Root of Moghania (Moghania philippinensis)一條根
Moghania(1) root is an endemic(2) medical herb of Kinmen. It has a typical root shape, and its root is the only part of the plant with medicinal(3) qualities. According to ancient Chinese medical records, the root can be used to alleviate(4) arthritis(5) pain and bodily soreness. The root is mature and ready for medical use only after three years of age. So it is expensive due to its scarcity.(6) Recently, the government of Kinmen has made plans to assist local farmers in cultivating the plant. Also, local businesses have studied scientific ways to make foods and medicines from Moghania root in the forms of tea bags, adhesive cloth, medical pastes, tonic(7) bags, and so on. 『一條根』是金門特有的原生藥用植物,其外形為根狀,且只有主根可以入藥。根據中國藥書記載,一條根可去除風濕、治療酸痛等功效。一條根種後三年才可採收,所以產量不多,屬於珍貴的藥材。近年在政府的輔導下,農民計畫性的培育,再經由廠商利用科學的方法研發出一條根的相關產品,像是:茶包、藥布、藥膏、食補包等。
Kinmen Steel Knives菜 刀
The August 23rd Artillery Battle of 1958 brought to Kinmen as many as 470,000 artillery shells. The ensuing(8) smaller bombardments and "propaganda" shellings on odd-numbered days of the month continuously supplied Kinmen with a huge number of artillery shells. These shells provided the best material resource for making steel knives. Aside from any artistic carving, a famous Kinmen steel knife requires the processes of slicing, melting, striking, and sharpening. About sixty steel knives can be made out of a single spent(9) artillery shell. 民國四十七年(西元1958年)的八二三砲戰,整個金門島落彈量約 47萬發;之後的幾個小型砲戰和二十年『單打雙不打』的砲擊,所累積下來龐大的砲彈,正是製作菜刀最好的材料。一把聞名的金門菜刀,除了雕工以外,仍須經過切割、加熱、打造及研磨等步驟。一顆廢棄的砲彈外殼約可作出六十把菜刀。
Thin Noodles麵線
Kinmen thin noodles are handmade, using crystal-clear and unpolluted local water, and dried by natural sunlight and wind. In addition, they are free of chemicals. The biggest difference between Kinmen thin noodles and those of Taiwan is in the preparation process. Kinmen thin noodles have no salt added. So they have a special taste and aroma. They are tender and don't have a salty taste. Local cuisine(10)with thin noodles includes dishes with oysters, stewed pork legs, yellow fish, and so on. Now Kinmen manufacturers have developed thin noodles with flavors of local specialties such as taro, seaweed, sorghum, and so on. 金門的手工麵線是利用純淨無污染的水,藉由天然的陽光和風來乾燥麵線,不加任何的防腐劑。金門麵線與台灣麵線最大的不同是在製作的過程中,不加鹽巴。金門麵線吃起來不鹹、口感特別香Q。麵線煮成的地方小吃有:蚵仔麵線、紅燒豬腳麵線、黃魚麵線等。目前業者更利用金門當地的特產研究出多種口種的麵線,有芋頭、海菜、高粱等口味。 (三十四) ■1. Moghania-(n)豆科植物,大葉千斤拔。而一條根就是大葉千斤拔的根部。 ■2. endemic-(adj.)具有地方特色的,(疾病)地方性、地域性的。 ■3. medicinal-(adj.)有藥效的,藥用的。 ■4. alleviate-(vt.)舒緩、減輕。 ■5. arthritis-(n)關節炎。 ■6. scarcity-(n)稀有、罕見;匱乏、不足。 ■7. tonic-(adj.)滋補的,令人精神振奮的。 ■8. ensuing-(adj.)接著發生的,接踵而至的。 ■9. spent-(adj.)用過的,失去效能的。 ■10. cuisine-(n)烹調法,菜餚。此處加上local為形容詞,指地方特色小吃。 資料來源:金門縣政府 原書作者:陳建民、漢貴恩 【本系列及新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院Patti老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】
Kinmen Military & Residential Cooperation to Eliminate Poisonous Weeds
金門軍民總動員撲滅毒草 The notorious(1) "international poisonous(2) weeds" that blossom like Gypsophila paniculata,(3) Parthenium hysterophorus Linn(4) and Ambrosia artemisiifolia,(5) have been invading Kinmen in recent years, causing a huge impact on local plants and the eco system. They also trigger allergic(6) reactions in humans. Magistrate Li Zhu Feng called on military and civilian cooperation in the elimination of the poisonous weeds in the "Conference on the Propagation(7) of the Eliminating (8)Works of Parthenium hysterophorus Linn and Ambrosia artemisiifolia", to eradicate(9) future disturbances(10) from the weed and to protect public health and national security. 開花類似滿天星、有「國際大毒草」之稱的銀膠菊及豬草近年來入侵金門,嚴重衝擊本土植物生態,也易引發人類的過敏症。金門縣長李炷烽在召開「推動豬草、銀膠菊剷除工作協調會」中,呼籲軍民全體總動員,大家共同撲滅毒草,永除後患,捍衛全民健康與家園的安全。 