Cautious of Enterovirus
腸病毒現警訊 Six enterovirus(1) cases have been reported at two schools in Kinmen recently. Two classes in one of the schools have been forced to start a seven-day class suspension.(2) Among the six cases reported, they were all slight infections, instead of critical ones. 金門縣最近有兩所學校出現六例腸病毒,其中一所學校有兩班停課一週;這六個通報病例,都是輕症,並非重症。 No critical infectious cases have been reported in Kinmen so far, but the Health Bureau has already received six slight infectious(3) cases. Two classes in one of the kindergartens have reached the standard for suspending classes. There is also one case reported by an elementary school. Once the school discovers a student being infected by the enterovirus, according to regulation, the school has to report to the Education Bureau and the Health Bureau of Kinmen County Government, and meanwhile start up(4) campus epidemic(5) control, with intensified(6) cleaning, sterilization(7) of classrooms, and educating students about the importance of washing their hands. 金門縣目前並無重症通報病例,但衛生局近日亦已接獲轄區校園通報了六個腸病毒的輕症個案,並且已有一所幼稚園的兩個班級達到停課標準,另有一所國小目前已有一個通報個案。發現學童感染腸病毒後,校方除依規定通報縣府教育局、衛生局外,同時啟動校園防疫機制,加強教室清潔、消毒,及學童洗手衛生教育。 The Health Bureau has started touring(8) each elementary school, kindergarten and daycare center since April fifteenth to propagate(9) an important anti-enterovirus activity—joyous hand-washing which teaches children wisdom. 衛生局已於四月十五日起,巡迴各國小、幼稚園及托兒所,辦理「快樂洗手智慧小列車」-腸病毒防治衛教宣導活動。 Director-general of Health Bureau, Chen Tien- Shuan, pointed out that enterovirus hits its high between April and October each year. Among all types of enteroviruses, infantile(10) paralysis(11) virus is the only type that can be prevented through vaccination.(12) There is no effectual(13) way to elevate(14) the immunity(15) of other types of enterovirus, let alone(16) the complete immunity to the enterovirus. Plus, there are various types of viruses and each has its own specification, so it is hard to prevent its path of infection.All we can do is follow a good nutritious(17) diet and exercise more to keep our immune system in the best condition and avoid going to crowded public places.By washing hands more thoroughly and frequently, maintaining personal hygiene(18) and putting the preventive practices in our daily lives, we can efficiently eliminate contracting the enterovirus. 衛生局局長陳天順指出,每年四月至十月係腸病毒流行高峰期,目前腸病毒中,除了小兒麻痺病毒有疫苗可以預防外,其餘都沒有一種很有效的方法來提昇免疫力,進而絕對預防腸病毒感染,加上病毒型別的多樣性與特殊性,故其傳染途徑難以預防。唯有平時多注意營養與運動,讓免疫系統處於最佳狀況,應避免出入人多擁擠的公共場所以減少接觸腸病毒的機會、避免亂摸鼻子與嘴巴的不良習慣,勤於正確洗手、保持良好個人衛生習慣,將預防工作落實於日常生活中,以有效預防腸病毒。 Chen Tien- Shuan also pointed out that enterovirus often infects children under five. Once a child in the family is sick, we should take them to the doctor to make sure he is oris not infected by enterovirus, and accept mandatory(19) treatment if needed. The child should be kept at home for at least one week and also take in more water and nutrients. Mr. Chen is calling for both adults and children to wash their hands more frequently to prevent the infection. If four omens(20) of severe infection is discovered in a child, including “hypersomnia”,(21) ”myoclonic jerk”,(22) ”tachypnoea(23) or racing heartbeat”, and ”rising brain pressure and constant vomiting”, please take the child immediately to the hospital to avoid the possible lethal(24) tragedy caused by critical enterovirus infection. 陳天順也指出,腸病毒常侵襲五歲以下幼童,家中幼兒一旦生病了,必須帶去看醫師,確定是否為腸病毒感染,接受必要的治療,且必須在家休息至少一星期,此外,必須注意補充水份與營養。呼籲平常家長幼兒都應該勤洗手多加防範,如果發現孩子出現四大重症前兆警訊,包括「嗜睡」、「肌躍型抽搐」、「呼吸急促或心跳加快」以及「腦壓升高持續嘔吐」等四大警訊,務必儘速就醫,避免腸病毒重症導致死亡的悲劇發生。 解說 1. enterovirus—(n)腸病毒。 2. suspension—(n)暫停、中止。此處指停課。 3. infectious—(adj.)傳染性的,有感染力的。名詞是 infection,指傳染病,或傳染。 4. start up—展開~。 5. epidemic—(adj.)傳染的,流行性的。 6. intensified—此處為intensify的分詞,當形容詞使用, 指加強的、增強的。 7. sterilization—(n)殺菌、消毒。 8. tour—(vt.)巡迴、巡視。 9. propagate—(vt.)傳播、使普及。亦指繁殖或遺傳。 10. infantile—(adj.)幼稚的,嬰兒的。 11. paralysis—(n)麻痺。infantile paralysis就是「小兒 麻痺」。 12. vaccination—(n)(疫苗)接種,牛痘。 13. effectual—(adj.)有效果的,奏效的;有法律效力的。 14. elevate—(vt.)提高,振奮、舉起。 15. immunity—(n)免疫力。形容詞是immune, 而immune system即免疫系統。 16. let alone—更別提~;遑論。 17. nutritious—(adj.)有營養的。名詞是nutrition,指營養, 從食物中攝取養分的過程。另一個名詞nutrient則是指 促進動、植物成長的營養物。 18. hygiene—(n)衛生;衛生學,保健法。 19. mandatory—(adj.)命令的、指令的、強制的、義務的。 20. omen—(n)預兆、兆頭。 21. hypersomnia—(n)極度嗜睡。 22. myoclonic jerk—(n)入睡之後肌肉出現抽搐的症狀指, 醫學上稱之為「肌躍型抽搐」,是腸病毒重症的徵兆之 一。其中jerk即抽搐。 23. tachypnoea—(n)呼吸急促。 24. lethal—(adj.)致命的,毀滅性的。 資料來源:金門縣政府 【本系列新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院邱佩蒂老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】
Passenger Shipping for Mini-Three Links Has Added New Force: The Inaugural Flight of Xiamen's "Ba-Fang Passenger Ship"
