture, even if they are blended in with a foreign flavor. 金門的閩南傳統建築是島上的特色之一;此外,中西合璧的洋樓亦是金門建築的另一項特色。由金門早期先民到南洋一帶經商致富返鄉所建造的洋房,除了保留閩南建築風格外,還融合了南洋的風味。 Kinmen has a subtropical climate. After the middle of September of each year, the northeastern monsoon(註7) wind strengthens and blows to Kinmen. Not until April of the following year does the wind change its direction to come from the southwest. With the blowing of the southwestern wind in April, Kinmen usually hides itself in the midst of mist and fog. The four seasons of Kinmen are very clear, and the months with an average temperature above 20 degrees Celsius total six, from May through October. The yearly precipitation(註8) of Kinmen measures as low as 1,000 millimeters or so. Since there is not any river here, a lot of lakes and dams have been dug and built during the past ten years to meet the residents' demand for water. The basal rocks of Kinmen are of granite-gneiss(註9) formation, and the highest mountain on the island is Taiwu Mountain, at an elevation(註10) of 253 meters above sea level. Due to its poor soil, the agricultural activities in Kinmen are mostly centered on dry land crops such as sorghum, wheat, peanut, sweet potato, taro, etc. 金門屬於亞熱帶氣候,九月中旬以後,東北季風漸漸增強;直到翌年四月才漸漸轉為西南風。四月的西南風,常常將金門鎖在迷濛的濃霧中。金門四季分明,平均溫度在攝氏20度以上的有六個月(每年的五月至十月),年雨量大約在一千公厘左右;由於沒有巨川長流,近十年來,大量開闢人工湖庫,以解決民生用水。島上的地質主要是花崗片麻岩;最高峰是太武山,海拔253公尺。在土壤貧瘠不良的情況下,農業生產以旱作為主,種植高粱、小麥、花生、地瓜、芋頭等。(一) 簡略解說- ‧註1:marquis /noun/-侯爵。西方的貴族制度正好可與我國封建時代「公、侯、伯、子、男」相對應,其英文翻譯為:公爵-duke;侯爵-marquess(或marquis);伯爵-earl;子爵-viscount;男爵-baron。 ‧註2:garrison /noun/-可指駐防的部隊或駐在地,亦即要塞。類似的同義詞還包括fort、fortress、(military)post等。 ‧註3:impregnable /adj/-堅不可摧的,難以攻陷的。 ‧註4:fledged /adj/-其原意(fledge)為照顧小鳥使其羽翼豐滿,此處以分詞形式用為形容詞,表示有法定資格、已具備資格、有能力的、稱職的。 ‧註5:estuary /noun/-河口 ‧註6:ensuing /adj/-接踵而來的,接著發生的 ‧註7:monsoon /noun/-季風;亦指雨季 ‧註8:precipitation /noun/-降雨量 ‧註9:granite-gneiss /noun/-這兩個單字分別指花崗石與片麻岩 ‧註10:elevation /noun/-海拔,用於指涉高度時,通常說 at an elevation of ~
戰地金門漆彈挑戰賽優勝出列 The "2008 Battleground Kinmen Paintball Challenge" ended successfully after the final round held at Jiacun Barrack on December 7 came to a close. Ten teams (in total almost 100 contestants) took part in the challenge and National Kinmen Institute of Technology Freemen Team (Sports and Recreation Department) emerged as the champion, with Wireless KINMEN BEST NETWORK and KMIT Island Recreation Resource Development Institute becoming the 1st and 2nd runner-up respectively. 「2008戰地金門漆彈挑戰賽」於十二月七日假賈村營區展開決賽後落幕,共有十隊近百人參賽,戰績由金大自由人隊(運動與休閒系)封王、中華金廈聯網獲得亞軍、金大島嶼休閒資源發展研究所獲得季軍 。 The event was organized by Kinmen County Government, hosted by the Paintball Sports Committee of Kinmen Sports Association and assisted by the KMIT and Kinmen County Stadium. The opening ceremony was jointly hosted by Kinmen Sports Association Paintball Sports Committee Chairman Hsu Yu-chao and KMIT President Lee Chin-chen. Several guests of honor including Kinmen County Stadium Director Hsu Huan-sheng and Kinmen County Sports Association Secretary Hsin Lei-ta cheered for contestants and the event ended when KMIT Dean of Student Affairs Tung Shen and Staff of Chief Lin Pen-yuan presented the awards to the winning teams in the afternoon. 這項由金門縣政府主辦、金門體育會漆彈運動委員會承辦、國立金門技術學院與金門縣立體育場協辦的賽會,係由金門體育會漆彈運動委員會主委許玉昭與國立金門技術學院李金振校長共同主持開幕,金門縣立體育場許換生場長、金門體育會辛雷達秘書長等貴賓到場加油打氣,下午則由國立金門技術學院董燊學務長和林本源總幹事代表頒獎績優單位圓滿結束活動。 Kinmen Sports Association Paintball Sports Committee Chairman Hsu Yu-chao (who is concurrently also the deputy speaker of Kinmen County Council) pointed out that the 2008 Battleground Kinmen Paintball Challenge not only has incorporated the standardized tournament format that has been widely popular abroad, but also features Kinmen's unique battleground culture so as to achieve the perfect combination of paintball sports in an old military barracks setting. In order to enter the site, contestants had to cover a meandering path under the shade of densely populated trees. As they came upon the gates of the barracks, the sentry box of the barracks greeted the visitors. Once the teams make it into the barracks, they were treated to the sight of dozens of tanks parked to their left. Not only that, the barrack's living quarters, pillboxes and command center were still intact. To create the most authentic battleground for paintball tournament in such a realistic setting, Kinmen is undoubtedly the most suitable location. 金門體育會漆彈運動委員會主委(縣議會副議長)許玉昭表示,此次的漆彈挑戰賽不但以國內外盛行的標準式賽制為基準,更結合金門在地特有的戰地文化,使漆彈運動與舊式營區做到最佳的結合,要進入營區前,必須先經過蜿蜒小道,隨即迎面而來的高樹密林,見到營區的大門時,仍保留著衛兵所用的哨亭,一進到營區,左手邊便停著數十台戰車,營區裡更是有保留完整的房舍、碉堡與指揮部,在這樣的環境佈置出最流行的漆彈場地,除了金門,應是無第二個地方了。 As the tournament went on, we were surprised to learn from the competing players that the schedule, format and equipment/peripherals provided by the organizers were simply way beyond what they have anticipated. For players who have taken part in paintball tournaments elsewhere, they were expecting the organizer to choose the living quarters in the barracks as the battleground in order to provide sufficient cover. They were pleasantly surprised to find out that the preparation of the game venue not only offered authentic battleground touches and excitement but also took safety and challenge into consideration. The organizers have gone at great lengths to make sure that contestants could experience professional venue planning and tournament arrangements that are on par with major paintball events organized abroad. In the preliminary round-robin, every team will have the opportunity to compete against four other teams. Not only that, the organizer has provided 120 rounds of ammunition for every contestant to ensure that everyone gets sufficient firepower. Should contestants require more rounds, the tournament also allows players to purchase additional rounds so that competing teams can truly indulge in the excitement of paintball sport while flexibly adjust their tactics when facing different teams. The planning and arrangement of 2008 Battleground Kinmen Paintball Challenge not only offers adrenaline-pumping excitement and safety but also made sure that the tournament would be easy on the contestants' pockets. 賽程進行中,我們由許多次參加挑戰賽的選手們得知,這次漆彈挑戰賽之賽程、賽制與大會供應的裝備和器具,實在完全超出原先所預期,以前有參加過漆彈賽的選手們,人人都以為會如往常一樣,以營區內之房舍作為賽場與掩體,沒想到此次的賽場佈置能不失戰地風情與刺激並同時顧及安全性與挑戰性,更能讓其體驗到與國內外相差無幾之場地規劃與賽制安排,且光於預賽之循環賽制中,每組至少就能與不同的四個隊伍互相攻防交戰,光大會所提供之基本的子彈數,每人就高達120發,再加上能自行增購子彈之賽制,在能盡情體驗漆彈運動之餘,更能因每隊不同之戰術風格,作最大的調整,如此的規劃與安排,不但是刺激又安全,更是經濟又實惠。