Economic Affairs Bureau of Kinmen County pointed out that Parthenium hysterophorus Linn is a type of alien(11) plant. Professor Lu Xue Cheng from National Chung Hsing University inferred(12) that the invasion(13) of this plant could be traced back to the garrison(14) in Kinmen in early years when large amounts of grains imported from the Americas. Currently, this plant has seriously endangered the living space of local plants. Its stems and pollen(15) are jeopardizing(16) human health. It is on the list of serious invading(17) plants. 縣府建設局指出,銀膠菊為外來植物,至於何時入侵金門,據中興大學呂學誠教授推測可能跟早期金門駐軍,自美洲大量進口雜精穀物夾帶入金門有關,目前已嚴重危害到本地原生植物生存空間,其植株和花粉威脅人體健康,已被列入最嚴重侵佔性植物。 Director of Environmental Protection Bureau, Zhang Guo Tu, implied that the flower of Parthenium hysterophorus Linn is white and poisonous, and it resembles(18) Gypsophila paniculata when it blossoms. The flowers may look very beautiful but they are dangerous. They can cause serious consequences if kids pluck(19) them out of curiosity. It should be totally eliminated to avoid problems in the future. Before eliminating the weed, it is best to wear a mask, gloves, and other safety gear or equipment. 環保局長張國土表示,銀膠菊開白色花,具有毒性,開花時有點類似滿天星,一整片花海看起來是很漂亮,但卻十分恐怖,小朋友若好奇摘來把玩,後果不堪設想,應該全面性展開去除,以免後患無窮。剷除前最好戴上口罩與手套等裝備,以策安全。 Director of Public Health Bureau, Chen Tian Shun, pointed out that among all the allergy cases of Kinmen residents, around 80% of the cases were triggered(20) by Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Ambrosia artemisiifolia blossoms in July and August each year with the average of a million pollen on each stem every day, having the highest pollen count among all the plants causing poll enosis.(21) Symptoms of poll enosis include the itchiness of eyes, sneezing, running nose, etc. It not only triggers allergic rhinitis,(22) but also onset asthma.(23) 衛生局長陳天順說,金門地區過敏病人中,有近8成是豬草過敏引起,豬草之花期是每年7至8月,平均一棵每天有一百萬粒花粉,是引起花粉熱植物中的花粉數量最多之一,會產生眼睛癢、打噴嚏、流鼻水等症狀,不僅會引發過敏性鼻炎、也會造成氣喘發作。 Head of Livestock Research Institute, Chen Shih Pao, implied that after the cessation(24) of plucking out poisonous weeds, the invasion speeds up. First, we have to know its eco system. He implied that "Even the goats dare not eat the poisonous weeds. Besides, we cannot just pluck it once and then leave it that way. The more important thing is the duration and comprehensiveness in eradicating those weeds." He also suggested that the weeds be buried on the spot. Based on what he knows, some people are wanting to turn those weeds into composts.(25) But he suggested that the weeds should be burned immediately once they start to blossom. 畜試所長陳世保表示,廢農田毒草拔除後,其入侵更快,首要了解其生態;他說;毒草連羊都不吃,而且不是今天拔明天就沒事,最重持續性、全面性,他並建議就地掩埋處理,據他了解有人將開花帶回處理作成堆肥,他建議其開花時應立即集中一地點燒掉處理。 Magistrate Li declared in the conference that the work of eliminating poisonous weeds can be divided into two parts: normal elimination according to the proposal, conducted by Environmental Protection Bureau and Economic Affairs Bureau of Kinmen county; or, five towns, each takeing a turn, choose a Saturday or a Sunday to activate the administrations, schools, communities in the area and work with Environmental Protection Bureau, Kinmen Forestry Bureau, and around five to six hundred sustainable employment human resources in Kinmen County Maintenance and Repair Office to eliminate the poisonous weeds. 李縣長在會中裁示,剷除毒草之工作可分兩部份:常態性剷除,由環保局及建設局依所提簡報計畫去執行;另配合5鄉鎮,每一鄉鎮各擇一週六或週日發動轄區機關、學校、社區,加上環保局、林務所、養護工程所永續就業人力約5、6百人,全面展開除毒草運動。 Magistrate Li suggested that other than the cooperation with the five towns, they will also call on the participation of Kinmen National Park Headquarters、Kinmen Defense Command. He also suggested that the two administrations should respectively hold several large scale activities to eliminate poisonous weeds, with the county government support. At the time of activation, the Public Health Bureau will invite all the authorities concerned to a meeting to discuss the plan and agenda. 李縣長建議除行政系統配合5鄉鎮全力動員外,也籲請金管處、金防部共襄盛舉,也各自舉辦大規模除毒草運動,縣府將全力配合。至於,各鄉鎮的動員時間,環保局將邀集相關單位召開會議,共同研商規劃執行,敲定動員剷除實施日程,並統一處理。 ■1. notorious-(adj.)惡名昭彰、聲名狼籍的。 ■2. poisonous-(adj.)有毒、有害的。名詞是poison。 ■3. Gypsophila paniculata-滿天星。 ■4. Parthenium hysterophorus Linn-銀膠菊。 ■5. Ambrosia artemisiifolia-豬草。 ■6. allergic-(adj.)過敏的。名詞是allergy,過敏症。 ■7. propagation-(n)宣傳、散播。 ■8. eliminate-(vt.)排除、消除,消滅。名詞是elimination。 ■9. eradicate-(vt.)滅絕,連根拔除,根除。 ■10. disturbance-(n)騷亂,混亂。 ■11. alien-(adj.)外國的,外來的,性質不相容的。 ■12. infer-(vt.)推論、推測。 ■13. invasion-(n)入侵、侵略,侵犯。形容詞是invasive。 ■14. garrison-(n)駐軍,或指要塞、駐地。 ■15. pollen-(n)花粉。 ■16. jeopardize-(vt.)危及,使~瀕於危險境地。 ■17. invade-(vt.)侵入、侵略,大批進入。此處用動名詞形式當形容詞。 ■18. resemble-(vt.)類似,相像。 ■19. pluck-(vt.)摘、拔。 ■20. trigger-(vt.)觸發、引起。另常當名詞使用指「扳機」,或當動詞使用指「扣扳機」,「開槍」,「發射」。 ■21. poll enosis-(n)花粉熱。 ■22. rhinitis-(n)鼻炎。allergic rhinitis是過敏性鼻炎。 ■23. asthma-(n)哮喘。 ■24. cessation-(n)中斷,停止。 ■25. compost-(n)堆肥。 資料來源:金門縣政府
Kinmen Kaoliang (Sorghum) Liquor金門高粱酒
Kinmen kaoliang liquor is made from(1) locally grown sorghum(2) and fine-quality underground water, following a traditional process. All of these contribute to its worldwide reputation as well as its fine quality, unique aroma,(3) and mellow(4) taste. The current products of Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Factory are mostly distilled(5) liquors of various kinds, among which the top grade is called "Chengao" (a V.S.O. sorghum liquor).(5) It has been placed in cellars for over five years before being bottled. Recently, Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Factory has also produced a kind of liquor containing less alcohol in it. Its alcohol content is only 38%, unlike the usual 58%, and it is considered appropriate and popular by the public. 金門高粱酒是利用金門當地的高粱和良好的水質再加上古法的釀造,而釀造出來的馳名中外的好酒,聞起來香味獨特,入喉時甜美甘醇。目前金門酒廠所生產的高粱酒種類繁多,大都屬於蒸餾酒類,其中的極品是「陳高」。「陳高」是將特級酒存放於地窖中,經過五年以上的時間才灌裝。金門酒廠近年來也研發出酒精濃度較低的高粱酒,其酒精濃度不同於一般的58度,只有38度,適合大眾口味,也很受歡迎。
Gong Candy (Peanut Candy)金門貢糖
The main ingredients of Gong Candy are peanuts. The soil of Kinmen is dry and hard, yielding peanuts that are small and tough that produce delicious and crisp(6) candies. There are two legends about the naming of Gong Candy. One is that the candies were imperial "tributes"(phonetically, "Gong" in Chinese) in the Ming dynasty; the other is that during the making of the candies, "pounding" (phonetically, "Gong" in Taiwanese) the peanuts into pieces is necessary. Thus the name of peanut candy became "Gong Candy". Currently, the most popular Kinmen Gong Candies are Candy in Bamboo Leaves, Candy with Garlic Flavor, Jhujiao Candy, and so on. 花生是製作貢糖的主要原料之一;由於金門的土壤乾旱,導致所種植出來的花生粒小結實,所生產出來的貢糖具有香酥可口的口感。相傳貢糖由來有二種說法:其一是,明朝時進貢當朝皇帝的御膳貢品;其二是,貢糖在製作過程中需要將大量花生「摃」碎,因此取其「摃」的台語發音,而稱為『貢糖』。目前金門貢糖比較有名的有竹葉貢糖、蒜味貢糖、豬腳貢糖等。(三十三) ■1. be made from-由~而製成。be made of與be made from 都是「由~製成」之意,但from 與 of的用法,簡化其差異,可說from 指原料與產品之間產生了化學變化;of則是原料與產品之間性質仍同,只是發生了物理變化。 ■2. sorghum-(n)高粱。 ■3. aroma-(n)指植物、菜餚或酒的芳香、香味。 ■4. mellow-(adj.)甘醇的,成熟的。 ■5. V.S.O.-是Very Superior Old的字首縮寫。原指特級白蘭地,這裡是用來描述陳年金門高粱酒。 ■6. crisp-(adj.)鬆脆的,鮮嫩的。 資料來源:金門縣政府 原書作者:陳建民、漢貴恩 【本系列及新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院Patti老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】
(Kinmen Folklore)金門的民俗
The Wind Lion God風獅爺 The "Wind Lion God" has other names such as "Wind Lion," "Stone Lion God," or "Stone Lion Lord," and so on. During the end of the Ming dynasty and the beginning of the Ching dynasty, the people of Kinmen suffered much wind damage. In order to protect themselves from the wind and get rid of(1) the evil spirits, people erected(2) Wind Lion Gods in front of temples or at their village entrances as their angel guards. Hence the Wind Lion God was believed to be a protector of Kinmen. 『風獅爺』也稱為「風獅」、「石獅爺」或「石獅公」。金門在明朝末年清朝初年時,居民常為風患所苦惱,為了鎮風驅邪,各村居民開始在廟口、村口豎立風獅爺,用以守護家園。因此,至今風獅爺也成為金門的守護神。 The Wind Lion God was given its shape to represent a ferocious(3) lion hopefully to suppress(4) strong winds and ward off(5) demons. In Kinmen, Wind Lion Gods can be classified into two varieties. One is those standing at the village entrances, called "Village Wind Lion Gods;" the other is those standing on the rooftop, called "Roof Wind Lion Gods". Both have the same function of preventing strong winds and disasters, but they just vary in shape and material, generally from clay to stone sculptures. Their postures(6) and facial expressions vary, too. Some are lying or sitting, and others standing. Some are laughing, while others have a terrifying appearance. Accordingly they can be put into three groups, namely, "Literary(7) Wind Lions," "Military Wind Lions," "Fortune Wind Lions." 