Weekly Major Events 03/22~03/28
一週大事03/22~03/28 ●President of XMU Visited Kinmen In Transit Zhu, Chong-Shi, (朱崇實) President of Xiamen University, visited Kinmen in transit to Taiwan for a seminar via Mini-Three-Links on March 27, and county magistrate Li, Wo-Shi, and president of KMIT, Lee Chin-Cheng, went especially to Shuitou Pier to welcome him. Li, Wo-Shi stated that he would like to see more education interchange between Kinmen and Xiamen, and, in the mean time, to accelerate the development of "Kinmen University Island" so as to create more opportunities for Kinmen. ●廈大校長來訪府會首長熱情迎迓 廈門大學校長朱崇實27日經小三通過境金門,赴台參加研討會,縣長李沃士、金門技術學院校長李金振等,特別前往碼頭迎接。李沃士希望金廈加強學術交流,加速金門發展「大學島」,創造金門發展機會。 ●Publication of CAB, Kinmen, Exhibited On Bologna Children's Book Fair Bologna Children's Book Fair, one of the four most prestigious(1) book fairs around the world, will be held on March 26~March 29 in Taipei. Four books including "Story Telling Ancient House" (老房子說故事) etc., published by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (CAB), Kinmen County Government, were invited and would be exhibited in the section of "Taiwan Government Publications". This outstanding achievement made by the CAB is one of the best among other county governments in Taiwan. ●文化局出版品參加義大利波隆那書展 號稱世界四大書展之一的義大利波隆那兒童書展,三月二十六日至二十九日在台北盛大舉行,金門縣文化局共有「老房子說故事」等四書獲邀,以「政府出版品」參展,成績斐然,傲視全國各縣市文化局。 ●Innocent Retrial Verdict Announced For the KKL Corruption Case Fujian High Court Kinmen Branch Court, based on the reason of inadequate evidences, announced the innocent retrial(2) verdict(3) for the roaring(4) "KKL corruption case" on March 26. The ex-county magistrate, Chen, Shui-Zai (陳水在), related officers of county government, and liquor merchants are all innocence according to the verdict. However, the prosecution can still decide to appeal.(5) ●金酒案陳水在等八人獲判無罪 曾經喧騰一時的「金酒貪瀆案」,福建高等法院金門分院更一審,26日以罪證不足為由,宣判金門縣前縣長陳水在及官員、酒商等八人無罪,全案仍可上訴。 ●Kinmen Food & Travel Expo Opened in Tainan Kinmen Food & Travel Exhibition was grandly opened in Durban department store in Tainan City, on March 26. County magistrate Li, Wo-Shi was present and held the ribbon-cutting ceremony with Xu, Tian-Cai, (許添財) the mayor of Tainan City. Li, Wo-Shi encouraged the stretch-out strategy for Kinmen specialties and hoped that the exhibition can attract more people to get to know Kinmen, be fond of Kinmen, and eventually come to visit Kinmen. ●金門美食旅遊展府城盛大開幕 金門美食旅遊展26日在台南市德安百貨公司盛大開幕,縣長李沃士也特別前往,與台南市長許添財共同主持開幕剪綵。李沃士期許金門特產能走出去,讓更多台灣朋友透過特產展認識金門、喜愛金門,甚至於來到金門。 ●Swimming Relay Across Kinmen-Xiamen Strait Scheduled On August 8 After the successful "Swimming Across Kinmen-Xiamen Strait" in 2009, Kinmen County Government planned to hold the "Swimming Relay(6) Across Kinmen-Xiamen Strait" this year. The event scheduled on August 8 and the whole course will be 13 km. County magistrate Li, Wo-Shi expected this activity would become an indicative(7) event for cross-strait interchange in the future. The county government will present the project for this event to the Mainland Affais Council for approval. ●金廈橫渡接力賽定8月8日登場 繼2009年兩岸泳士成功泳渡金廈海域活動後,金門縣政府今年擬擴大舉辦「金廈海峽橫渡接力公開賽活動」,活動時間預定8月8日,全程約十三公里。縣長李沃士盼能發展成兩岸指標性的大型交流活動;並將函請行政院大陸委員會同意辦理。 ●County Government Strived For Stationing of Emergency Rescue Chopper The Black Hawk Helicopter of Airborne Service Corps (ASC) stationing in Kinmen, has long been the expectation of Kinmenese. Lin, Zheng-Xun, (林政勳) the Director of Aviation Mission Division, ASC, visited Kinmen on March 24 to do the preliminary evaluation of the airport and its related facility and infrastructure. County magistrate Li, Wo-Shi urged the central authority to finish as soon as possible the planning for the station of helicopter in Kinmen in order to reinforce the air force command and communication mechanism for emergency air rescue and to provide better protection for tourists via Mini-Three-Links. ●縣府力爭空總直升機進駐 空勤總隊黑鷹直升機進駐金門,是金門鄉親引頸盼望!空勤總隊航務組組長林政勳24日抵金進行場地初步評估及軟硬體配置,同時抵縣府拜會,縣長李沃士大聲疾呼,中央儘早完成直升機進駐金門規劃事宜,以強化金門空中救災、救難、巡護之指揮、通報機制,提供小三通旅客及鄉親生命多一層保障。 ●High-ranking Police Officers Shuffled Li, Huai-Ning(李懷寧) was inaugurated as the new Deputy Director-general of Kinmen County Police Bureau on March 24. Li is also the second native Kinmenese high-ranking police officer to be promoted to this position (the first one was Yang, Su-Kai, the present Director-general of Fire Bureau, Kinmen County). ●高階警官人事異動 金門縣警察局新任副局長李懷寧24日正式升任新職,他也是繼楊肅凱(現任消防局長)後第二位升任副局長的縣籍子弟。 ●Li Strived For Night Service & Lower Price For Mini-Three-Links When receiving Xiao, Ding-Xun, (蕭丁訓) the Director-general of Kaohsiung Harbor Bureau, County magistrate Li, Wo-Shi made all his efforts to urge for opening of night ferry service for Mini-Three-Links, hoping that it would increase passenger numbers and boost more business opportunities. Magistrate Li also expected to reduce the price following the example of Xiamen and hoping that it will go back to the reasonable market mechanism. ●李縣長力爭增開小三通夜航並調降票價 金門縣長李沃士22日接見高雄港務局局長蕭丁訓時,全力爭取金廈增開「小三通夜航」,期望增加小三通進出旅客數,促進金門旅遊業商機。李縣長同時希望比照廈門調降小三通船票價,回歸巿場合理機制。 ●1. prestigious-(adj.)有名望的。 ●2. retrial-(n)再審。 ●3. verdict-(n)(陪審團的)裁決、裁定。 ●4. roaring-(adj.)喧鬧的、喧嘩的。 ●5. appeal-(vt.)對~上訴。 ●6. relay-(n)接力賽。 ●7. indicative-(adj.)象徵的;指示的。
County Magistrate Li Visited Central Government To Urge Policy
李縣長拜會中央部會爭取政策 County Magistrate, Li, Wo-Shi, led his county government team in a visit to the Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) and other central relevant ministries on March 25 to urge the "Water Supply from Mainland," and the upgrade of the landing minimum of Shangyi Airport. All related issues received positive responses. 縣長李沃士25日率縣府團隊前往經濟部水利署、交通部民航局等中央相關部會拜會,爭取「大陸引水」,以及尚義機場降低起降標準等政策,均獲得善意回應。 The highlighted "Water Supply from Mainland" project is scheduled to finish planning, and submit the final report to the Executive Yuan for permission before the end of this year. To earn support from related central authorities, Kinmen County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi went to Taiwan especially to visit Yang, Wei-Fu, (楊偉甫) the Director-general of Water Resources Agency, on March 25, and presented six issues regarding Kinmen water resources development and the improvement of water quality. 備受關注的「大陸引水」案,預定今年年底前可以完成規劃,報行政院核定。金門縣長李沃士25日特別赴台拜會水利署署長楊偉甫,針對金門水資源開發與水質改善提出六大議題,爭取中央支持。 In addition, in order to solve the problem of air transportation in Kinmen, Li, Wo-Shi met with Li, Long-Wen, (李龍文) the Director-general of Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA), MOTC. Both sides reached important conclusions, including the CAA to assist in negotiating with the military to tear down obstructions around the Shangyi Airport, and the proposed upgrade of the landing minimum at Shangyi Airport, which would be 800 meters like the standard at Taipei International Airport (SonShan Airport), thus reducing airport closures due to heavy fog. 此外,為解決金門空運問題,李沃士特別前往交通部民航局拜會局長李龍文,雙方並獲得重要結論,包括協調軍方拆除尚義機場周邊障礙物,希望尚義機場起降標準能比照台北松山機場,降為八百公尺,盼減少濃霧導致關場停飛的情況發生。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年3月26日報導
Kinmen-Xiamen Gang-up(1) to Promote "Free Trip" to Kinmen The Vice-Mayor of Xiamen Municipal Government, Zhan, Cang-Zhou, (詹滄州) visited Kinmen County Government on Marh 27. County Magistrate, Li, Wo-Shi presented the issue of "opening for mainlanders' free trip to Kinmen", and other related proposals, hoping that the "trial and pioneer policy" would start between Kinmen and Xiamen, in order to broaden and expand the cooperation and development on both sides. Zhan, Cang-Zhou stated he will try his best to help to implement these proposals. 廈門市人民政府副市長詹滄州一行,27日抵金門縣政府拜會。縣長李沃士當面提出「開放大陸人士來金自由行」等議題,希望金廈兩門「先試先行」,共同合作開發與建設。詹滄州表示,將積極努力共同促成。 Zhan, Cang-Zhou, said that the purpose of this trip was to invite Kinmen County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi to attend "The Third Cross-strait Culture & Creative Industry Fair," to be held in June, as a dignitary(2) speaker of the "Straits Forum". 廈門市人民政府副市長詹滄州指出,此行主要是專程來金邀請縣長李沃士出席6月份舉行的「第三屆海峽兩岸(廈門)文化產業博覽交易會」,並擔任「海峽論壇」演講嘉賓。 Magistrate Li also presented six issues to Zhan, including the deregulation for mainland residents to travel to and from Kinmen; the cooperation between Kinmen and the West Coast of the Strait Tourism Zone; the opening policy for Kinmenese to travel to and from Xiamen holding a valid identification issued from Taiwan; the importing of Chinese capital into Kinmen to participate in public infrastructure; the tariff-free policy for Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor exporting to Xiamen; and the free circulation of legal currencies between Kinmen and Xiamen. Li also orally presented a proposal for night ferry service of Mini-Three-Links as a "Trial & Pioneer Policy". 