Magistrate Encouraged Aggressiveness During New Year Gathering
新春團拜李縣長勉團隊積極任 The Kinmen County Government held a Chinese New Year gathering yesterday. Magistrate Li Wo Shi expressed his gratefulness to members of each unit for demonstrating a firm commitment to their jobs during the New Year vacation. He requested that at the beginning of the year, all supervisors should reflect upon the past and look into the future with the goal of pushing the county government forward to keep up with the townspeople's expectations. 金門縣政府昨日舉行新春聯合團拜,縣長李沃士感謝相關單位人員春節假期堅守工作崗位辛勞。他要求,新的一年開始,各主管同仁應反省過去,集思未來,讓縣政不斷往前推進,更貼近、符合鄉親期待。 The gathering, hosted by Magistrate Li, began from 9 a.m. in the auditorium(1) yesterday. Chief Secretary Lu Zhi Hui , Li Qing Zheng, the chairman of Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc., supervisory officials from Subordinate Agencies,(2) township mayors, chairpersons of all township councils, as well as presidents of each region's junior high and elementary schools attended this event. The atmosphere at the gathering was so fervent.(3) 縣府昨日上午九時起於大禮堂隆重舉行新春團拜,由縣長李沃士主持,主任秘書盧志輝、縣府各局室主管、金酒公司董事長李清正及府外各機關主官、鄉鎮長、鄉鎮民代表會主席,地區各中、小學校長等出席參加,會場氣氛熱絡。 Li Wo Shi clearly showed that as times change, the townspeople's expectations will always exceed the government's ability of implementation. He therefore strongly encouraged all supervisory officials to look ahead, administrate outside the box,(4) and keep the Government moving forward and executing good achievements during the "year of the tiger." 李沃士指出,隨著時代變化,鄉親的期盼往往超越縣府施政的速度,他要求每位主管要有往前思維,超越舊有框架,發揮老虎的活力讓縣政不斷往前推進,讓縣政做出好成績來。 ■1.auditorium-(n)禮堂。 ■2.Subordinate Agencies-(n)其他附屬單位。subordinate指下級的、隸屬的。 ■3.fervent-(adj.)熱烈的、熱情的。 ■4.outside the box-beyond conventional thought or practice,即所謂的「跳脫舊有思維或框架」。 事本文摘譯自《金門日報》2010年2月23日報導
Weekly Major Events 02/21~02/28
一週大事02/21~02/28 ●Farewell Party Held For Stepping-down Councilors and Township Mayors The County Government held a farewell party for councilors and township mayors who are stepping down this term. It was a warm atmosphere, filled with blessings and appreciation. Chief Secretary, Lu Zhi-hui, representing County Magistrate Li Wo-shi, was very appreciative about the support of the former councilors and township mayors for Kinmen County Government in the past. He expects everyone to offer more advice and encouragement in the future in order to make Kinmen a better place. ●感謝卸任議員與鄉鎮長 縣府辦惜別餐會 縣府2月26日為即將卸任的縣議員與鄉鎮長舉辦惜別餐會,現場有祝福、有感謝,氣氛相當溫馨;主任秘書盧志輝特別代表縣長李沃士,感謝議員與鄉鎮長過去對縣府的支持,他也期許往後大家能多給縣政建言與鞭策,讓金門更進步。 ●KHS Achieved A Better Score For CEE The grade of 2010 College Entrance Examination(CEE) was announced on February 24. Students in Kinmen High School (KHS), Yang Hong-Yu(楊閎宇) and Cai Xiao-Ya,(蔡小雅) achieved a grade of 71 points. In other words, out of the 311 students who took the exam; Yang and Cai were the only two students with a score higher than 70 points. Cai, Jin-Shan, principal of KHS, said "The entire score of this year is better than the score last year." ●大學學測金中成績比去年好 九十九學年度大學學科能力測驗成績24日公布,國立金門高級中學考生楊閎宇、蔡小雅,各拿到七十一級分,也是全校三百一十一名考生中,「唯二」達到七十級分以上的學生。校長蔡錦杉說,今年考生的整體成績比去年還要好。 ●H1N1 Virus Activity Arrested(1) The second wave of H1N1 virus activity has come to an end and Kinmen County Government has responsively(2) relieved(3) the mission of the local command center. Kinmen Public Health Bureau claimed that the situation of H1N1 in Kinmen has been mild and steady. Although there were thousands of people infected with H1N1, and 30 classes at different schools had been suspended, there were no reported serious cases. Only two patients with a mild case were hospitalized. ●H1N1疫情降溫 國內第二波疫情已告一段落,金門縣政府已解除地方指揮中心任務。衛生局表示,金門縣的疫情溫和而穩定。雖然有上千人感染A型流感,有三十個班級停課,但並沒有出現重症病患,只有兩名輕症病患住院治療。 ●Precious Emerald Dove Appearance Surprised Bird Watchers Xu Jin-Xi, a bird watcher, found traces of the very precious Emerald(4) Dove in Gu-Gang area of Kinmen National Park. After asking for advice of the Kinmen National Park authority, Zhuang Xi-Jin, a teacher of Kinmen High School, and Liang Jie-de, a bird photographer, Xu had confirmation that it was the precious Emerald Dove. ●保育翠翼鳩現蹤影鳥友驚喜 鳥友許進西在金管處古崗園區內發現相當罕見的保育翠翼鳩蹤影,經向金管處詢問及確認,並向金門高中教師莊西進、鳥類攝影專家梁皆得徵詢,已確定是稀有鳥種翠翼鳩。 ●Quality of Water Approved Kinmen County Waterworks announced the result of the water quality test for every water supply source taken in January, 2010. The results all fit within the criterion. In order to clearly present the information of this test, Waterworks mentioned that they will post the results on their website and also on the "Kinmen Daily News." People who are interested can visit the Kinmen County Waterworks' website for further information. ●自來水質檢測一切OK 金門縣自來水廠日前公布九十九年一月份地區供水站自來水水質的受測情形,皆符合飲用水水質標準;為使檢測資訊更透明化,水廠表示,每月皆將檢測結果公布於該廠網站上,即日起並將每月檢測結果刊登於金門日報,同時也歡迎民眾自行上網查詢。 ■1.arrest-(vt.)阻止、減緩。常見的用法為「逮捕」,但此處用於標題,為求簡潔,方以此動詞描述疫情獲得控制。 ■2.responsively-(adv.)響應地。 ■3.relieve-(vt.)解除職務;解除、換~的班、替換。 ■4.emerald-(adj.)翠綠色、祖母綠。
Construction of Jin-Lie Bridge A waits
金門大橋建橋在望 Li, Wo-Shi visited Executive Yuan on the 25th to report on the "Construction Plan of Jin-Lie Bridge" and received the preliminary(1) approval of Executive Yuan. According to the plan, the building of Jin-Lie Bridge will start at the end of this year. The budget for the construction is $6 billion based on the precursory(2) estimate, and the period of construction will be 53 months. Li greatly appreciates the support of the central authorities in the planning, and stated that "If central and local are united, the developing of Kinmen will be prosperous." 金門縣長李沃士25日親赴行政院會提報「金門大橋建設計畫」,終獲行政院會初步同意,預定今年底動工興建,經費初估60億元,施工期為53個月。李沃士感謝中央與各相關部會全力支持推動,印證「中央地方一條心,金門建設一定興」。 Li mentioned in an interview with journalists that the construction of the bridge ties in with(3) the policy for the care of the off-shore island resident. This bridge will offer steady communication between Kinmen and Leihyu, combine with tourism resources, and improve provision for the basic demands of daily life, such as medical treatment, emergency, water and electricity supply. 李沃士接受媒體訪問時表示,建橋符合照顧離島居民政策,可提供大小金門間穩定的陸運交通,與整體觀光資源結合,實質改善大小金門醫療照護、緊急救災、民生水電等基本需求。 The minister of Ministry of Transportation and Communication (MOTC) stated that the design of Jin-Lie Bridge is specifically to meet the demands mainly for tourism, and secondly for transportation. The construction contract is held by Taiwan Area National Expressway Engineering Bureau which received commission(4) from Kinmen County Government. 交通部長毛治國指出,金門大橋設計興建以觀光為主、交通為輔。工程將由國工局接受縣政府委託辦理。 Wu Den-yih, The Premier, mentioned that the building of Jin-Lie Bridge is necessary and should be quickened to promote progress. He requested that after the take over by MOTC and commission granted by Kinmen County Government, the construction of this bridge must be controlled with special effort and be finished on time. 行政院長吳敦義表示,興建大橋確有其必要性,宜加速辦理。交通部接手、金門縣政府委辦後,要專案控管計畫,務必如期完成。 According to the initial plan, Jin-Lie Bridge will link between Kinmen at Jincheng and Liehyu at the Jiang-Jun (the General) Bunker. The full length of the bridge will be 5.34 km, in which only 4.78 km will cross over the sea. Because the route of the bridge will pass Shuitou and Juigong Pier, the bridge will use a cable-stayed(5) bridge with a distance of 250m across so the shape of the bridge is designed like the Chinese character "金". 「金門大橋建設計畫」初步擇定以北路廊為主,銜接大金門的金城與小金門的烈嶼將軍堡,橋樑全長為5.34公里,跨海部份則為4.78公里。由於規劃路線會經過水頭和九宮碼頭的航線,大橋將採取250公尺長跨距的斜張橋式設計,會設計成類似「金」字的造型。 ■1. preliminary-(adj.)初步的、預備的。 ■2. precursory-(adj.)先驅的;做準備的。 ■3. tie in (with)-(與)~相配合、相符合。 ■4. commission-(n)委託、委任。 ■5. cable-stayed-以纜繩固定的橋型,即所謂的「斜張橋」。 本文摘譯自《金門日報》2010年2月26日報導
Editorials Seeking For Aura Of Kinmen