風獅爺是以威猛的獅子的外形來鎮風並且嚇阻四面八方的邪魔妖怪。金門的風獅爺可分為二種,一種是樹立於村口的「村落風獅爺」;另一種是放置在屋頂上的「屋頂風獅爺」。二者皆具有鎮風止煞的功用,但其形狀、材質皆不太相同,有水泥的、石頭的,或臥、或坐、或站、或笑、或威嚴等。目前,市面的商家依其外型的不同也可將風獅爺區分為:『文風獅』、『武風獅』和『財風獅』三類。 The 12th Day of the Fourth Lunar Month-Celebrating Chenghuang Lord's Birthday 農曆四月十二日─迎城隍 In celebration of the 12th day of the fourth lunar month when the Garrison Command of ancient Kinmen was transferred to downtown "Houpu" (nowadays called "Jincheng"), the people of Kinmen designated this day as Chenghuang Lord's birthday. Thus, this day of greetings is always accompanied by the "Lord's patrols," and has become the biggest religious feast in Kinmen. The Lord's patrols are divided into a "Grand Patrol" and a "Minor Patrol". The Grand Patrol is a parade that takes place once in every leap year,(8) while the Minor Patrol is held once a year. The former involves taking the idol on a tour of 13 suburban villages around Jincheng and all of downtown Jincheng, but the latter is a parade just around downtown Jincheng. Normally the Lord's patrols are accompanied by a parade of lion dance teams, gong and drum teams, and martial arts performances, etc., all highlighting the happiness of the celebration. Worshippers and pilgrims with burning incense sticks just follow the parade and crowd the streets. Along the streets sacrifices are offered to the idol by every household. At night, they also invite friends and relatives to join their festival parties. 金門居民為了紀念總兵署搬至『後浦』(也就是現在的『金城』)的日子,便將當日農曆四月十二日作為後浦城隍爺的生日,迎城隍生日這天也就成了金門最盛大的民俗慶典活動。城隍的出巡可分為『大巡』和『小巡』兩種;大巡即要繞境十三個村莊和後浦四境(即金城鎮區的東門、西門、南門和北門),每三年逢閏年舉行一次;小巡繞後浦四境即可,每年都有。巡境遊行時,會有獅陣、鑼鼓隊、藝陣等表演將廟會活動帶入高潮;而善男信女則拿香緊跟在遊行隊伍之後,眾多的人潮將街道擠的熱熱鬧鬧。在這一天,每家每戶都會擺出大魚大肉祭拜,同時,邀請親朋好友共享歡慶。 ■1. get rid of-擺脫。 ■2. erect-(vt.)豎立,設立,建立。亦可當形容詞,指「垂直的」、「直立的」。 ■3. ferocious-(adj.)凶猛的,殘忍的。 ■4. suppress-(vt.)鎮壓;壓制。 ■5. ward off-避開。ward通常當名詞用,指病房、牢房,或保護、護衛。此處作為動詞,指「避開」。 ■6. posture-(n)姿態、姿勢;心境;態勢。 ■7. literary-(adj.)文學的、文藝的。 ■8. leap year-閏年。 資料來源:金門縣政府
More than 3.3 billion will be invested to boost the development of Kinmen harbor within 3 years
金門港埠發展三年將投入逾33億 3 billion 350 million and 200 thousand NT dollars will be invested in the comprehensive plan and the future developmental plan of Kinmen Harbor from now(2009) till year 2011. Deputy Magistrate Yang Zhong Quan hopes that Harbor Bureau, Kinmen County can stick to(1) the agenda and accelerate the construction and usage of the harbor. 金門港埠整體規劃及未來發展計畫,自今(98)年起至民國一百年,將投注新台幣三十三億五千零二十萬元。副縣長楊忠全希望金門港務處依既定工作進度計畫執行,以加速建港及使用。 Government of Kinmen County set up(2) a conference to report the 2009 working plan of the "Comprehensive Plan & Future Development Plan for Kinmen Harbor." The conference was hosted by Deputy Magistrate Yang Zhong Quan. Some authorities concerned participated in the meeting, including Director-general of Kinmen County Transportation and Tourism Bureau, Lin Zheng-cha, Director of Harbor Bureau, Kinmen County, Yang Ting-piao, Specialist of the Transportation and Tourism Bureau, Lin Zhi-Guo, and relevant agencies from Kinmen County Government Accounting and Statistics Office. 縣府召開「金門港埠整體規劃及未來發展計畫」98年度工作計畫書簡報,由金門縣副縣長楊忠全主持,縣府交通旅遊局長林振查、港務處長楊廷標,以及交旅局專員林志國和主計室等相關人員與會。 The comprehensive plan and future plan for Kinmen harbor starts from this year to 2011. This project includes: 1. reconstruction of old piers(3) in Liaoluo Port; 2. as for Shueitou harbor, it includes digging the harbor, filling up and constructing the land, detail planning of the whole harbor, and the design of large costumer service center; 3. comprehensive plan and future development plan. 金門港埠整體規劃及未來發展計畫從今年起至民國一百年,計畫項目包括:一、料羅港區的老舊碼頭整建工程;二、水頭港區部份,包括港池浚挖、陸域填築、港區整體細部規劃、大型旅客服務中心設計案;三是整體規劃及未來發展計畫。 