No More War is Biggest Expectation of People across the Strait
不再戰爭是兩岸人民最大願望 In a special interview by Youth Daily News Reporter Liang-Guo Shixian on Jun. 17, Magistrate Li specifically pointed out that this year happened to be the 60th anniversary of the Guningtou Battle and, looking back on the past six decades, he thought commemoration of this historical occasion should no longer be focused on who won and who lost the battle. The most important thing was to define the status of those who lost their lives in the battle and arrangements that they deserved. 6月17日接受青年日報記者梁郭士賢專訪時,金門縣長李炷烽強調古寧頭戰役今年屆滿六十週年,回顧漫長的一甲子歲月,紀念此節日應不能再淪為誰勝誰敗的凸顯,最重要的是要給予昔日戰死沙場的忠靈應有的定位和安置。 Li Zhufeng said that the great numbers of troops moved into Kinmen just before the Guningtou Battle brought deprivation.(1) Amidst the turmoil,(2) troops occupied private houses and left many repercussions.(3) Implementation of the Act of Compensation for Damages to the Public from Military Activities in the past decade showed the Ministry of National Defense had not made considerate decisions. Certain incidents should never be attributed as the behavior of individual soldiers. The government ought to take responsibility to bring certain old cases to complete and justifiable(4) conclusions. 李炷烽指出,對於古寧頭戰役的發生前,大軍的突如其來,當時兵荒馬亂,卻帶來機會和剝奪,軍隊借用、搶用民房,產生很多後遺症。而軍事勤務補償條例這十年來,國防部當時決定的不是很週延,不能將一些發生的事情,歸咎於是國軍個人的行為,政府應負起責任,讓當年陳年老案能獲得完整、美好的結局。 He said that there ought to be continuity from an administration to another. Government had the duty to provide consolation(5) and compensation for private lives and possessions lost as a result of military actions back then. For the same reason, land disputes derived from(6) the same cause should also be resolved with similar measures. A responsible government would run a thorough inventory(7) to determine the land should belong to the state or the Kinmen County Government, or it should be given back to its rightful private owners. 他指出,政府是延續性的,對於國軍當年因軍事勤務造成人民生命、財產的損失補償,能給予精神撫慰和彌補的空間。相對的,土地問題也是如此。而做為負責任的政府應透過有效的清理,將該是國有的土地還給國家,縣有的土地還給金門縣政府,屬於私人的土地還給所有權人。 Li Zhufeng pointed out that the Guningtou Battle in Kinmen allowed Taiwan to stay unscathed(8) and make progress in stability. Yet from aspect of the nation and the race, it was a tragedy of the Chinese people. China became a split country, just like the Period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms in Chinese history. The civilians were the ones to suffer. Six decades later, both sides of the Strait had their own interpretations for the fortune and mishaps(9) during that small part of history. With the progress in Cross-Strait relations today, there were opportunities to compare, modify and fuse(10) between the two systems. 李炷烽指出,古寧頭戰役一役,金門對台灣的影響,就是穩定了後方台灣的安定。但從國家、民族的觀點來看,卻是民族的悲哀,中國形成是一個分裂國家,就像五代十國一樣,悲慘的是民眾。而六十年的歲月過去了,歷史的短暫,幸與不幸由兩岸各自解讀。但隨兩岸關係的進展,兩個制度有了比較、修正和融合的機會。 Li Zhufeng added that, breakup and makeup, history always repeated itself. The Guningtou Battle had led to broken families but family members were also able to extend outward and set up homes at other places. In the future, whether the Nationalists or the Communists won, there should be no more war. This was the biggest expectation of the people on the two shores of the Strait. 李炷烽也表示,歷史總是分分合合、合合分分,當年古寧村也因此戰役,造成流離四徙和向外延伸。但國共戰爭不論誰勝誰敗,未來不要再有戰爭發生,則是兩岸人民最大的期待和願望。 He also talked about his father as an example. After returning to Kinmen from Indochina at the time, he was drafted with his mule to perform military errands.(11) But luckily, the mule ran home and he soon followed. For some unlucky ones, such as General Li Kuang-chien, the locals established shrines to remember their sacrifice. The Ministry of National Defense should do the same as the US and try to recover the remains of those who had died in the battle. Similar arrangements should be made for PLA soldiers who had been killed in the battle. 他也以其父親當年從南洋回到金門,被強制牽著一隻騾馬參與軍事勤務,後來騾馬自己跑回家,父親也隨著回來,算是幸運。但也對於當年戰死軍魂、國魂,在民間都有為李光前將軍建廟,國防部應像美國一樣,為這塊土地戰死沙場者找回骸骨,同樣的,戰死的人民解放軍,也一樣給予好的安排。 Li Zhufeng said that, from psychological angles, painful memories would be forgotten in due time.(12) Wars were the same. Over time people would become oblivious.(13) But governments should never forget such things. Expressing recognition of the sacrifice of those who fought and died on battlefields was absolutely necessary. Governments should make sure they did a good job, especially in showing their concerns for humanity. 李炷烽指出,從心理學來看,痛苦記憶很快遺忘。戰爭也一樣,隨歲月侵蝕被逐漸淡忘,但作為政府則不能遺忘,尤其對戰死沙場者在精神肯定有其必要。政府應更積極做好,尤其是人道關懷表達最重要。 He also indicated that the Ministry of National Defense should do everything in its power to reestablish the military records of the soldiers who were part of the Guningtou Battle. Kinmen County Government would inscribe(14) the names of those who lost their lives for the country at the Guningtou Peace Square for people to pay their respects to, reminisce(15) and express their gratitude. 他並指出,國防部應對古寧頭戰役參戰官兵,竭盡所能建置兵籍資料等。金門縣政府也將為這些為國捐軀者,將姓名等鐫刻在古寧頭和平廣場,供後人憑弔、追思、感念。 Li Zhufeng also suggested the Ministry of National Defense to look at Kinmen from the angle of national development. The arms race with China should be thoroughly reviewed. He pointed out frankly that the type of warfare had changed and so should the warfare logic of the ROC military forces. War would not solve problems. The ROC armed forces should start by improving their barracks and living facilities, adjust their mentality,(16) and allow both sides of the Strait to fulfill their responsibilities and make their progress. That would be blessings for people on the two shores. 李炷烽也中肯建議國防部,要從國家發展定位看待金門,軍備競賽則要做澈底檢討。他也不諱言指出,目前戰爭型態已改變,國軍對於戰爭思維也要改變,在戰爭不會解決問題,能從國軍營房和生活設施改善做起,心態隨時代調整,讓兩岸各安其位、各自發展,才是兩岸人民之福。 ■1. deprivation-(n)剝奪;損失。 ■2. turmoil-(n)騷亂;混亂。 ■3. repercussion-(n)後果、影響;反彈。與consequence為同義詞。 ■4. justifiable-(adj.)合理的;可證明為正當的。 ■5. consolation-(n)安慰。 ■6. derive from-源自於~;由~而來。 ■7. inventory-(n)存貨清單;財產紀錄。此處指編製詳細之目錄或清單。 ■8. unscathed-(adj.)未受損傷的。 ■9. mishap-(n)不幸事故;災難。 ■10. fuse-(vt.)熔合、混合。當名詞用,指的是「保險絲」。 ■11. errand-(n)差事;任務。 ■12. in due time-在適當的時機。也等於at the appropriate time。 ■13. oblivious-(adj.)健忘的;忘卻的;不注意的;不以為意的。 ■14. inscribe-(vt.)雕、刻;題寫。 ■15. reminisce-(vi.)追憶、回想。 ■16. mentality-(n)心理、精神狀態;心性。 資料來源:金門縣政府 【本系列新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院邱佩蒂老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】 本文原載於98年6月18日《金門日報》