尋找金門的味道 Over the years, one begins to wonder if the mood reversed or the feeling of the New Year really became insipid.(1) Regarding the New Year Festival in Kinmen, there appears to be no profound memories in mind. Some say it is not that the aura(2) of the New Year became insipid, but rather the impression of Kinmen has become blurred. Then, what is the real aura of Kinmen? What is the real unique landscape of Kinmen? To think thoroughly, the battlefield relics scattered around Kinmen Island possibly might be the key that makes the difference among Kinmen, Taiwan and China. Actually, they truly are the main reason for many tourists to come here. When we strive to develop tourism and regard it as the main lifeline(2) of Kinmen, ignoring the lost and damage of battlefield and historic relics is just like digging up our own roots of tourism. Do we need outside help to develop tourism in Kinmen? No, not at all! In fact, the best strategy for tourism development begins with seeking for Kinmen's real aura, and with preserving Kinmen battlefield relics. Doing so helps to preserve not only the blood of this mother island, but also a unique life memory for all islanders. ■1. insipid-(adj.)平淡無味的;無趣的。 ■2. aura-(n)氛圍;氣氛。 ■3. lifeline-(n)生命線;救生索。 本文摘譯自《金門日報》2010年2月23日社論
Planes Fully Loaded After CNY
年假結束台金空中交通班班滿載 The New Year vacation ended yesterday and the transport of the Mini-three link and flights between Kinmen to Taiwan reached their highest peak. There were many people who wanted to travel to Taiwan, but the flights between Kinmen and Taiwan were all booked out. Kinmen county magistrate, Li Wo-Shi, quickly went to the airport to express his concerns and observe the transportation situation. Kinmen Airport director Hong Nian-Ci explained the details of the situation and the proposed arrangements to Li. Knowing that the airline companies were working hard to transport passengers, providing passengers with flights so they could return to work smoothly, Magister Li felt comforted. 春節假期昨結束,小三通春運以及台金空中的交通進入高峰,金門尚義機場湧現搭機人潮,從金門飛台灣班機班班客滿,縣長李沃士趕往機場了解疏運情形,聽取金門航空站主任洪念慈說明規劃及疏運情形,對航空公司加勁疏運旅客,讓旅客能順利搭機返回工作崗位表安心。 Yesterday was the last day of the New Year vacation. At the Kinmen Airport, some passengers rushed to stand in lines at dawn in order to be first on the waiting list. Eva Air flight 681, Taichung to Kinmen, was the first to arrive at 7:50. Li Wo-Shi was very concerned about whether the villagers were able to return to work smoothly, so he went to the Kinmen Airport yesterday specifically to better understand the transportation situation. He mentioned that, among Kinmen County Government, Kinmen Airport, and the Civil Aeronautics(2) Administration, there has had a system, according to the weather and the demand, to start every type of emergency transportation. He emphasized that the goal and responsibility of the Kinmen County Government would be to enable villagers to return home to celebrate New Year happily and safely return to Taiwan for work. Li stated that he would supervise the government members in implementing the promises he personally made to the villagers. 昨天是春節連續假日最後一天,尚義機場天剛亮即有旅客搶先排隊候補機位,立榮航空台中飛金門681班次客機於七時五十分進場揭開疏運序幕。李沃士非常關心鄉親能否順利返抵工作崗位,昨日專程到尚義機場了解疏運情形。他表示,金門縣政府、金門航空站、交通部民航局之間已有一套機制,可依據天候及需求啟動各項緊急疏運作業。他也強調,讓鄉親快樂返鄉過年省親、平安順利返台工作,是金門縣政府全體同仁的任務與目標,他會親自督率相關同仁做好為鄉親服務的承諾。 ■1. assure-(vt.)向~保證、擔保。 ■2. aeronautics-(n)航空學、飛行術。 本文摘譯自《金門日報》2010年2月22日報導
Weekly Major Events 02/14~02/20
一週大事 02/14~02/20 ●Cold War Seminar Planned This Year Kinmen County Magistrate, Li Wo-Shi, had granted an interview with Professor Chen Guang-Sing(陳光興) of the Graduate Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University, and scholars from Korea and Japan on February 19, 2010. Chen and these scholars are planning to present an academic seminar about the Cold War by the end of this year in Kinmen, expecting this event to elevate Kinmen's international visibility. 2010年2月19日,縣長李沃士接見交通大學社文所教授陳光興、以及韓、日學者。陳光興等人預定今年年底在金門辦理「冷戰時期」學術研討會,盼提升金門國際能見度。 ●Mountain Climbing Attracted the Crowds Kinmen County Government held a Spring Festival mountain climbing activity on February 18, 2010, an event which attracted an influx of people to Mountain Taiwu. The activity included a raffle ticket drawing and various musical and dance performances. Ms. Liou , who lives in Jincheng, won first prize, a washing machine. 2010年2月18日,縣府舉辦春節登山活動,吸引一波波人潮湧上太武山,活動安排摸彩及系列精采的歌舞節目表演,其中金城劉女士抽中頭獎洗衣機一台。 ●College Student Won Holy Cup Throwing Competition The Bao Sheng Da Di Temple holy cup throwing competition took place during the Spring Festival on February 16, 2010, at Leiyu Village. A total of 3,721 people participated in the contest. After three days of extreme competition, a student, whose surname is Shih,(石) won a sedan by successfully throwing nine holy cups consecutively. 2010年2月16日,烈嶼鄉保生大帝廟舉辦的「春節擲聖筊競賽」,總計3721人參加,經三天鏖戰,烈嶼石姓大學生連擲9聖筊,幸運獲得轎車1輛。 ●Opening Day for Visiting Qing Tian Hall Attracted 1679 Kinmenese February 15, marked the first day that Qing Tian Hall of Tai Wu Mountain and Ming De Park were re-opened for visitors again in 2010. The event attracted 1,679 Kinmenese to eye-witness the history of war together. 2010年2月15日,太武山擎天廳、明德公園,開放鄉親參訪首日,吸引一千六百七十八位金門鄉親前往參訪,共同見證烽火歲月的痕跡與歷史。