There are two subjects in the working plan of the comprehensive plan and future plan for Kinmen harbor this year: 而金門港埠整體規劃及未來發展計畫今年工作計畫工程項目有二項: First is the reconstruction of Liaoluo pier. It is planned that the public bidding will be hosted in May. Contract will be signed in June. It will go through 1095 days of reconstruction and it is decided to be finished in December, 2011. 一是料羅老舊碼頭整建工程,預定五月份公開招標,六月份工程發包,工期一千零九十五天,預定民國一百年十二月完工。 Second is the digging of Shueitou harbor, filling up and construction of the land, detail planning of the whole harbor. So far, it is still in the pre-operation of design which includes the measurement of depth of water, digging, seismic(4) testing. It is estimated to be finished in September this year, and then it will be open to public view and bidding. 二是水頭港區浚挖、陸域填築工程、港區整體細部規劃。目前辦理水深測量、鑽探、震測等規劃設計前置作業,預定今年九月完成設計,以及辦理公開閱覽及招標等事宜。 (三十二) ■1. stick to-忠於;信守。 ■2. set up-創立、建立。 ■3. pier-(n)碼頭。 ■4. seismic-(adj.)地震的;因地震引起的。 資料來源:金門縣政府 原書作者:陳建民、漢貴恩 【本系列及新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院Patti老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】
Mini-Three Links-Golden Routes to Grow in Popularity
小三通黃金旅遊路線火紅 A delegation from Kinmen Travel Agent Association joined forces with a delegation from Fujian Provincial Tourism Bureau and held "Million Tourists To Travel Across Strait" promotion presentations in Shenyang, Changchun, Harbin, Jinan, etc. They received warm responses. Local travel agents in northern China expressed interest and willingness to organize tours to Kinmen and then to Taiwan from there. They all believed these were diversified(1) and convenient golden routes. The prices were cheap and the itineraries(2) were rich in variety as well as flexibility. 金門旅行商業同業公會代表團聯合福建省旅遊局代表團,前進瀋陽、長春、哈爾濱、濟南等地召開「百萬遊客海峽行」大型專場推介會,反應熱烈,當地組團社對赴金門旅遊及經金門赴台遊展現高度興趣與意願,一致認為是條多元便捷、價格實惠且具遊程豐富性和彈性的海峽旅遊黃金路線。 The first objective of the promotion presentations, put together by the delegations from Kinmen Travel Agent Association and Fujian Provincial Tourism Bureau, was to promote the "Million Tourists To Travel Across Strait" activity and corresponding incentive(3) measures. The second purpose was to recommend nine excellent routes to travel in Fujian in the hope of attracting more Mainland Chinese as well as Taiwanese tourists to take their cross-strait journeys through Fujian. 金門旅行商業同業公會代表團聯合福建省旅遊局代表團舉辦「百萬遊客海峽行」大型專場推介會,目的其一是重點推廣「百萬遊客海峽行」活動方案及獎勵措施;其二是推介9條入閩旅遊精品路線,以吸引更多的大陸居民及臺灣遊客經福建往來兩岸旅遊。 The tourism organizations and businesses have recently worked together and designed 10 interesting routes for people from outside Fujian Province to visit Kinmen, Mazu and Penghu and then travel to the Taiwan Island. Five of these routes were designed to go through Fujian in order to shorten the time for people who would like to visit for business purposes as well as tourism but are on a tight schedule. The other five routes are longer, going through Fujian to Kinmen, Mazu or Penghu and then to Taiwan. They are suitable for senior groups with no time pressure and leisure travelers. 福建與金馬澎旅遊機構及業者,近期已聯合設計推出十條省外居民赴金馬澎旅遊及延伸到臺灣本島旅遊的精品路線。其中,五條路線是經福建赴金馬澎旅遊,時間相對較短,較適合短期內到福建參會及旅遊觀光的遊客出遊;另外五條長線路線,是經福建連接金馬澎並延伸至臺灣本島旅遊,尤其適合時間彈性較大的夕陽群體及休閒度假遊客出遊。 According to Deputy Director Chen Yangbiao of Fujian Provincial Tourism Bureau, the varieties and reasonable prices of these new travel routes are obvious. They are cheap and cover all the major attractions in Fujian as well as Kinmen, Mazu and Penghu. Plus, there are many Mini-Three Links connecting flights and boat rides for visitors to choose from. Using the air-sea joint transportation operation to travel to Taiwan definitely has its advantages. 福建省旅遊局副局長陳揚標表示,這些新推出的旅遊路線,不僅凸顯了產品多樣、價格合理的「海峽旅遊」特色,既省錢又能多玩福建和金馬澎的主要景點,再加上「小三通」海空聯運航班多,遊客可選擇性強。因此,經「小三通」海空聯運赴台旅遊具有極大的優勢。 