Weekly Major Events 04/26~05/02
一週大事 04/26~05/02 ●Kinmen Adds A New Pawn Shop License drawing of pawn shops of the Kinmen area was held on April 30. Lin, Xiao-Ling (林曉苓), a boutique owner who was born in 1974, won the drawing and became the first person in nine years that acquired the authority of setting up a pawn shop in Kinmen. ●金門新增一家當舖 金門地區新增當舖42搶1的公開抽籤,4月30日舉行。1974年出生的飾品店業者林曉苓幸運中籤,成為金門近九年來取得當舖申設權的第一人。 ●16 Ombudsmen Affirmed Military's Performance On Mine-clearance Sixteen members of Control Yuan arrived at Kinmen for a two-day on-site inspection on April 29. County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi, the commander of Kinmen Defense, Zhang, Qing-Xiang (張慶翔) and others went to Shangyi Airport to welcome the group. The ombudsmen listened to the presentation of the Kinmen Defense Demining Brigade (1), and visited the facility and the demining arrangement. Ombudsmen showed their appreciation of "zero accident" in the first demining phase. They encouraged the military, according to the approved objective, to clear all landmines by 2013 and assist Kinmen in becoming a leisure touring island. ●16位監委蒞金巡察 肯定國軍排雷表現 監察院十六位委員4月29日抵金展開二天巡察,縣長李沃士、金防部指揮官張慶翔等人前往尚義機場歡迎,監委一行聽取金防部排雷大隊簡報,並參觀排雷裝備及排雷情形後,對國軍第一階段排雷過程「零事故」表示肯定,並期許按既定目標在民國102年將地雷清除乾淨,協助金門成為觀光休閒島。 ●Taiwan Senior Citizens' Cycling Team Traveled Kinmen Taiwan Senior Citizens' Cycling team arrived in Kinmen on April 29 for a three-day cycling trip. Fujian Provincial Governor Xue, Cheng-Tai, and Kinmen County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi rode with them to express their welcome. After the team members gratefully experienced the beauty of Kinmen and the green tunnel, they are prepared to call more seniors to cycle around Kinmen. ●台灣樂齡自行車隊金門壯遊 台灣樂齡車隊4月29日抵金進行三天鐵馬行,福建省政府主席薛承泰、金門縣長李沃士特別與他們同騎表達歡迎。隊員們領略了金門的綠色隧道之美後,還準備年底號召更多樂齡老人單車遊金門。 ●Qing Tian Hall Re-opened To People In May After the efforts made by Kinmen County Government who negotiated with the Kinmen Defense Command, the third wave of the opening of Qing Tian Hall in Taiwu Mountain, and Ming-De Park, is set from May 1 to December 30. This opening is for citizens only and tourists from mainland China are excluded. ●擎天廳5月起再開放參訪 經金門縣政府再度向金防部爭取,太武山區擎天廳、明德公園將自5月1日起第三度開放,至12月30日止,開放對象以本國國民為主,暫不含大陸籍人士。 ●iPermit for Chinese Tourists To Be Ready In May The National Immigration Agency announced that the iPermit (entry permit through internet) (2) will be ready in May. Chinese tourists will be able to apply for iPermit via qualified tour agency in Kinmen and Matsu from May 1, 2010. In the future, the iPermit can be applied online today and received tomorrow. ●陸客觀光網路快證5月上路 入出國及移民署宣布,自99年5月1日起開放大陸地區人民可經由金馬合格之旅行業者,申請「網路快證」,且今天上網,明天領證。 ●Kinmen's First Commercial Hotel Proposed Together With 600 Million Investment Having confidence toward the prospective tourism market in Kinmen, the private "Wind Lion God" development team has purchased the land of former "Jun Hua Hotel" in JinHu Township, and is planning to invest 600 million NT to build Kinmen's first commercial hotel with two hundred rooms within three years. County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi expressed his optimistic stance while he listened to the related presentation on April 28. ●民間業者計劃投資6億打造金門首座商務旅館 看準金門觀光旅遊巿場,民間的「風獅爺渡假村」開發團隊,已購下金湖鎮原「峻華飯店」之土地,計劃3年內投資6億元,打造金門第一座擁有2百間房間的「商務旅館」。縣長李沃士4月28日聽取簡報時,表達樂觀其成立場。 ●Tuition Subsidies and Transportation Vouchers Benefit Kinmen Students The application of both "Tuition Subsidy" and "Transportation Voucher" for Kinmen students will start May 3 and end May 31. The "Transportation Voucher" has changed its name into "Transportation, Books & Stationery Voucher" and its usage will be broadened. It can be applied to not only fly tickets but also to purchase of Mini-Three-Links ferry tickets and school supplies. According to government statistics, more than 8000 students benefited by "Tuition Subsidy" with approximately 27 thousand students under "Transportation, Books & Stationery Voucher". ●就學津貼、交通券 金門學子獲益良多 金門縣針對青年學子發放的「就學津貼」與「交通券」,均自5月3日起至5月31日止受理申請。「交通券」今年度還將擴大適用範圍,並更名為「交通圖書券」,除了可用以折抵台金機票之外,還可用來購買小三通船票及圖書、文具等。根據縣府統計,「就學津貼」受益人多達8千餘人,「交通圖書券」的受惠學生則估計將有2.7萬人。 ●1. brigade-(n)部隊的「旅」,或因應某種目的而成立的「隊」。 ●2. iPermit-(n)網路快證。此處係參考香港簽發之「網上快證」來翻譯。其中i指的是internet,Permit則是entry permit,入境許可的意思。