Dancing with passion and vigor amidst chilling wind at the Magistrate's Cup Dancing Championship
縣長盃舞蹈賽寒風中熱舞 The "2008 Kinmen County Magistrate's Cup & National Dancesport Championship" kicked off on a high note at Kinmen County Stadium in the afternoon of December 7. It is estimated that about 150 "expert dancers" from 13 counties and cities across Taiwan gathered at the venue to pit their dance moves against other contestants and show off their healthy and vibrant energies. Despite the chilly weather, the heat on the dance floor simply couldn't be higher. The event also attracted a large audience of dance lovers at the venue. All events, along with the award giving ceremony were held at night. 「2008金門縣第七屆縣長盃暨全國運動舞蹈錦標賽」十二月七日下午在縣立體育場熱絡展開,計有十三個縣市近一百五十位的「舞」林高手齊聚一堂飆舞競技,舞出健康活力,儘管天氣相當寒冷,但場內熱力四射,也吸引不少愛舞人士到場欣賞,全部賽程並在晚間頒獎閉幕。 The championship commenced at 1:00 P.M. at Kinmen County Stadium where contestants in each group competed in the preliminary round, followed by the second round and final round. The opening ceremony that started at 4:00 P.M. was hosted by Kinmen County Chief Secretary, Lu Chih-hui, and attended by guests of honor including Director of Kinmen County Stadium, Hsu Huan-Sheng, Jincheng Township Representative Council Chairman, Chen Tien-Cheng, National Dance Association Vice Chairman, Wang Yun-wen, Yu Cheng-cheng, Kinmen County Sports Association Secretary, Hsin Lei-ta, Kinmen County Dancesport Committee Chairman, Huang Tien-lai, Staff of Chif Chen Shih-yao and Deputy Staff of Chif Wang Chien-yu along with dancers from 13 counties/cities across Taiwan including Taipei City, Taipei County, Kaohsiung City, Kaohsiung County, Keelung City, Taoyuan County, Taoyuan City, Taichung County, Miaoli County, Chiayi City, Pintung County, Yunlin County and Kinmen County, whom have come together to compete and make new acquaintances through the event. 這項比賽下午一時起在縣立體育館展開各組初、複、決賽,下午四時登場的開幕典禮,由縣府主任秘書盧志輝主持,縣立體育場場長許換生、金城鎮代表會主席陳天成、全國舞蹈運動協會副理事長王允文、游正成、金門縣體育會秘書長辛雷達、金門縣舞蹈運動委員會主委黃天來、總幹事陳世耀、副總幹事王建裕等到場參加,以及來自台北市、台北縣、高雄市、高雄縣、基隆市、桃園縣、桃園市、台中縣、苗栗縣、嘉義市、屏東縣、雲林縣等縣市及金門縣等十三個縣市的舞林高手同場較技、以舞會友。 Magistrate Lee Chu-feng was unable to attend the event as he was caught up with official affairs in Taiwan. On his behalf, Secretary General Lu welcomed all contestants from Taiwan and encouraged them to fraternize with fellow dance enthusiasts from Kinmen. He added that 2008 marks the 7th year of the Kinmen County Magistrate's Cup & National Dance Championship and that the event has jumpstarted the trend of dancing in Kinmen County. 主任秘書盧志輝也代表因公赴台無法到場的李炷烽縣長歡迎來自台灣各縣市的參賽選手與金門的同好交流,他指出,縣長盃暨全國運動舞蹈錦標賽今年邁入第七年,帶動金門地區的舞蹈風氣。 The Secretary General complimented Kinmen County Dancesport Committee Chairman, Huang Tien-lai, and Chao Peng-ying represented Kinmen to participate in the dance event under the mixed division at this year's National Games. The duo managed to win the gold medal for Singles Modern Tango with their adept and perfect moves. Secretary General Lu thanked Chairman Huang's effort for international standard ballroom dancing in Kinmen to take roots from zero and gradually thrived. At long last, dance becames a widely popular sport in Kinmen and dancers from Kinmen and Taiwan proper deserve all the credit for their support and promotion in order for dance to become the pride of Kinmen. 他也提到本縣舞蹈運動委員會主委黃天來與趙蓬英,代表地區參加今年全民運動會混合組舞蹈運動比賽,以精湛、完美的表現,拿下摩登單項探戈項目金牌。在他的推動下,地區國標舞從無到有,慢慢成長茁壯,而金門的舞蹈運動遍地開花,台金舞蹈選手的支持與推動,功不可沒,這也是金門榮幸。 Chief Secretary Lu also took the opportunity to welcome dance enthusiasts from Taiwan proper to visit Kinmen in their spare time so as to promote the local tourism industry and facilitate Kinmen's prosperity. 他並歡迎台灣的舞蹈同好平常也利用閒暇來金門旅遊,促進金門的觀光發展,帶動金門的繁榮。 Jointly organized by Kinmen County Council, Kinmen County Government, Kinmen Sports Association and the Office of Legislator, Chen Fu-hai and hosted by Kinmen County Dance Committee under Kinmen Sports Association, contestants that took part in the dance championship include dancers from the host Kinmen County along with nearly 150 international standard ballroom dancers from 12 counties/cities in Taiwan. Items in the championship include Modern Dance, Latin Dance, Waltz, Tango, Cha-cha and Rumba. Contestants were divided into groups of Professional Rising Star A, Professional Rising Star B, Professional C, Amateur A, Amateur B, Middle Age A, Middle Age B, Beginners, Advanced Beginners, Evergreen Dancers, College Students, Adult Social Singles to compete in over 34 dance items. The panel of judges didn't miss out any action as they demonstrated their techniques in the exciting performance items, which won enthusiastic applause from contestants and audiences alike. 由金門縣議會、金門縣政府、金門體育會、陳福海立委國會辦公室主辦、金門體育會舞蹈運動委員會承辦的這項舞蹈錦標賽包括地主隊金門縣,及來自台省十二縣市近一百五十位國標舞高手參與,比賽分為摩登舞、拉丁舞、華爾滋、探戈、恰恰、倫巴項目,組別計有:職業新星A組、職業新星B組、職業C組、業餘A組、業餘B組、壯年A組、壯年B組、新人組、準新人組、百齡長青組、大專組、成人社交單項等三十四個舞蹈項目的比賽,而擔任評審的老師也進行精彩的表演賽,獲得熱烈掌聲。 Donned in glittering and revealing costumes, the female contestants flaunted their sexiness through their dances. The masterly dance techniques and moves by professional dancers were another eye-opener for the audience. Regardless of dances, be it Waltz or Tango for the Modern Dances or Jitterbug/Cha-Cha/Rumba for the Latin Dances, the contestants danced gracefully to the music and concentrated fully in their dances. Paired dancers moved in perfect, synchronized movements as contestants pitted their techniques and elegant postures to display their healthy energies. The contestants' graceful movements and refined dance techniques caught the eyes of all audiences and elicited generous applause and cheers from them. Although the weather outside was harsh and cold, the heat within the stadium definitely warmed the hearts of everyone at the venue. 比賽中女選手的閃亮性感服裝打扮、清涼火辣展現舞技,以及職業選手的純熟舞技表演,讓到場鄉親大開眼界,不論是摩登舞的華爾滋、探戈,或拉丁舞的吉魯巴、恰恰、倫巴等等,選手隨著音樂婆娑起舞,投入舞蹈的情境中,搭檔舉手投足之間默契十足,大家秀舞技、比舞姿、舞出健康活力,優雅動人的曼妙舞姿與精湛的舞技,也吸引在場所有人的目光,掌聲也不時響起,相較於室外的冷颼颼天候,室內是顯得熱力四射。 The event turned out to be a big success and concluded at 6:00 P.M. with the winning contestants receiving their awards from the organizer.The contestants also promised to meet once again in the following year's event. 比賽至傍晚六時許圓滿落幕,各組優勝也由主辦單位頒獎獎勵,大家也相約明年再見。