小三通客運添生力軍 廈門八方輪首航 The new "Ba-Fang Passenger Ship", built by Fujian Xiamen Shipping Corporation, made its inaugural(1) voyage(2) from Xiamen to Kinmen on 16th May. The passenger ship joined the line of conveying passengers of Mini-Three-Links between Kinmen and Xiamen, providing passengers who transport cross-strait with more choices. 中國廈門輪船總公司新建的「八方輪」客船,5月16日自廈門首航金門,投入金廈小三通輸運旅客行列,提供往來兩岸旅客搭乘的選擇。 "Ba-Fang Passenger Ship" carried 165 passengers in Xiamen's Dongdu Ferry Terminal and made its maiden voyage to sail east to Kinmen at 3:20 p.m. of 16th . It safely berthed(3) at Shueitou Pier at 4:10 p.m. Then, it was loaded fully with 238 passengers again, and sailed back at 4:40 p.m. to Dongdu Ferry Terminal, accomplished its inaugural voyage. 「八方輪」是於16日下午三時二十分從廈門東渡客運碼頭,承載一百六十五名旅客首航金門,於四時十分許安全靠泊水頭碼頭,並且滿載二百三十八名旅客於四時四十分許返回東渡客運碼頭,順利完成金廈航線首航。 In the afternoon, when "Ba-Fang Passenger Ship" berthed at Shueitou Pier slowly, Kinmen Shipping Agency ignited(4) a long string of firecrackers, and used a red banner to welcome them. Kinmen Shipping Agency also arranged Beimen Traditional Lion Dance Team to perform "Lucky lion brings prosperity and good fortune" in order to welcome the new ship reaching the port. Moreover, Kinmen Shipping Agency presented bouquets(5) to passengers and sailors. It was very mirthful(6) and cheerful on the spot. 當日下午「八方輪」緩緩靠泊水頭碼頭時,金門船務代理公司也在水頭碼頭燃放長串鞭炮、拉起歡迎紅布條,並安排北門醒獅隊的「祥獅獻瑞」表演活動,迎接新船入港,同時也為首航旅客、船員獻花,現場熱鬧非常。 "Ba-Fang Passenger Ship" is a new high-speed passenger ship with alloyed(7) Aluminum twin hull.(8) It weighs 322 tons in total, and weighs 161 net tons. It can be loaded with 238 passengers. Fujian Xiamen Shipping Corporation invested a considerable sum about 30 million RMB to buy the ship. The total length of the ship is 35.6 meter, its width is 8.81 meter, and its depth is 2.8 meter. When loading light, its draft(9) will be 0.952 meter; and the draft will be 1.15 meter, when loading heavy. Total power output of horsepower is 2,100 kilowatts. The ship has two MTU16V2000M70 main engines, 30 speed, and 27 economical speed. This is the fastest passenger ship in the ship route between Kinmen and Xiamen. The ship will provide comfortable service to passengers both from Kinmen and Xiamen. 「八方輪」是新造的鋁合金雙體高速客船,總噸位三百二十二噸、淨噸一百六十一噸,載客量為二百三十八人,由廈門輪船總公司斥資人民幣三千多萬元購置,船體總長三十五點六公尺(米),寬八點八一公尺,深二點八公尺,輕載吃水零點九五二公尺、重載吃水一點一五公尺,馬力總功率為二千一百KW,有二部MTU16V2000M70主機,航速三十節、經濟航速二十七節,為金廈航線最快速的客船,將以舒適的服務來爭取金廈的客源。 Captain ZHU, Yu-Lin said that "Ba-Fang Passenger Ship" has an internal planning of VIP room, private rooms, and normal rooms. The seats are spacious(10) and the service can meet the demands of different passengers. The main engine of the ship from Germany is the most advanced and fastest one. Especially, the Night Vision Goggle, automatic collision(11) avoidance(12) radar, and other new navigational equipments have the ability in sailing at night, or sailing safely when visibility is bad. The ship can be said as safe and comfortable. 船長朱毓林表示,「八方輪」內部規劃有貴賓艙、包間、普通艙,座位寬敞,服務上可以滿足不同旅客的需求,而且主機是最先進的德國進口機器、速度快,尤其是裝備夜視儀、自動避碰雷達等新式航海儀器,並具有夜間航行能力,能見度不良時,都能安全航行,可說是安全舒適。 The number of passenger sailing route of Kinmen Mini-Three-Links is expected to break through 1.2 million people. This is because there are cross-strait open-up policies being carrying out. As a result, the number of passengers who transport between Xiamen's Dongdu Ferry Terminal and Wutong Ferry Terminal, and Quan Zhou's Shijing port have been increased year by year. Businessmen consider the golden route of Mini-Three-Links very promising. They keep buying new passenger ships to join the line of operating Mini-Three-Links. So far, the passenger ship route of Kinmen Mini-Three-Links has 6 Kinmen passenger ships and 3 Xiamen passenger ships in operation. Added "Ba-Fang Passenger Ship", the sum of passenger ships operating across-strait will be 10. The passengers have more options now. 金門小三通客運航線,由於兩岸不斷實施開放政策,往返廈門的東渡、五通碼頭和泉州的石井港的旅客運量年年上升,今年預計可突破120萬人次。業者也看好小三通黃金航線,不斷添購新客輪來加入小三通的營運行列,目前金門小三通的客運航線,已有金門籍客船6艘、廈門籍3艘客船營運,加上「八方輪」的加入金廈航線後,兩岸營運客船也達十艘,讓旅客有更多搭乘的選擇。 ■1.inaugural-(adj.)開始的;就任的。 ■2.voyage-(n)航海、航行。 ■3.berthed-(vi)停泊。亦可作名詞,指「泊位」。 ■4.ignite-(vt)點燃;使燃燒。 ■5.bouquet-(n)花束。 ■6.mirthful-(adj)充滿歡樂的。 ■7.alloy-(vt.)使成為合金。此處以分詞型態形容以鋁為主的合金。 ■8.hull-(n)船體。常見的語意通常指果皮、殼或莢。 ■9.draft-(n)指船隻吃水的深度。 ■10.spacious-(adj.)寬敞的。 ■11.collision-(n)碰撞;相碰。 ■12.avoidance-(n)迴避;逃避。 資料來源:金門縣政府
FEA Allowed to Re-organize, Declaration of Prepaied Tickets About to Begin