International Master of Public Art Created Masterpieces for Kinmen
國際級大師為金門打造公共藝術作品 There are also public art(1) works created by a well-known artist, Idea Chu(朱魯青) in Kinmen! If you have ever visited Kinmen Cultural Park, you must have been impressed by public display of art works. These three masterpieces in the Park which are named "Kinmen Fly Up," "There are Fishes in Kinmen"(May Kinmen has more than it wishes for.) and "Kinmen Fly Across (to the future)" were created by Idea Chu, an international master of public art. If you want to take a walk during Chinese New Year, maybe you can visit Kinmen Cultural Park and have an extraordinary art experience. 金門也有國際級大師朱魯青的公共藝術作品!走一遭金門縣文化園區,一定會對園區內的公共藝術作品印象深刻,這三件名為「金門飛揚」、「金門有魚」、「金門飛越」的作品,原來竟是景觀設計大師朱魯青的力作,最近想要「走春」的民眾,不妨前往文化園區,來趟新春藝術饗宴之旅。 Cultural Affairs Bureau of Kinmen County mentioned that Idea Chu attempts to combine five episodes(2) which included "Historic Kinmen," "War in Kinmen," "Peace in Kinmen," and "Culture in Kinmen", with his ambitions-"Traditional Kinmen," "Kinmen, The Cultural and Creative Development Base," "Developing the County Based on the Culture," and "Innovative(3) Tourism." With the combination of the above elements, Idea Chu integrates the traditional image of Kinmen Cultural Park with the allegory(4) of culture and originality,(5) to create a cultural symbol of the fusion of modern and traditional. Idea Chu has designed almost every famous amusement park in Taiwan, including Ya-ge Garden, Dragon Valley Paradise, Da-le Park, Lamay Island Park; Maolin National Park, and Kaohsiung 228 Peace Memorial Park, etc. All these parks carry the same theme, that is, "Men are great for the dreams they have." 文化局表示,朱魯青企圖將「歷史金門」、「戰火金門」、「和平金門」、「文化金門」、「創意金門」的五部曲,及「傳統金門」與「創意金門發展城」、「文化立縣」與「創意觀光」的抱負,結合金門文化園區的傳統意象以及文化與創意的交會形象,創造出具有傳統與現代融合的文化觀光表徵、創意休閒大島的視覺傳達!文化局提到,朱魯青是台灣目前設計遊樂園最多的人,包括亞哥花園、龍谷樂園、達樂雕塑公園、小琉球海洋公園、茂林國家自然公園、高雄二二八公園……這些膾炙人口的人間樂土,都是出自他的創意,而這些都有一個共同的主題,那就是-人類因夢想而偉大。 ■1. public art-(n)公共藝術。即陳列、置放在公共空間的藝術作品。 ■2. episode-(n)整部作品中的某個插曲。 ■3. innovative-(adj.)創新的。 ■4. allegory-(n)象徵;寓意。 ■5. originality-(n)創意;新穎、奇特;創新。 本文摘譯自《金門日報》2010年2月22日報導
Governor Xue: Jin-Lie Bridge & Upgrade of KMIT Can Be Expected
薛主席:大橋年底前動工 金技院升格將有好消息 At a lunch with local media workers yesterday, Xue Zheng-Tai, the Minister without Portfolio,(1) Executive Yuan and Governor of Fujian provincial government, mentioned that the construction of the Jin-Lie Bridge and the upgrade of KMIT to a university are the two important powers for Kinmen development. He stated that he will use all his strength to promote these two endeavors(2) and give relief to the local people. He also expects the media to be a power of supervision and change. 行政院政務委員兼福建省政府主席薛承泰昨日在與地區新聞媒體朋友餐敘時指出,金烈大橋與金技院升格大學,是金門發展的二個重要動力,他會全力促成,讓大家安下這份心。他也期盼媒體扮演監督、改變的力量。 Fujian provincial government held a warm luncheon(3) yesterday to greet the Chinese New Year and hold discussions with local media workers. This lunch was hosted by Xue, the sectary-general in Fujian provincial government Zeng Hua-de, and the directors, senior executive officers(4) and secretaries in each division attended the luncheon. Huang Ya-Fen, the publisher of the Kinmen Daily News, and local news workers also joined in the warm atmosphere of this luncheon. 福建省政府昨日中午舉辦了溫馨的聯誼餐會,與地區的新聞媒體人員餐敘並賀節,由薛承泰主席主持,省府秘書長曾華德及各組室主管參議、專員、秘書熱情參與,本報社長黃雅芬與地區新聞媒體工作同仁等到場參加,餐會洋溢著歡愉氣氛。 