Bird Watching At Kinmen - a comprehensive local bird watching guide edited and compiled by Kinmen County Government has finally been published for circulation. Featuring exquisite print quality and rich image/text contents, Bird Watching At Kinmen is without a doubt the best souvenir one could find for foreign guests and visitors. 由金門縣政府編印的「觀鳥金門」金門賞鳥指南,已出版面世。由於印刷精美,圖像、解說詳實,成為致贈來訪外賓最佳伴手禮。 In the preface of Bird Watching At Kinmen, Kinmen County Magistrate Lee Chu-Feng wrote, "When you come to Kinmen, slow down your pace; let your mind and soul settle down so that you will be able to appreciate the harmony between culture and nature here with a peaceful mind. When you come to Kinmen, relax your senses so that you may witness with awe the beauty of Kinmen ecology that has come to existence from time immemorial." 縣長李炷烽在為金門賞鳥指南寫序文指出,來金門,請您放慢腳步、沉澱心靈,靜心領略人文與自然的和諧;來金門,請您開放感官、誠心體驗,讚嘆這亙古以來的生態情境之美。 Magistrate Lee went on by explaining that due to Kinmen's geographical location (right in the middle section along the arc-shaped coastal line of Mainland China), the county happens to be positioned along the route of migration for many species of birds and thus boasts rich bird ecology resources along with battlefield landscape and innocent folk customs of the Southern Fujian people. Due to Kinmen's natural environment that offers diversified habitats for birds and its unique geographical location, Kinmen County is renowned as an important habitat for birds with the highest bird species density throughout Taiwan. At present, almost three hundred different species of birds have been sighted and reported at Kinmen, many of which are rare or have never been sighted in Taiwan proper. Examples include resident birds such as the Hoopoe, Greater Coucal, Magpie-robin, Collared Crow, Blue-tailed Bee-eater (summer visitor) and Great Crested Grebe (winter visitor). 他並指出,位於大陸弧形沿岸中間地帶的金門是候鳥南來北往的路徑,擁有豐富的鳥類生態資源、戰地風光及古樸的閩南僑鄉風情。因多樣的棲地環境和特殊地理位置,讓金門成為鳥類重要棲息地,鳥類密度為全台之冠,記錄到的鳥類近三百種,諸多常見的鳥種是台灣本島罕見或是從無紀錄的種類。如留鳥中的戴勝、褐翅鴉鵑、鵲鴝、玉頸鴉,夏候鳥的栗喉蜂虎,冬候鳥的冠鷿虒鳥等。 Magistrate Lee pointed out that it is a common sight at Kinmen to see different types of birds being around people and hear the songs of different species at all times. As you enjoy the caress of the gentle summer breeze on your face, you will be able to appreciate the bright colored plumes and nimble flying techniques of Blue-tailed Bee-eaters (dubbed as "the fairies of summer"). Alternatively, you can also brave the harsh seasonal winds to witness the magnificent view of the sky filled with countless Great Cormorant in flight. 李炷烽指出,在金門隨處可見與人朝夕相伴的鳥影,隨時可聆聽此起彼落的各類鳴聲,迎著夏季微風你可以造訪有著鮮艷的羽色和靈巧飛行技巧的「夏日精靈」─栗喉蜂虎。當然你也可頂著凜冽的東北季風,體會鸕鶿漫天飛舞、大軍壓境的懾人氣勢。 The content of Bird Watching At Kinmen covers the introduction to Kinmen County's geographical location, an overview of bird species sighted at Kinmen, recommended spots for bird watching, reminders on rules of bird watching, tips on how to use the bird guide and a comprehensive catalogue of birds that can be seen in Kinmen and so forth. The images and texts were singly contributed by renowned filmmaker Liang Chieh-Te. 「觀鳥金門」金門賞鳥指南,內容包括:金門的地理位置、金門的鳥類概況介紹、觀鳥何處去?如何觀鳥?如何使用賞鳥指南?彩羽繽紛、金門鳥類名錄…等。並由梁皆得撰文、攝影。 The guide stated that though Kinmen County is relatively small in size, the region boasts an incredibly long history that spanned over 1600 years due to early civilization development. Because of its unique geographical location, Kinmen has been a strategic spot that has witnessed countless combat for its control. And as such, the local environment has undergone a dramatic alteration due to numerous military activities. Kinmen was originally an island proliferated with greenery and wild growth. However, due to excessive cultivation by the pioneers and extensive destruction caused by bandits, Kinmen in the present day is plagued by fierce gusts of wind and sand along with large areas of barren land. As a result, local residents had to rely on the neighboring China for livelihood supplies. However, Kinmen County became the ROC government frontline of conflict with the communist PRC government when the relationship between the two governments turned hostile in 1949. In the eyes of people living on Taiwan proper, the area has been shrouded in a veil of mystery ever since. 書中指出,金門面積雖小,但開發時間甚早,至今已有一千六百多年的歷史。也因地理位置十分特殊重要,自古以來便是兵家必爭之地,因此環境多因軍事的需要受到重大的改變。金門原為綠意盎然的海島,但經先民不斷墾伐及盜寇外力的破壞,造成金門日後的飛砂滾滾,土地貧瘠,所有民生物資幾乎都仰賴鄰近的大陸。到民國三十八年國共對立後,金門成為中華民國反共復國的前線,從此便蒙上一層神秘的面紗。 Due to the demands for military operations, Kinmen has undergone extensive reforestation and greening along with excavations for ponds and reservoirs for the purpose of water retention all these years. In addition, coastline control was also enforced at Kinmen. Consequently, such development has created diversified ecological systems at Kinmen that offer an ideal habitat for birds to breed. Coupled with the fact that Kinmen County is located right at the center of east Asian islands, the area serves as the perfect rest spot for migratory birds bound north/south in different seasons. These factors result in significant influence of Kinmen's current environment and contributed to the ecological diversity and profound species of birds to be spotted at Kinmen County today. This explains why enthusiastic bird watchers can't help but return to Kinmen again and again. 