20 Kgs Weight Limit Imposed for Mini-Three-Links
小三通出境行李直掛限重20公斤 Starting from Jun.1, people leaving for China via Mini-Three-Links could check their luggage all the way through. However, for maximum boatload(1) and safety reasons, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications(MOTC) decided to impose(2) a 20 kgs weight limit on luggage checked all the way through, beginning on Jun. 15. Passengers with overweight luggage will be charged for the exceeded weight, same as in air transport. The new measure will be tried for three months. 金門小三通出境行李直掛自六月一日起試辦。但考量船舶載重安全,交通部將自本月十五日起對小三通的行李實施20公斤為限,超重比照飛機付費的措施。新措施將先行試辦三個月。 Previously, travelers going to China via Mini-Three-Links normally checked their luggage at an airport in Taiwan first. Then, upon their arrival in Kinmen, they claimed(3) their luggage at the Shang-I Airport, dragged it to catch a ride to Shueitou Pier, went through immigration with it, and hauled(4) it aboard the boat. It could be rather exhausting.(5) As a consequence, MOTC started the trial measure on Jun. 1 to allow people to check their luggage all the way through. People with reservations for both flights and connecting ferries are now able to check their luggage all the way through, travel light,(6) and will not need to pick up their luggage again until arriving at Xiamen or Shijing Port in China. 利用小三通到大陸,旅客在台灣機場辦理登機手續及寄掛行李後,到達金門尚義機場後還需自行提領行李,搭車到水頭碼頭辦理通關檢驗手續,再提著行李上船,十分累人,因此,交通部自6月1日起試辦小三通行李直掛,旅客購買套票出境,在台灣各機場辦理行李托運,可直接到大陸廈門、石井港提領,輕鬆上「陸」。 Until now, there has never been a luggage weight limit in transportation by sea via Mini-Three-Links. However, as more and more people are traveling across straits via Mini-Three-Links, MOTC has taken the maximum boat capacity into account(7) and imposed the 20 kgs luggage restriction for safety reasons. MOTC would like to remind people that, same as in air transport, passengers with overweight luggage will be charged for each kilogram exceeded, currently set at 16 NT/kg. In the event that the total boatload surpasses(8) the stipulated(9) standard, the overweight luggage shall be handled separately. In other words, the passengers and their luggage may end up on different vessels. 交通部也提醒民眾注意,目前,小三通船舶並未對旅客行李限重,因有愈來愈多民眾利用小三通往返兩岸,考量船舶載重安全,交通部也要求小三通的行李要有限制,先以20公斤為上限,超過的部分仿照飛機也要付費,暫時規劃超重部分每公斤加收16元,如果船舶總載重量超過標準,超重的行李將個別處理,也就是可能人和行李無法同一班船。 Whether they are Taiwanese visitors, Mainland Chinese tourist groups or Taiwanese entrepreneurs(10) operating in China, people with reservations for both flights and connecting ferries can check their luggage all the way through to China during the trial period. 行李直掛試辦期間,不論是台灣、大陸觀光團或是台商等,只要是購買套票出境,即享有行李直掛大陸的服務。 As for inbound luggages, according to Director Ting-piao Yang of Kinmen Harbor Bureau, the check-through service will have to wait until the space of Shueitou Pier is improved and corresponding facilities are installed, probably in December. By then, it will be a lot more convenient for people traveling through Mini-Three-Links across straits. 至於入境旅客行李直掛,金門港務處處長楊廷標表示,必須等水頭碼頭空間改善,以及相關配套設備到位,預計今年12月實施,讓旅客小三通往返兩岸更輕鬆自如。 ■1. boatload—(n)船舶的載重量。 ■2. impose—(vt.)將~強加於;徵(稅)。 ■3. claim—(vt.)索取、領取。亦指「提出要求」,或「主張所有權」等。指涉「提領行李」時通常搭配此動詞。 ■4. haul—(vt.)拖、拉;搬運。 ■5. exhausting—(adj)使人精疲力竭的。 ■6. light—(adv.)輕便地。輕裝地。light可以是名詞(指光線、燈光),動詞(點火、點燃),也可以是形容詞(輕快、明亮的),此處則是當作副詞,指旅途中不必再提著行李,可以輕便地上路。 ■7. take ~ into account—將~列入考慮。 ■8. surpass—(vt.)超過、大於。 ■9. stipulate—(vi)規定、約定。 ■10. entrepreneur—(n)企業家。此處是以「在中國經營事業的台灣企業家」來形容「台商」,這也是一般對「台商」一詞常見的英文翻譯。 資料來源:金門縣政府 本文原載於98年06月22日《金門日報》
Taiyen Chairman Visit Kinmen Hope to Redevelop Salt Field
台鹽董座來訪盼能協助重建鹽田風光 Kinmen had a salt industry for over 700 years but it no longer exists. When receiving Taiyen Corp. Chairman Hong Xiyao, Kinmen County Government sought for assistance from Taiyen to redevelop the saltern(1) to create a new tourist attraction. 金門製鹽工業有七百餘年歷史,現在已經荒廢,台鹽公司董事長洪璽曜造訪金門時,金門縣政府向台鹽求助,盼重新開發鹽田風光,打造觀光新景點。 On Jun. 8 Taiyen Corp. Chairman Hong Xiyao visited Kinmen County Government, the Magistrate suggested if Taiyen Corp. could help restore or expand the facilities at Siyuan Salt Field and the cultural center, Kinmen could use the cultural asset for educational and tourism purposes and build it into a new tourist attraction. 台鹽公司董事長洪璽曜,是於6月8日上午前往金門縣政府拜會。縣長建議金門「西園鹽場」和文化館,如能由台鹽公司協助復原或充實設備,做為文化資產的提供教育解說或觀光體驗,一定能成為金門觀光新景點。 If Taiyen could help with the facility restoration or expansion in the old saltern and put one or two salt ponds back in operation to demonstrate salt drying procedures as well as provide educative explanation, Siyuan Salt Field would definitely be able to become a new attraction in Kinmen and attract tourists. Once the County Council gave its approval, the management could be delegated(2) to Taiyen. 金門昔日鹽場已關閉,台鹽如能協助復原或充實設備,做為文化資產的提供教育解說或觀光體驗,先恢復一、兩池,讓觀光客體驗曬鹽流程,並提供教育解說,只要議會同意,並可委託台鹽經營,西園鹽場一定能成為金門觀光新景點。 