Xue mentioned that, in regards to the policy of the bridge, he will constantly encourage the central authorities to start the construction. Next year is the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the R.O.C., and he specifically reminded the members of ministries in Executive Yuan that Kinmen and Matzu are the most qualified counties to celebrate this anniversary because they have been territories of the R.O.C since its establishment. Xue insisted that the 100th year celebration of the R.O.C must coordinate with the governments of Kinmen and Matzu. Wu Dun-Yi, the premier, agreed with this suggestion. Following Xue's words, Premier Wu said the building of Jin-Lie Bridge must be started before the 100th year so it will have a true meaning of celebration. 薛承泰指出,關於大橋的政策部分,他在中央不斷重申今年年底前一定要動工。明年是中華民國建國一百年,他也在行政院院會特別提醒內閣成員,真正最有資格慶祝建國一百年的是金門與馬祖,因為金馬是全世界「唯二」奉中華民國正朔到民國一百年的地方,慶祝建國百年慶的時候務必與金馬二政府協調。而行政院長吳敦義也順著他的口說,金門大橋一定要在建國一百年前動工,才真正有慶祝的意味。 Xue also mentioned that he hopes the good news of the upgrade(5) of KMIT will soon be released. He again emphasized that with the two powers for Kinmen development: the bridge linking Kinmen and Lie Yu (little Kinmen), and the upgrade of KMIT, should be accomplished during his short term of service, thus relieving the concerns of the local people during this time. In this way, everyone will feel they can depend on him, and they will know in what direction Kinmen will be moving. 薛承泰也提到,金門技術學院升格大學,再等幾天,希望馬上就有好消息出來。他也強調,金門發展的兩個動力,一個大小金門的橋,一個是金門技術學院升格大學,希望在短短的兼任省主席任內,希望讓大家安下這份心,大家會比較踏實,知道往哪個方向走。 【解說與譯註】 ■1. Portfolio-(n)部長或大臣的職位。所謂政務委員是指得出席內閣會議、參與決策,但卻不具備部會首長職銜(即「不管部會」)者。此處Minister without Portfolio是行政院的正式翻譯。 ■2. endeavor-(n)努力;盡力。 ■3. luncheon-(n)午餐,尤指正式之餐宴。 ■4. senior executive officer-(n)參議。字面上是「資深的執行官」。executive officer則是指專員。 ■5. upgrade-(vi.)升級,提高品質。此處指金門技術學院改為大學。事實上國立金門技術學院已屬高等教育體系,只是現階段被歸類在「技職司」。未來若「改名大學」之後,將改隸「高教司」。從教育部的角度看來,並無所謂「升格」。但從一般社會大眾的角度看來,仍舊認為是「升格」。因此,在翻譯上仍沿用"upgrade"。 本文摘譯自《金門日報》2010年2月6日報導
Developing Water Resources Singapore Shares Experience
開發水資源 星代表分享寶貴經驗 Kinmen is in lack of water. After President Ma mentioned that Kinmen could develop a way to create its own NEWater(1) following the example in Singapore, Stanley Loh, the Representative of Singapore Trade Office in Taipei, came to Kinmen to introduce their present situation and experiences of water development in Singapore. 金門水資源不足,在總統馬英九提出可參考新加坡發展新生水模式的構想下,新加坡駐台北商務辦事處代表羅家良來金向縣長李沃士介紹星國開發水資源的現況,分享星國從過去水源不足到接近自給自足的過程和經驗。 Stanley Loh was accompanied by Xue, Zheng-Tai, the Minister without Portfolio, Executive Yuan and Governor of Fujian provincial government, as well as Zhan Huo-Ren, the national policy advisor. They visited Kinmen for two days, arriving at 9:30 a.m. yesterday. 羅家良是由行政院政務委員兼福建省政府主席薛承泰陪同,於昨日上午九時三十分許到金門進行二天訪問,同行的有國策顧問詹火生。 Arranged by Kinmen County Waterworks, Loh and his party visited the Seawater Desalination(2) Plant of Kinmen County Waterworks, Tai-lake Water and Sewage Treatment Plants. A discussion was then held with the staff of Kinmen County Government and the Kinmen County Waterworks, in order to exchange experiences of water development. 在金門自來水廠的安排下,羅家良一行人先參觀自來水廠的海水淡化廠、太湖淨水場、污水處理場等設施,並到縣政府與縣府、水廠團隊座談,交換水源開發經驗。 Stanley mentioned that since 1965, when Singapore proclaimed(3) independence, they faced the problem of insufficient water supply. Water resource management has been a very important issue for Singapore and they had depended heavily on imported water from Malaysia. Singapore started a nation-wide plan in 1975 and produced an ambitious scheme. Consequently, in recent years, Singapore has become close to being autarkic(4) in water supply. Stanley said, the whole process has been challenging. Thus, they are glad to share their experience with Kinmen to help avoid the same mistakes and similar problems. 羅家良說,新加坡從一九六五年獨立建國就面臨水源不足的問題,水源管理是很重要的議題,一九七五年就進行全國的大規劃,從過去水源不足,要靠鄰國馬來西亞進口水,到今日接近自給自足,一路走來不易,願把過程和經驗提供金門分享,讓金門不必辛苦再走錯路。 Stanley also demonstrated the "four tap"(5) strategy which includes: rainfall collecting, water imported from Malaysia, desalination, and waste water recycling (NEWater). In the process of water development in Singapore, there are more and more demands for water resources. Therefore, they have made every effort to increase the water supply, such as extending rainfall catchment(6) and adopting new technology, in order to solve the problem of water shortage. 