獲准重整預購遠航機票可辦債權申報 Far Eastern Air Transport Corp.(FEA) has been fully grounded(1) since the middle of May of last year. Recently, FEA has been permitted to reorganize the company. Kinmen County government will investigate whether residents possess unused tickets, and the government will send the survey data to FEA, so as to be included in re-declaration(2) claims.(3) One of the travel agencies in Kinmen reminds people who have unused tickets to advance(4) re-declaration claims before 5 p.m. on 28th, May so that consumers' rights can be maintained. 遠東航空自去年五月中旬起全面停飛,最近才獲准重整,金門縣政府業將調查本縣縣民持有未使用票證情形,並將調查資料函請遠東納入重整之債權;金門地區一家旅行社也提醒鄉親應於五月二十八日下午五時前,辦理債權申報(已購機票未搭乘者),以維護消費者自身權益。 Kinmen County Transportation and Tourism Bureau said that FEA suspended the operation since 13th May, 2008 because of financial problem. Owing to that there were a large number of pre-booked tickets, and the Kinmen County government estimated that there were approximately six thousand people who possessed unused tickets. The sum of unused tickets was about 17 thousand, and the cost was estimated to be more than 20 million dollars. The right of consumers was severely damaged. 縣府交通旅遊局表示,遠東航空公司因財務問題自去(97)年五月十三日起暫停營運,由於先前有預售大量機票,經縣府調查本縣縣民持有未使用票證者,約六千餘人,總共約有一萬七千餘張票證未使用,預估金額達新台幣二千多萬元,損害消費者權益甚大。 In order to safeguard residents' right, Kinmen County government has sent the information of owners who had unused tickets to Consumer Protection Commission, Executive Yuan in 20th May, 2008, seeking help to ask FEA fulfill obligation. Now, the court ruled that the reorganization of FEA is permitted. Kinmen County Transportation and Tourism Bureau said that for the sake of maintaining residents' consumer right, it is advised that FEA include residents who had unused tickets in re-declaration claim so that creditors' right can be maintained. 為保障本縣縣民之權益,縣府在去年五月二十日也函送本縣縣民持有遠東未使用票證者調查資料建請行政院消費者保護委員會協助請求遠東履行應行之義務。如今,法院裁定准予遠東航空公司重整,縣府交旅局表示,為維護本縣消費者權益,建請遠東將本縣縣民持有未使用票證納入重整之債權,以維債權人權益。 One of the travel agencies in Kinmen reminds people who have unused tickets of FEA can go to the original travel agency or log in the information on the internet, in order to print the tickets of prove. The travel agency said that the content ruled that the regulations of creditor's re-declaration claims are as follows: 金門地區一家旅行社提醒持有遠東未使用票證的鄉親可找原來購票的旅行社,或是上網登入自己的資料,即可列印購票證明,該旅行社表示,根據裁定內容有關重整債權人債權申報規定如下: 1.Declaration time: from 1st May to 5 p.m. on 28th May. 2.Declaration place: No.5, Alley 123, Lane 405, Dunhua N. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 10548, Taiwan (FEA business branch) 3.Creditors who were not declared cannot make a claim or exercise their rights according to the process of reorganization. 4.No matter the refund is done or not, each travel agency should open tickets of prove to tickets owners in accordance with booking details. Tickets owners should mail booking details and copies of ID card with double registered to FEA branch or take the documents to the location in person. (一)申報期間自五月一日起至五月二十八日下午五時止。(二)申報地點:台北市敦化北路405巷123弄5號(遠東航空公司營業處所)。(三)債權人未經申報者,不得依重整程序受償及行使權利。(四)不論是否已經辦理退票,請各旅行社依附件之購票明細,開立貴公司之購票證明予購票人,請購票人連同購票證明及影印身分證明文件後,雙掛號郵寄至遠東航空公司營業處所或親自前往辦理。 ■1.ground-(vt.)使停飛;使擱淺。 ■2.declaration-(n)申訴;申報。 ■3.claim-(n)對事物的權利、要求權,此處指債權。 ■4.advance-(vt)提出。此處指提出債權的要求。 資料來源:金門縣政府 【本系列新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院邱佩蒂老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】
Dreams come true: The President Educational Award Goes to Chen Xue-Guan
總統教育獎得主陳學冠夢想成真 Ministry of Education announced the winner of the President Educational Award of 2009. There were 46 people being awarded. Chen Xue-Guan from Zheng-Yi Elementary School in Kinmen County placed first in the elementary group. 教育部公布「2009年總統教育獎」得主,全國共有四十六人獲獎,金門縣正義國小的陳學冠,也在國小組脫穎而出。 Chen Xue-Guan was the only student being awarded in Kinmen County. As the news was released to the newspaper, all the teachers and students of the Zheng-Yi Elementary School shared his excitement. Chen Xue-Guan hopes that he can do better, and become more capable of helping and caring for others. 陳學冠是金門縣唯一一位獲獎的學生,消息見報後,師長同學都為他感到高興。陳學冠期許自己做得更好,累積可以幫助別人,照顧別人的實力。 Chen Xue-Guan, a sixth grader(1) at Zheng-Yi Elementary School, is especially outstanding in language, literature and art. Born into a single and new immigrant family, he faced many adversities(2) with courage and diligently pursued painting and writing. 陳學冠是正義國小六年級的學生,在語文類與藝術類的表現特別優異,雖然生長於單親家庭及新移民家庭,卻勇於面對逆境,並在彩繪和寫作上,構築自己的夢想。 The reward of the President Educational Award is 100 thousand NT dollars. Chen Xue-Guan has decided to use the money to help with(3) family expenses so that his mother, HE BAO-PING, would feel less pressure. In his eyes, his mother is an angel. He hopes to work harder in the future so that his mother will see his great achievements. 總統教育獎的獎金是十萬元,陳學冠決定用這筆錢來補貼家用,讓媽媽可以輕鬆一點。陳學冠的母親是何寶萍,陳學冠覺得媽媽就是天使,他希望未來繼續加油,讓媽媽看到他很有成就。 In the process of selection, Principal Chen Shun-De and Instructor Huang Xiang-Mei gave him a lot of help so that his strong points could be noticed by the judges. Chen Xue-Guan appreciated their attentiveness,(4) concern, and guidance. Chen Shun-De thought that the President Educational Award was the best graduation gift for Chen Xue-Guan. He hopes that Chen Xue-Guan will work even harder after entering junior high school. In addition, Huang Xiang-Mei thought that although Chen Xue-Guan is good at many things, he still needs to be confident and determined so that he can perform even better. 在評選過程,校長陳順德、導師黃香梅,給他非常多的協助,讓他的優點可以被評審看到,他非常感謝他們的關懷、照顧與指導。陳順德認為總統教育獎就是陳學冠最好的畢業禮物,希望他上國中後,能再接再厲;黃香梅認為陳學冠樣樣都好,但必須再把膽子練大一點,好好表現。 