Accompanied by Cultural Affairs Bureau Director Li Xilong, Hong Xiyao made a trip to Siyuan Salt Field to have a look himself. He recommended putting a railroad track there first. He would then negotiate with Budai Saltworks either to purchase, rent or borrow a salt-field sightseeing train and ship it over. Kinmen could start operating train tours for visitors to browse salt-field scenery in the future. However, laying the track and bringing in the train would involve many issues that would call for further discussion. 洪璽曜隨後也在文化局長李錫隆等人陪同,親自走訪西園鹽場一趟。他建議,鹽區可以弄一個軌道,將協調布袋鹽田看是以購買或何種方式,弄一部鹽田觀光火車頭,未來可以供觀光客乘坐,逛一圈欣賞鹽田風光。只是,舖設軌道技術和鹽田觀光火車頭引進,許多問題還待克服解決。 Hong Xiyao was very interested in cooperating with Kinmen County Government to develop tourism in Siyuan Salt Field. He also proposed to make plans to restore the old salt field and lay the railroad track. He assured the county government would hear from him again to work out the details. 洪璽曜並對於與金門縣政府合作開發西園鹽場觀光產業很有意願,他並提出規劃重新恢復老鹽田、鋪設鹽田軌道等構想,並且表示,將繼續與縣府進一步洽談合作細節。 According to Cultural Affairs Bureau Director Li Xilong, salt mining was Kinmen’s most important industry in early days. It is recorded in history that “in the first year of the Dade Reign of Yuan Dynasty (1297AD) saltworks were established in Kinmen to produce salt …” Ten salt fields were in operation for over seven centuries but today Siyuan is the only remaining site. 根據文化局長李錫隆表示,鹽業是金門早期最重要的產業文化,史載:「金門之建場徵鹽,始自元朝大德元年(1297年)……」,場轄十埕至今已有七百餘年歷史。歷經歲月的變遷,而現今唯一存在的鹽埕舊址,就是「西園鹽場」。 The ten salt fields started in 1297AD were divided into upper pans(3) and lower pans. The former included Yongan, Guanzhen, Tiandun, Shawei, Putou, while the latter included Doumen, Nanan, Baolin, Dongsha, and Lieyu. Besides Baolin, Dongsha and Lieyu, all the other seven fields were in the northeastern corner of Kinmen Island. 而元成宗大德元年(西元一二九七年),金門開始建場徵鹽。場轄十埕,埕分上下,上埕為:永安、官鎮、田墩、沙尾、浦頭;下埕為:斗門、南垵、保林、東沙、烈嶼。除了保林埕、東沙埕、烈嶼埕外,其餘七埕都在金門島的東北角。 The Yongan Salt Pan is today’s Siyuan Salt Field, the only remaining salt field in Kinmen. 永安埕,就是今天的西園鹽場,金門目前僅存的鹽場遺址。 Originally there were three salt fields left in Kinmen. In 1933, Fujian Salt Administration Bureau ordered their demolition.(4) The salt fields became deserted until 1938 when the Japanese occupied Kinmen, rebuilt Siyuan, and began to make salt again. After War World II, under the war zone government, salt production at Siyuan Salt Field continued. However, the production eventually became too costly and management was difficult. On Jul. 1, 1995, Siyuan Salt Field was officially shut down and the salt industry that had lasted over seven hundred years came to an end. 在民國初年,金門尚餘三處鹽場,民國二十二年春,福建鹽務管理局令剷除僅存之三處鹽場,鹽場一度荒廢。至民國二十七年日軍佔領金門,改建西園鹽場,才再度曬鹽。抗戰勝利後不久,金門在戰地政務的治理下,恢復了西園鹽場的鹽業生產。但因鹽業產製不敷成本,經營困難,於民國八十四年七月一日宣佈關閉西園鹽場,劃下了七百餘年金門鹽產業的休止符。 ■ 1. saltern—(n)鹽田;鹽場。 ■ 2. delegate—(vt.)委託給~做。 ■ 3. pan—(n)盆地、窪地。 ■ 4. demolition—(n)破壞;毀壞。 資料來源:金門縣政府 【本系列新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院邱佩蒂老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】 本文原載於98年06月10日《金門日報》
Police Make Identification Stickers to Prevent Bicycle Thefts
自行車防竊警局貼心展開標碼服務 To prevent thefts and protect the residents' interests, the County Police Bureau, after branding(1) codes on motorcycles, as well as farming and fishing equipments and putting theft-preventing stamps on kaoliang liquor bottles, began in June a test run of bicycle sticker offering service. The sticker is a picture of Spirit Lion Statue with two invisible anti-theft barcode.(2) The data of each bicycle are also established as part of the effort to cut down(3) the rate of bicycle thefts. Bicycle owners interested in having the sticker can go to any police station to receive the service. 為防範轄區民生竊盜危害民眾權益,縣警局繼機車烙碼、酒商防竊戳章,及農漁牧機具烙碼等便民服務外,從6月起試辦自行車貼碼服務,搭配風獅爺雕像圖樣及二種隱形防竊標碼貼紙,及資料建檔等措施,讓自行車增加一份保障,減少失竊率,警局歡迎擁有自行車並有貼碼意願之車主逕往各警察分駐(派出)所接受這項標碼服務。 In response to government's urges for energy saving and CO2 emission(4) reduction, bicycle riding has become a popular leisure sport and many people even use bicycles as a daily means of transportation. On top of this, bicycles are becoming more and more refined, each producer releasing one after another new model. Buying and riding bicycles has turned into a fashion. The cost of a bicycle can range between a few thousands to several hundreds of thousands of NT dollars. The market is thriving(5) but it has also jacked up(6) theft rates that brought property losses to people. 近來為響應政府節能減碳措施,騎乘自行車成為大眾普遍的健康休閒運動,許多民眾更將其作為代步之交通工具,加上自行車走向精品化,各品牌不斷推陳出新,買車、騎車已蔚為一股風潮,一輛車之賣價從新台幣數千元至數十萬元皆有,不但造成市場搶購,更引起歹徒覬覦,失竊率也因而升高,造成民眾財產損失。 In light of this, the Criminal Investigation Division of the County Police Bureau initiated researches for measures to fight bicycle thefts. The sticker was decided because it would not hurt the appearance of a bicycle. The service is offered to bicycle owners willing to use the stickers. The sticker is so special that it cannot be recognized without the help of a special apparatus.(7) Since the owner's data are established, the anti-theft codes will provide the information of the owner even if a bicycle gets stolen. 有鑑於此,縣警局刑警大隊積極研擬自行車防竊作為,基於美觀、不破壞車身之原則,方才挑選貼紙為防竊手段。針對擁有自行車並有貼碼願意之車主執行防竊標碼服務,而最特別的是這個防竊編碼貼紙可以隱形,非使用特殊儀器無法看出。由於車主資料已建檔,就算車子被偷,也能輕鬆對照防竊編碼找出被害人,歸還愛車! According to the County Police Criminal Investigation Division, starting in June, people can take their bicycles, along with their ID and proof of purchase, to any police station between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM on weekends and national holidays to receive the service for free. Whether the bicycle has a manufacturer's number or not, owners are welcome to register their personal information to safeguard their bicycles. 縣警局刑警大隊指出,從6月起在各分局之分駐(派出)所試辦這項自行車貼碼服務,時間為每週六、日及國定假日之早上八時至下午六時,民眾只要騎著愛車、攜帶身分證件及自行車購買證明,即可享有免費之防竊標碼施作服務,自行車不論本身有無車身號碼,都歡迎車友前往登錄個人資料,以確保愛車安全! ■1.brand-(vt.)烙印於~。常見當名詞使用,指「商標」或「品牌」。 ■2.barcode-(n)電腦條碼。 ■3.cut down-縮短、削減、減少。 ■4.emission-(n)散發、放射。此處指二氧化碳的「排放」。 ■5.thrive-(vi.)茁壯成長、興旺、繁榮。此處形容單車市場方興未艾。 ■6.jack up-提高。jack是千斤頂或起重機,當動詞用指「舉起」或「抬起」。 ■7.apparatus-(n)儀器、設備。 資料來源:金門縣政府 本文原載於98年06月08日《金門日報》