李縣長也提出六項議題,包括大陸居民便利入出境金門旅遊建議案、共構金門-海西旅遊區旅遊合作方案、金門鄉親得持台灣有效身分證便利入出境廈門旅遊、大陸資金引入來金參與公共建設、金酒酒品輸入廈門得免徵關稅、兩岸合法貨幣得在金門廈門自由流通,並口頭補充小三通夜航「先試先行」等建議。 Zhan, Cang-Zhou said that Xiamen is urging the same issues; however, some of them are not the authority of the local government and should be redirected to the relevant departments. He said that earlier this year Secretary-general, Hu, Jin-Tao (胡錦濤) also reiterated(3) that "anything that is conducive(4) to the people of Taiwan, we all will do it". Zhan,Cang-Zhou believes that the active cooperation of the cross-strait will be driven by trend. 詹滄州表示,這些議題有部份廈門方面也在積極爭取,但其中有些非地方政府權責,得向相關部門反映。他說,今年總書記胡錦濤在廈門過年時也重申,「只要有利兩岸人民,我們都會去做」。詹滄州表示,相信兩岸積極合作將是時勢所趨。 ●1. gang up-聯合起來;聯手。 ●2. dignitary-(adj.)地位尊貴的。 ●3. reiterate-(vt.)重申;重複講。 ●4. conducive-(adj.)有助的、有益的。 (譯者:黃怡真;校正:Patti) 本文摘譯自《金門日報》2010年3月28日報導
Weekly Major Events 03/15~03/24
一週大事03/15~03/24 ●Council Speaker Visited Taipei County Association After waiting for forty years, the old and well-established(1) Kinmen Fellow Townsmen Association of Taipei County, founded in 1970, finally had the opportunity to welcome the Kinmen County Council Delegation headed by the Speaker on March 20. Director-General, Huang, Xian-Ping (黃獻平) and all general committee members warmly greeted the delegation and held enthusiastic discussions at an informal meeting. Legislator, Zhang, Qing-Zhong (Taipei County) (張慶忠) whose origin is Qing-Yu, Jin-Sha Township in Kinmen, and legislator Lin, De-Fu, (林德福) who has been showing great concerns over Kinmen related issues and acts, also came together to pledge support for the "Kinmen Bridge" construction budget. ●議長首次組團訪北縣同鄉會 一九七○年創會﹐成立已四十年的老字號台北縣金門同鄉會會所﹐20日終於等到首次由議長組團的金門縣議會訪問團到訪。理事長黃獻平親率全體理監事及各服務處處長熱烈迎賓﹐與議員展開交流座談。祖籍金沙青嶼的台北縣立委張慶忠﹐長期關注金門法案推動的立委林德福﹐也趕來相聚﹐誓言守住「金門大橋」建設預算。 ●Shandong & Beijing Seniors Visit Kinmen in Transit A total of 800 tourists from the Elder Physical Education Association, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China, traveled in three groups consecutively for three days to Taiwan, via Kinmen, started on March 20. Another tour group of 337 from Beijing arrived in Kinmen on March 20 after their trip in Taiwan. The number of tour groups visiting Kinmen for two days and one night in transit to Taiwan or back to China is rapidly increasing. The "Taiwan Kinmen and Xiamen Tourism Circle" is just starting! ●山東﹑北京銀髮族中轉金門參觀旅遊 大陸山東濟南老年體協康樂旅遊團共計800人﹐20日起分三天﹑三批次﹐在金門停留後中轉前往台灣旅遊。另有來自北京的旅遊團共337人﹐結束台灣行程後﹐20日抵金參訪。來自大陸﹐在金門停留二天一夜再中轉往返的旅行團﹐數量越來越多﹐「台金廈旅遊圈」已儼然成型﹗ ●Despite Environmental Assessment Failure Astro Determined To Invest In Kinmen The environmental impact assessment for the spotlighted(2) Kinmen Industrial and Business Park development project proposed by Astro Corp. (泰偉電子) was held on March 19. Due to the concerns of the review committee over the land, water resource and environmental pollution, the project did not successfully pass inspection. Astro said that they will make persistent(3) efforts to achieve quality standards for the next inspection scheduled within six months, thus pursuing their interest in the Kinmen investment. ●泰偉環評未過 投資金門決心不變 眾所矚目的泰偉金門工商綜合區開發案19日進行環境影響評估。審查委員對土地﹑水資源﹑環境污染等仍有疑慮﹐該案並沒有順利過關。泰偉表示﹐將再接再厲﹐預定半年內申請再審﹐投資金門的決心不變。 ●Expecting the Welcome of City God To Become International Event At a conference on March 19, Kinmen County Magistrate, Li, Wo-Shi emphasized an extensive promotion of the Welcoming City God Activity to be held on Lunar April 12th. He mentioned implementing strategies and performing religious tourism marketing functions to attract Taiwan, China and even international tourists to visit Kinmen and participate in the activities, with the anticipation of this event becoming an international temple activity. ●迎城隍盼成全國性廟會活動 金門縣長李沃士19日在一項會議中強調﹐希望透過策略﹐擴大推動農曆四月十二的迎城隍廟會活動﹐發揮宗教觀光的行銷功能﹐吸引台灣﹑大陸﹐甚至國際觀光客來金門觀光﹑參與﹐最終希望成為全國性廟會活動。 ●Li: To Build the Shopping Paradise for Kinmen's Economic Take-off Kinmen County Magistrate, Li, Wo-Shi listened to the presentation for the KKL's proposal for a Kinmen duty-free shop along with the development of Huagangshi (literally Granite ) Hospital area. Li suggested that KKL apply for duty-free shops at Shangyi Airport or Shuitou Pier via equity investment(4) while seeking suitable locations in the towns. He also welcomed local businesses to join in the building of a shopping paradise that will drive the economic take-off in Kinmen. ●縣長李沃士﹕打造購物天堂讓金門經濟起飛 金門縣長李沃士18日聽取一項有關金酒公司籌設離島免稅購物商店﹐以及花崗石院區開發簡報。