Chen Xue-Guan also thanked the visiting members, who, although made him extremely nervous, taught him one important lesson-one should always be well-prepared when facing opportunities. 就連讓他緊張萬分的訪視委員也讓陳學冠覺得感激,他們讓他學會了一在面對機會時,要能事先做好充份的準備。 With regard to(5) Chen Xue-Guan's performance, his classmates Chen Xiao-Rong, Chen Jin, Chen Sheng-Ye, Chen Yu-Jun, Chen Ming-De considered him as a person who is very diligent in(6) learning, and active and willing to help others. Chen Xue-Guan appreciated his classmates standing by(7) him, and encouraging him to continue doing his homework during his loneliest times. He hopes that after entering junior high school, they will still be classmates and good friends, and that each one of them will achieve success in the future. 對於陳學冠的表現,同學陳孝蓉、陳瑾、陳聖燁、陳俞君、陳明德認為他很用功、很積極,能熱心助人;陳學冠則感謝同學們在他最孤獨的時候陪伴他,指導他寫功課;他希望上國中之後,大家還是好同學,將來個個都能「馬到成功」! Chen Xue-Guan will be presented the Award by President Ma Ying-jeou in the middle of July. If he could speak out, he would thank the President for giving him an opportunity to help his own family. He also hopes that the President can take care of those who are in need. 陳學冠將在七月中旬接受馬英九總統的頒獎,如果有機會,如果說得出口,他要謝謝總統給他幫助自己家庭的機會,並希望總統能照顧更多需要幫助的人。 The President Educational Award is used by the Ministry of Education to reward those who face adversities, yet still work hard to make progress, to be positive in learning, to have the spirit of helping others, and to be dedicated,(8) pious(9) and friendly. This also rewards those who have good influence on the society and who are outstanding in language, art, traditional crafts and skills, science, and sports. 總統教育獎是教育部為獎勵在逆境中仍能奮發向上、樂觀學習,能發揮服務奉獻、孝行、友愛等情懷,對社會有良善影響,及在語言、藝術、薪傳技藝、技能、科學、資訊、體育等領域出類拔萃者,特設的獎項。 According to Ministry of Education's proclamation,(10) there were 12 winners from the general and vocation high school group, 17 winners from the junior high school group, and 17 winners from the elementary school group. The President Educational Award of 2009 rewarded a total of 46 people. Winners will be Awarded a certificate of merit and a trophy.(11) In addition, winners from the general and vocation high school group will be rewarded 200 thousand NT dollars, winners from the junior high school group will be rewarded 150 thousand NT dollars, and winners from the elementary school group will be rewarded 100 thousand NT dollars. All winners will be directly awarded by President MA in the middle of July as an encouragement. 根據教育部表示,2009總統教育獎共頒發高中職組十二名、國中組十七名、國小組十七名共四十六名,其中高中職組得主每人可獲頒新台幣二十萬元、國中組得主十五萬元、國小組得主十萬元及獎狀、獎座,所有得主將在七月中旬由總統親自頒獎,予以獎勵。 ■1. grader-(n)學校第~年級學生。使用時前方必需加上定冠詞the及序數。 ■2. adversity-(n)厄運、逆境,災難、災禍。 ■3. help (out) with-幫忙支付~。 ■4. attentiveness-(n)關注;注意。 ■5. with regard to-關於。 ■6. be diligent in-勤奮、勤勉於~。 ■7. stand by-支持;幫助。 ■8. dedicated-(adj.)專注的,獻身的。 ■9. pious-(adj.)虔誠的,好心的。 ■10. proclamation-(n)宣布,公布,聲明書。 ■11. trophy-(n)獎品,勝利紀念品,戰利品。 資料來源:金門縣政府 【本系列新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院patti老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】
Hong Kong Company Visited Kinmen to Investigate Business Potential after Legalization of Offshore Island Gambling
考察離島博弈發展 港商登門探路 Hong Kong's Melco International Development Ltd. Executive Director Tsui Che Yin and five other people made a special trip to Kinmen and called on Magistrate Li. Their purpose was to acquire first-hand understanding as well as to inspect the tourism industry conditions and land investment potential in relation to development of legal gambling in Kinmen. Magistrate Li expressed that, since the concrete content of legalization of offshore island gambling operations was still in the air,(1) it was not a proper time to hold the public referendum.(2) He said, the government would abide by(3) the decision of the public. 香港新濠國際發展有限公司執行董事徐志賢一行六人,專程抵金拜會金門縣長李炷烽,就金門發展博奕觀光產業條件及土地投資等等進行實地了解與考察,為前進金門投資探路;李縣長表明,離島開放博弈業要等有具體內容再訴諸民意公投,一切以民意為依歸。 Mr. Tsui and the others had a deep conversation with Magistrate Li on issues related to the investment environment and development potential in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China, as well as kinmen's conditions for developing legal gambling and land investment. Melco is a public company in Hong Kong. Its principal operations include leisure resort development and entertainment. They also provide investment, banking and financing services. Tsui commented that, they made the trip to Kinmen particularly for the purpose of understanding the situation and the standpoint of the county government, because they had learned that opening of legal casinos on offshore islands was on the way. 徐志賢一行曾就兩岸三地投資環境與發展空間、金門發展博奕條件及土地投資等等議題,與李縣長進行一場「務實交談」;新濠為香港上市公司,主要從事休閒、娛樂業務,並提供投資銀行與金融服務,徐志賢表示是得知離島可望開放博弈業,專程到金門了解狀況及縣府立場。 Magistrate Li expressed that the public vote required for developing legal gambling on offshore islands could not be conducted yet because the related details were still vague.