羅家良說明星國的四大國家水喉,包括,雨水集收、自馬來西亞進口、海水淡化、新生水。他說,在星國發展的過程中,水資源的需求量愈來愈多,除了增加雨水的集收量,也研究發展新科技,以科技來解決水資源不足的問題。 Stanley stated that since 2002, when Singapore developed the technology of recycling waste water and established its first NEWater plant, they have already completed five water reclamation(7) plants. Stanley also said that now the NEWater is able to meet 30% of the water requirement and Singapore has become truly autarkic in water supply. He emphasized that the NEWater is not only used for industry, but also for drinking water. In addition, considering that some people might not be used to drinking recycled water, they mix the NEWater with rainfall in the common reservoirs(8) for further treatment. He also mentioned that the whole world is paying close attention to environmental protection and the NEWater is an environment-friendly product. Singapore has slashed(9) their dependence upon imported water and this unique experience is worth sharing with Kinmen since both of them are islands. 羅家良表示,星國發展新生水的技術,從二○○二年設立首座新生水廠到今年將完成第5座,屆時足可供應全國30%用水需求,達成自給自足。他說,新生水除了提供工業用水,也作為飲用水,也考量到國民還不習慣飲用新生水,目前先將新生水和一般蓄水池的雨水相混合,重新作處理。他說,全世界都很關注環保,新生水是環保的產品,新加坡大幅縮減對進口水的依賴,可以和同樣是島嶼的金門分享經驗。 【解說與譯註】 ■1. NEWater-(n)新生水。專指新加坡透過污水淨化再處理而產製的水。 ■2. desalination-(n)去鹽作用。即所謂的「海水淡化」。動詞為desalt。 ■3. proclaim-(vt.)宣告、公布、聲明。 ■4. autarkic-(adj.)自給自足的。 ■5. four tap-(n)就字面上的意思就是「四個水龍頭」。此處指新加坡開發水資源的四大策略,包括雨水收集、海水淡化、進口水源與新生水。 ■6. catchment-(n)集水量。 ■7. reclamation-(n)廢物回收再利用;再生、再製。 ■8. reservoir-(n)蓄水庫、水槽。 ■9. slash-(vt.)大幅削減、減少。 本文摘譯自《金門日報》2010年2月6日報導
Taiwanese Man Nabbed(1) for Burglary
台客強闖民宅劫財 警方循線逮捕歸案 In the wee(2) hours of Jun. 17 an armed burglary(3) on Wufu Street of Jinsha Township was reported. A man, surnamed Yu, broke into a private home with a sickle(4) and robbed the owner. At one point, the thief even attempted to rape the owner. Luckily, she remained calm, negotiated with the man to buy time, and eventually called the police. Around 5:00 a.m the police arrested the burglar near Jinsha Bus Station and retrieved(5) the NT$42,200 taken from the owner. They also located the sickle. Mr. Yu was charged with armed burglary and transferred to the Prosecutors Office of Fujian Kinmen District Court. 金沙鎮五福街六月十七日凌晨發生一起持械私闖民宅強盜案件,游姓歹徒持鐮刀強索財物,一度還意圖劫色,所幸,被害人處變不驚,與歹徒周旋拖延時間,並報警求援。警方則循線於清晨五時許在金沙車站附近將歹徒逮捕到案,突破心防起出犯案工具及四萬二千二百元贓款,全案依刑法加重強盜罪,移送福建金門地方法院檢察署偵辦。 According to Deputy Director Wang Minghong of Jinhu Precinct,(6) Mr. Yu, born in 1973, had come from Taiwan to work in Kinmen. Around 2:30 a.m on June 17, Mr. Yu carried a large sickle and broke into the home on Wufu Street through the second floor window, intending to rob the home and rape the owner. At 5:00 a.m Jinsha Police Station Duty Officer Chen received a phone call from the victim and, being familiar with the neighborhood, officers from Jinsha Police Station began pursuit at once. Because the victim recognized the voice of the burglar,(7) the police were able to find the suspect near Jinsha Bus Station within an hour. The man denied everything at first. But after forensic(8) specialists from the Criminal Investigation Division collected hard evidence obtained from a thorough search, the man realized it was pointless to deny his actions any further and admitted to the crime. He was taken back to the crime scene to describe to the police the process of the burglary. 金湖分局副分局長王明宏指出,六十二年次台籍來金工作的游姓男子,因缺錢花用,一時興起於十七日凌晨二時三十分左右,持大型鐮刀,越過二樓窗戶侵入五福街一民宅意圖劫財與劫色,金沙分駐所值班陳姓員警於清晨五時,接獲被害女子報案求助,警方掌握地緣優勢隨即展開追緝,並依被害人聽聲辨人提供線索,警方鎖定可疑對象,於清晨五時許在金沙車站附近查獲可疑嫌犯。歹徒原先矢口否認,經警方分工展開地毯式搜尋,刑大鑑識專家採集有利犯罪跡證後,歹徒見警方即將突破案情才坦承犯案,並帶領辦案人員重回現場,道出犯案過程。 Captain Huang Weijian of Jinhu Precinct's Detective Team said that the victim told the police the burglar had put the sickle against her neck in the middle of the night, blindfolded(9) her with a towel, tied her hands with a rope, and demanded NT$ 600,000 from her. She thought the voice sounded somewhat familiar. At one point the burglar even attempted to rape her. Fortunately, she negotiated and talked him into(10) taking only about NT$40,000 in cash and a Kinmen Kaoliang Inc. "Commemorative Vouchers". At 5:00 a.m she reported the robbery to Jinsha Police Station and the police solved the case within a short time. They found the mask and the sickle the burglar used during the crime and retrieved the money from the gutter(11) near the home the man rented. 