Kinmen Travel Agent Association particularly explained at the presentations on "How to Travel in Kinmen", including application procedures, as well as the special features of travel and local specialty products in Kinmen, to help Mainland Chinese travel agents target their customers and organize tours. Hopefully, this will attract Mainland Chinese people to join tour groups to travel to Kinmen and to Taiwan from there as well as to boost tourism business in Kinmen. 金門縣旅行公會特別在會中宣傳推廣「如何到金門旅遊」相關資訊,包括申辦手續及金門旅遊與名特產特色,協助大陸組團社開拓客源以及組團,以利帶動大陸人士組團赴金門旅遊及經金門赴台遊人潮,促進金門旅遊客源成長。 Kinmen Travel Agent Association expects to continue to work with Fujian Province and Xiamen City to apply more joint-marketing measures through strategic alliances. It intends to use Kinmen's unique geographic location on the "cross-strait tourism" market, utilize(4) Kinmen's advantage as the midway point for two-way travel packages by emphasizing "Travel in Kinmen, Have Fun on Both Shores". The here-to-fore(5) "Look at Kinmen from the Sea" itinerary will become "Get on Kinmen Island and Look around". There will also be the extended itineraries through the new "Fujian-Xiamen-Kinmen-Taiwan" golden cross-strait travel routes under new brand names that will go on working hand in hand to market, expand and develop clienteles(6) outside Fujian Province. The result will be multi-wins and mutual benefits on the "Fujian-Xiamen-Kinmen" tourism market. Once the connection with major tourist clientele sources in China is established, the tourism business in Kinmen will develop profoundly and move up to a new plateau.(7) 金門縣旅行公會期透過持續與福建省、廈門市進行策略聯盟的聯手行銷模式,以凸顯金門在「海峽旅遊」市場線路上的獨特區位優勢,強化宣傳推廣「樂遊金門,玩轉兩岸」的雙向旅遊產品優勢,從傳統的「海上看金門」遊程,邁向「登島看金門」,以及延伸為「閩-廈-金-台」海峽兩岸黃金旅遊新路線及品牌,共同行銷拓展爭取福建省外客源市場,創造閩--廈--金旅遊市場的多贏共利,推動金門旅遊業往縱深發展,與大陸各主要旅遊客源地接軌的嶄新局面。 ■1. diversified-(adj.)多變化的、多元化的。 ■2. itinerary-(n)旅程、路線;旅遊行程規劃。 ■3. incentive-(adj.)刺激的、獎勵的;亦可當名詞,指刺激,動機,鼓勵。 ■4. utilize-(vt.)利用。 ■5. here-to-fore-也有拼為heretofore者,意指「迄今為止」,「在這以前」,「直到此時」。 ■6. clientele-(n)顧客;訴訟委託人。 ■7. plateau-(n)(上升之後的)穩定水平、水準或時期。 資料來源:金門縣政府
Little Kinmen小金門(下)
Tourist: How long are we going to stay in Little Kinmen? 遊客:我們預計在小金門停留多久呢? Tour Guide: We are going to stay here for about three hours, enough time to finish sightseeing and have lunch here. 導遊:大約會停留三個小時左右,可以參觀小金門的景點和品嚐美味的午餐。 Tourist: Wow! Can we finish all the scenic sites in just three hours? 遊客:哇!短短的三個小時就可以逛完小金門一圈嗎? Tour Guide: Probably. The island is less than 15 k㎡ in area, almost as big as "Green Island," an offshore island of Taiwan. So we should be able to complete the tour around the island before noon. 導遊:應該會的。小金門的面積不到15平方公里,和台灣的一個離島「綠島」面積差不多大,所以一個上午就可以逛完。 Tourist: Can we tour by bike? 遊客:那麼可以騎自行車環島小金門吧? Tour Guide: Excellent idea, but only if we have plenty of time. Because Little Kinmen has a special "tank road," or "shore-line road", on which biking is favorable. 導遊:如果有充分的時間,那是再好也不過了!因為小金門有具特色的『戰車道』,或叫作『濱海大道』,可以騎腳踏車環島一圈。 Tourist: A "tank road" or "shore-line road"? Why is that? 遊客:『戰車道』或『濱海大道』?為什麼有這樣的稱呼呢? Tour Guide: During the early stages of the battles, Kinmen had a shortage of construction materials. When building the road, concrete material was available only for the wheel tracks on both sides, while the middle of the road was filled with stones. This sort of road was convenient for tanks, so that's how it was named. And because the road circles along the coastline of the island, it is also called "shore-line road". 導遊:因為早期戰爭時,金門的建築材料比較缺乏,所以在建造這條路時,只有在路的二邊舖上水泥,中間舖設石頭,便於戰車行走,所以稱為『戰車道』。這條道路沿海岸線環繞小金門一圈,所以也叫作『濱海大道』。 Tourist: What scenic sites in here are different from those we've seen in Kinmen? 遊客:在小金門有什麼景色是大金門所沒有的嗎? Tour Guide: Well, since Little Kinmen is very close to Xiamen, you can see the construction sites of the opposite Xiamen City by using those binocular facilities in Hujingtou Battle Museum. At the General Temple of Shanglin Village you can even see clearly the mainlanders' fishing boats and the houses of Xiamen without using any vision enhancement.(1) 導遊:由於小金門與大陸廈門的位置非常接近。因此,在小金門的湖井頭戰史館內透過望遠鏡,可以很清楚看到廈門市的建設。在上林的將軍廟更是用肉眼就可以清楚的看到許多大陸漁船和廈門沿海的樓房。 Tourist: Really? Is the mainland that close? 遊客:真的嗎?有這麼近嗎? Tour Guide: It sure is. You will find out soon enough. 