因為軍事的需要,島上長期進行植樹綠化人工造林的工作、為蓄水而開挖池塘、水庫,並實施海岸線管制,這無意間形成了金門多元的生態系,提供鳥類極佳的棲息、繁殖場所。加上金門位於東亞島弧的中間地位,也提供南來北往遷移的候鳥一個良好的停棲點。這種種的因素無不對金門的環境產生重大的影響,造就了金門地區今日生態環境的多樣性及鳥類生態的豐富度,這也是吸引觀鳥人一而再、再而三來金門的動機。 And what about the distribution of bird species at Kinmen? According to Bird Watching At Kinmen, there are currently over 9,000 species of birds around the world today that have been categorized under 27 orders and 155 families. Due to the separation of the earth's terrain, different bird species are found in different areas across the world with varying distributions. Ornithologists have divided the territories of bird distribution around the world into seven ecozones: Palearctic, Nearctic, Indomalaya, Oceania, Afrotropic, Neotrapic and Antarctic. Kinmen falls under the ecozone of Indomalaya and bird species that distribute across Mainland China and the Himalayan mountain range can be sighted locally. 而金門的鳥類概況如何呢?根據金門賞鳥指南書中指出,全世界鳥的種類約有九千多種,牠們分屬於二十七大目一百五十五科。因為地理環境的隔離,分隔了鳥種類別與分布。鳥類研究學者們將全世界的鳥類分布區分為:舊北區、新北區、東洋區、大洋區、衣索匹亞沙漠區、南美熱帶雨林區及極地區七個區塊。金門地區的鳥類分布延續了中國大陸及喜馬拉雅山系的鳥種,屬東洋區。 The guide proceeds by stating that in the world of birds, Kinmen is truly a unique place with extremely rich natural resources. Despite its small land area, the island features a comprehensive combination of ideal habitats for different species of birds. The surrounding waters of Kinmen County feature ecological environments such as the sea, coastline, muddy shores, lakes, marshes and fish ponds along with terrains including fields, hills, agricultural lands, forests and shrubs where wild birds can be sighted, even in places populated by people. 書中指出,以鳥類世界而言,金門是個得天獨厚的地方,島嶼面積雖小,但適合鳥類棲息的各類棲地交疊錯落在一起,全島水域環境有海域、海岸、泥灘、湖泊、沼澤、魚塭,陸地有田野、山丘、農耕地、樹林、灌叢等,包括聚落在內,幾乎都有野鳥的蹤跡。 It is also revealed in the guide that according the data gathered nearly twenty years by Wild Bird Society of Kinmen, the accumulated number of bird species spotted in Kinmen has reached 305 (approximately 284 species in Xiamen and 550 species in Taiwan proper). Considering the size of Kinmen County and the number of bird species, bird distribution density in Kinmen is considerably high. 書中並指出,目前金門地區累計發現的鳥種數量,根據金門縣野鳥學會近二十年來累計的資料顯示,已多達三百零五種(廈門約二百八十四種、台灣約為五百五十種);這樣的鳥種數量,如果以單位面積來說,是鳥類分布密度相當高的地區。 Resident bird species that remain in Kinmen throughout the year to breed have exceeded forty. Out of these species, the relatively special ones include the Black-winged Kite, Hoopoe, Pied Kingfisher, White-breast Kingfisher, Magpie-robin, Greater Coucal, Oystercatcher and so forth. These species are special because they are migratory birds that are rarely or simply not found in Taiwan proper but can be easily sighted in Kinmen. In addition, since Kinmen is located along the route of migratory birds in east Asia, many species of migratory birds that are found in colder regions in northern Asia often make their transit during falls/winters and springs in Kinmen while other species simply spend the winter in Kinmen. 而終年棲息於金門繁殖的留鳥約有四十種之多,這些留鳥中較特殊的鳥種有黑翅鳶、戴勝、斑翡翠、白胸翡翠、鵲鴝、褐翅鴉鵑、蠣鷸等,這些鳥種是台灣沒有分布或極為稀少的候鳥,但在金門卻普遍可見。另外,因地處東亞遷移候鳥必經的要道,許多生活在北方寒冷國度的遷移性候鳥,在秋冬或春天會過境,甚至留在金門地區度冬。 Bird Watching At Kinmen also noted that out of all winter visitors, the Great Cormorant is the most well known species among bird watchers for their size, conspicuous black plumage and flock size. According to statistical data, the number of Great Cormorants that stay in Kinmen during winters has grown steadily over the years. The current record is close to 10,000 and the sight of flocks of Great Cormorant returning to their roost site in the evening makes a spectacular view. Other noteworthy winter visitors that can be sighted in Kinmen include the Falcated Duck, Black-capped Kingfisher, Black-faced Spoonbill, Great Crested Grebe, Wryneck and so forth. The season of winter is truly the best period for bird watching as the birds at Kinmen reach the apex in terms of both species and number. 書中指出,在冬候鳥中最令人熟知的就是體型又大又黑、數量又多的鸕鶿了。根據統計,這幾年來,牠們在金門度冬的數量,正年年的增加中,目前已有將近上萬隻紀錄,每當黃昏時牠們飛回夜棲地休息,特殊飛行景觀令人讚嘆。其他來度冬的鳥類較引人注目的鳥種還有羅紋鴨、黑頭翡翠、黑面琵鷺、冠鷿虒鳥、地啄木等,冬天可說是金門鳥類不論是種類和數量上都最為豐盛的季節。 The guide also reminds the reader that birds are indicative organisms that are crucial to the environment. Their diversity indicates the richness in resources that an environment has to offer. As far as the birds are concerned, Kinmen provides a safe habitat and a paradise where they can live freely. In fact, the birds that are sighted in Kinmen make a unique resource that belong exclusively to the area and function as a sustained resource for tourism. Kinmen is an island of wonder where man and birds can coexist in harmony and bird watching is one of the most relaxing and natural recreation activities one may engage in while in Kinmen. 觀鳥指南提到,鳥類是環境重要的指標生物,牠們的多樣陳述了環境提供的豐富性。對鳥類來說,金門是牠們可依的棲所,是牠們生活的天堂,而鳥類對金門來說是一項不可多得特殊的自然資源,也是永續的觀光資源,金門呈現了鳥類與人和諧的生活在同一個空間的奇幻島。觀鳥在金門,可說是輕鬆自在的休閒活動。
Cultural Affairs Bureau Sends Staffto Inspect Abandoned Buildingsin Mofan Street
文化局派員實勘模範街頹屋 On Mofan Street, a national historic building site at the East Gate of Jincheng, citizens reported that buildings with doorplate numbers 29 and 31 were dilapidated and dangerous, and tiles fell off every so often. As the safety of such buildings is questionable, local citizens urged the authorities to renovate and refurbish them. After an onsite inspection of these buildings and coordination meetings, the responsible staff of the Cultural Affairs Bureau would communicate with the owners as soon as possible and apply to the relevant units for the renovation fee in order to bring safety back to tourists and local citizens. 列為全國歷史建築之一的金城東門模範街,民眾反映29、31號的老舊房子岌岌可危,近日常有瓦片掉落,安全堪虞,附近居民亟盼相關單位協助設法改善修繕,文化局承辦人專程前往實勘,經開會協調後將盡快和業主溝通協調,爭取相關單位補助經費修繕,還給觀光客、居民行的安全。 