金湖分局偵查隊隊長黃維堅指出,據被害人表示,半夜突然被歹徒持鐮刀架住脖子,並以毛巾矇住眼睛,聲音似曾相識,向她強索新台幣六十萬元,並以細繩將其雙手綑綁,歹徒一度興起性侵意圖,所幸千鈞一髮之際被害人和歹徒週旋拖延,最後僅被歹徒拿走新台幣四萬餘元現金以及一張金酒回饋券。被害人於清晨五時向金沙分駐所報案,警方則迅即破案,起出犯案用之頭套、鐮刀等犯案工具,並查獲歹徒藏於租屋處附近水溝蓋內之贓款。 According to Director Liu Quanyuan of Jinhu Police Precinct, the suspect was charged with forcible sexual harassment(12) and armed burglary of a private home during the night which prescribed(13) in the Criminal Law as a serious robbery. He was transferred to the Prosecutors Office of Fujian Kinmen District Court. The minimum prison term would be seven years. 金湖分局分局長劉全原指出,歹徒涉嫌強制猥褻及夜間持械侵入住宅,強盜被害人財物,行為已明顯違反刑法加重強盜罪,依法移送福建金門地方法院檢察署偵辦,其刑責最少七年以上。 News about the private home burglary quickly spread through the Wufu Street neighborhood at daybreak. In response to the anxiety and concern of the residents, Deputy Director Wang Minghong of Jinhu Precinct said that patrol in this neighborhood had already been increased since it was a chief rental apartment area in Jinsha. In the future, the police would reinforce screening and vigilance,(14) but also asked the citizens to be more careful by locking their doors and windows, and to look out for one another. They should immediately report to the police when seeing someone suspicious. The police need everybody's cooperation to build and maintain security for the neighborhood. 金沙五福街民宅被搶,一大早相關傳言即在大街小巷流傳,家住五福街的居民人心惶惶。為此,金湖分局副分局長王明宏指出,該處為金沙地區主要租賃地區已是警方加強巡邏點,未來亦將加強查訪和巡邏,也請民眾做好門戶管理,發揮守望功能,若見可疑人士可主動向警方連繫,共同打造良好居家安全環境。 ■1. nab-(vt.)逮捕(現行犯)。 ■2. wee-(adj.)很早的;微小的。此處wee hours指凌晨。 ■3. burglary-(n)夜盜;破門竊盜;搶劫。(指「犯罪行為」) ■4. sickle-(n)(短柄)鐮刀。另有一種帶柄的長鐮刀叫scythe,是西方「魔鬼」的刻板形象之一,通常西方魔鬼出現時,都會穿著罩頭袍子,手持scythe。 ■5. retrieve-(vt.)重新得到、收回。此處指警方透過搜尋,「找回、起出」作案工具。 ■6. precinct-(n)警察的轄區。或指某個場地、範圍。此處指警方的「分局」,其主管稱為Director(分局長),副主管則加上Deputy。(某分局)副分局長就是Deputy Director (of ~ Precinct)。警方的「警察局」則是Police Bureau,其主管為局長(Commissioner),副主管為副局長(Deputy Commissioner)。至於分局底下的「分駐所」通常譯為Police Station。 ■7. burglar-(n)夜賊;破門盜竊者。(指「行為人」) ■8. forensic-(adj.)法庭的、辯論的。此處專指刑事鑑定。 ■9. blindfold-(vt.)蒙住~的眼睛。 ■10. talk ~ into-說服~。通常後面接V-ing,指說服某人去做某事。 ■11. gutter-(n)路旁的排水溝;街溝。 ■12. forcible harassment-(n)強制猥褻。其中forcible指強制的、強迫的。猥褻在警政署的專業領域中翻譯成sexual harassment。 ■13. prescribe-(vi.)規定、指定。 ■14. vigilance-(n)警覺、警戒。 資料來源:金門縣政府 本文原載於98年6月18日《金門日報》
The Startup of Digital Archives of Cultural Affairs Bureau of Kinmen county
文化局數位典藏資料庫啟用 The "digital archives(1) of publication" of the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Kinmen county officially started up on June 29th. There are 33 kinds of publications, such as the "Kinmen County Record", and also audio disks that introduce Kinmen and can be checked out online. This makes the cultural service of Kinmen even more far-reaching. It enables local residents, overseas Kinmenese, and others interested in studying Kinmen to go online, and by simply using the mouse or key board, get to know Kinmen better. 金門縣文化局「出版品數位典藏資料庫」六月二十九日正式啟動,包括金門縣志等三十三種出版品,以及介紹金門影音光碟,上網即能檢索查閱,讓金門的文化服務更加無遠弗屆,讓本縣或遠及國際的鄉親及有興趣了解研究金門之人士,得以利用滑鼠或鍵盤上網檢索資訊,深入認識金門。 The Cultural Affairs Bureau of Kinmen county held an introductory(2) party for the "digital archives of publication" at eleven o'clock the morning of June 29th. Kinmen County Magistrate Li Zhu Feng attended the party with director of Cultural Affairs Bureau, Li Xi Long, director of Education Bureau, Li Zai Hang, and the designer, Sun Yan Cheng. Together, they touched a crystal ball to initiate(3) the archives, and the start of a new page of cultural services. 金門縣文化局二十九日上午十一時舉行「出版品數位典藏資料庫」啟動儀式,縣長李炷烽偕同文化局長李錫隆、教育局長李再杭、設計人孫炎城等人共同觸摸水晶球,宣布資料庫啟用,文化服務邁向新頁。 Although Kinmen is a small island, it is big culturally. Li Zhu Feng emphasized that without culture, it is hard for a place to have a strong foundation. Li said, it was worthy of its approval that the Cultural Affairs Bureau could initiate this archive right before its fifth anniversary and fulfill the goal for developing the foundation of the county on its culture. 