Student Transportation Vouchers and Tuition Subsidies 14,141 People Complete the Application
學生交通券與就學津貼 14141人完成申請 To look after(1) students, Kinmen County Government has extended the "Transportation Voucher" and "Tuition Subsidy" welfare measures to cover as many students as possible. Statistics show that the county government has received a total of 14,141 applications. Director of Education Bureau Li Zaihang reminds those qualified to submit required documents before the application deadline on Jun. 20. Those who fail to apply before the said date shall be regarded as waiving their rights. 金門縣政府為落實照顧學生政策,擴大學生學習領域所推出的「學生交通券」、「學生就學津貼」兩項教育福利措施,據統計,已提出申請件數合計1萬4千141件,縣府教育局長李再杭籲請符合申請資格者在申請期限6月20日前儘速檢附相關證件提出申請,逾期視同棄權,別讓自己的權益睡著了。 According to the Education Bureau, transportation vouchers have been issued to 10,941 students in Kinmen (including students of Kinmen Institute of Technology, Kinmen Senior High School, Kinmen Agricultural and Industrial Vocational Senior High School, and the junior high and elementary schools), as well as over 500 students studying in Taiwan. As for tuition subsidies, more than 2,700 applications have been approved and the money has been transferred into the accounts of the applicants. 據縣府教育局統計,有關「學生交通券」申領,地區學校學生(含金門技術學院、金門高中、金門農工職校、各國中、小及幼稚園)已發出1萬941份、縣籍旅台學生申領中並核發者已500餘人;至於,「學生就學津貼」部分,已完成申領並核發匯入申請人金融帳戶內共計2,700餘人。 Director Li of the Education Bureau points out that these two measures are to be implemented(2) on a semester basis. The said applications have been for the second semester of the 2008 school year. If there is any imperfection,(3) the Bureau shall solicit(4) opinions, study them carefully, and make necessary modifications to the measures in order to improve the county government's educational welfare policy. Every member of the Education Bureau has been busy for days to make sure everything was properly done. 縣府教育局長李再杭指出,這2項措施係分上、下學期實施,這次申請者為97學年度下學期部分,首次實施若有未盡完善之處,將彙整意見再行檢討修訂實施辦法,以真正落實縣府教育福利政策。在李再杭動員之下,連日來,教育局上上下下人員都忙翻天,全心全力投入其中。 ■1. look after-照顧、照料。 ■2. implement-(vi.)實行、實施。 ■3. imperfection-(n)不完美;瑕疵、缺點。 ■4. solicit-(vt.)徵求、徵集。 資料來源:金門縣政府 本文原載於98年06月03日《金門日報》
Free Transportation Vouchers for the Underprivileged in Kinmen Delivered to Every Township
縣民福利弱勢族群交通券送抵各鄉鎮 Up till Jun. 1, Kinmen County Government received and approved 2,187 applications for free Kinmen-Taiwan air transportation vouchers for low-income families (NT$6,000 each) and handicapped people (NT$4,000 each). The vouchers were delivered to township office to be distributed on Jun. 1. The applicants were to pick up the vouchers at the township office where they are registered and use the vouchers before Dec. 31 this year. 金門縣政府補助低收入戶及身心障礙者台金航空交通券,截至6月1日完成申請發放總計2,187人,並於六月一日發送至各鄉鎮代為轉發申請人,可領取一年份交通券(低收入戶6,000元、身心障礙者4,000元),申請人即起可洽戶籍所在地鄉鎮公所領取,並限於今年12月31日前使用完畢。 County Social Affairs Bureau pointed out that people would be able to buy tickets at the airline counter at the airport with the vouchers instead of cash. To pick up the vouchers, applicants should remember to bring their signets.(1) People picking up the vouchers on behalf of the applicants should bring their own as well as the applicants' signets. At Jinsha Township Administration the Township Officers are assigned to issue the vouchers. The applicants can call in advance for needed information. 縣府社會局指出,申請人可洽戶籍所在地鄉鎮公所領取,使用人只要持交通券向飛航台金之航空公司臨櫃購票,可取代現金使用,各鄉鎮申請人領取交通券時請記得攜帶個人私章,如申請人未能親自領取,委由親屬代領時,代領人應攜帶個人及申請人私章。金沙鎮公所預定由里幹事辦理發放,申請人可先行以電話洽詢。 According to statistics from the Social Affairs Bureau, the first batch of vouchers would be distributed to 2,187 people, including 78 low-income families and 2,109 handicapped persons. Vouchers for Jincheng Township residents who completed their application before May 25, 2009 and residents of other townships who completed their application before May 15 are available as of today.(2) 據縣府社會局統計,首日核發之交通券計2,187人份,其中低收入戶78人、身心障礙者2,109人;金城鎮係於98年5月25日以前完成申請者,其餘各鄉鎮係於98年5月15日以前完成申請者,申請人如係於上開時間向戶籍所在地之鄉鎮公所完成申請,自即日起可逕洽鄉鎮公所領取使用。 County Social Affairs Bureau added that people who complete their application before Jun. 30 will be issued transportation vouchers for the year (NT$6,000 for each low-income family and NT$4,000 for each handicapped person.) Those who apply after Jul. 1 will only be given transportation vouchers half the amount (NT$3,000 for each low-income family and NT$2,000 for each handicapped person.) 縣府社會局表示,交通券於6月30日以前完成申請者發給一年份交通券(低收入戶6,000元、身心障礙者4,000元)。7月1日以後完成申請者僅能發給半年份交通券(低收入戶3,000元、身心障礙者2,000元)。 ■1. signet-(n)私章、圖章。 ■2. as of ~-從~開始。as of today就是「即日起」。 資料來源:金門縣政府 【本系列新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院邱佩蒂老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】 本文原載於98年6月2日《金門日報》
Kinmen County Donated 1 Million To Commemorate MSWF