Military Transporter Help To Move Passengers Applauded
國軍出動運輸機疏運旅客民眾叫好 Shangyi Airport was shrouded(1) in heavy fog leaving passengers stranded(2) in Kinmen for several days. The ROC Defense dispatched(3) transporter Air Force C-130H to assist transporting passengers until weather improved on April 23. The action was applauded(4) by the people. 金門尚義機場連日濃霧,旅客因「無機可乘」而滯留,23日天氣好轉恢復輸運,國防部出動空軍C-130H運輸機協助疏運,受到民眾鼓掌感謝。 More than 2000 passengers were stranded in Kinmen for three consecutive(5) days due to heavy fog. Ministry of Transportation and Communications not only requested each airline carrier to add extra flights, but also negotiated with Ministry of National Defense to implement the mechanism of military air transportation. The Air Force sent a total of six flights, four flying to Taipei and two flying to Taichung, carrying more than 400 townspeople and Taiwanese businessmen back to Taiwan. 由於一連三天受濃霧影響,造成二千多名旅客被迫滯留,交通部除要求航空公司加開班機,並協調國防部再度啟動軍機疏運機制。空軍軍機前後共出動六架次,其中四架飛台北,二架飛台中,共載運四百多位鄉親、台商返回台灣。 Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi stated that the situation of transportation affected by bad weather should be improved as soon as possible. He hoped that the landing minimum at Shangyi Airport would be upgraded this year as 800 meters like the standard at Taipei International Airport (Son Shan Airport). 對於天候造成交通不便,縣長李沃士表示將會盡速改善,希望今年能讓尚義機場起降標準和台北一樣(能見度八百公尺) ●1. shroud-(vt.)遮蔽、籠罩。 ●2. strand-(vi.)使處於困境;使擱淺。 ●3. dispatch-(vt.;中高級) 派遣。 ●4. applaud-(vt.;中級) 稱讚、喝采。 ●5. consecutive-(adj.;中高級) 連續不斷的;連貫的。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年4月24日報導
Kinmen Fellow Associations Consulting Meeting For Industrial & Commercial Development Strategy Held in Taipei
旅外金門工商發展策略諮商會議北市登場 Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi specifically led his government team to participate in the 2010 Kinmen Fellow Associations Consulting Meeting For Industrial & Commercial Development Strategy in Taipei City on April 24. Li emphasized that after he was elected as the magistrate, he thought "where there is a change, there is a hope." Meeting like this would enable the townspeople of Kinmen to unite together, bring more strength of Kinmenese in to a whole to promote the development and prosperity of their hometown. 2010年旅外金門工商發展策略諮商委員會議24日假台北市舉行,縣長李沃士特別率領縣府團隊赴台參與。李沃士強調,他上任以來,始終認為有改變才有希望;希望透過類似會議,能凝聚更多金門鄉親、更大力量,共同推進家鄉的繁榮與發展。 The meeting was hosted by Magistrate Li and approximately 60 Kinmenese businessmen and entrepreneurs(1) working in Taiwan or overseas participated in this event. Li said that the government hopes to rally(2) the common consensus(3) of the fellowmen, and identify a collective direction for Kinmen. Li stressed this is now a critical development period for Kinmen, and to unify industrial and commercial development direction would help to promote the county constructions. He emphasized this would be the only way to determine the best industry in Kinmen and, therefore, enable Kinmen to progress into the future under a commonly consented blueprint. 該項會議計有旅台與海外金門籍企業家等約六十多人參與,由縣長李沃士親自主持。李沃士致詞時表示,縣府一直希望能凝聚鄉親共識,找出共同方向,因為現階段是金門發展最關鍵的時刻,若能凝聚出金門工商產業的發展方向,對縣政建設推動有很大的幫助,也唯有如此,方能選出金門最有利基的產業,讓金門的未來能在有共識的藍圖下向前推展。 This meeting was divided into five sub-sessions in accordance with the five prospects Li, Wo-Shi presented during his election and discussed in detail to present concrete suggestions. Li, Wo-Shi said that county government will draft concrete projects according to these suggestions and scheme(4) out execution plans. He believed that even though in the short term no productive outcomes would be seen, as long as continual efforts are involved, eventually there would be results. 該項會議依照縣長李沃士競選期間提出的五大願景,分組進行研討,並提出具體建言。李沃士表示,縣府會將針對鄉親的建言擬出具體方案,導入施政計畫。他相信,即便短期內看不到成效,但只要持續做下去,一定會有成果。 ●1. entrepreneur-(n;中高級) 企業家。 ●2. rally-(vt.;中高級) 召集;團結。 ●3. consensus-(n;中高級) 合意、一致。common consensus就是指「共識」。 ●4. scheme-(vt.;中級) 計畫、設計。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年4月25日報導
Weekly Major Events 04/19~04/25