他裁示﹐金酒公司轉投資免稅店可先申請在尚義機場﹑水頭港區開設﹐同時在市區覓妥適當地點開店﹐也歡迎地方業者加入﹐共同打造購物天堂﹐帶動金門經濟起飛。 ●Stationing of Airborne Service Corps in Kinmen Expected This Year Legislator Chen, Fu-Hai invited the Director-General of Airborne Service Corps, Chen, Chong-Xian, (陳崇賢) Director of Aviation Mission Division Lin, Zheng-Xun, (林政勳) and others to negotiate the possibility of the Airborne Service Corps being stationed in Kinmen. Related personnel from the Aviation Mission Division will come to Kinmen to negotiate the planning of aircraft configuration, and to hold an on-site inspection the surrounding of fleet. ●空勤總隊進駐金門 年內可望實現 立委陳福海十七日邀集空勤總隊總隊長陳崇賢﹑航務組組長林政勳等人﹐研商空勤總隊進駐金門的可行性。航務組人員近期將來金協商﹐規劃飛機之配置﹐並現場勘察機隊駐地環境設施。 ●Expanded Use of Transportation Vouchers Proposed Showing concern for the students, the Kinmen County Government has established the "Implementation Measures of Airplane Ticket Subsidies for Students in Kinmen County". It is expected that the vouchers will be applied to ferry tickets and to the purchase of school supplies this year in order to substantially benefit the students on the island. ●交通券擬擴大使用範圍 金門縣政府為嘉惠學子﹐訂有「學生航空票價補貼辦法」﹐今年可望擴大將船舶票券及圖書文具均納入適用範疇﹐以實質嘉惠學生。 ●Nineteen Military Camps To Released & Activated Kinmen County Government and Kinmen Defense Command held the on-site inspection of the vacant camps on March 17. The current release of the camps has identified 19 places that will be submitted to each unit for an overall planning and development to restore new life to the old camps. ●軍方十九處營區可望釋出﹑活化 金門縣政府17日與金防部針對空置營區展開實地會勘﹐目前已確定釋出營區有十九處﹐將交由各單位進行整體規劃與開發﹐重新賦予舊營區新生命。 ●KKL and KMIT Signed Letter of Cooperative Intent KKL and KMIT signed a letter of Cooperative Intent on March 16. County Magistrate, Li, Wo-Shi, bore witness to the event. He expressed his expectation for the head of industry, the KKL, and the highest seat of learning at KMIT, to unite together to further develop Kinmen's industry, enabling Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor to hold its position on the island and to further broaden the export market both cross-strait and globally. ●金酒公司與金門技術學院簽署合作意向書 金酒公司和國立金門技術學院16日簽署合作意向書﹐縣長李沃士等人到場見證﹐期許產業龍頭和金門最高學府結合﹐共同為金門產學發展攜手合作﹐讓金酒立足金門﹑行銷兩岸﹑佈局全球。 ●1. well-established-(adj.)信譽卓著的。 ●2. spotlighted-(adj.)受矚目的。 ●3. persistent-(adj.)持續不變﹑堅持不懈的。 ●4. equity investment-股權投資。亦即一般概念中所謂的「轉投資」。企業若以購買其他企業股票﹐或以貨幣資金﹑無形資產和其他實物資產直接投資於其他單位者﹐均可稱為「股權投資」。長期性的股權投資﹐最終目的是為了透過利潤或股利獲取經濟利益﹔抑或基於生產鍊的垂直整合需求﹐透過持股方式達到控制上﹑下游企業之目的﹐以便原來母公司的生產經營活動得以順利遂行。
Speaker Headed For Legislative Yuan Fighting For "Kinmen Bridge."
議長領軍前進立法院 爭取支持金門大橋 Being in office for only nineteen days (since March 1), newly elected Speaker of Kinmen County Council, Wang, Zai-Sheng, demonstrated cohesion(1) with other councilors as they visited Legislator Yuan to call on(2) the Dean of Legislative Yuan Wang, Jin-Ping, (王金平) for legislative support of the "Kinmen Bridge." 三月一日當選就職的金門縣議會議長王再生,上任才十九天,已展現高度凝聚力,19日率同過半數議員前進立法院,拜會院長王金平,尋求立委支持「金門大橋」預算。 Council Speaker Wang emphasized that the major importance of the bridge is not only for the population and economy, but also includes humanitarianism, medical concerns and tourism. He also pointed out that one-third of the budget will be paid by the people of Kinmen. 王再生強調,這座橋不應只停留在人口與經濟面的考量,它還包含了人道醫療、觀光等功能,且建橋預算由金門自籌三分之一。 Having just stepped down from the mayor of Liehyu Township, Councilor Lin, Jin-Liang stated that according to the polls of Liehyu Township (conducted last year), 93.2% of its villagers agree to the building of the Kinmen Bridge. 甫卸任烈嶼鄉長的林金量,拿出烈嶼鄉公所的民調,強調高達93.2%的烈嶼鄉親支持建造金門大橋。 Eleven of the nineteen Kinmen County councilors-in other words, half of all councilors, participated in this visit to call on and lobby(3) activity. 金門縣議會訪問團成員共有11人,在全體19位議員當中,有過半數議員均參與此次參訪、拜會與遊說活動。 ●1. cohesion-(n)凝聚力;團結力。 ●2. call on-拜訪、拜會。 ●3. lobby-(n)遊說活動。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年3月20日報導
First Interchange with Chinese Students-Milestone for Higher Education