(4) Also, the public referendum should be initiated by private organizations, not the government. As for whether the people in Kinmen were for or against opening of legal casinos in Kinmen, he added, past surveys had shown strong opposition. The government would abide by the decision of the people. 針對離島博奕發展,須先行辦理全民投票程序,李縣長表示,因後續具體內容並不清楚,因此,目前舉辦公投有困難。公投由民間團體發起,而非由政府主導,至於,金門設立賭場,民間是贊同抑或反對,李縣長說,依過去民調顯示,民間反對聲浪大,政府則以民意為依歸,取決民意。 Li emphasized that although the Legislative Yuan had passed the Gambling Law, the related complementary measures were still being established. It was too early to discuss the issues of potential investors, distribution of profits or limits on investors etc. These concrete contents should be in place before the public referendum could be conducted. In case that the gambling industry is not what the people expected, then holding a referendum would be pointless and irresponsible. 李縣長強調,博奕條款經中央立法通過後,目前連配套措施尚未出爐,現在談由誰來投資、利潤分配、以及投資對象限制等等,可以說言之過早;要等有具體內容再訴諸民意公投較妥,否則不是民眾期盼的博弈業,現在舉辦公投僅是白忙一場,反而不負責任。 As for the investment environment and market in Kinmen, Magistrate Li also expressed his frustrations as he suffered one after another setbacks(5) recruiting investors due to the limited authority of the local government. In spite of the many interested investors, as the Kinmen Magistrate, he had been unable to give any promises or clear answers. However, as long as it was within the bounds of legal regulations and his authority, he would be happy to give assistance to investors who could really help with Kinmen's progress. 其次,有關金門投資環境與巿場,李縣長也以地方政府權責有限,對外招商屢屢受阻,倍感乏力,儘管許多擬投資者有期待,但身為金門縣長卻無法給任何承諾及明確答案;不過,對有決心投資金門者,只要法律及權責範圍內,他站在地方發展立場仍樂於協助。 Mr. Tsui expressed that he could understand the attitude of Kinmen County Government. He said it was still too early to talk about investment and his company would perform thorough research to make further assessment. Members from the Melco had visited Penghu for the same purpose. According to Tsui, the ambiance(6) was different but Kinmen appeared to be better than Penghu in leisure resort environment. They would do more evaluation to determine whether Melco would make investments. 對於金門縣政府態度,徐志賢表示,可以理解;他說,現在談投資還為時尚早,將好好研究,再進一步評估。新濠公司先前曾到澎湖離島考察,徐志賢表示,金門和澎湖有不同風格,但金門度假休閒環境感覺比澎湖略勝一籌,但是否投資還要進一步評估。 ■1. in the air-尚未確定。 ■2. referendum-(n)公民投票。 ■3. abide by-遵守、信守;承擔~的後果。 ■4. vague-(adj.)模糊不清的,朦朧的。 ■5. setback-(n)挫折、失敗。 ■6. ambiance-(n)氣氛,格調,周圍環境。 資料來源:金門縣政府
Model Mothers To Travel in China
模範母親前往大陸旅遊 Kinmen's model mothers set out for(1) China via the Mini-Three-Links on May 11 to start a 3-day trip to Xiamen and Quanzhou at the expense of(2) the County government. Director of Social Affairs Bureau Hsu Nai-chuan saw them off(3) at the pier on behalf of Magistrate Li and wished them a happy journey. He repeatedly reminded the workers to take good care of those model mothers and make sure everyone could leave home happily and return safely. 金門縣政府招待模範母親小三通知性之旅,5月11日啟程前往大陸廈門、泉州展開3天的旅遊行程。縣政府社會局長許乃權也代表李縣長到碼頭送行,祝福大家旅途愉快,他並一再叮嚀工作人員照顧好模範母親們,大家快快樂樂出門、平平安安回家。 In order to thank the model mothers for their hard work and dedication,(4) Magistrate Li publicly cited(5) and awarded them yesterday and arrangements were made for them to go on a 3-day trip to Xiamen and Quanzhou. 金門縣政府為感念模範母親們的辛勞,日昨由縣長李炷烽頒獎表揚後,並安排她們前往廈門、泉州進行3日遊。 The 30-member group going on the journey, including the model mothers, their accompanying children and government workers, was led by the Chairwoman Ni-Zhen Pei-Hui and the Secretary General Tang Li-Hui of Kinmen County Women's Rights Promotion Association. Most of the members were already grandmothers. The 85-year-old Mrs. Zhang Shui was the oldest in the group. She was excited about going to Xiamen and Quanzhou to visit temples. Being seen off by her son-in-law Lin De Gong, the Director of Kinmen Land Administration Bureau, made her even happier. 參加這趟模範母親知性之旅的人員,包括模範母親及陪同子女、工作人員共30人,由金門縣婦女權益促進會理事長鄭倪佩輝、總幹事唐麗輝帶隊出發。參加知性之旅的模範母親,大多數是祖母級,其中,年紀最大為85歲的張誰老太太,老人家對於要到廈門、泉州禮佛,十分開心,尤其是女婿縣府地政局局長林德恭到碼頭送行,老人家更是樂不可支。 The itinerary(6) of the model mothers' 3-day travel includes visits to Quanzhou's Kaiyuan Temple, Tongan's Fantian Temple, Xiaman's Putuo Temple and Guanyin Temple, as well as other attractions and historical monuments like Quanzhou Maritime Museum, Laojun Rock, Luoyang Bridge, and China Museum for Fujian-Taiwan Kinship, etc. They were expected to return to Kinmen on the 13th. 縣政府招待模範母親小三通知性之旅,行程包括到泉州開元寺、同安梵天寺、廈門南普陀寺、觀音寺等寺廟禮佛,以及參觀泉州海外交通博物館、老君岩、洛陽橋、閩台緣博物館等名勝和古蹟,預定13日下午返回金門。 ■1. set out for-出發前往~。 ■2. at the expense of-由~支付費用;以~為代價。 ■3. see off-為~送行。 ■4. dedication-(n)奉獻;專心致力,獻身。 ■5. cite-(vt.)表揚;表彰。引用。 ■6. itinerary-(n)旅程,行程、路線規劃。 資料來源:金門縣政府
Lions Clubs International District 300A1 and Taipei City Government Donate Books to Kinmen County Government