導遊:是的。等一下你就可以發現。 Tourist: Any other special sites? 遊客:還有別的景色嗎? Tour Guide: Yes, "Linshuei Lake" is another famous site which provides the best place for migratory(2) birds. It's also the biggest wetland of Little Kinmen. Various sorts of water creatures and an abundance of waterweeds(3) flourish(4) in the lake. Just as the lake attracts migratory birds, so the birds attract bird watchers. 導遊:還有一個候鳥棲息地叫『陵水湖』,是小金門有名的湖泊,也是小金門最大的溼地。湖中生物非常多,而且有豐富的水草,因此吸引許多水鳥棲息,同時也吸引了許多的賞鳥人士。 Tourist: Do they have local food specialties? 遊客:有沒有什麼特產呢? Tour Guide: Yes, one of the most famous specialties of Little Kinmen is "taro." The specialty of "taro with pork" could be the most popular of all. 導遊:有的。 小金門最有名的農產品之一是『芋頭』。尤其芋頭加上扣肉所煮出來的這道菜,是大受歡迎的一道菜。 Tourist: Where can we taste this course? 遊客:那裡可以品嚐到這道菜呢? Tour Guide: We'll be able to eat it at the restaurant where we have lunch. 導遊:中午用餐的餐廳就可以吃到了。(三十一) ■1. enhancement-(n)提高、增加。此處指不需視力上加強或增強,即可看見對岸。 ■2. migratory-(adj.)遷移的,有遷居習慣的。此處指候鳥。 ■3. waterweed-(n)水草;水蘊草。 ■4. flourish-(vt.)植物茂盛、繁茂;亦可指事業繁榮、興旺。 資料來源:金門縣政府 原書作者:陳建民、漢貴恩 【本系列及新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院Patti老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】
Hot Wheels Bicycle Team Begins Pilgrimage Ride to Meizhou
風火輪車隊赴湄洲騎福之旅 The Hot Wheels Bicycle Team from Kinmen arrived in China for the second time through the Mini-Three Link on Apr. 23. The 18 cyclists(1) would to start a 4-day 300 km pilgrimage(2) ride to Meizhou as well as to conduct athletic exchange in Fujian. They were going to ride to the original Mazu Temple on Meizhou Island to pay respects to(3) Mazu and pray for blessings on Kinmen and Cross-Strait peace. 金門風火輪自行車隊4月23日再度小三通上「陸」,十八名騎士前進福建,展開四天三百公里的湄洲「騎」福之旅,並進行體育交流,此行,他們將以自行車代步前往湄洲島媽祖祖廟朝聖,祈祝媽祖福佑金門與兩岸和平。 Led by Xu Jinxi, the bicycle team boarded the passenger ship Quanjin at Shueitou Pier on the 23rd with their bicycles to head to Shijing Harbor in Quanzhou where they would begin their pilgrimage ride to Meizhou. 金門風火輪車隊是由許進西擔任領隊,23日上午從水頭碼頭搭乘「泉金輪」客船出發,帶著自行車上「陸」,前往泉州石井港,展開湄洲「騎」福之旅。 This Meizhou trip is the team's second bicycle tour after their 5-day 400 km ride of Tulou in Fujian in October last year. The members include 17 men and one woman. 金門風火輪車隊這次湄洲行,是繼去年十月間以五天騎完四百公里的福建土樓長征之旅後,再度鐵馬上陸,共有隊員十七男一女參加。 The only female, Zhuang Jinshen, works at the Kinmen Hospital of Department of Health. Encouraged by her husband Xu Yongxi, a clerk at Kinmen District Court, she decided to join the team to challenge herself. As the only couple within the team, they are the envy(4) of the other members. 其中,唯一女性的莊錦慎,服務於署立金門醫院,在另一半金門地方法院書記官許永溪鼓勵下,夫妻一同參加,挑戰自我,讓其他隊員有「只羨鴛鴦不羨仙」的感受。 Team leader Xu Jinxi said, Mazu is the guardian(5) angel of the sea and she protects the people on both sides of the Strait. Therefore, the Hot Wheels Team made the plan to go on a pilgrimage trip in the first half of this year by riding to the original Mzu Temple on Meizhou Island to pay respects to the goddess as well as to pray for blessings on Kinmen and peace across the Strait. 領隊許進西表示,媽祖為海峽兩岸的海上守護神,庇佑著兩岸的人民,因此,風火輪車隊今年上半年的活動,規劃湄洲「騎」福之旅,以自行車代步前往湄洲島媽祖祖廟朝聖,祈祝媽祖福佑金門與兩岸和平。 The team set out(6) on their 4-day journey soon after arriving at Shijing Harbor in Quanzhou in the morning. They would visit Quanzhou City, Huian, Xianyou, Wenjia, Meizhou as well as Shishi, before returning to Kinmen from Shijing Harbor by boat on the 26th. 金門風火輪車隊上午抵達泉州石井港後,四天的行程將走訪泉州市、惠安、仙遊、文甲、湄洲、石獅等地,預定二十六日下午自石井港搭船返回金門。 ■1. cyclist-(n)騎腳踏車的人,騎士。 ■2. pilgrimage-(n)朝聖,旅行。 ■3. pay respect to-向~致敬。 ■4. envy-(n)羨慕、嫉妒的對象。其用法為SB's X is the envy of B,即某人的X令B羨慕。 ■5. guardian-(n)守護者,保護者,監護人。 ■6. set out-開始,出發。 資料來源:金門縣政府
Little Kinmen小金門(上)