感念瑪利亞基金會 李縣長代表捐贈百萬 Despite the long term deficit,(1) Maria Social Welfare Foundation(MSWF) still assists the propagation(2) and providing of early intervention(3) service in Kinmen county. Recently, seven children are referred to and settled in Maria. This foundation has contributed a lot to the community. Kinmen County Magistrate Li Zhu Feng donated a million NTD of welfare fund to the MSWF on behalf of county government to reciprocate(4) the good deed of the MSWF and meanwhile express a deep gratitude to the foundation. 財團法人瑪利亞社會福利基金會在長期虧損之下,仍致力協助本縣推動早期療育工作,目前有七位小朋友刻轉介安置該基金會,其愛心與貢獻良多。金門縣長李炷烽昨特別代表縣府捐贈社會福利基金新台幣一百萬元,用以回饋該基金會之善舉,同時致予萬分謝意與感激。 Kinmen County Magistrate Li Zhu Feng met with the Executive from MSWF, Chen Mei Ling, the Director Zheng Mei Fen, and the head of the Kinmen Early Intervention Service Center Wu Yu Yun. There were also the Director of social affairs bureau of Kinmen County, Xu Nai Quan, the section chief, Xu Mei Feng on the scene. To commemorate the hard work of MSWF dedicated to the early intervention work, Kinmen County Magistrate Li Zhu Feng donated a million NTD to the foundation as a gratitude to them. Executive, Chen Mei Ling, accepted it on behalf of the foundation. 李縣長接見瑪利亞社會福利基金會執行長陳美玲、主任鄭美芬、金門縣早療中心組長吳玉雲一行三人;在場陪同有縣府社會局長許乃權、課長許美鳳等人。李縣長為感念該基金會對本縣早療工作努力,也代表縣府捐贈新台幣一百萬元,聊表一份心意,由執行長陳美玲代表接收。 Kinmen County Magistrate Li Zhu Feng is very thankful to MSWF for its long term concern about the welfare service of the mentally and physically challenged in Kinmen County. Since November 2003, the foundation has taken over full charge of the professional work from Early Intervention Service Center. With the passion to public welfare and the ambition to propagate the caring service of physically and mentally challenged, the chairman of MSWF, Zhuang Hong Da, persists(5) in contributing to the Early Intervention Service in Kinmen, despite the deficit of the foundation. This enables the proceeding of the early intervention service in Kinmen, and it has built up a tight partnership between Kinmen county government and the foundation. 李縣長十分感念瑪利亞基金會長期關注本縣身心障礙福利服務,尤自92年11月起迄今持續承攬本縣早期療育聯合服務中心業務,在該會董事長莊宏達熱心公益,推動身心障礙照顧服務理念下,不計盈虧,為金門早期療育服務默默貢獻心力,使本縣早期療育工作得以順利推動,並與縣府建立綿密夥伴關係。 Kinmen County Magistrate Li Zhu Feng also expresses the thankfulness to the chairman of MSWF, Zhuang Hong Da because he sent a total of five thousand and four hundred happiness handmade cakes to Kinmen on the eve of Dragon Boat Festival. Those cakes were prepared for children from each kindergarten all over Kinmen county. Kinmen County Magistrate Li Zhu Feng expresses gratitude to Zhuang on behalf of all the children, who enjoyed the cakes. Li said that even though we are living in a different era, in which there is not much deficit in food now, this cake still has a deep meaning of life education. 李縣長同時對瑪利亞社會福利基金會董事長莊宏達於端午節前夕,特地由台空運合計有5千4百個幸福手工蛋糕到金門,贈予全縣各國小及幼稚園每位小朋友,也代表所有小朋友們表達感謝心意。他說,儘管現在生活不同於早年物資匱乏年代,但這份愛心蛋糕,卻深富生命教育意涵。 It's mentioned that the foundation has started up the activity "send your love to remote elementary schools" since last year. Ten thousand boxes of handmade cakes are planned to be given out each year. They expect children to make their unique "Happiness Magic Cakes" and at the meanwhile cherish what they already have. 據了解,該基金會是自去年起在台發起『送愛到偏遠小學』活動,預定每年送出手工蛋糕10,000盒到偏遠小學,期望透過活動的舉辦,鼓勵小學生能夠自己動手創作一顆獨一無二的『幸福魔法蛋糕』,讓小朋友能珍惜所擁有的幸福。 ■1. deficit-(n)赤字。 ■2. propagation-(n)宣傳。 ■3. intervention-(n)涉入;介入。此處指「早期療育」,即早期介入治療之意。 ■4. reciprocate-(vt.)報答;互換。 ■5. persist-(vi)堅持;固執。通常與介係詞in連用。 資料來源:金門縣政府 本文原載於98年5月26日《金門日報》
27 Teams Compete in Kinmen's First Dragon Boat Competition
金門首屆龍舟賽 27隊競技人氣十足 The first dragon boat competition in Kinmen County took place on May 29, 2009 on Shuangli Lake at Guningtou. There were also duck catching, water treasure hunting, and an outdoor sketching competition. The events drew close to a thousand people. 2009金門縣第一屆龍舟賽,5月29日在古寧頭雙鯉湖舉行,還有抓鴨子、水中尋寶以及寫生比賽活動,吸引成千民眾參與,熱鬧滾滾。 Kinmen County Government Chief Secretary Lu Zhihui explained that the Shuangli Lake was chosen for first dragon boat races because 2009 happened to be the 60th anniversary of the Guningtou Battle. It added some meaning to the event. At the same time, the county government hoped, by organizing Kinmen's own dragon boat races, the county could train more athletes(1) to compete in and out of the country in the future and win honors for Kinmen. 主持活動的金門縣政府主任秘書盧志輝表示,今年是古寧頭戰役60周年,金門首屆龍舟賽特別選擇在古寧頭雙鯉湖舉辦,讓活動更有意義性,也期望在金門有屬於自己的龍舟後,未來培訓更多優秀的選手,參與國內外各項龍舟比賽,為金門爭取更多的榮譽。 Lu Zhihui and Kinmen National Park Administration Director Zeng Weihong fired the starting guns for the race. 720 contestants(2) made up the 27 teams-nine male adult teams, three female adult teams, nine senior high school boy teams, and six senior high school girl teams-and compete on Shuangli Lake. Close to a thousand people crowded around the lake to watch the races. Police were out there to maintain traffic. 盧志輝和金門國家公園管理處長曾偉宏共同鳴槍開賽,共有社男組9隊、社女組3隊,高中職男生組9隊、高中職女生組6隊,總共27隊,七百二十位選手在雙鯉湖參加競技,整個雙鯉湖四周湧入成千民眾觀賞各隊競技的現況,人氣十足。警方也出動員警在場維持交通秩序。 Also held was an outdoor sketching competition. Many parents accompanied their children to participate. The children were immersed in(3) their artistic creation. Most of them painted dragon boats and the landscape around the lake. The parents all looked proud and happy with the masterpieces of their children. 現場也有寫生比賽,吸引許多家長帶著小朋友來參與活動,在雙鯉湖畔,小朋友盡情的創作,構圖主題大都以畫龍舟搭配湖畔風光,展現小朋友的繪畫創意,在旁的家長十分滿意子女的作品。 In the preliminary(4) races that ended just before noon, every team worked hard to be qualified for the final. Then the entertaining water treasure hunting and duck catching followed. Led by the Director General of Political Warfare Huang Guanghui of the Amphibian(5) Battalion,(6) 28 frogmen dove into the water to look for treasures. It did not take them long to find the plastic bottles the organizer had thrown in the lake. In each bottle was a slip of paper with the corresponding prize written on it. The duck catching was the highlight that drew the crowds closer. Ten ducks were released onto the lake. The Army 101st Amphibian Reconnaissance(7) Battalion soldiers captured every one of them without much effort and take them back to the base to add to the Duanwu Festival menu. Chen Shuicheng, a 60-year-old swimming coach from Houyuan, also put on full gear and joined the frogmen in duck catching. Being a good swimmer, he caught one duck too and showed his prize to the spectators(8) with a big grin.