獅子會300A1區與北市府捐書予縣府 Magistrate Li Zhu Feng accepted on behalf of Kinmen County Government a joint presentation of five sets of "A Collection of the Visual History of Taiwan" from Lions Clubs International District 300A1 and Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government. The NT$180,000 collection is a set of ten volumes that contain detailed records of the history and culture of the struggle and endeavors(1) of the Taiwanese forebears(2) over the past centuries. 國際獅子會300A1區與台北市政府文化局共同捐贈五套精美優良典藏套書「台灣影像歷史」給金門縣政府,由縣長李炷烽代表接受。「台灣影像歷史」每套十冊,總價值新台幣十八萬元,書中詳實記載台灣數百年來先民奮鬥的歷史及文化。 The presentation ceremony took place at 4:30pm on May 10 at the Multimedia Briefing Room in Kinmen County Hall. Magistrate's Secretary Xu Jia Fa, Education Bureau Director Li Zai Hang and more than twenty members of Lions Clubs International were present at the ceremony. Magistrate Li, representing the county government, accepted the five sets of books from the Governor Jiang Bao Zhu, Lions Clubs International District 300A1 and presented porcelain and Kaoliang liquor in return as gifts to show his gratitude as well as to welcome the guests. 贈書儀式於5月10日下午四時三十分,在金門縣政府多媒體簡報室舉行,由國際獅子會300A1區總監姜寶珠代表將五套「台灣影像歷史」贈給金門縣政府,李縣長代表接受,縣府機要秘書許加發、教育局長李再杭和來金的二十餘位國際獅子會會員在場觀禮,李縣長也回贈金門瓷器和金酒,表示歡迎與感謝。 In his speech, Magistrate Li said that Kinmen focused on the development of culture and tourism. The more the visitors to Kinmen, the better the opportunities for the development of Kinmen's tourism and economy. Therefore, to encourage more people to visit, he wondered if it was a good idea to grant "Honorary(3) County Citizenship" to people after a certain number of visits. The suggestion was well received by the Lions Clubs members. 李縣長致詞時表示,金門以文化和觀光發展為主軸,來到金門的訪客,帶來金門觀光經濟的發展機會;為鼓勵更多的人來金門,他說是否可以研究一個辦法,來金門幾次以上的人,就頒發「榮譽縣民證」,受到在場獅子會會員的歡迎。 Li added that people were now more willing to travel to China through Kinmen after expansion of the Mini-Three-Links. Compared to going through Hong Kong, Macao or elsewhere, it saved time and money. Apparently, a policy could have great influence on local development. 目前,在擴大小三通之後,來金門的意願提高,不僅可經由金門到廈門,李縣長說,以前要到大陸,要經由港澳,或從其他地方,費時又費錢;如今經由小三通即省時又省錢。所以,可見一個政策對地方的發展影響是很大的。 Governor Jiang Bao Zhu said, the Lions Clubs International cared about offshore islands and the book donation was an expression of their concern about Kinmen. She hoped the students in Kinmen could learn through these books and understand more of Taiwan's history and culture. At the same time, she also congratulated the people of Kinmen on the progress they made in recent years under the leadership of Magistrate Li. 國際獅子會300A1區總監姜寶珠表示,該會關懷離島發起捐書活動,表達對金門的關心,也希望讓金門地區的學子們,能有機會更深入了解台灣的歷史和文化。同時,她推崇在李縣長主政之下,近年來金門的建設、進步非常的多,真是老百姓的福氣! Kinmen had turned from a war zone into a celebrated(4) tourist destination. The Lions Clubs members expressed that the change of Kinmen had been amazing and there appeared to be plenty of opportunities here. They would be interested in making investments in Kinmen in the future to help with Kinmen's progress and prosperity. They added that cultural assets were always precious and priceless, and Kinmen had many valuable assets. They would visit again to make cultural exchanges. 過去,金門是戰地,如今已是觀光勝地,國際獅子會會員也表示,金門的變化真的很大,充滿發展的機會,未來也有意願來金投資,共同促進金門地方的繁榮發展。另外,文化資產是無價、珍貴的;金門也有很多寶貴的資產,未來願意來進行交流合作。 The delegation from Lions Clubs International District 300A1 planned to spend three days in Kinmen. They would be visiting various places to witness the charms of Kinmen. 國際獅子會300A1區總監姜寶珠一行人,預定在金停留三天,前往各地參訪,暢遊浯島風情。 解說 ■1. endeavor-(n)努力。 ■2. forebear-(n)祖先。通常為複數形式。 ■3. honorary-(adj.)名譽上的;名譽職的。 ■4. celebrated-(adj.)著名的。
Kinmen Snacks金門小吃
Baked Flat Bread 燒餅 Baked flat bread is made from flour of high quality. There are two kinds of flat bread, sweet and salty. The sweet flat bread is oval-shaped, with a special honey center, while the salty flat bread is round, with a special center of green onions, pork, and some seasoning. Flat bread is prepared by baking. Baked flat bread is crunchy(1) and delicious. If the bread cools after you take it home, just remember to bake it again in an oven. It will taste fresh and delicious. 使用高級麵粉製作而成的燒餅,有甜的和鹹的兩種口味。橢圓形外觀的燒餅是甜的,內餡是特調的蜜糖;而鹹燒餅是圓的,內餡有蔥、豬肉再加上特製的調味料。燒餅是經烘烤而成,香脆可口;買回家的燒餅若涼了,再放入烤箱烤過,一樣是新鮮、美味無比。 Fried Salty Cake 鹹粿炸 As the fried salty cake is a specialty of Kinmen, you can find it only at one of the local food stands near the Chastity Arch in downtown Jincheng. The preparation of a fried salty cake is done first by grinding(2) rice into a fluid,(3) then steaming it and letting it cool. Before frying it, you have to cut it into square pieces. Take a bite while it is still hot, and it will smell and taste delicious. Spicy sauce will make it even better, though this depends on personal preference. 鹹粿炸是金門特有的小吃美食之一,只有在位於金城鎮貞節牌坊旁的一家小店可以買得到。鹹粿炸是將米磨成米漿,蒸熟後放涼成糕;要炸的時候,先切成小塊、小塊的長方形,放入熱油鍋中炸透即可。趁熱品嚐時,咬一口,滿嘴的香味,口感甚佳;並可依各人喜好沾上特製的辣椒醬。 