一週大事04/19~04/25 ●Speaker Wang Participated In Worship Ceremony Toward King of Min Kinmen County Speaker Wang, Zhai-shen and the Kinmen Wang Clan Worship Mission of 70 people participated in the solemn "Across-Straits Joint Worship Ceremony Toward King of Min" held at the Cemetery(1) for King of Min, Fuzhou on April 23. Speaker Wang presented a plaque(2) to express veneration(3) of ancestors. ●王議長參與兩岸共祭閩王儀典 金門縣議會議長王再生、金門王氏宗親會祭祖進香團一行七十人,23日參加在大陸福州市閩王陵園隆重舉行的海峽兩岸共祭閩王大典;王再生以議長身分,敬獻匾額一方,表達緬懷祖德之意。 ●Cargo Ship Smuggling Kaoliang Caught The cargo ship, "Jin-Long 6th", which travels between Kinmen and little Kinmen, was held up(4) on April 22, and some of its crew members arrested for smuggling(5) more than 12,000 bottles of Kinmen and Matsu Kaoliang liquor. The Kaoliang liquor being smuggled was valued at 4.11 million NT. ●貨船走私高粱酒 海上遭攔截 來往大、小金門的「錦龍六號」貨船,涉嫌於二十二日非法走私一萬二千多瓶的金門、馬祖酒廠生產的高粱酒,中途被金門岸巡總隊攔截查獲,巿價高達四百一十一萬元。 ●Magistrate Li Strives for Veterans' Benefit & Welfare Kinmen County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi visited the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commission (VAC), Executive Yuan, Zeng. Jin-Ling (曾金陵). Li presented four demands, including the budget for the needs of assistance of "Live Out of Veterans' Home" for those veterans discharged(6) from August 23 Artillery, and the raising up of the "Three Chinese Festival Grants," etc. Zeng stated that if they don't differentiate the subject receiving assistance and provide overall benefit and welfare to all veterans, government finances would face difficulties. However, Zeng said, the VAC is researching the possibility of extending the range of beneficiary(7). ●李縣長拜訪退輔會爭取榮民福利 金門縣長李沃士23日拜訪行政院國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會主任委員曾金陵,提出四項訴求,包括全面發放榮民院外就養金,提高榮民三節慰問金等。曾主委表示,不區分對象、全面發放就養金,在政府財政上有困難,但退輔會正研究適當擴大發放範圍。 ●Chen, Yar-Lan Suggests Having a Opera House The famous Taiwanese Opera actress Chen, Yar-Lan (陳亞蘭) visited Kinmen and met with Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi hoping to have a modern opera house in Kinmen in order to promote the Taiwanese opera and other traditional culture, and attract tourists visiting Kinmen to see Taiwanese operas. Magistrate Li thought that Kinmen indeed needs a multi-functional performance space. He also hoped that Chen would document her idea and pass the proposal to the county government for further research. ●陳亞蘭催生歌劇院 歌仔戲天后陳亞蘭21日下午前往金門縣政府拜會縣長李沃士,希望催生一座現代化歌劇院,以傳承歌仔戲等傳統文化,吸引觀光客欣賞歌仔戲表演。縣長李沃士認為,金門確實需要多功能展演空間,希望陳亞蘭將構想書面化,交縣府研議推動。 ●Past Military Guesthouse Now Becomes A Pavilion Administration of Kinmen National Park inaugurated(8) the "Guest House" in Shan-Wai, Jin-Hu Township on April 20th. The renewed Guest House will be a pavilion(9) mainly to exhibit the facility of military defense, and then to hold army greeting activities, in which some cultural relics of the "Patriotic Singer" Teresa Teng (鄧麗君) would be included. The Guest House, once called "Underground Hilton In Kinmen," was the hostel receiving special guests of the army. ●迎賓館變身成為展示館 金門國家公園管理處20日為「迎賓館」展示館舉行落成開幕儀式;重生後的「迎賓館」,展示內容以軍事防禦設施為主軸,其次則是軍民勞軍活動,其中也包含「愛國歌手」鄧麗君的相關文物。「迎賓館」過去有「地下希爾頓」之稱,是軍方接待貴賓住宿的招待所。 ●Director-General of Tourism Bureau Visited Kinmen for Inspection Director-General of Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Lai, Se-Zhen (賴瑟珍), visited Kinmen on the afternoon of April 20 and met with local travel industrial executives. Magistrate Li proposed a raise in the budget for the introduction of international tourists, and the transformation of the Shishan artillery position into a Howitzer(10) Theme Park, and the Warrior Fort and Tie-Han Fort into a Mine Theme Park. Lai agreed to assist Kinmen with the budget, and invited international media and tour operators to visit Kinmen, hoping to introduce more international tourists. ●交通部觀光局長賴瑟珍抵金考察 交通部觀光局局長賴瑟珍20日下午來金考察,並與金門觀光業者座談。縣長李沃士當面向她提出引進國際觀光客、獅山砲陣地轉化為榴砲主題園區展示工程經費補助、辦理「勇士堡、鐵漢堡轉化為地雷主題館」案經費補助等建議。賴瑟珍同意將在經費上協助金門,並邀請國際媒體和觀光業者前進金門,希望有助引進國際觀光客。 ●Nine KHS Students Enrolled Into NTU The results of the 99th academic year admissions of NTU were released on April 19. Tsai, Yi-Tian (蔡依恬) and eight other students of KHS were enrolled, which was an excellent result for the school. ●臺大甄選入學金門高中九人上榜 國立臺灣大學九十九學年度甄選入學19日放榜,國立金門高中計有蔡依恬等九人上榜,表現優異。 ●5 Cases Reported Within 1 Week, Online Shopping Fraud Rampant According to the statistics from Kinmen County Police Bureau updated until April 11, 10 cases of online shopping fraud(11) were reported this year. The amount of these frauds reached over 154,000 NT dollars. From April 4th to 11th, there were 5 cases reported, most of them being online shopping fraud making excuses of canceling the installment of hire purchase(12). ●網購詐騙橫行一周內就有五件 根據金門縣警察局的統計,今年一月至本(四)月十一日止,受理網拍購物詐欺十件,被騙的金額總計約十五萬四千元,尤其是本月四日至十一日一週之內即發生五件,且均為網拍購物及假借解除分期付款詐欺。 ●1. cemetery-(n;中高級) 墓園、陵園。 ●2. plaque-(n)匾額;徽章。 ●3. veneration-(n)尊敬、崇敬。 ●4. hold up-攔截、攔阻。 ●5. smuggling-(n;中高級) 走私。 ●6. discharge-(vt.;中高級) 免除(責任、義務);允許離開。此處指「退役」。 ●7. beneficiary-(n)受惠者;受益人。 ●8. inaugurate-(vt.;中高級) 為~舉行開幕式或落成典禮。為~(人)舉行就職典禮。 ●9. pavilion-(n)展示館。 ●10. howitzer-(n)榴彈砲。 ●11. fraud-(n)詐騙行為、騙局。 ●12 hire purchase-分期付款的購買法。