(9) 上午的龍舟賽預賽,各組拚鬥十足,卯足全力來爭取晉入決賽的資格。在接近中午,預賽賽程告一段落,主辦單位也推出水中尋寶以及抓鴨的趣味活動,由兩棲營政戰主任黃光輝率領二十八位的「蛙兵」演出,身手矯健的海龍蛙兵躍入水中尋寶,很快將主辦單位丟入湖中的寶特瓶找出,瓶內有置放兌放獎品的紙條,可以兌換獎品。壓軸的抓鴨活動,更是吸引眾人的圍觀,主辦單位準備10隻鴨子放入雙鯉湖,海龍部隊官兵憑著高超的泳技,將鴨子全部手到擒來,蛙兵們開心不已,為部隊端節聯歡晚宴加菜。后園六十歲的陳水成,是游泳教練,他也全副武裝隨同蛙兵到湖中抓鴨,好身手的陳水成也有斬獲,擒拿一隻鴨子,高興的展現戰利品。 The Guningtou Community Development Association was commissioned(10) to prepare thin noodles and zongzi for lunch for the contestants. Association Chairman Li Zhengteng directed community volunteers to hand out the meal at the village office. After the break, the final race of the competition was on. It was an even match between the Fire Department and the Tadpoles(11)-the Amphibian Battalion Frogmen Team. Under the spectators' hurrahs, the frogmen beat the Firemen by a tiny margin and took the Male Adult Team trophy of the first Kinmen Dragon Boat Competition. They were overjoyed. 午間,主辦單位也委託古寧頭社區發展協會提供麵線和粽子予選手裹腹,古寧頭社區發展協會理事長李正騰帶領社區志工在村辦公處發放午餐,讓參與活動的人員享用有端午味道的午餐。龍舟賽下午決賽的賽事,最精采的一役,由消防局對上小蝌蚪隊「海龍蛙兵」,在眾人的注目眼光,實力相當的兩隊,僅以些微的差距,「海龍蛙兵」力克對手消防局,奪得首屆金門龍舟賽的社會組冠軍,蛙兵們樂透了。 The event came to an end around 4:00pm. A few accidents in the student team races happened, including an overturned dragon boat before the race and another one going off course and ending up in the bushes by the shore with a fallen dragon head. But under the protective measures taken by the fire department, no students were hurt. Most of the adult races went smoothly. 整個比賽於下午四時許順利落幕,雖然學生組的選手,有 發生「凸槌」的狀況,包括還未比賽,龍舟翻覆、以及比賽進行中,龍舟偏離水道,衝入湖畔旁叢草,導致龍頭掉落等小意外狀況,在消防局人員在水域高度「戒護」下,並沒有發生學生受傷的狀況;社會組的情況大都順利進行。 Kinmen Agricultural and Industrial Vocational Senior High School mobilized just about every member of the school for the event. Cross-department teams were organized to take part in the competition. Students from Kinmen Senior High School and Kinmen Institute of Technology also formed teams and entered the adult team competition. 金門高職配合首屆金門龍舟賽,可說是全校總動員,也以各科組隊相互競賽的方式,讓學生有參與比賽的機會;金門高中和金門技術學院學生也「共襄盛舉」,參與社會組的比賽。 Hosting the award ceremony, County Education Bureau Director Li Zaihang pointed out that, since it was the first dragon boat competition held in Kinmen, there were certain imperfections.(12) The boats used this year were too small. In the future, the county government would consider purchasing larger ones. He hoped more government agencies and private organizations would put together teams and participate to make next year's races more colorful and fun. 主持頒獎活動的縣府教育局長李再杭表示,地區首次舉辦龍舟賽,部份缺失會做改進,今年比賽用的龍舟船身較小,未來,縣府也會考慮購買較大型的龍舟,同時也鼓勵更多機關團體組隊參賽,希望明年的龍舟賽,有更多軍民一同來「共襄盛舉」,藉由龍舟賽活動,來達到寓教於樂。 ■1. athlete-(n)運動員。 ■2. contestant-(n)競逐者、參賽者。 ■3. be immersed in-埋首於、專注於~。 ■4. preliminary-(adj.)初步的、預備的。此處指「預賽」。 ■5. amphibian-(adj.)兩棲的;水陸兩用的。 ■6. battalion-(n)營;大隊;隊伍。 ■7. reconnaissance-(n)偵察。 ■8. spectator-(n)觀眾。 ■9. grin-(n)露齒的笑。 ■10. commission-(vi.)委託、委任。 ■11. tadpole-(n)蝌蚪。 ■12. imperfection-(n)缺點、瑕疵;不完美。 資料來源:金門縣政府 【本系列新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院邱佩蒂老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】 本文原載於98年5月30日《金門日報》
Alcohol Ads Should Mark Warning Labels Conforming to Related Regulations
酒品廣告應依規定標示警語 Several specialty(1) shop owners in Kinmen were accused of(2) not marking health warning labels in their alcohol advertisements on the internet, who were suspected for violating(3) the relevant regulations in "The Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act". The Finance Bureau of Kinmen County Government reminded the industries to mark conspicuous(4) health warning labels on alcohol advertisements or promotion lest they should be punished for violation; in accordance with "The Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act" and "Directions for the Handling of Seizures(5) and Accusation(6) for Tobacco and Alcohol-Related Products", they can be fined $200,000 NT dollars. 金門地區多家特產行遭人檢舉於網路刊登酒品廣告,未標示健康警語,涉嫌違反「菸酒管理法」相關規定。金門縣政府財政局提醒業者酒之廣告或促銷,應明顯標示健康警語,以免違規受罰;依「菸酒管理法」及「菸酒查緝及檢舉案件處理作業要點」,可處以新臺幣20萬元罰鍰。 The Finance Bureau of the County Government pointed out, although the industries did mark health warning labels on their alcohol advertisements on the internet, the warning labels did not follow Article 14 of the 'Enforcement Rules of the Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act'. The violations included 'the space of the warning label was less than one tenth of the layout of the alcohol advertisement', 'the font size of the warning was smaller than half of the label's background space', 'they did not superimpose(7) it throughout the whole time', etc. 縣府財政局指出,業者於網路刊登酒品廣告,經查證雖有明顯標示健康警語,惟所標示健康警語核與「菸酒管理法施行細則」第14條規定不一致,違規情形諸如:「健康警語版面未達酒類廣告版面十分之一」、「健康警語字體面積小於警語背景面積二分之一」或「未全程疊印」等等違規情事。 'The Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act' has relevant regulations on the alcohol advertisements. The industries should follow Article 37 of the Act and its enforcement rules Article 13, 14 and 15. On advertisements or promotion, in addition to marking conspicuously or verbalizing(8) clearly the warnings, the warning labels should be superimposed continuously and independently in 10% of the full layout size and the font size should not be smaller than half of the label's background. 縣府財政局表示,按「菸酒管理法」對於酒類廣告訂有相關規範,應遵行該法第37條及其施行細則第13條、第14條、第15條規定,於廣告或促銷時應明顯標示或以聲音清晰揭示警語外,所標示健康警語,應以版面百分之十連續獨立之面積刊登,且字體面積不得小於警語背景面積二分之一。 The TV advertisements or promotion should superimpose the warning throughout the whole time. They are not allowed to encourage or promote drinking, to blemish(9) adolescents' physical and mental health, to give false advertisements, etc. In accordance with the Article 55, 'The Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act,' those who violate the above regulations will be fined more than $100,000 and less than $500,000 NT dollars, and are demanded to amend within a time limit. If not amending before the time limit, they will be fined again per time. 