According to Director-General Hsi-long Li of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, there is always a painstaking story behind every historic building. These buildings stand in history, past and present, accompanying the efforts and growth of local people and accumulating brilliant and beautiful culture. The beauty of southern Fujian architecture in Kinmen attracts tourists from home and abroad. The beauty of ancient Western buildings is always refreshing to our eyes. However, buildings cannot withstand the ravages of time and the wearing away by wind and rain. Unoccupied buildings turn are deserted, abandoned and eventually collapse. Therefore, full use of revitalization and maintenance is the only way to retain these ancient Western buildings. 文化局長李錫隆表示,每一棟歷史建築的背後,都有一段嘔心瀝血的故事,這些歷史建築矗立於亙古的時空中,陪伴在地人努力與成長,不斷澱積出燦爛、華美的文化。而金門閩南建築之美,更讓到訪的中外遊客欽羡,古洋樓建築之美,也總讓人眼睛為之一亮。只是,建築也敵不過歲月摧殘,和風吹日曬雨淋的洗禮,沒有人居住的變荒廢、頹屋、傾倒。善加活化利用和維護,則是保有古洋樓建築之美的不二法門。 According to Hsiang-Kun Tsai, Chief of Dongmen Village, the old buildings at 29 and 31 Mofan Street are in great peril because they have long been out of repair. The cracked walls and broken tiles have been falling off, and their structural safety is questionable. According to local citizens, many tourists and locals pass through the street; if these slanting buildings suddenly collapse, the consequences are worse than anything imaginable. Therefore, they urge the authorities to help them solve the problem "right before our eyes". 東門里長蔡祥坤指出,模範街29、31號的老舊房子因年久失修,岌岌可危,殘垣斷瓦,隨時都有崩毀的可能,近日已有瓦片掉落,安全堪虞。許多里民表示這條街每天都有觀光客、鄉親行經,若是半傾的危樓突然倒塌,後果將不堪設想,急盼相關單位可以協助解決「橫在眼前」的問題。 Some local citizens recommended that road submergence is very common on Mofan Street as a result of the traffic. Therefore, buildings nearby are either cracked or incline. They hoped that the authorities put moveable road barrier at the entrance of Mofan Street to prevent vehicles from entry. If the traffic reduces, the submergence problem of road surface will also reduce. 也有里民提出建言,模範街因車輛進出頻繁,導致路面發生地層下陷,附近的建築物牆柱也出現皸裂傾斜,希望相關單位能在模範街出入口規劃設置阻絕汽車進出的活動式路拴,平日減少車輛由街道進出,減低地層下陷。 After receiving the report of dangerous old buildings at 29 and 31 Mofan Street from citizens, responsible staff of the Cultural Affairs Bureau conducted an onsite inspection. After holding coordination meetings with the relevant units, the bureau decided to communicate with the owners immediately to discuss the rescue of these historic buildings, and to apply for funds to renovate the buildings in order to bring safety and beautiful back to the tourists and locals. 針對民眾反映模範街29、31號的老舊房子岌岌可危,文化局承辦人經前往實勘,並召集相關單位開會協調後,會議決定將盡快和業主溝通協調搶修歷史建築,並爭取相關單位補助經費修繕,還給觀光客、居民行的安全與景色整體美觀。 Information shows that Mofan Street is one of the national historic building sites located at the East Gate of Jincheng. It was an internal training field during the Qing Dynasty. With the recommendations of local gentries Hsi-Chi Fu and Tung-Wen Weng, they were built with funds raised from Overseas Chinese in South Asia in 1924. They built a total of 40 street houses lying horizontally and vertically along the street with a total length of about 75 meters. When construction was completed in 1925, Chairperson Fu named the street Mofan. 據了解列為全國歷史建築之一模範街,位於金城東門,舊址為清代內校場。民國十三年(1924年),地方仕紳傅錫琪及翁同文等人的倡議下,自南洋僑界集資擬興建。他們興築了全長約七十五公尺、直街及橫街共四十間的「店屋」。翌年(1925年)完工,傅會長取名為「模範街」。 The meticulous and solid redbrick arched corridor is the most distinctive feature of Mofan Street. Unlike the fanciful street houses in Baroque style built in colonial Taiwan, the style of these street houses is clean and presents nothing superfluous. The architect was Ting-Yuan Wang, a native of Kinmen whose father was the famous master Yi-Shun Wang of the Hueiansidi Village. Influenced by the five bases architectural specification of immigrant cities in South Asia, Wang reserved a 5-foot aisle on the ground floor (resembling to Taiwan din-a-ka). The facade of the buildings is made with pure red bricks, and the window frames are varied. The parapet is decorated with indigo fencing, and there is a small balcony on the second floor of three units to distinguish some difference from the entire complex. The street was announced as a historic building site on 31 March 2003 to denote its cultural value and fully illustrate the relationships between Kinmen locals, immigrants from South Asia and the modern history of Kinmen. 模範街建築最鮮明的特徵,是縝密且紮實的紅磚拱廊,造型簡潔無贅,與一般台灣日治時期巴洛克式的華麗店屋,大異其趣。設計者為落籍金門的王廷元 (其父親為著名惠安溪底派匠師王益順),他受到了當時南洋殖民地城市建築規範之「五腳基」的影響,於一樓留設五英呎的通道(類似台灣的亭仔腳);建築物立面純由紅磚砌築,窗楣多有變化,女兒牆則以青瓶欄杆裝飾,其中三戶的二樓設有小陽台,同中求異。2003年3月31日公告為歷史建築,彰顯其文化價值,充分體現了金門本地與南洋的移民關係及金門近代史。
騎單車上路安全第一 In light of the calls for energy conservation and carbon reduction, cycling is now more popular than ever. In fact, cycling in Kinmen is not only eco-friendly but also recreational. In response to the latest trend of cycling, the Kinmen County Government has published the Student Cycling Handbook to remind all cyclists that while environmental protection is important, they should be equally concerned about their own road safety. 節能減碳,單車正盛。在金門騎自行車,不僅環保,也是一種運動休閒享受。金門縣政府為了順應這股單車風,印製了學生自行車學習手冊,提醒單車族,要環保也要安全。 Kinmen County Government pointed out that the publication is in fact identical copy of Taichung City Student Cycling Handbook; after acquiring permission from the Taichung City government, the county government has reprinted the handbook for distribution in Kinmen. Content of the handbook include: how to maneuver a bicycle correctly; the right way to ride a bicycle; the additional gears and options one can install on his bicycle; regular inspection and maintenance for a bicycle; instructions for basic bicycle repair; general traffic knowledge; regulations that cyclists commonly violate; how to acquire license for bicycle and so forth. 縣府表示,這本教材原係台中市學生自行車學習手冊,經該市政府同意後,金門縣政府加印發行。手冊內容包括:自行車的正確操控、自行車的正確行駛、自行車的騎乘裝備、自行車的定期檢修、自行車的簡易維修、交通常識、常見的違規事例、自行車的過關考照等。 The county government also stated that bicycle is a safe and convenient means of transportation that requires no energy but rider's peddling. A bicycle is an economic, safe and eco-friendly tool that not only serves as a tool for physical fitness training/recreation but also an ideal means of transportation for short distances that is worthy of extensive promotion in Kinmen. 