首批陸生來金交流開啟高教新里程 Thirty students from Zhangzhou Institute of Technology, China, through an exchange project, will be the "auditors"(1) to study and learn through enrollment in classes at KMIT for a semester starting in March. This is the first time for Chinese students to study in Kinmen, and thus marks the milestone of the recruitment of students from China to study in Kinmen. 大陸福建漳州職業技術學院三十位學生,透過交換學生計畫,三月起以「研修生」身分進入國立金門技術學院展開一學期「隨班就讀」。這是金門有史以來首批大陸大學生,開啟了金門高等教育學府招收陸生紀錄。 These students are from Fujian, northeastern China, Hubei, Hebei and Anhui etc. They are interested in the vibrant(2) and creative student associations, and the City God Festival to be held on Lunar April 12th. 這批陸生分別來自福建、東北、甘肅、湖北、河北、安徽等地。他們對活潑多元、有創意的學生社團,以及金門每年農曆4月12日的浯島城隍遊街感到興趣。 KMIT mentioned that Kinmen has the qualities to be an ideal testing area for the recruitment of students from China. These experiences accumulated in Kinmen could be promoted to other schools in Taiwan. President Li, Jin-Zhen (李金振) also strongly encouraged department heads to assist the Chinese students in their adjustment to life in Kinmen so that these students will in the long term(3) cherish their experience and develop a love for Kinmen. 金門技術學院表示,金門已具備足夠條件作為招收陸生的試驗區,希望藉由金門累積經驗再推廣到台灣其他學校。校長李金振也要求學校各部門主管,盡力協助陸生適應金門生活,長期目標希望讓陸生永遠懷念並愛上金門。 ●1. auditor-(n)旁聽生。亦即所謂的「隨班附讀」。 ●2. vibrant-(adj.)充滿生氣的、活躍的。 ●3. in the long term-從長遠來看。 本文摘譯自《金門日報》2010年3月19日報導
Weekly Major Events 03/08~03/14
一週大事 03/08~03/14 ●70% of Kinmen's Wheat Develops Leaf Spot Disease Because of higher temperatures and high humidity after Chinese Lunar New Year, a severe outbreak of Leaf Spot Disease(1) has appeared on over 70 percent of Kinmen's wheat. The wheat in the Jinsha area was the most affected. ●小麥七成出現葉斑症 農曆年後天氣高溫潮濕,小麥出現嚴重的葉斑病症,有超過七成麥穗罹病,金沙地區首當其衝。 ●County Council "None-Party Caucus" Established The fifth Kinmen County Council "None-Party Caucus"(2) was established on March 11. Councilor Ou Yang, Yi-Xiong was elected as the Caucus Convener,(3) and Li, Cheng-Yi as the Caucus Whip.(4) They will negotiate and communicate with other caucuses from different parties to efficiently promote the issues of their council. ●縣議會無黨聯盟成軍 金門縣議會第五屆無黨聯盟11日正式成立,由議員歐陽儀雄當選黨團書記長,幹事長則由李成義議員出任,將透過政黨政治的平台,進行協商與溝通,以有效推展議事運作。 ●Guidelines of Star-rating for Hotel Pronounced The star classification for international tourist hotels has been a prevalent(5) trend around the world. In response to this trend, Kinmen County Government especially drafted the "Guidelines of Star-rating for International Tourist Hotels in Kinmen" so as to assist local hotel owners. The highest reward for the hotels (receiving the highest rating) is two million NT dollars. ●縣府訂頒星級旅館評鑑作業要點 因應國際星級旅館認證趨勢,金門縣政府特訂頒輔導旅館業者「星級旅館評鑑作業要點」乙種,最高可獲獎勵金新台幣200萬元。 ●Yao, Song-Ling Takes Over As General Manager of KKL Yao, Song-Ling (姚松齡) was inaugurated as the new general manager of Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Ltd. (KKL) on March 10. County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi encouraged him to employ his professional managerial skills to broaden the export market and diversify, so as to continue creating outstanding financial performance. ●金酒總經理姚松齡接掌 金門縣營金門酒廠實業股份有限公司新任總經理姚松齡10日就職,縣長李沃士期許發揮專業經理人專長,拓展外銷市場,並致力多元化經營,持續創造金酒業績成長。 ●Free Ferry Service For Scooters Between Leiyu & Kinmen The people who are registered in Leiyu Township, or who work for public organizations and schools in Leiyu, can apply for the "Free Scooter Ferry Transportation Certificate." Leiyu Township Office has opened a one-stop window(6) to speed up the application process. Hence, applicants would be able to receive their certificates and enjoy this new traffic welfare policy. ●機車往返烈嶼免費 戶籍所在地為烈嶼鄉者,和於烈嶼鄉各機關、學校服務者,即日起,可申請「機車免費載運證」。烈嶼鄉公所開闢單一窗口,讓申請者能快速取證,馬上可享受這項最新的交通福利措施。 ●Civilians & Soldiers Planted 2800 "Trees of Hope" on Arbor Day The 2010 Arbor Day activity was held on the afternoon of March 11 at Mashan (Jin-Sha Township). County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi, Council Speaker Wang, Zai-Shen, lieutenant general and the Commander of Kinmen Defense, Zhang, Qing-Xiang cooperated with 2500 civilians and soldiers in planting these 2800 primitive(7) trees over a total area of two hectares. ●植樹節軍民種下2800株希望之樹 九十九年植樹節活動11日下午假馬山舉行,縣長李沃士、議長王再生、金防部指揮官張慶翔中將,與二千五百位軍民合力種植完成兩千八百株原生林木,面積兩公頃。 ●Medical Cooperation Intended With NCKU-Magistrate Li's Alma Mater Kinmen medical services and facilities will experience a major breakthrough. Kinmen County Magistrate Li, Wo-shi returned to his alma mater,(8) Nation Cheng Kung University (NCKU) on March 8, and visited Lai, Ming-Zhao, president of the university, to seek for medical cooperation between Kinmen and National Cheng Kung University Hospital (NCKUH). Both sides decided to sign the "Letter of Cooperation Intent"(9) on April 7. The Kinmen Hospital, Department of Health, might become Kinmen Branch for NCKUH in the future. ●李沃士爭取成大醫療合作 獲母校支持 金門醫療將有大突破!