縣府財政局說,為電視其他影像廣告或促銷者,並應全程疊印,以及不得有鼓勵或提倡飲酒、妨害青少年身心健康、虛偽不實等相關情事。違反上開規定者,則依「菸酒管理法」第55條規定處新臺幣10萬元以上50萬元以下罰鍰,並通知限期改正,屆期未改正者,得按次連續處罰。 Among the violations, the most common case was that the industries who advertised alcohol on the internet did not mark health warning labels according to the regulations. In addition to the powerful searching engine of the internet that was easy to provide evidence, the most fundamental cause was that most of the website designers were ill-informed of the relevant regulations of 'The Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act' although they were very good at designing the web-pages." 縣府財政局也表示,違規酒品廣告裁罰案例中,以業者於網站刊登酒品廣告,未依規定標示健康警語為最大宗,除因網路搜尋引擎功能強大舉證容易外,究其根本原因多為網站製作者雖擅於網頁製作,然對「菸酒管理法」中酒類廣告相關規範往往是一知半解甚至一無所知。 The industries who advertised alcoholic products on the internet but did not mark health warning labels were either accused or seized and fined due to violating "The Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act" Article 37 and related regulations. Thus, when the local alcohol sellers or residents commission others to design or self-design alcohol advertisements or promotion, do check carefully if health warning labels are marked on every webpage lest you should be punished. 業者將酒類商品視同一般商品刊載於網站,而未依規定標示健康警語,致遭人檢舉或查獲,並以違反菸酒管理法第37條規定及其相關規定遭致裁罰。故本縣酒品販售業者或縣民如有自行或委託他人製作酒品廣告或促銷者,需詳加檢查各個頁面有無依規定標示健康警語,以免違規受罰。 The Finance Bureau of the County Government emphasize that if the industries get accused for the first time, they are demanded to amend within a time limit. However, if they are seized again for violating the same regulation, they will be fined $200,000 NT dollars in accordance with "The Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act" and "Directions for the Handling of Seizures and Accusation for Tobacco and Alcohol-Related Products". Should the industries have any questions on advertising alcoholic products, please dial the toll-free number 0800-555590 or consult with the Tobacco and Alcohol Section of the Finance Bureau of Kinmen County Government. 縣府財政局強調,業者首次遭檢舉經從輕裁處「限期改正」,倘若第二次再被查獲違反相同法令規定,將依「菸酒管理法」及「菸酒查緝及檢舉案件處理作業要點」處以新臺幣20萬元罰鍰。業者如對刊登酒品廣告有任何疑義,可撥打免付費電話0800-555590,或至金門縣政府財政局菸酒管理課洽詢。 1.specialty-(n)特產、名產。specialty shop就是「特產店」。 2. be accused of-被指控~,通常後面接V-ing(被指控的罪行)。 3.violate-(vt.)違反。 4.conspicuous-(adj.)明顯的、顯著的。 5.seizure-(n)查扣、沒收。 6.accusation-(n)控告、指控。 7.superimpose-(vt.)把~放置在上面重疊;疊印。 8.verbalize-(vt.)以言語表述。 9.blemish-(vt.)有損於~。亦為名詞,指瑕疵、污點或缺點。 資料來源:金門縣政府 本文原刊載於《金門日報》98年5月19日
Exploring Group from Singapore & Malaysia Did an Expedition on the Mini-Three-Links
星馬踩線團小三通考察旅遊 On May 16th morning, 7 of the Singaporean and Malaysian Overseas Chinese Travel Agencies (exploring group) visited the Kinmen County Magistrate, Li Zhu Feng, in the Kinmen County Government. Li Zhu Feng welcomed them to travel along the Mini-Three-Link route, and he expressed his hope that in the future more generations of overseas Chinese who reside(1) abroad in the Southeast Asia can return and visit their hometowns. 來自新加坡、馬來西亞華僑組團旅行社(踩線團)一行七人,5月16上午前往金門縣政府拜會縣長李炷烽。李炷烽歡迎新加坡、馬來西亞華僑組團旅行社走金門小三通這條新旅遊路線,希望未來有更多旅居東南亞的華僑從第一代、第二代、第三代、第四代…,都能回家鄉走走、看看。 In the Magistrate Office, Li Zhu Feng received the 7 bosses of the Singaporean and Malaysian Overseas Chinese Travel Agencies (exploring group) who came from Xiamen by ship along the Mini-Three-Links to explore the traveling routes in Kinmen. In addition to showing warm welcome, he presented them with booklets such as Classic Kinmen for their reference. 李炷烽在縣長室接見循小三通從廈門搭船班來金考察旅遊路線的新加坡、馬來西亞華僑組團旅行社(踩線團)七位老闆,除了表示竭誠歡迎外,並贈送經典金門等輯冊供參考。 These travel agency bosses looked up on(2) the potential for further development of the market operations on this golden Mini-Three-Links. They hoped to have a deeper insight into this route by experiencing on their own. To spend more time understanding the tourism market in Kinmen, they will formally travel through it again in the future. 這些旅行社老闆對於小三通這條黃金廊道,市場操作很有條件,希望透過親自走一趟了解,未來會正式再走一趟,以停留更多時間了解金門旅遊市場。 Li Zhu Feng said, "There are more than 38 countries under visa waiver(3) program and Taiwanese passport holders are allowed to travel across-strait through the Mini-Three-Links. They only need a valid identity document to travel between cross-strait. The transportation between cross-strait is very convenient now and the environment in Kinmen is really nice, so the overseas Chinese are very welcome for homecoming, investments and traveling. Besides, the Singaporean and Malaysian Overseas Chinese Travel Agencies (exploring group) may cooperate or contact more frequently with the tourism in Kinmen. As long as their service wins public praise, they will find them hundreds and thousands of customers. 李炷烽表示,政府已開放三十八個國家可以免簽證,只要持有效證件即可經小三通進出兩岸,現在往返兩岸很方便,且金門環境很不錯,歡迎旅居海外華僑回鄉探親、投資、旅遊。而新加坡、馬來西亞華僑組團旅行社(踩線團)也可以和金門旅行業多接觸或合作,只要服務做出口碑,就有源源不絕的客源上門。 Li Zhu Feng pointed out, "The number of people coming in and out of the Mini-Three-Links has reached a certain amount. The facilities in Shueitou Tourist Center and Harbor still need to be improved, and to increase night service sailings will be a trend in the future." 李炷烽指出,小三通進出人數已達到一定的量,水頭旅客通關服務中心和碼頭設施需再做改善,未來增開夜航船班是趨勢。 1. reside-(vi.)居住、住在。 2. look up on-看好。 3. waiver-(n)免除、棄權。此處指不需要簽證(visa),即visa waiver(免簽證)。 資料來源:金門縣政府 【本系列新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院邱佩蒂老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】 本文原刊載於《金門日報》98年5月17日
First Taiwan-Bound Mini-Three-Links Tour Group that Takes Maritime Course