縣府說明,自行車是一種安全輕便、不需使用能源,利用身體自己的踏力推動車輪運轉,經濟、安全又環保的健身、休閒用具,也是短程交通工具,值得一起推廣。 The primary objective of offering instructions on cycling is to help students understand the basics about bicycles including how to select the right bicycle based on their own physiques and learn how to adjust the cushion to appropriate height. Students will also learn how to maintain balance by paddling with equal strength on both legs so as to ride safely in the right way and pay attention to various details on safety and bicycle maintenance. 教導學生騎乘自行車,最主要的目的,首先要讓學生瞭解如何選擇符合自己體格的自行車,學會如何調整座墊與地面高度,進而學會如何雙腳等量的踩力保持平衡。讓學生能夠以正確的方法騎乘自行車,安全上路,並注意各項安全維護事宜。 Although cycling is a relatively safe sport and the bicycle is great equipment for recreation/physical fitness and transportation, cyclists are by no means exempted from accidents. This is why cyclists must protect themselves by wearing cycling helmets properly to according to the rules. 自行車雖是一種安全的運動、休閒健身用具及代步工具,但不代表絕不會發生突發事故。所以騎乘自行車時務必佩戴自行車專用頭盔(安全帽),並確實符合規定正確佩戴。 In order to keep a bicycle in normal function, regular bicycle maintenance is necessary for the safety of the cyclist himself and other road users. Cyclists should also take note and observe all pertinent traffic regulations. When students cultivate the right concepts of safety and values for life at a young age, they will be able to assimilate and internalize such concepts when they grow up. 為確保自行車維持正常性能,平時一定要做好自行車維護;為自己及他人安全計,騎乘自行車除需特別注意,並應遵守各項安全規則。從小建立安全觀念及正確生命價值觀,長大後的行車更能確保安全。 The county government also emphasizes that Kinmen County enjoys a comprehensive network of transportation to offer the greatest accessibility. The roads are level and the sceneries are pleasant, making the county the best place to promote cycling as a recreational sport. As such, the task of teaching students to cultivate the right cycling techniques and knowledge to ensure these young road users obey all traffic regulations for the sake of their own safety has also been included as an important goal for the county government. In light of the soaring prices of energies and severe air pollution, the promotion of safe cycling is no doubt the best solution for our society at this point. 縣府強調,金門縣各項交通建設四通八達,道路平坦,風景秀麗,是最適合推廣自行車休閒運動的縣市,教導學生正確騎乘自行車技能及常識,遵守交通規則,維護學生安全,也應列為工作重點。由於目前能源高漲,空氣嚴重污染,提倡安全騎乘自行車,是最符合社會需求的運動。
慈濟歲末祝福把愛傳出去 To welcome 2009 and to spread love to the world, Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation on December 7 organized the "Year-end Benediction Ceremony 2008" for Kinmen. Over 800 believers were enlightened and blessed by the master to inspire love and deeds in their heart. Lastly, believers attending the ceremony prayed for the purity of the human soul, the harmony of society, and the peace of earth in the coming year. 迎接二OO九年,把愛傳出去,慈濟基金會金門區十二月七日盛大舉行「2008年歲末祝福」活動,八百多名信眾到場接受師父的開示與祝福,啟發心中的愛與善,最後參與的信眾更共同祈禱在新的一年裡,人心清淨、社會祥和、天下無災。 The year-end benediction ceremony organized by the Kinmen Co-practice Division, Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation at the Performance Hall, Kinmen Cultural Affairs Bureau, at 2:00 pm on December 7. Over 800 believers, including Director Ta-peng Chen of Kinmen County Datung Home, participated in the ceremony hosted by Masters Teching and Techien of Still Thoughts Hall to pray for the well being of Kinmen. 由慈濟基金會金門共修處主辦的慈濟歲末祝福活動,七日下午二時許假文化局演藝廳展開,由花蓮靜思精舍德晴、德塞兩位女法師主持,包括大同之家主任陳大鵬及八百多位信眾參加,一起為金門祈福。 The theme for the year-end thanksgiving activity is "Thanksgiving-Respect-Love: Think Quietly and Practice the Path Diligently-The Secular Road of Tzu Chi." The foundation encouraged people to love and respect one another, to practice the new life movement of "denying self and returning to propriety" in order to cohere public welfare through the merciful thoughts of people. 慈濟今年歲末感恩活動的主題為「感恩‧尊重‧愛~靜思勤行道‧慈濟人間路」,慈濟基金會期勉人人都能敬天愛地,落實「克己復禮」新生活運動,人人一善念,凝聚眾福緣。 Activities in the ceremony included community children sign language show, short drama, Chinese Buddhist Canon reading, and distribution of fortune and wisdom red packet, wishing all can maintain an open mind and uphold mercy in order to build a happy future life together. 活動有社區兒童手語表演、短劇、唸誦大藏經、發福慧紅包等,期盼人人能心寬念慈,共同建立美善人生。 Masters Teching and Techien expressed the concern for Kinmen believers from Dharma Master Cheng Yen and led believers to pray for the purity of the human soul, harmony of society, and peace on earth. They also wished the good health and wisdom of all participants and their family. The ceremony was filled with warmth. 德晴、德塞兩位法師轉達證嚴上人對金門慈濟人的關心,並帶領信眾,祈願人心淨化、社會祥和、天下無災難,祝福所有與會人員闔家平安,福慧增長,場面溫馨。 During the benediction, Master Techien expressed that with the support of believers, Tzu Chi could spread love to the world and send love to where it was needed most over the past forty years or so. She added that as the earth was badly damaged, she wished that everybody could love value and cherish earth by supporting the Tzu Chi Great Love activities. 德塞在上台獻祝福時表示,慈濟在四十多年來,將愛散佈到全世界,感謝各位信眾的支持,讓他們可以將愛送到最需要的地方,她也提到,如今地球遭破壞情形嚴重,期許大家共同來疼惜地球,響應慈濟大愛的活動。 She mentioned that Tzu Chi would continue the new life movement of "denying self and returning to propriety", and hoped that believers could overcome their desires and learn how to value and make benedictions, so that everybody could re-find the Tzu Chi spirit during the bamboo section period, and to dedicatedly express their mercy and kind thoughts, and do good things. 她也提到,2008年慈濟持續推行「克己復禮」希望信眾克服自己的慾念,學會惜福、造福,大家能重新找回早期慈濟的竹筒歲月精神,認真發好心、好念,做好事。 