金門縣長李沃士8日返回母校拜會成大校長賴明詔,尋求與成功大學醫學院附設醫院進行醫療合作,雙方決定四月七日簽定合作意向書。未來署立金門醫院可望發展成為「成大醫學院附設醫院金門分院」。 ■1. Leaf Spot Disease-葉斑症。 ■2. caucus-(n)政黨的地方委員會,用於議會或國會,即指「黨團」。none-party則是「無黨」。 ■3. convener-(n)召集人。此處指黨團「書記長」。 ■4. whip-(n)俗稱「黨鞭」,或「幹事長」。係政黨組織中負責督促該黨議員在投票時出席的幹部。 ■5. prevalent-(adj.)普遍的、流行的。 ■6. one-stop window-單一窗口。 ■7. primitive-(adj.)原生的。純樸的。 ■8. alma mater-(n)指母校或校歌。 ■9. Letter of Cooperation Intent-合作意向書。
60th Anniversary of Dadan, Erdan Battle On The Way
大二膽戰役60週年將辦紀念活動 This year is the year of the 60th anniversary of the Dadan and Erdan Battle. The Ministry of National Defense will hold an extensive memorial to honor all soldiers sacrificed in the battle. The ministry also issued a "Fellow Soldier Call-up"(1) to welcome all veterans who participated in the battle so as to commemorate their high morale of defending the country and the land. 今年適逢「大二膽戰役」六十週年,為紀念當年不畏犧牲、奮勇抗敵的國軍英勇將士,國防部將擴大辦理紀念活動。國防部並發布「戰友召集令」,歡迎當年參戰官兵報名參加,以緬懷官兵們英勇保家衛國的精神。 According to the Ministry of National Defense, the Chinese communist soldiers had been firing at Dadan unexpectedly for 45 minutes, starting from 6:10 p.m. on July 26, 1950. They attempted to take the Dadan Island with fierce military force, to twist their failure in the Guningtou Battle into triumph, and, further more, to accomplish the idea to consecutively(2) occupy Kinmen, Matsu, Penghu and Taiwan. Under the leadership of Battalion Commander, Major Shi, Heng-Feng, (史恆豐) our soldiers, equipped with high morale, were able to fight night and day with the enemy, facing death without fear. As a result, all invading communist soldiers were (either killed or) captured. This battle of Dadan and Erdan is not only a brilliant victory in history but also the foundation for the triumph of August 23rd Artillery. 根據國防部表示,民國三十九年七月二十六日十八時十分,中共突向大膽島猛烈砲擊,長達四十五分鐘之久,企圖以強大火力,扭轉其在古寧頭大敗的怨氣,堅決打下大膽島,以完成其逐次佔領金馬台澎的構想,但在營長史恆豐少校率領我守軍官兵晝夜激戰下,個個士氣高昂、視死如歸,使得來犯的共軍全部束手就擒,不僅寫下歷史上著名的「大二膽戰役」捷報,更奠定日後「八二三」砲戰勝利的基礎。 ■1. call-up-(n)召集令。 ■2. consecutively-(adv.)連續地;一個接著一個地。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年3月13日報導
Xue Encouraged Islanders To Congregate and Defense the Bridge Construction Budget
薛:盼鄉親發揮力量共促建橋預算順利過關 Fujian Provincial Governor Xue, Cheng-Tai, together with officers from the provincial government, visited the County Council to congratulate newly elected Speaker Wang, Zai-Sheng, Vice-Speaker Xu, Jian-Zhong and all the other councilors. Xue urged the county government, county council and all islanders to congregate together and voice their strong support for construction of the Kinmen Bridge to begin before the end of this year, thus boosting the integral development in Kinmen. 福建省政府主席薛承泰8日率同省府團隊拜會縣議會,向議長王再生、副議長許建中及議員同仁祝賀高票當選,並希望結合縣府與議會與鄉親力量共同發聲,爭取金門建橋如期在年底動工,帶動金門整體發展。 Speaker Wang, Zai-Sheng pointed out that the idea of constructing Kinmen Bridge was filed for the first time during the first County Council. This bridge combines the functions of tourism, medical, emergencies etc. Basically, human life is priceless. He emphasized that if the economic effectiveness is the only consideration, then the construction of Penghu Bridge would no longer be necessary from its beginning. Wang promised to cooperate with all his fellow Councilors to support all processes needed for building the bridge and defend the budget so as to accomplish construction of this bridge as soon as possible. He also exclaimed that although Kinmen Bridge is a major public construction with one third of the budget held by Kinmen County Government, there are still some grievances (about the distribution of government budget). This is surely unfair for Kinmen. 議長王再生指出,金(烈)門大橋從第一屆金門縣議會就已提出,其功能不止觀光,還兼具醫療、救護等功能,尤其生命無價,如果只考慮經濟價值,那澎湖大橋也不必建了。王再生也強調議會將結合老幹新枝,全力支持建橋各項作業,在預算上嚴加把關,讓大橋能早日完成。不過,他也感慨地說,建橋是中央重大工程,地方政府自付三分一預算,別人還有聲音,對金門相當的不公平。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年3月9日報導
Cormorant Project: To Recruit Business for Prosperity