County Council Grouped To China For Inspection Speaker Wang: The Experience of Bridge Building in China is Valuable
縣議會組團赴大陸考察 王議長:大陸建橋經驗值得借鏡 Kinmen County Council grouped an economic development inspection mission (1) headed by Speaker Wang, Zhai-Sheng, through Mini-Three Links to visit Xiamen. This mission expects to visit the KKL Xiamen branch, and inspect the present situation of dock development in Xiamen 金門縣議會組成經濟建設考察團,由議長王再生率領,14日循小三通抵達廈門展開考察行程,訪視金酒廈門分公司,並考察當地港埠建設現況。 During an interview with media from mainland China, Wang stated that the experience of major public constructions, such as docks, transportation and bridges in Xiamen, could become the example for Kinmen development in the future. 王再生受訪時表示,廈門各項重大經建和港埠、交通、大橋建設經驗,可作為金門未來發展和建設的借鏡。 When the mission visited the Office of Taiwan Affairs, Xiamen Municipal Government on April 15, they suggested that the villagers of Kinmen traveling to China be exempted from (2) visa fee for landing. Wu, Ming-Zhe (吳明哲), the Director of Office of Taiwan Affairs gave a positive response stating that he will redirect the suggestion to a higher level and promote it as soon as possible. 15日一行人拜訪廈門市人民政府台灣辦公室時,提出了金門鄉親到大陸免收落地簽證費用的建議,台辦主任吳明哲給予善意的回應,表示將向上反映,儘速推動。 There were ten councilors who participated in this inspection trip. They will travel to Xiamen, Quanzhou, Nanan, and also visit Fujian Province government in China. They planned to return to Kinmen the afternoon of April 19. 金門縣議會共有10位議員參與這項六天五夜的拜會、考察行程,將前往廈門、泉州、南安,以及大陸福建省政府等處參訪,預定19日下午返回金門。 ●1. mission-(n;中級) 外交使節團;代表團。也指「使命、任務」。 ●2. exempt from-免除、豁免。 本文改寫、摘譯自《金門日報》2010年4月15、16日相關報導
Jinning Stone Oyster Cultural Festival Unveiled
金寧石蚵文化節揭開序幕 The 8th Jinning Stone Oyster Cultural Festival was held on April 17 at the so called "Oyster Village" (Guningtou Village, Jinning Township). There were 2,000 people participating in this activity who enjoyed the folk art performance, and the picking, shucking(2) and tasting oysters. It was a very lively time in this traditional settlement. County magistrate Li, Wo-Shi and Jinning township mayor Chen, Cheng-Yong (陳成勇) promised the people they will do their best and work hard to promote "stone oysters," a special industry in Kinmen. County and village governments will cooperate with the Kinmen National Park to reinforce(3) ecotourism marketing. By combining industry and tourism, they hope that the developing of local industry will improve and eventually reach the sustainable(4) goal. 金寧鄉第八屆石蚵文化節17日在古寧頭「蚵村」登場,湧入兩千多位民眾參與活動,欣賞民俗技藝表演、品嚐石蚵美食、體驗挑蚵和剝蚵,整個傳統聚落內人氣沸騰。金門縣長李沃士、金寧鄉長陳成勇誓言要共同努力讓金門最有特色的「石頭蚵」產業走出去,結合金管處做好生態旅遊行銷,讓產業和觀光相結合,實質帶動地方產業的發展,永續經營下去。 County magistrate Li, Wo-Shi highly regarded(5) this activity, and led county government staff in returning to his hometown to promote the local "stone oyster" industry. 縣長李沃士很重視該項活動,親自帶領縣府局室主管回古寧頭老家,一起協助推銷地方的產業「石頭蚵」。 Li praised this activity for spotlighting the cultural feature of Kinmen stone oyster. Into its 8th year, this activity continues to get better and better each year. Li agreed that ex-mayor Li, Wen-Jun (李文俊) sowed(6) the seed for the stone oyster festival, and that the current mayor Chen, Cheng-Yong continues to lead the township in promoting this industry. Li greatly appreciated the participation of the Kinmen National Park, the Kinmen Farmers' Association, and the Fisheries(7) Research Institute, as well as the local villagers. Li hoped everyone would continue to work hard to provide more opportunities for Taiwan friends to taste the unique Kinmen "stone oyster". He promised that he would arrange for more budgets to assist the township in expanding(8) this activity to attract more tourists. 李沃士稱許該項活動展現金門石蚵文化特色,已邁入第八屆,愈辦愈好,肯定金寧鄉前任鄉長李文俊起帶頭作用,為石蚵節活動播下種子,現任鄉長陳成勇接棒,繼續帶領鄉公所團隊來推廣石蚵產業,也感謝金管處、農會、水試所等單位,以及鄉親的共同參與。李沃士期許大家還要繼續努力,讓更多台灣同胞嚐到金門獨特的「石頭蚵」,也允諾縣府明年度會編列更多經費,協助鄉公所擴大辦理石蚵文化節活動,引進更多遊客。 ●1. unveil-(vt.)揭開~的幕;除去~的面紗。 ●2. shuck-(vt.)剝殼;去皮;脫掉。 ●3. reinforce-(vt.;中高級) 加強、增強。 ●4. sustainable-(adj.)能維持在一定水平的;及「永續」之意。其動詞形式為sustain (vt.;中高級),指支撐或承擔。 ●5. regard-(vt.;初級) 此處指「注意、重視」。常與as連用,指「將~視為」。也可當名詞,指「注重、關心、敬重」。 ●6. sow-(vt.;中級) 播種、散佈。 ●7. fishery-(n;中高級) 漁業、漁場。 ●8. expand-(vt.;中級) 擴張;展開。 本文改寫、摘譯自《金門日報》2010年4月18日報導