At the year-end benediction ceremony, the deeds of Tzu Chi volunteer workers practicing Buddhism on earth were reviewed to witness how Tzu Chi volunteer workers cultivated the vigor of community love in dif ferent parts of the world. They were grateful for the peace and health that was brought to them over the past year and wished that everybody could mediate on how to practice the path in Buddhist dharma and establish the wisdom in life, and promote love in this sinful world to soothe the suffering public. Lastly, every participant went on to receive the benediction from the masters who also gave them a meaningful blessing and wisdom red packet and bag. Everyone prayed devoutly for the inspiration of love and mercy in our heart, the purity of human soul, the peace of society, and the harmony of all kinds, and welcomed the advent of a new year. 歲末祝福活動也透過回顧今年慈濟志工於全球各地落實人間佛教的身影,見證各地志工深耕社區愛的生命力。感恩過去一年所帶來的平安與健康,期待人人於靜思法脈中精勤行道,厚植慧命資糧;在五濁惡世裡廣行大愛,撫慰苦難蒼生。最後每位參與者依序上台接受師父的祝福,並收到一份深具意義的福慧紅包與福慧袋,人人虔誠祈禱,啟發心中的愛與善,祈禱人心清淨、社會祥和、宇宙萬物皆調和,共同迎接新的一年的到來。 The Kinmen Co-practicing Division also hoped that the ceremony could express their warmest wishes to volunteer workers and Tzu Chi members who have been serving society throughout the year. In addition to praying for the well being and good luck in the coming year, they wished that with the benediction, preaching, Tzu Chi cultural shows, and prayer, participants could feel the concern, mercy, and love from Tzu Chi, so that they could practice "speak nicely, think positively, and do honestly". 慈濟基金會金門共修處也希望藉由這項活動,傳達對所有長年為社會付出的志工與會員大德的祝福,期望藉由虔誠祈福、師父開示、慈濟人文展演及發願等形式,讓到場民眾感受慈濟關懷、慈悲心的大愛散播,力行「口說好話、心想好意、身行好事」,也祈求來年平安吉祥。 The culture of Tzu Chi was also introduced at the ceremony, including the sales of meditative objects, books, classic magazines, and environmental bowls and chopsticks. The Kinmen Co-practicing Division spares no pain to promote resource recycling and environmental protection, wishes that Kinmen citizens can join the Tzu Chi environmental volunteer team and to value and cherish Kinmen, the home of everybody, in order to ensure the tidiness and cleanliness of Kinmen with the most devout minds of all Kinmen citizens. 會場也同時展出慈濟人文的介紹,包含靜思文物、書籍、經典雜誌與環保碗筷之展售。慈濟金門共修處同時積極推動資源回收與環境保護,期許金門鄉親加入慈濟環保志工行列,珍惜愛護金門這塊大家共同的家園,以融合全體金門鄉親最虔誠的心意,一起護持金門的整潔與清淨。
義消總隊隊慶老義消共聚一堂 December 8 2008 marked the 7th anniversary of the Kinmen County Volunteer Firemen’s Corps and Corps held its customary reunion at Kinmen County Fire Department. Magistrate Lee Chu-Feng attended the celebration and presented awards to senior volunteer firefighters who have selflessly risked their lives to combat fires. He also thanked them for their contribution in firefighting and rescue operations on the behalf of county residents. 金門縣義勇消防總隊十二月八日舉行成立7周年隊慶暨老義消回娘家活動,縣長李炷烽頒獎表揚資深義消人員,同時代表縣民感謝義消投入救災、救難的貢獻。 The 7th anniversary celebration for Kinmen County Volunteer Firemen’s Corps was held at 9:30 A.M. on December 8 at the hall of Kinmen County Fire Department. The event was hosted by Commander Yen Ta-Jen and attended by guests of honors including Kinmen County Fire Department Director-General Yang Shu-Kai, Deputy Director-General Wang Shih-Ju and Senior Executive Officer Wu Hsin-Pang. Approximately 150 senior and new volunteer firefighters attended the ceremony. Magistrate Lee presented bonus food allowances to the brigade along with awards to senior volunteer firefighters. 金門縣義消總隊隊慶大會於八日上午九時三十分在縣消防局禮堂舉行,由總隊長顏達仁Ta-Jen Yen主持,包括消防局長楊肅凱Shu-Kai Yang、副局長王世祿Shih-Ju Wang、縣府參議吳興邦Hsin-Pang Wu、義消、老義消近150人參加,縣長李炷烽到場頒發加菜金給義消總隊,並且頒獎表揚資深義消人員。 Magistrate Lee pointed out that the entire organization of Kinmen County Fire Department contains no more than 66 firefighters. The demands for rescue and firefighting operations for Kinmen County are simply overwhelming for the limited number of firefighters. Thankfully, there are more than 240 volunteer firefighters who willingly offered their support to safeguard the lives and property of Kinmen residents. On the behalf of all Kinmen residents, the magistrate extended his utmost gratitude to the contribution of these brave volunteers. Award recipients include Li Kuo-Chen, Lin Wan-Ta, Chen Huo-Yen, Lu Chi-Chung, Yen Chang-Tuan and other senior firefighters (totaling at 92) who have offered their services for 5-40 years. For their selfless contributions and dedication, each received a badge of seniority in volunteer firefighting services from the magistrate. 李縣長指出,金門縣消防局編制消防人員僅66人,執行消防救災工作在人力上是捉襟見肘,所幸全縣有240多位義消人員的支援,提供縣民生命財產安全的保障,他代表全體縣民向義消兄弟們表達由衷的感謝。 接受表揚的資深義消,從5年至40年,計有李國偵Kuo-Chen Li、林萬塔Wan-Ta Lin、陳火炎Huo-Yen Chen 、盧志忠、顏章團Chang-Tuan Yen等92人,由李縣長頒發服勤年資獎章,肯定資深義消們的奉獻服務。 Magistrate Lee touched on the state of current affairs and pointed out that the worldwide financial crisis that has been caused by a global economic recession has impacted Taiwan. Naturally, Kinmen County has not been spared and the domestic recession has consequently led to problems of employment opportunities. The magistrate admitted that employment opportunities are limited at best even in Kinmen County. He continued by talking about the rumors he heard while attending Kinmen Senior High School Alumni in Taipei. The rumors rooted from Taiwan’s recent economic slump and accused President Ma to be the culprit of financial crisis in Taiwan because of his stance on cross-strait relationship by implying that the President has intentionally directed all investments to Mainland China, which created a void in Taiwan’s economy. The fact is, Taiwan’s relationship with Mainland China has improved steadily at a relatively faster pace due to President Ma’s efforts. However, due to slandering from specific groups with blatant political bias coupled with the people’s fear of poor domestic economy, a portion of the public might have been manipulated to associate the President with the Taiwan’s current economy. It is important for us to realize that Taiwan is suffering from poor economy because the entire world is experiencing a major recession. Magistrate Lee warned against the threat of such hearsay and pointed out that the society had been, in fact, influenced by rumors and groundless gossip whenever the general public was suffering. Magistrate Lee emphasized that the spreading of such rumors should be interpreted as a crisis. 