「鸕鶿計畫」招商引資從單點突破到百花齊放 Executive Master of Business Administration Foundation of National Taiwan University (NTU EMBA Foundation) presented a briefing yesterday for a Kinmen development project named the "Cormorant Project". They advised that the Kinmen County Government should make efforts toward economic liberalization.(2) In this way, while recruiting(3) business and attracting investors, the government would be able to start to make a breakthrough from one signal point and then spread out the effect and achieve the goal for prosperity. 台大高階管理碩士教育基金會昨提出「鸕鶿計畫」簡報,建議金門縣政府要朝經濟解嚴方向努力,以期在開發和招商引資上,達到單點突破、迎接百花齊放目標。 NTU EMBA Foundation pointed out that the so called "Economic Liberalization in Kinmen" includes activating the lands, attracting business travelers, establishing successful business models, and alluring(4) significant private investments. These are directions that the Kinmen County Government should follow to liberalize the economy in Kinmen. 基金會指出,所謂金門經濟解嚴,包括活化金門土地;吸引外來客商;建立成功、可行性的商業模式;形成百花齊放的民間投資。這些就是金門經濟解嚴該努力的方向。 Citing Hu, Shih's famous saying: "As you sow, so should you reap,"(5) the NTU EMBA Foundation suggested the following constructions or measures should be the top priority, which includes high class hotels so as to attract elegant travelers; tax-free incentives(6) so as to draw shopping tourists; activation of coastline so as to activate business at the beach; and transportation construction. 而經濟解嚴的第一波建設,基金會引用胡適名言「要怎麼收穫,就怎麼栽」,認為:沒有高檔飯店,就沒有高檔客人;沒有免稅誘因,就沒有血拚旅客;沒有海岸解嚴,就沒有沙灘商機;沒有交通建設,就沒有大量人潮。 The Foundation also advised Kinmen (county government) to learn a lesson from local governments in Mainland China, strive for(7) further authority from central government, and rectify(8) those improper practices of BOT in Taiwan. In this way, Kinmen will be able to attract, with ease,(9) local, Taiwan, China and foreign investments. 基金會建議,金門應爭取中央授予地方更大權限,以效法中國大陸地方政府招商引資的權限;並調整台灣BOT案造成的各項弊端;期借力使力,吸引來自本地資金、台資、陸資和外資進來。 ■註解: ■1. 原文的標題是招商引資從單點突破到百花齊放,囿於標題的篇幅有限,因此在翻譯時僅能選擇性進行意譯,即招商以求富裕。 ■2. economic liberalization-經濟自由化。這是個意義多元而複雜的用語。由於金門早已解嚴,只是在經濟活力似乎並未被「解放」出來,因此此處改以「自由化」來傳達「解嚴」的意義。 ■3. recruit-(vt.)招募、吸收。 ■4. allure-(vt.)引誘、誘惑;強烈的吸引。 ■5. As you sow, so should you reap-胡適的名言:「要怎麼收穫,先怎麼栽」,英文的格言、諺語則反過來,譯為:怎麼種就怎麼收。 ■6. incentive-(n)刺激、鼓勵、動機。即誘因。 ■7. strive for-爭取。 ■8. rectify-(vt.)改正、糾正。 ■9. with ease-輕易地、輕鬆地。此處以「輕鬆、輕易」來帶換「借力使力」。 本文摘譯自《金門日報》2010年3月8日報導
Provincial Govt. Justified(1) Building of Kinmen Bridge
建金門大橋省府說明白以正視聽 To counter(2) the headline "Pave the way for Kinmen to Xiamen? Government cost 5.7 billion to build 5.34km Kinmen Bridge" in the Liberty Times on Feb. 26, Executive Yuan convened(3) a press conference for clarification. The Fujian Provincial Government also expressed their opinion about building the Kinmen Bridge. 針對二月二十六日自由時報頭版報導「為金廈大橋鋪路?政府砸五十七億建五點三四公里金門大橋」,行政院召開記者會加以澄清。而福建省政府也對興建金門大橋,提出看法。 Executive Yuan emphasized that, for the past 60 years, this is the first time that the government intended to build a bridge in Kinmen. The purpose is to implement the policy of taking care of the off-shore islanders and also to fulfill transportation, medical, emergency needs, and provide water and electric supply. Executive Yuan also emphasized its tourism value and the economic effectiveness examined by the Council of Economy Planning and Developing (CEPD). The entire budget for building the bridge is 5.7 billion, with one-third held by Kinmen county government. Executive Yuan stressed that: It is impossible that the bridge will edge out(4) the transportation budget in the special bill on post-typhoon rebuilding. 行政院強調,政府六十年來第一次在金門蓋橋,乃履行照顧離島偏遠地區的政策,且兼具交通、水電、緊急醫療救援、消防救災需求,並強調觀光價值,其經濟效益已經過經建會審查。建橋總經費五十七億,其中金門縣政府負擔三分之一,對莫拉克颱風災後重建特別預算之交通建設經費,並無任何排擠。 Fujian Provincial Government also pointed out that economic effectiveness is not the only factor to be considered while planning to build the Kinmen Bridge. The integration of all related functions correlated with(5) this bridge should have already surpassed(6) the so called economic effectiveness of any kind. Besides, this is also the first time for the local government to bear part of the cost for building a bridge. 而福建省政府也指出,金門大橋不能單以經濟效益為興建與否的唯一因素。僅論大橋所能整合之各項功能,即超越任何經濟評估效益。而此次亦首開地方政府負擔造橋費用之先例。 Some scholars questioned that the Kinmen Bridge might pave the way for "Kinmen-Xiamen Bridge". Provincial Government declared that "Kinmen-Xiamen Bridge" is an expectation of Kinmenese based on a long history across straits and should be respected. Provincial Government emphasized that there are no consensus(7) yet, not to mention no policy! 部分學者質疑金門大橋預留「金廈大橋」闢建空間。省府表示,所謂「金廈大橋」,是鄉親基於長久歷史情誼的憧憬,此類想法省府必須尊重,但尚未具有共識,遑論形成政策! ■註解: ■1. justify-(vt.)捍衛、辯護或證明~為真。此處以「捍衛」之意來代換原文的「說明白、正視聽」。 ■2. counter-(vt.)反對、反擊 ■3. convene-(vt.)召開、召集。 ■4. edge out-排擠。 ■5. correlate with-(vt.)與~相關。 ■6. surpass-(vt.)超越、勝過。 ■7. consensus-(n)一致、合意。指輿論或政策上的「共識」。 本文摘譯自《金門日報》2010年3月6日報導