Little Kinmen is also called Lieyu. It measures 14.851 square kilometers in area. Little Kinmen lies 2 miles or so away from Kinmen proper.(1) If you travel there by boat, it takes about 15 minutes. The island still preserves a taste of farming tranquility,(2) and it has many old military facilities remaining for tourists. Moreover, among its famous food specialties(3) are taros(4) and peanut candies in bamboo leaves. 小金門又稱「烈嶼」,面積約為14.851平方公里,與金門本島(大金門)距離約兩海里,坐船所需時間約為十五分鐘。在恬靜的農村生活中,小金門仍保留許多風味,而且島上有多處老舊軍事設施遺址供遊客參觀。此外,當地主要的特產是芋頭和竹葉貢糖。 Jiougong Tunnel is also called Sihwuei Tunnel. Its waterway has a shape of a "Double T". The tunnel measures about 790 meters in total length, and consists of five auxiliary(5) tunnels and four entrances. It can accommodate 52 boats or so. Dug in 1961, the tunnel had the main function of military supply transportation during wartime. In 1961 Kinmen National Park Administration took over the tunnel from the military and opened it to tourists in 2001. At the same time, a tourist center was set up to provide travel information and service for tourists here. 九宮坑道又稱四維坑道,是『雙丁』字型的水道,總長約為790公尺,共有五個副坑道和四個出入口,大約可停靠52隻船。坑道在民國五十年(西元1961年)開挖,主要的功能是提供作戰時物資運補。民國八十七年(西元1998年)由金門國家公園接收管理,並在民國九十年(西元2001年)正式對外開放;同時成立烈嶼遊客中心,為來到小金門的遊客提供資訊服務。 When traveling to Little Kinmen, visitors can never skip the sites of Victory Monument and Victory Gate, because they are on the way to town and are considered the two most awe-inspiring(6) symbols of the forward-most frontline. During the August 23rd Artillery Battle in 1958, the Communist army fired hundreds of thousands of artillery shells on Little Kinmen. The monument and the gate were thus established in commemoration of(7) victory in battle. 八二三砲戰勝利紀念碑和勝利門,是到小金門旅遊的必經之處,被視為最前哨的精神指標。民國四十七年(西元1958年)發生的八二三砲戰,共軍在小金門投下數萬發砲彈。為了紀念八二三戰役的勝利,特別興建了勝利紀念碑和勝利門。 Passing the most prosperous Dongling Street of Little Kinmen, visitors will arrive at Bada Tower. When the troops moved in and were stationed in Little Kinmen in 1933, they built the tower right in the middle of the island. The tower was built in memory of seven brave soldiers who fought against the Japanese enemies at one of the gates on the Great Wall in China. They were outnumbered(8) by the Japanese army and were all killed after several days. 通過小金門最為熱鬧的東林街就來到了八達樓子。民國五十五年(西元1966年)駐軍遷移至小金門時,為了悼念民國二十二年(西元1933年)抗日時期,駐守在長城古北口上的七勇士,特地在小金門的中心點建造「八達樓子」做為紀念。當時七勇士與日本兵展開數日的戰鬥,最後因寡不敵眾,全數為國捐軀。 Hujingtou War Museum was built in 1989. Inside the museum there are pictures and historical data about the September 3rd Battles, and the Dadan & Erdan Battles. Also displayed are our weapons used during August 23rd Artillery Battle. At the very end of the walkway in the museum, many hi-fi(9) binoculars are provided that visitors can use to view the scenery on the opposite Xiamen coast. On the wall outside the museum, there is a relief(10) sculpture about the August 23rd Artillery Battle. 湖井頭戰史館建於民國七十八年(西元1989年),館內有九三戰役、大二膽戰役等相關照片和史料資料,還有八二三砲戰中我方所使用的武器等展示品。在戰史館最底處,並設有高倍數望遠鏡可以眺望對岸大陸廈門沿岸的景致。館外的牆上有八二三戰役的浮雕一座。 Located in Cingci village of Little Kinmen, Chaste(11) Maiden Temple is also called Immortal(12) Fairy Temple where Wang Yu-lan (the Immortal Fairy Wang) is worshiped. Madam Wang was from Xiamen. In 1954 when she went to the seashore to get oysters, she was accosted(13) by some Communist soldiers. As she resisted them sternly,(14) the soldiers took off her clothes and drowned her in the sea. Then her body drifted to the coast of Little Kinmen. After learning of the chaste deeds of Madam Wang, some residents of Little Kinmen volunteered to spend either money or labor and they built the temple for people to worship her. 烈女廟又叫作仙姑廟,位於小金門的青岐村,供奉王玉蘭(王仙姑)。王仙姑為廈門人,民國四十三年(西元1954年)在海邊撿拾海蚵,遭到共軍的調戲,王仙姑抵死不從,後來被共軍脫光衣物後溺屍大海,隔天漂留至小金門沿海。當地百姓得知王仙姑堅守貞節的事後,於是有錢出錢、有力出力,建造這座廟宇供奉。(三十) ■1. proper-(adj.)本身的。此處Kinmen proper指金門島本身,也就是烈嶼距離金門本島2公里遠的意思。 ■2. tranquility-(n)安靜、寧靜,穩定。 ■3. specialty-(n)特產、名產。 ■4. taro-(n)芋頭。 ■5. auxiliary-(adj.)輔助的,從屬的。 ■6. awe-inspiring-(adj.)令人心生敬畏的。awe就是「敬畏」的意思,inspiring是「激勵人心的」。 ■7. in commemoration of-紀念。 ■8. outnumber-(vt)數量上超過~。 ■9. hi-fi-(adj.)高傳真的。 ■10. relief-(n)浮雕。亦指痛苦的緩和或減輕。 ■11. chaste-(adj.)貞潔、純潔的;高尚的。 ■12. immortal-(adj.)不死的,神仙的。 ■13. accost-(vt)搭訕,引誘、勾引。 ■14. sternly-(adv)嚴厲、嚴格的。 資料來源:金門縣政府 原書作者:陳建民、漢貴恩 【本系列及新聞英文解說,由金門技術學院Patti老師指導,本報編輯部提供,歡迎各界指正或提供建議】