李縣長也談及由於受到全球經濟的不景氣,引發的全球的金融危機,也波及到台灣,金門也脫離不了所受的影響,經濟景氣的低迷,連帶的也影響到就業的困難,目前金門也是一職難求。他並以日前到台北參加金門高中歷屆校友會時,就聽到坊間的傳言,因為台灣的經濟不景氣,流言傳出因馬總統往大陸傾斜,把錢搬到大陸,台灣才會發生金融危機,讓台灣沒有錢,民間就是因為整個大環境不景氣的趨勢,又因為馬總統的兩岸關係步伐發展的較快,又經有心人士的惡意挑撥、散播,才會聯想在一起,事實上,台灣的經濟也是受到全球經濟不景氣的整體大環境所影響,坊間的流言,這是令人憂心的事。就像過去歷朝,只要百姓生活過的不好,就會有許多流言,這是一個危機。 Magistrate Lee also touched on the hotly debated issue of consumption coupons and defended his position. He has been approached by inquiring residents who questioned his objection of the proposal for Kinmen County to issue extra consumption coupons to the local residents. The magistrate pointed out that when the central government decided to go ahead with issuance of consumption coupons, Kinmen County Government made corresponding solutions and preparations. He also noted that it is perfectly within his authority to approve the proposal of issuing extra consumption coupons (worth NT$3,600 in face value) at this point in time and he has publicly reasserted his intention to tackle the issue with an active stance while promising to be responsible for all relevant planning. The magistrate explained his objection to hasty approval of issuing additional coupons because the central government has not issued the original NT$3,600 worth of consumption coupons yet. He emphasized his wishes to take the best course of action after the government has proceeded to issue the first batch of coupons for the best interest of Kinmen County and dismissed the idea of thoughtlessly issuing extra coupons without comprehensive planning or the legal procedures of allocating budgets. 李縣長也談到最近發燒的消費券問題,甚至有地區鄉親向他反映說,現在都在發消費券,金門要再加碼,李炷烽反對,讓他覺得很委屈。事實上,在中央決定發放消費券時,縣政府也做了因應的方案和預作準備,消費券要再加發三千六百元,他可以當下做決定,他也不只一次的公開表示,會積極的面對,而且會負責任的完成一切的規劃,因為中央三千六百元的消費券還未拿到手,等領到三千六百元的消費券,後續要如何的作法,才是對於金門最有利,不是說一說馬上就好,一定要完成妥善的規劃,也要通過預算的程序。 The magistrate stressed that Kinmen County Government would naturally do what the residents wish it do to, and that he has confidence in the county government’s capacity to get things done. However, the magistrate stated that the timing of implementation is just as important as the execution itself. He suggested that the media failed to portray a complete picture of Kinmen County Government’s arrangements and concerns and he would take the opportunity to explain to Kinmen residents once again so that the people would understand the county government’s intention. Magistrate Lee noted that it is critical for the government to plan everything down to the finest detail before it acts in order to be truly responsible. He asserted that the county government takes the interests of Kinmen residents as its primary consideration and guaranteed that the government would only implement solutions that offer best benefits for the residents. He also hopes that the solution to be proposed by the county government would be supported and accepted by most residents because it is his duty as a public servant. 李縣長強調,鄉親有這樣的期待,縣府一定會做,縣府也有能力去做,執行的時間點也是很重要,只是媒體對於縣府的安排與顧慮,沒有說明的很清楚,他特別再一次向鄉親做說明,讓鄉親瞭解縣府的作法。他說,政府一定要謀定而後動,要有深思熟慮的作法,才是最負責任的作法。縣府也一定會提出對於鄉親最有利的作法,這才是縣府所要考量的主因,也希望最後所推出的方案,能獲得大多數鄉親的支持與接受,這也是身為公僕所應擔當的責任。 Magistrate Lee added that he would present a proposal of autonomous regulations or pertinent implementations to Kinmen County Council sometime around March 2009. In light of the relatively lower income level for Kinmen residents, the magistrate has pledged to come up with an appropriate solution that would truly benefit the growth of the local consumer market. 李縣長說,明年三月份會向議會提出用自治條例的方式或是相關的實施辦法,以金門國民所得還偏低,來找出適切的方案,而且還真正有利地區消費市場的成長。 Magistrate Lee continued by stating that the county government plans to step up its promotion of social welfare while providing more employment opportunities. Apart from continuing to create more work relief jobs for residents from middle-low income families and those in dire need of assistance, the county government has already created 200 job opportunities this year. In 2009, the county government will increase the number of personnel hired from the existing budget items and submit the proposal to the County Council for approval in order to create more employment opportunities for Kinmen folks. In addition, students with a complete record of valid academic certificates from elementary school to graduate school would be eligible to receive a transportation subsidy of NT$4,000. This subsidy also applies to students from Taiwan proper who have come to National Kinmen Institute of Technology to study. This would encourage students from Taiwan proper to pursue their academic career in Kinmen, which would in turn create opportunities of consumption. Also, students with official student status may also receive a subsidy of NT$4,000, which would be remitted separately in two semesters. This multi-million budget is aimed to reduce the financial burdens that parents have to bear. 李縣長說明縣府於明年還會持續的擴大推動社會福利和提供就業的人口, 除了持續提供中低收入戶和急難戶的以工代賑就業機會,今年還增加二百人,明年在既有的預算科目中再增加人手,再送請議會追加預算,提供鄉親就業的機會。此外,也特別針對就學學生,從小學到研究所的正式學歷,每個人提供四千元的交通補助費,也包括台灣學生來到金門技術學院求學,也比照有四千元的交通補助費,以鼓勵台灣的年輕朋友來金門讀書,也會帶來消費。還有就學津貼,也是有正式學籍的學生,每人也是四千元,分兩學期發放,經費也要好幾千萬元,以減輕學生家長的負擔。 Apart from Magistrate Lee’s address, Commander Yen Ta-Jen also gave out the bonus for attendance at the annual firefighting training to the recipients, including Second Corps, First Company of First Corps, Jinhu Branch, Jinsha Branch and Lieyu Women Disaster Prevention Promotion Brigade. 此外,顏達仁也頒發義消年訓全勤單位獎金,計有第二大隊、第一大隊第一中隊、金湖、金沙和烈嶼婦女防火宣傳隊獲獎。 The Volunteer Firemen’s Headquarter also prepared a number of events performed by the women’s branch of fire prevention media, such as sketch performances, firefighting technique drills, rescue exercises and so forth to demonstrate the results of their daily training. The dozen senior volunteer firefighters were commended on their rapid improvement of firefighting and rescue techniques/technologies. 義消總隊也安排婦宣隊宣傳話劇表演、消防戰技演練、救護演練等,展現平日訓練情形,讓10多位回娘家的老義消們,肯定消防救災科技進步情形日新月異。