Weekly Major Events 03/01~03/07
一週大事03/01~03/07 ●Awards Presented To Recognize Model Women The Kinmen County Government held the Kinmen Model Women Recognition(1) Celebration on March 7, 2010. Approximately 1300 women from each township united together. County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi, Council Speaker Wang, Zai-Shen and related dignitaries(2) came to congratulate these women as well as to present them with an award to recognize them as model women. ●府會首長頒獎表揚模範婦女 縣府7日舉行「九十九年度金門縣模範婦女表揚暨慶祝活動」,一千三百多位來自各鄉鎮婦女歡聚一堂,包括縣長李沃士、議長王再生等貴賓都到場向婦女朋友賀節,並頒獎表揚模範婦女。 ●Chinese Artists Painting KKL Bottles For Global Exposition On The Way A conference with the Chinese artists who will be painting Kinmen Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor (KKL) bottles for the Global Exposition is going to be held on March 9. The conference will be hosted by County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi. A total of nineteen Chinese artists from across-strait and other overseas countries will come to Kinmen to paint porcelian liquor bottles that will be filled with Kinmen Kaoliang liquor. The premiere(3) of the worldwide exhibition tour will be at the Shanghai Expo 2010. ●藝術家彩繪金酒全球巡展記者會九日登場 「華人藝術家金門彩繪金酒全球巡展」記者會訂3月9日在金門舉行,安排縣長李沃士主持,屆時將有兩岸及海外19名華人藝術家彩繪陶瓷酒瓶,再灌入金門高粱酒,作品並將於五月一日在上海世博會上做全球巡迴展的首展。 ●Kinmen Immigration Office Upgraded The Kinmen Border Affairs Office, National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the Interior, held establishment ceremony on March 4. Minister of the Interior, Jiang, Yi-Huah encouraged all subordinates(4) to implement good security control and provide better services. Accroding to statistics of the Agency, the number of passengers traveling across straits via the Mini-Three-Links was over 1.28 million last year and has grown more than 60 fold within ten years. ●金門國境事務隊正式掛牌成立 內政部入出國及移民署國境事務大隊金門國境事務隊4日舉行成立及掛牌典禮,內政部長江宜樺期勉做好國境大門安全管理和服務工作。根據移民署統計,兩岸小三通出入境旅客數去年超過128萬人,十年內成長超過六十倍。 ●Suggestions Presented To Minister of the Interior Kinmen County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi presented seven important suggestions to Minister of the Interior, Jiang, Yi-Huah on March 3, 2010. One suggestion is shrinking the range of the Kinmen National Park. Regarding all the suggestions, Jiang emphasized that he will do his best to help. ●內政部長抵金視察 縣府提七項重大建言 金門縣長李沃士3日向內政部長江宜樺提出包括縮小金門國家公園範圍等七項重大建言,江宜樺表示,將儘全力配合解決。 ●County Govt. Urged Celebration of ROC's 100th Anniversary in Kinmen Concerning the celebration of ROC's 100th Anniversary, Kinmen County Government would like to propose Kinmen as the foundation of the establishment of the state, and invite President Ma to host the celebration activities in Kinmen. Meanwhile, the KKL Inc. will present its Century Memorial liquor. ●建國百年 縣府爭取在金舉辦主題活動 針對中華民國建國百年活動,金門縣政府將爭取為建國孕育基地,並邀請總統馬英九來金主持慶祝活動;金酒公司也將推出建國百年紀念酒。 ●Wang, Xu Elected As Council Speaker & Vice Speaker A total of nineteen councilors were sworn(5) at the fifth Kinmen county council on the morning of March 1. Wang, Zai-Sheng, and Xu, Jian-Zhong were elected as the council speaker and vice speaker. ●王再生、許建中當選正副議長 第五屆金門縣議會十九位縣議員1日上午宣誓就職,並選舉正副議長,由王再生與許建中分別當選。 ●Six Township Mayors Inaugurated The discharging(6) and inauguration(7) for the tenth township mayors (and the eighth in Wu Qiu Village) in Kinmen County took place on March 1. County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi emphasized at the ceremony that if central, county and township governments united together, Kinmen's future development will be prosperous. Li expects to work with mayors hand in hand to create a new and thriving Kinmen. ●六鄉鎮長就職李縣長期許攜手打拚 金門縣第十屆(烏坵鄉第八屆)鄉鎮長聯合宣誓就職及交接典禮1日舉行,縣長李沃士強調「中央、縣府,鄉鎮一條心,金門建設一定興」,期許與鄉鎮長攜手合作打拚,共同打造美好的新金門。 ■註解: ■1. recognition-(n)常見的解釋是承認、認可。此處指「表彰」。 ■2. dignitary-(n)顯貴、要人。 ■3. premiere-(n)通常指電影的「首映」,此處指彩繪瓷瓶的首次展出。 ■4. subordinate-(n)部屬、所屬。此處文中並未明確點出江宜樺所「期勉」的對象是誰,但從文理可以推知應該是移民署所屬官員,因此譯為subordinate。 ■5.swear-(vt.)使宣誓就職。動詞三態為swear、swore、sworn。 ■6.discharge-(vt.)使卸除職務、免除責任。 ■7.inauguration-(n)就職;就職典禮。動詞形式為inaugurate。