Weekly Major Events 04/05~04/18
一週大事04/05~04/18 ●148 Registered for Local Elections The Local Electoral Registration deadline of the tenth township councilors and village chiefs election (the eighth in Wu Qiu Village) in Kinmen County was on April 16. A total of 65 people had registered for township councilors and 83 people for villager chiefs. The vote and vote count for this two-in-one election are scheduled on June 12. ●基層選舉登記截止148人角逐 金門縣第十屆(烏坵鄉第八屆)鄉鎮民代表暨村里長選舉登記16日截止,鄉鎮民代表總計有六十五人登記參選,村里長則有八十三人登記。這項二合一選舉,並訂於六月十二日舉行投開票。 ●New Medical Facility Added In Kinmen Hospital Kinmen Hospital, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, held the ESWL Room opening ceremony on April 15. According to the description of Kinmen Hospital, the introduction of the extracorporeal(5) shock wave lithotripsy(6) (ESWL) system is for relieving the distress for patients going to Taiwan for further medical treatment. ●署金醫院醫療設備再添生力軍 行政院衛生署金門醫院15日舉辦「體外震波碎石室(ESWL Room)」啟用典禮。根據署立金門醫院的說明,署立金門醫院引進的體外震波碎石系統,一定程度可免除病患赴台就醫的困擾。 ●42 people Strive(7) for One Pawn Shop License Drawing County police bureau had been handling the applications for a new pawn(8) shop license. A total of 42 eligible(9) townspeople completed the registration. Casting lots ceremony is scheduled on April 30 to decide who the winner will be. ●42搶1 新增當舖抽籤僧多粥少 縣警局辦理新增一家當鋪申請,共有四十二位符合資格的縣民完成登記,預定30日舉行公開抽籤儀式,抽出一位幸運者。 ●Magistrate Li Received China Students & Granted Scholarship Thirty exchange students from Zhangzhou Institute of Technology in China, studying this semester at the National Kinmen Institute of Technology, visited the Kinmen County Government on April 14, and were warmly welcomed by County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi. Li granted (10) a gift of 5,000 NT dollars to each student at their first meeting, and encouraged students to study hard, enjoy the natural conditions and hospitality of Kinmen. He also encouraged them to treasure good memories and be the seeds of Kinmen marketing after going back to mainland China. ●李縣長接見陸生致贈助學金 國立金門技術學院首批來自大陸漳州職業技術學院研修班交流的大陸學生30名,14日前往金門縣政府參訪拜會,受到縣長李沃士熱烈歡迎。李沃士並贈送每位陸生新台幣五千元的助學金紅包為見面禮,期許他們用功學習、品味風土人情、留下美好回憶,回到大陸後成為金門的種子推銷員。 ●KMIT To Upgrade Into NKMU On August 1 Students and teachers of National Kinmen Institute of Technology have looked forward many years to the upgrade of the school from college to university. And it finally became a reality. The Ministry of Education (MOE) held its review meeting on April 13 and approved that KMIT be renamed "National Kinmen University" after August 1. This upgrade of KMIT to university status will make great strides (11) in Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi's county developing prospect, "Kinmen University Island." ●金技8月1日將升格國立金門大學 國立金門技術學院師生企盼多年的升格大學,終於成真。教育部13日上午開會審查通過,同意金技學院從今年八月一日起改名為「國立金門大學」。金技學院升格大學,也讓李沃士縣長建設「金門大學島」願景,跨前一大步。 ●Minister of MOE Willing to Help Establish the Kinmen Branch of NCKUH Kinmen County Magistrate, Li, Wo-Shi visited the Minister of MOE, Wu,Qing-Ji (吳清基) on the morning of April 13 and received the support from Minister, Wu for "Kinmen Branch of NCKUH". Wu, Qing-Ji said that there had been precedents (12) in taking over of general hospitals, Department of Health by the colleges of medicine of different national universities. Wu promised that the MOE will cooperate fully with establishing the Kinmen Branch of NCKUH. ●成大設金門分院 教育部長吳清基同意配合 金門縣長李沃士13日上午拜會教育部長吳清基,就延請國立成功大學至金門設置「成功大學醫學院附設金門分院」,爭取吳部長支持。吳清基表示,台灣的大學醫學院接管署立醫院經營有前例,教育部對成大醫院在金門設分院會「全力配 合」。 ●Magistrate Li Requested Opening Historical Folk Museum Next Year Kinmen County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi listened to the presentation by related bureau of the county government, demanding total control of the progression of the Kinmen Cultural Park project, and instructed that the Historical Folk Museum to be opened to all visitors on January 1 of next year hoping that the museum would boost the economic tourism development and reproduce an old elegance (13) for the Jinsha area. ●李縣長要求歷史民俗博物館明年對外開放 金門縣長李沃士12日聽取一項簡報,要求全面管控文化園區工程進度,並裁示,歷史民俗博物館務必明年1月1日正式對外開放,盼重振金沙地區經濟觀光事業發展,再現昔日風華。 ●1. host-(vt.;初級) 主持、主辦。亦可當名詞,指「主人、節目主持人」。 ●2. trinity-(n)三個一組、三位一體。 ●3. overlook-(vt.)眺望、俯瞰。此處以現在分詞形式作為形容詞,與platform和在一起稱為景觀平台。 ●4. memorandum-(n)備忘錄;或指外交上的「照會」。 ●5. extracorporeal-(adj.)體外的。 ●6. lithotripsy-(n)震波療法。即shock wave therapy。 ●7.strive-(vt.)努力、奮鬥。 ●8.pawn-(n., vt.)典當、抵押。 ●9. eligible-(adj.)法律上符合資格的;適合的、合意的。 ●10. grant-(vt.;中級) 贈予;授予;同意、准予。 ●11. stride-(n;中高級) 邁大步走。 ●12. precedent-(n;中高級) 前例;先例。 ●13. elegance-(n)優雅、典雅。此處指金沙鎮昔日的「風華」。
Magistrate Li Awed by DFS Flagship Store in Hong Kong
李縣長考察香港免稅精品店驚艷 Kinmen County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi visited the Hong Kong duty-free boutiques (1) on April 10. He was awed (2) by the crowd of people in the DFS flagship (3) store, feeling the intense consumption power held by the mainland tourists. The duty-free shops are just like the "super vegetable market". He extended an earnest invitation to Hong Kong businesses to join the lineup (4) of duty-free shops in Kinmen to provide opportunities for Kinmen to become a true duty-free shopping paradise. 金門縣長李沃士10日考察香港免稅精品店,驚見DFS旗艦店現場人潮川流不息,人聲鼎沸,感受陸客龐大的消費力,免稅店仿如「超級菜市場」一般。他誠意十足邀請香港業者加入金門地區免稅購物商店陣容,共創無限商機,打造金門成為名副其實免稅購物天堂。 To promote tourism development in Kinmen, Li, Wo Shi had previously instructed the KKL to build a bonded (5) warehouse, and study the computer networks and other infrastructure and customs work. On April 10, Magistrate Li, accompanied by Yao, Song-Ling (姚松齡), General Manager of KKL, the Executive Vice Manager, You, Hong-Cheng (游鴻程), the Director of Finance Bureau, Huang, Jing-Shun (黃景舜), the Director of Social Affairs Bureau, Fang Tian-Ji (方天吉), and others went to Kowloon area of Hong Kong specifically to inspect the DFS flagship store. 為促進金門地區觀光發展,李沃士先前已責成金酒公司積極建置保稅倉庫及研議與海關電腦連線等基礎工作。10日在金酒公司總經理姚松齡、行政副總經理游鴻程、財政局長黃景舜、社會局長方天吉等人陪同下,特別前往香港九龍地區的DFS旗艦店考察取經。 As the group witnessed the consumption power of mainland tourists, and watched as some tourists even referred to a shopping list and purchased without asking for prices, the inspectors developed a strong confidence in building duty-free shops in Kinmen. 一行人目睹陸客消費力驚人,甚至有旅客拿出購物清單,不問價格就直接購物,讓考察人員對金門籌設免稅購物商店充滿信心。 The Finance Bureau said the reasons for Mainland tourists going to Hong Kong to shop are to make sure the merchandise (6) is genuine and the prices there are cheaper than prices of the local mainland. Kinmen is not only equipped with both conditions but also the closer location to Xiamen offers a short and inexpensive journey across the straits. Besides, inexpensive shop rental and more competitive staff costing all contribute to the advantages of Kinmen over Hong Kong. 財政局表示,陸客到香港消費主要是確保所購買之商品是真品,價格也比大陸當地便宜。金門如設立免稅購物商店,同樣具備這兩項條件,且金門與廈門近在咫尺,不但旅程短,船票低廉,店租及人事成本也比香港更具優勢。 ■1. boutique-(n)精品店。 ■2. awe-(vt.-中高級) 使敬畏、使驚嘆。 ■3. flagship-(n)旗艦。同類事務中的佼佼者。此處指旗艦店,flagship store。 ■4. lineup-(n)隊伍、陣容。 ■5. bonded-(adj.-中級) 有擔保的;存入保稅倉庫的。 ■6. merchandise-(n-中高級) 商品、貨品。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年4月11日報導
Weekly Major Events 04/05~04/11
一週大事04/05~04/11 ●Culture & Creative Exhibition Revealed in Kinmen "The Cultural & Creative Exhibition", held by Kinmen County, held its grand opening on April 10 in Wujiang Academy. The exhibition, attracted many people, provided a variety of events, including a magic show, diabolo (or Chinese yo-yo),(1) street art, Chinese music, and other performances. ●文化金門‧文創開門特展開幕 金門縣文化局策辦的「文化金門‧文創開門」特展,10日上午在浯江書院開鑼,吸引許多民眾參加。該項活動於週末、週日安排魔術秀、扯鈴、街頭藝術及國樂等演出。 ●"Last Wishes" Premiere Scheduled April 13 At Legislative Yuan The Kinmen County Documentary Association, in cooperation with the Congressional Office of Legislator, Weng, Jin-Zhu (翁金珠), will hold a premiere(2) for the new documentary "Last Wishes"(3) and a public hearing entitled "Dialogue Of Life" at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, April 13, in the Legislative Yuan. This premiere and public hearing will be held in the format of a funeral party prior to death and will present the new documentary-Last Wishes, a new production directed by Kinmenese Dong, Zhen-Liang (董振良). ●《遺書》特映會13日在立院登場 金門縣紀錄片文化協會與立法委員翁金珠國會辦公室共同主辦的「生命對話」-《遺書》特映公聽會,四月十三日(星期二)下午兩點將在立法院舉行。