李炷烽指出,金門幅員雖小,卻是文化大縣,他強調,建設使一個地方強大,但沒文化很難成就偉大,文化局在成立五週年前夕,啟動出版品數位典藏資料庫,落實文化立縣的目標,相當值得肯定。 Li Xi Long pointed out that under the trend of information technology and globalization, the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Kinmen county sets up the "digital archives of publication" to eliminate the information gap and also to cross the information flood. The establishment of the digital platform is aimed at sharing resources, informing the society better, and promoting the culture of Kinmen. 李錫隆指出,在資訊化與全球化的浪潮下,為了跨越資訊洪流,消弭資訊落差,金門縣文化局積極設置「出版品數位典藏資料庫」,建構數位化平台,希望達成資源共享的目的,並讓社會大眾了解、認識金門文化。 The Kinmen county Cultural Affairs Bureau set up "digital archives of publication" to celebrate its 5th anniversary. The web site is: http://ebook.kmccc.edu.tw. It digitalized publications and used the Internet as the tool to provide services such as reading, studying, researching, and even cutting and pasting information. 金門縣文化局慶祝成立五週年慶,規劃設置「出版品數位典藏資料庫」,網址為http://ebook.kmccc.edu.tw,將出版品數位化,並以網路為工具,提供閱覽、研究、搜尋,甚至剪貼資料的服務。 The "digital archives of publication" of the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Kinmen county include the "Kinmen County Record," 33 types of publications published by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, 28 DVDs introducing Kinmen and 18 songs of Kinmen. 金門縣文化局「出版品數位典藏資料庫」,首先典藏的有金門縣志,及文化局出版品三十三種、介紹金門的光碟節目二十八片DVD及十八首金門之歌。 The Kinmen county Cultural Affairs Bureau indicated that the goal of setting up the digital archive is to turn publications into modern internet tools for reading, studying, researching, and even cutting and pasting, with no limitations in time or space. In addition, the original paper publication can be preserved for generations to come. If necessary, the digital archive can be printed out, even if it is out of print, or a single copy of the original publication. 金門縣文化局表示,數位典藏資料庫的建置目的在轉化出版品成為現代網路工具,可不受時空限制的閱覽、研究、搜尋甚至剪貼資料,並且因數位化後達到原有紙本出版品的永久保存價值,必要時可以由數位化之電子檔重製紙本印刷,不致因出版品絕版或孤本而有重製困難的現象。 ■1. archive-(n)資料庫;檔案館。 ■2. introductory-(adj.)介紹的。 ■3. initiate-(vt.)啟動。 資料來源:金門縣政府 【本系列新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院邱佩蒂老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】 本文原載於98年6月30日《金門日報》
Bullets Found in Temple
發現大批子彈莫名其「廟」 While remodeling(1) the Houlong Temple in Xiashu Village of Jincheng Township, the restorers(2) found 45 bullets for .30 caliber(3) machine gun in the shrine.(4) They halted the project immediately and reported to the military command. A bomb disposal(5) squad(6) from the Combined Logistics(7) Command's Regional Support Command in Kinmen went over and took the bullets back to the barracks(8) to destroy them. 金城鎮夏墅「后龍宮」整修,修廟匠師在神龕內發現45顆國軍三○機槍子彈,立即停工,並向軍方通報,由聯勤金門地區支援指揮部未爆彈處理小組帶回銷毀。 Two craftsmen, respectively surnamed Chen and Cai, inadvertently(9) discovered those bullets in a double-layered plastic bag when they were renovating(10) Houlong Temple, situated behind Wujiang Hotel, in the morning. Upon receiving the report, Captain Tian Yingxin, Chief of the Combined Logistics Command's Bomb Disposal Squad in Kinmen, led his team to the site right away. They counted 45 of .30-caliber machine gun rounds used by ROC armed forces. The bullets were intact(11) and could still be used. The squad took them back to their base for disposal. 位於浯江大飯店後側的「后龍宮」,上午進行整修工程時,修廟的陳姓、蔡姓匠師進行神龕整建,不意發現雙層的塑膠袋內裝有子彈,聯勤金門未爆彈處理小組接獲報案,由組長田英欣上尉率領組員到現場處理,清點子彈共45顆,為國軍使用的三○機槍子彈,屬於未擊發彈,仍有威力,帶回部隊處理。 According to the locals, Houlong Temple was built over two decades ago. The bullets found might have been discarded(12) in the shrine then by troops under redeployment.(13) 民眾表示,「后龍宮」有20多年歷史,發現的子彈可能是部隊調走時正逢建廟,隨手丟棄在神龕內。 ■1. remodel-(vt.)改建;重新塑造。 ■2. restorer-(n)修補者;修復者。指從事古厝的匠師。 ■3. caliber-(n)口徑。 ■4. shrine-(n)神龕;聖殿。 ■5. disposal-(n)處置;處理。 ■6. squad-(n)班;小組。 ■7. Logistics-(n)後勤。 ■8. barrack-(n)營房、營區。 ■9. inadvertently-(adv.)不慎地;非故意地。 ■10. renovate-(vt.)修理;改善;修繕。 ■11. intact-(adj.)完整無缺、未受損傷的。 ■12. discard-(vi.)丟棄、拋棄。 ■13. redeployment-(n)調遣;調防;重新部署。 資料來源:金門縣政府 本文原載於98年6月17日《金門日報》