小三通遊台團首度走海上之旅 On April 19, 260 tourists arrived at Kinmen from Xiamen through the Mini-Three-Links arrangement and then boarded Kinmen Ferry around eight at Liaoluo Harbor in the evening that sailed for Taiwan. Since the government permitted Mainland China tourists to journey directly to Taiwan through Kinmen, this is the first Mainland China tourist group that following the Mini-Three-Links pattern took the sea course and night liner. 廈門260位遊客4月19日循小三通由廈門抵達金門後,再改搭乘晚間8時許的金門快輪由料羅港出發赴台,這是政府開放大陸觀光客由金門中轉台灣本島以來,首批全程搭船、經金門循小三通赴台的第一支搭船、夜航的大陸觀光團體。 The 260 Xiamen tourists, who arrived in Taiwan through the Mini-Three-Links arrangement on boat, were scheduled for an eight-day excursion(1) in Taiwan. As members of "Formosa Eight-Day Deluxe Tour" presented by Xiamen Air International Travel Agency, they boarded the Mini-Three-Links ship in the morning of the 19th at Xiamen's Dongdu Pier and set sail(2) for Kinmen's Shuitou Pier. Following a one-day trip, they boarded Kinmen Ferry at eight thirty in the evening at Liaoluo Harbor and headed straight for Taichung Harbor. Kinmen Ferry is scheduled to transport the Mainland group to Taichung Harbor at seven in the morning of the 20th and will return the passengers to Kinmen in the morning of the 26th, who through the Mini-Three-Links will then embark(3) another ship for Xiamen. 首批全程搭船、經金門循小三通赴台的260位廈門遊客,將赴台灣展開八日旅遊,他們係參加大陸廈航國際旅行社推出「寶島台灣八日精緻旅遊」,19日上午從廈門東渡碼頭搭乘小三通客船抵金門水頭碼頭,進行一日遊之後,晚上8時30分改從料羅碼頭搭「金門快輪」直航台中港,「金門快輪」預定20日上午7時左右將大陸團送抵台中港,26日上午原船再將旅客送回金門,再經小三通換船回廈門。 Being less costly, the all-surface(4) trip to Taiwan can be expected to attract more Mainland travelers. Future development of the all-maritime course via the Mini-Three-Links is very promising. 據了解,陸客全程搭船赴台旅遊費用較低廉,預估可吸引更多陸客;全程搭船、經金門循小三通赴台,未來發展空間大。 ■1. excursion-(n)短程旅行;或指旅行團。 ■2. set sail-發航,出發。 ■3. embark-(vi.)上船、登船。 ■4. surface-(adj.)水路的;或指陸路的。 資料來源:金門縣政府 本文原載於98年4月20日金門日報,英文版係中文版刪減後進行翻譯
Magistrate Li Urges Kinmen and Mazu Development Plan To Be Approved
金馬發展規劃李縣長盼中央速核定 On April 16, Kinmen County Magistrate Li Zhu Feng crossed Taiwan Strait with his county government team and visited Executive Yuan Secretary General Shue Sian-Chuan (who also serves as Fujian Province Governor). Besides communicating the opinions and needs of people of Kinmen County, Magistrate Li urged the central government to finalize(1) the Kinmen and Mazu Mid-to-Long-Term Economic Development Plan proposed by President Ma last year as soon as possible. Magistrate Li also asked Secretary General Shue Sian-Chuan to intervene(2) in ensuing implementations. 金門縣長李炷烽4月16率縣府團隊專程跨海赴行政院拜會祕書長薛香川(兼福建省政府主席),李縣長除向中央表達金門地區心聲、發展需求,同時希望馬總統去年提出「金馬中長期經濟發展規劃」能儘速拍板定案,至於有關後續推動措施,也爭取薛秘書長居間協助大力促成。 Kinmen County Magistrate Li Zhu Feng and his county government team had an audience with(3) Executive Yuan Secretary General Shue Sian-Chuan and met with officials from concerned government agencies. In the meeting, Magistrate Li first expressed his gratitude for the fact that the various reform policies introduced by the government since President Ma swore a year ago have begun to benefit Kinmen. For issues like second phase and third phase of airport construction projects, he implored(4) the central government to go along.(5) He especially urged the government to sanction(6) the Kinmen and Mazu Mid-to-Long-Term Economic Development Plan presented by President Ma last year as soon as possible and take necessary measures to ensure its effective execution. 李縣長及縣府團隊赴行政院拜會秘書長薛香川,並與相關部會官員座談,李縣長在會中首先感謝馬政府上台1年來各項改革措施,已對金門漸產生實質效益,有關相應措施如機場二、三期工程等議題,則爭取中央配合辦理,尤其,針對馬總統去年提出「金馬中長期經濟發展規劃」,希儘速核定,以及配合必需措施爭取加速推動執行。 Magistrate Li shared with those present in the meeting issues challenging development of Kinmen County and introduced six proposals, including Kinmen (Lieh) Bridge Construction Project, Jinxia (Deng) Bridge Construction Project, Mainland Water Supply Project, Project for Upgrading National Kinmen Institute of Technology to University, Project for Development of "Kinmen University Island" and Extending Admission to Mainland China Students, and Project for Simplifying the Procedures for Processing Travel Documents of Mainland China Residents Visiting Kinmen. Breakthroughs for these pressing issues necessitate(7) the assistance of the central government. 會中,李縣長提出金門縣發展面臨的問題,並提出6大提案,主要有金門(烈)大橋興建規劃案、金廈(嶝)大橋興建規劃案、大陸引水、金門技術學院申請改名為大學、推動「金門大學島」試辦招收大陸學生來金就讀、簡化大陸人士來金旅遊辦證手續等等議題,均待突破,請中央協助解決。 Magistrate Li also proposed two suggestions. Firstly, responsible agencies of the central government are encouraged to abridge(8) the procedures for handling travel applications of Mainland China residents visiting Kinmen; namely, allowing Mainland China residents to file for(9) entry with legal identification documents issued by their government. In this manner, the number of Mainland China visitors to Kinmen may be increased to boost Kinmen's tourism industry. Secondly, the Strait Exchange Foundation should be urged to negotiate with corresponding Mainland agency for adopting a Kinmen travel regulation by Mainland China that is not as strict as the requirements for visiting Taiwan, so making it easier for more Mainland China residents to visit Kinmen. 李縣長另也提出兩項建議:請中央主管部門同意簡化大陸居民來金門旅遊手續,即大陸居民得採合法身分證件申請入境,增加大陸旅客來金門旅遊以帶動金門觀光產業。請協調海基會與大陸主管單位協調開放大陸來金旅遊得採取相較於「赴台旅遊」較寬鬆的作法,俾利更多大陸居民來金旅遊。 ■1. finalize-(vt.)確定、決定。 ■2. intervene-(vi.)介入、居中干預、調停。通常與介係詞in連用。 ■3. have an audience with-拜會、拜謁。若「接見」則是give an audience to。 ■4. implore-(vt.)懇求;乞求。 ■5. go along-繼續進行。 ■6. sanction-(vt.)認可、批准,讚許。 ■7. necessitate-(vt.)使成為必需,意指迫切需求。 ■8. abridge-(vt.)縮短、刪減、節略。 ■9. file for-提出申請,提出訴訟。 資料來源:金門縣政府 【本系列新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院邱佩蒂老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】 本文原載於98年4月17日金門日報