Stir-fried Sand Worm 炒沙蟲 Sand worms live in the mud flats of the intertidal(4) zone stretching from Shuitou to Siyuan. They comprise one of the Kinmen local delicacies,(5) and they taste marvelous. Proverbially, there are three steps in enjoying this delicious dish-catch the sand worms swiftly, stir-fry them rapidly, and eat them fast. 沙蟲是一種棲息於潮間帶沙中的星蟲動物,分佈在水頭至西園的海域沙灘。其味道鮮美,是金門的特色小吃。相傳這道食物有三快之說:「一是捕捉要快,二是炒食要快,三是動口要快」。 Ox Beef 牛肉 The pure local oxen of Kinmen make beef dishes indispensable(6) for tourists whenever they arrive in Kinmen. The meat is very tender and delicate. Besides using beef in the famous meals, people also make the beef into popular beef jerky(7) with a variety of flavors. 金門純正「黃牛」所製成的牛肉佳餚是到金門來不可不吃的美食。肉質非常柔嫩、細膩,除了可製作成聞名的大餐外,還可以製成各種口味的牛肉乾。 解說: ■1. crunchy-(adj.)脆的、易碎的。 ■2. grind-(vt)磨,碾。 ■3. fluid-(n)液體。 ■4. intertidal-(adj.)潮間帶的。 ■5. delicacy-(n)佳餚、美食。 ■6. indispensable-(adj.)必不可少的,必需的。 ■7. jerky-(n)此處指肉乾。(系列刊完) 資料來源:金門縣政府 原書作者:陳建民、漢貴恩 【本系列及新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院Patti老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】
Environmental Protection Administration Affirms Forestry Bureau's Outstanding Performance in Green and Aesthetic Engineering
綠美化成果表現傑出 林務所獲環保署肯定 Kinmen Forestry Bureau won the second place in the First EPA Civil Servant Creativity Competition with "Revitalization(1) and Reuse Projects in Kinmen Botanical(2) Garden". Director Ye Mei-mei received the trophy(3) from Environmental Protection Administration Minister Shen Shu-hung on Earth Day, Apr. 22. 金門縣林務所於第一屆環保公僕創意王競賽中,以「金門植物園活化再利用」榮獲現有措施類第二名殊榮,所長葉媚媚並於世界地球日(四月二十二日)當天,自環保署長沈世宏手中接獲獎座。 The "EPA Civil Servant Creativity Competition" is designed to encourage government agencies and environmental protection units to generate creative concepts and measures that are feasible(4) on the national, regional or local level to help environmental protection offices come up with diversified and multi-direction thinking as well as absorb new ideas. 「環保公僕創意王」目的在鼓勵政府機關及環保單位,針對全國性、區域性、及地方性環保業務,提供實際可行的創意理念與做法,協助環保機關能夠多元、多方向思考,吸取創新的理念。 Ye Mei-mei pointed out that in the early days Kinmen Botanical Garden was surrounded by bunkers, ammunition(5) depots and obsolete(6) barracks(7) due to its location in the Taiwu Mountain Military Control Zone. To bring back the charm of the area in line with(8) the Taiwu Nursery Reconstruction Plan, the Forestry Bureau has resorted to use of surrounding natural resources and created the forestry leisure space with Kinmen characteristics in spite of the limited budgets from the central and local governments. 葉媚媚指出,金門植物園早期因位於太武山軍事管制區,園區周邊滿佈碉堡、彈藥庫、廢棄營舍;為使營區再現當年風華,配合太武苗圃改建計畫,在中央及地方有限之經費下,取之於自然也用之於自然理念,營造出深具金門特色的森林戶外遊憩空間。 The botanical garden has retained the original war zone features by remodeling the abandoned barracks and concrete buildings. Water started to flow smoothly in the river like before and the swales(9) were turned into ecological ponds. The biological varieties have increased notably. The environment not only provides good breeding grounds for aquatic(10) insects but also has become good habitats for carnivorous(11) plants. It is now an excellent outdoor classroom for education on ecological sustainability. 金門縣植物園區不僅保有原來的戰地特色,廢棄營舍、水泥建築經整理後,河道恢復往日的通暢及美觀,原有漥地更經重新整頓規劃為生態池,環境獲得良好改善生物的多樣性亦獲顯著提昇,適合的自然環境,不只為水生昆蟲提供良好的復育場地,也成為食蟲植物的良好棲息地,現在亦是生態永續教育的自然教室。 According to the forestry Bureau, since the opening after the revitalization and reuse measures were implemented in the botanical garden, over ten thousand people and 56 groups have visited the botanical garden up till the end of January 2009. To record the change in ecological resources since the revitalization, work was carried out in the botanical garden, surveys on insect resources were outsourced and recorded, between May and December 2008, 10 orders, 33 families and 57 species of insects, 2 species of arachnidan,(12) one species of snails, one species of mammals,(13) 3 species of amphibians,(14) 3 species of reptiles,(15) as well as 26 species of birds, indicating rich biological resources. 金門縣林務所也表示,金門縣植物園區活化再利用後,自開放後統計至九十八年一月底止,參觀人次破萬,參訪團體達五十六團;為記錄植物園區活化後生態系的資源變化,委外進行昆蟲資源調查作業,從九十七年五月至十二月,調查結果發現,昆蟲資源共記錄有10目33科57種,無脊椎動物中的蛛形綱2種,蝸牛1種;脊椎動物中的哺乳類1種,兩棲類3種,爬蟲類3種,鳥類26種,充分顯現出生物資源的豐富性。 ■1. revitalization-(n)新生,復興。此處指活化。 ■2. botanical-(adj.)植物的,植物學的。 ■3. trophy-(n)獎品,戰利品,紀念品。 ■4. feasible-(adj.)可行的,合理的,適合的。 ■5. ammunition-(n)彈藥、軍火。ammunition depot就是彈藥庫。 ■6. obsolete-(adj.)廢棄的。 ■7. barrack-(n)營房,兵營。 ■8. in line with-與~一致。 ■9. swale-(n)沼澤地。 ■10. aquatic-(adj.)水生的,水棲的。 ■11. carnivorous-(adj.)肉食性的。 ■12. arachnidan-(n)節肢動物。亦可當形容詞。 ■13. mammal-(n)哺乳動物。 ■14. amphibian-(n)兩棲動物。亦可當形容詞。 ■15. reptile-(n)爬蟲類動物。亦可當形容詞。 資料來源:金門縣政府
Kinmen Specialities金門特產
Porcelain and Ceramics 陶瓷 Kinmen has an abundance of fine porcelain(1) clay, feldspar,(2) and quartz,(3) all providing good resources for making porcelain and ceramics.(4) In 1963, the Kinmen Ceramic Factory established to maintain the only official kilns(5) of our country. In the early days, it produced dinnerware,(6) thus the factory was called the "bowl factory" by the residents. It now manufactures blue and white porcelain, colorful pottery, crystal glaze(7) porcelain, and makes porcelain wine vessels for the Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Factory. All the products combine philosophy, science, and aesthetics,(8) into a mixture of modern and classical designs. The main products can be divided into two categories, namely, ceramic liquor bottles and artifacts.(9) 金門島上蘊藏大量的優良瓷土﹑長石與石英等陶瓷礦物原料。民國五十二年(西元1963年)創立的金門陶瓷廠﹐是全國唯一的官窯。早期以生產碗為主﹐所以居民又稱為「碗廠」。現在則生產仿古青花﹑彩繪陶瓷藝品及結晶釉等﹐並且為金門酒廠製造酒瓶。所有的產品都兼具古典與現代﹐融合哲學﹑科學﹑美學的觀念﹐主要產品分為瓷酒瓶及陶瓷藝品兩大類。
Kinmen Snacks 金門小吃
Oysters 海蚵 Surrounded by the unpolluted sea, Kinmen has an abundance of fresh and succulent(10) oysters along the seashore. They are not only edible(11) without being cooked, but also can be made into flavorful(12) and delicious local cuisine, such as thin noodles with oysters, oyster omelets, oyster soup, crisp fried oysters, and so on. Locally handmade thin noodles plus the oysters grown on stone stakes make an unparalleled combination. This combination requires nothing more than green onion oil and pepper to make it extremely palatable.(13) 金門四面環海且水源無污染﹐所生產的石蚵鮮美多汁﹐不僅可以生吃﹐也可以作成具有風味的地方料理﹐例如﹕蚵仔麵線﹑蚵仔煎﹑蚵仔湯﹑蚵仔酥等美食。用金門手工製成的手工麵線配合石頭生的海蚵煮出來的蚵仔麵線無以倫比。麵線拌著鮮味的石蚵﹐只需灑上油蔥頭﹑胡椒粉等佐料﹐就非常美味可口。 Canton Porridge 廣東粥 To cook Canton porridge, first, mix rice and bone juices and stew them in a pot until a sticky soup is produced. Then, add to the soup some meat balls, pig livers and kidneys, fried fish balls, shrimps, and eggs. Finally, a bowl of delicious Canton porridge is ready to be served. When eating, people usually prefer their porridge with "oily sticks" (deep-fried twisted dough) or baked flat bread. 廣東粥的作法是先將米和大骨放入鍋中細火慢燉﹐煮成米湯﹔然後將米湯加入肉丸﹑豬肝﹑腰仔片﹑炸魚片﹑蝦仁﹑和蛋等﹐就大功告成。一般人吃廣東粥都會配上香酥的油條或燒餅。(三十五) ■1. porcelain-(n)瓷﹔瓷器(總稱)。 ■2. feldspar-(n)長石。 ■3. quartz-(n)石英。 ■4. ceramics-(n)陶製品(總稱)。 ■5. kiln-(n)窯﹐爐﹐用以燒製陶瓷等器具。 ■6. dinnerware-(n)整套的餐具。 ■7. glaze-(n)釉﹐釉料。亦可當動詞﹐給~上釉﹑上光。 ■8. aesthetics-(n)美學。 ■9. artifact-(n)手工藝品。 ■10. succulent-(adj.)多水分的。 ■11. edible-(adj.)可食用的。 ■12. flavorful-(adj.)有風味的﹐充滿~味道的。 ■13. palatable-(adj.)美味的﹐令人愉快的。 資料來源﹕金門縣政府 原書作者﹕陳建民﹑漢貴恩 【本系列及新聞英文解說﹐由金門技術學院Patti老師指導﹐本報編輯部提供﹐歡迎各界指正或提供建議】
Kite-Flying to Bid Farewell to Landmines
告別地雷大家攜手放風箏 Explomo Technical Services PTE Ltd. of Singapore and Zheng Da Auto Parts and Accessories will sponsor the "Farewell to Landmines; Kinmen Rises" kite-flying event set to take place on the beach around Jinning Township's Cih Causeway Sanjiao(Triangle) bunker. Chief Executive Chen Wei Qing of Explomo's Special Technical Service Office and others visited Kinmen County Magistrate Li Zhu Feng on May 8. Magistrate Li thought the activity had its particular meaning and said he would instruct related departments to look into the matter and give their support. 新加坡埃斯波摩公司與正大汽車材料行,預定於今年7月5日在金寧鄉慈堤三角堡週邊沙灘,舉辦「告別地雷、金門向上」攜手放風箏活動。埃斯波摩特殊技術服務所執行長陳偉青等人,5月8日下午聯袂拜會金門縣長李炷烽,李炷烽對於這項活動別具意義,也表示會請相關部門研究,來共襄盛舉。 Explomo Techinical is a company specialized in demining. Over the past years it has bid for contracts for demining and handling of duds(1) around Shueitou Pier and Wuhu Mountain areas in Kinmen. 屬於排雷專業的新加坡埃斯波摩公司,近幾年投標處理金門水頭商港、五虎山等排雷和未爆彈處理。 Li pointed out that the people in Kinmen were especially thankful that the central government had passed the law and set the deadline for removal of the landmines left from the early days when Kinmen was a war zone. However, the Ministry of National Defense should abide by(2) its commitment to the people and act with efficiency on demining work. 李炷烽指出,因早期戰爭或戰備任務留下的雷區,政府能通過法令限期排除,金門民眾對於能排雷是謝天謝地,但國防部基於對老百姓的負責,在排雷工作上應更講求效率。 Li Zhu Feng also suggested that the landmine-removing agent, after seeking the consent of the Ministry of National Defense, to donate some neutralized(3) mines and bombs to the county government to be placed on display in the military museum that Kinmen planned to build in the future. They would attest to(4) the past and tell visitors that particular period of Kinmen's history. 李炷烽也建議排雷公司,在尋求國防部同意,也將排除的廢雷、彈,將引信等排除、失去作用功能後,可保留一點數目,未來捐贈給金門縣政府,以作為未來成立軍事博物館可供陳展,見證歷史,讓觀光客能了解金門過往的一段歷史場景。 According to the schedule set by Zheng Da Auto Parts and Accessories, the "Farewell to Landmines; Kinmen Rises" kite-flying event would take place between 10:00am and 5:30pm on the afternoon of Jul. 5 on the beach by Jinning Township's Cih Causeway, Sanjiao(Triangle) Bunker. Besides the kite painting activity, a team of kite specialists would also fly traditional kites, modern kites and technical kites to entertain the spectators. 根據正大汽車材料行活動企劃,舉辦「 告別地雷、金門向上」攜手放風箏活動,時間預定於2009年7月5日上午十時至下午5時30分,在金寧鄉慈堤三角堡週邊沙灘舉行,除了有風箏彩繪外,也將邀請風箏隊進行各式傳統風箏、現代風箏及技術風箏表演。 ■1. dud-(n)未爆彈。 ■2. abide by-遵守,信守。 ■3. neutralize-(vt.)使無效。此處指已被拆除、失去效用之炸彈、地雷。 ■4. attest to-證實,證明。 資料來源:金門縣政府