會中將以「生前告別式」的模式,播放金門籍紀錄片導演董振良的新作品《遺書》。 ●Chen, Cang-Jiang Visits Governor Xue To Earn Support for Amendment Of Land Act Chairman Chen, Cang-Jiang of the Kinmen County Branch of the DDP, visited the Governor of Fujian Provincial Government, Xue, Cheng-Tai specifically to earn the support for the amendment of Land Registration Act to help the townspeople of Kinmen to solve the problem of land registration. The issue received a positive response from Xue. ●陳滄江拜會薛承泰尋求支持土地修法 民主進步黨金門縣黨部主委陳滄江9日專程至福建省政府拜訪薛承泰主席,爭取支持儘速修改《土地登記法》,以解決金門鄉親長年以來未能解決的土地登記問題,獲得薛承泰的善意回應。 ●Running Athlete He, Jin-Ping Heading To Asian Games Kinmen long distance skilled running athlete He, Jin-Ping (何盡平) won second place in the Taipei Youth Cup Nationwide Track & Field Championships 3000 meters obstacle race and passed his qualification for the Asian Games competition. His brother, He, Jin-Wen (何盡文), placed fourth in the same competition. Both of them won the glory for Kinmen. ●何盡平跑進亞運 金門長跑好手何盡平在台北市青年盃暨全國田徑錦標賽三千公尺障礙賽拿下第二名,取得亞運參賽資格。而他的弟弟何盡文也在同項比賽中獲得第四名,兄弟檔同為金門爭光。 ●Magistrate Li Signed Contract With NCKU To Establish Kinmen Branch Of NCKUH Kinmen County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi and the President of National Cheng Kung University Lai, Ming-Zhao (賴明詔) signed the Letter of Cooperative Intent on April 7. Both parties united to promote the Kinmen Branch of the NCKUH with anticipation of reducing the shortage of specialized doctors, and upgrading medical care quality in Kinmen through NCKU medical team stationed in Kinmen. ●李縣長與成大簽約推動成立金門分院 金門縣長李沃士和國立成功大學校長賴明詔,7日簽訂醫療合作意向書,雙方將攜手合作推動成立成功大學醫學院附設醫院「金門分院」,期望藉由成大醫療團隊的進駐,補足金門縣缺乏之部份專科醫師,全面提昇醫療品質。 ●Magistrate Li visited Lin, Fang-Yu of TVGH To Earn Support for Sustained IDS In order to up-grade the quality of medical service in Kinmen , County Magistrate, Li, Wo-Shi visited Lin, Fang-Yu (林芳郁), the Superintendent(4) of Taipei Veterans General Hospital (TVGH) on April 6. Superintendent Lin agreed to continue IDS planning. Magistrate Li also invited TVGH to set up a Kinmen Branch, anticipating that Kinmen will become a medical showcase(5) across-stait. ●李縣長訪榮總林芳郁承諾續辦IDS 為提升金門醫療服務品質,縣長李沃士6日拜會台北榮民總醫院院長林芳郁,林院長當場同意將繼續承作「金門地區醫療給付效益提升計畫(IDS)」;李縣長並邀榮總在金門設立「台北榮總金門分院」,盼共同建設金門為兩岸醫療櫥窗。 ●Medication Added To Improve Poor Water Quality in Kinmen Environment Protection Administration, Executive Yuan published the results of the nationwide drinking water quality tests of 2009 on Arpil 6, which put Kimen at the top of the disqualification percentile. (6) Kinmen County Waterworks explained that the reason of disqualification is related to the poor quality of crude water and has already adopted the addition of medicine as a measure to improve the situation. The Director of Kinmen Waterworks, Weng, Zi-Bao also appealed (7) that the best solution to improve the quality is for the Central government to ratify (8) the "Kinmen Area Water Quality Improvement Project," to build an advanced water purifying and processing plant and, at the same time, approve the "Water Supply from Mainland" Project as soon as possible. Weng mentioned that this is the only way the water quality problem in Kinmen can be solved once and for all. (9) ●金門水質不佳 已加藥改善 行政院環保署6日公布98年全國飲用水水質查驗結果,金門縣不合格率居全國最高。金門縣自來水廠特別提出說明,不合格原因與原水水質不佳有關,已從改善加藥設施與藥劑等著手。水廠廠長翁自保也呼籲,中央儘速核定「金門地區水質改善計畫」,在金門興建高級淨水處理場,並加速核定金門自大陸引水計畫,才是根本的解決作法。 ●Tuition Subsidy Will Be Issued Following Last Year's Example The welfare of "Kinmen County Students Tuition Subsidy" will be issued according to the same standards followed last year. Students qualified to receive the subsidy-which included those registered in Kinmen or enrolled in senior high or higher education institutions in Kinmen, can receive ten thousand per university student, and five thousand per senior high student each year. Related regulation will be sent to the County Council for approval and the county government will process the applications accordingly. (10) ●就學津貼比照去年方式發放 金門縣學生就學津貼福利措施,今年將維持去年方式發放,只要設籍金門縣、或在金門註冊學籍的高中職以上學生都可以領取,大學生一年補助新台幣一萬元,高中職學生一年五千元。待相關辦法獲縣務會議審議通過後,預定四月中旬受理申請。 ●Kinmen Fellow Associations Support Gambling Industry & Kinemn-Xiamen Bridge Regarding the future development of Kinmen, the Kinmen Fellow Associations in Taiwan presented some suggestions saying that "without tourists and infrastructure, there won't be market at all." Therefore, they advocated building a large-scale military museum, developing a gambling industry, and building of the Kinmen-Xiamen Bridge. ●旅台同鄉力主發展博奕 建金廈大橋 旅台金門同鄉會針對金門未來發展,特別提出建言,強調沒有人、沒有建設就沒有巿場,主張規劃「大型軍事博物館」、「發展博奕事業」、「建金廈大橋」。 ●Clans' Banquet Held To Memorialize Ancestors & Honor Their Virtue In Tomb Sweeping Festival The members of the same clan from each region performed rites in honor of their ancestors during the Tomb Sweeping Festival on April 5. Every member united together to discuss family affairs and tighten relationships. The graveyards in each township were crowded with people. That afternoon, many people crowed into Shangyi Airport where airline carriers from Kinmen to Taipei were fully booked. The boat charter for Tomb Sweeping also started on the same afternoon carrying 169 townspeople back to Taiwan. County Magistrate Li went to the pier especially to see them off. ●清明祭祖吃頭緬懷祖德 5日是清明節,地區各姓宗親舉行祭祖、「吃頭」聚會,分居各地的族人相聚一堂,緬懷祖德,也商討宗族事務,藉由餐會來聯絡情感,拉近宗親情誼。各鄉鎮墓園盡是掃墓人群,尚義機場中午過後湧現搭機人潮,各航空公司金門台北航線班班客滿,清明包船也在5日下午啟航,把169位金門鄉親載回台灣。縣長李沃士特別到碼頭送行。 ■1. diabolo-扯鈴。維基百科將扯鈴譯為Chinese yo-yo,主要原因是西方扯陀螺(diabolo)的造型、設計,與東方能發出聲響的扯鈴有所差異。 ■2. premiere-(n-中高級) 首映會。 ■3. Last Wishes-死前最後的遺言、遺願、遺囑。該紀錄片原名「遺書」,但在翻譯時考量影片內涵為針對金門國家公園沈痛的省思與期許,因此暫以「遺願」(last wishes)加以翻譯。 ■4. superintendent-(n-中高級) 機關、企業的負責人、主管。此處指院長。 ■5. showcase-(n)展示櫥窗。指能展現優點、特色的東西。 ■6. percentile-(n)相對成績的百分比,即百分位數。 ■7. appeal-(vi.-中級) 呼籲、懇求。 ■8. ratify-(vt.-中高級) 批准、認可。 ■9. once and for all-永遠地;最後一次地。此處指徹底解決。 ■10. accordingly-(adv.-中高級) 相應地。
Weekly Major Events 03/29~04/04
一週大事03/29~04/04 ●Malaysia Inspection Group For New Route Paul Paw (包一雄), the president of the Malaysian Chinese Tourism Association, and 14 others visited Kinmen via Mini-Three-Links for inspection and to promote tourism. Tang, Han-Leong, the Asia Manager of Malaysia Airlines, mentioned that the purpose of this visit was to inspect a "new tourism route between Kinmen and Xiamen." Li, Wo-shi, the county magistrate, offered some incentives, such as presenting "Memorial Kaoliang Liquor" and "coupons". He expects an increase in the overseas Chinese and foreign tourists visiting Kinmen. ●大馬華人旅遊公會抵金考察新航線 馬來西亞華人旅遊業公會理事長包一雄等15人,3日循小三通到金門考察及推廣旅遊。馬航亞洲區域經理TANG HAN LEONG表示,此行目的在考察「金廈旅遊新航線」。縣長李沃士則提出「送紀念酒」、「贈消費券」等優惠誘因,盼吸引海外僑親返鄉尋根及外國觀光客到金門一遊。 ●Heartwarming Interchanges Between Chairmen of Kinmen Fellow Associations The chairmen of Kinmen Fellow Associations from every county in Taiwan returned to Kinmen to participate in the first interchange conference that was held on April 3. County magistrate Li, Wo-shi and legislator Chen, Fu-hai, also took part in(1) the conference and received suggestion from villagers. Every chairman from the Kinmen Fellow Associations expressed appreciation for the long-term support from both Kinmen county government and the county council. During the conference, villagers brought many suggestions that emphasized the development of Kinmen, and also discussions on how to promote the 4th World Kinmen Day to be held in Taiwan. ●旅台金門同鄉會理事長齊聚家鄉聯誼 旅台各縣市金門同鄉會理事長一行,3日返鄉參加今年首次聯誼會議,縣長李沃士、立委陳福海均與會傾聽鄉親建言。各同鄉會對縣府、議會的長期支持都表示感激。會中針對金門發展提出多項建議,並討論如何推動第四屆世界金門日在台舉行等。 ●197 Kinmenese Came Home By Chartered Ship on Tomb Sweeping Day In the early morning of April 3, 197 Kinmen villagers from Taiwan boarded a chartered(2) ship (rented by the county government) at lower prices and returned to Kinmen for Tomb Sweeping. In addition, county governments also coordinated with each airliner in Kinmen to offer more flights, as they did last year, and to charter ships to carry villagers back to Kinmen. ●清明包船載送197位鄉親返鄉 3日清晨,197位旅台金門鄉親以低廉票價搭乘包船回到了故鄉祭祖掃墓。為紓解返鄉人潮,縣府已協調各家航空公司比照去年運能提供加班機,並包船載運鄉親返鄉。 ●Visiting Mission From NCKU Met With Kinmen County Government Teams Wu, Wen-Teng (吳文騰), Dean of College of Engineering at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), brought a group to visit Kinmen on April 1. On April 2, members from NCKU and Kinmen county government held a seminar regarding the issues of transport and developing of water resources, etc. Wu stated that through assessment and a seminar, the NCKU teams will present suggestions and concrete planning on Kinmen development. ●成大訪問團與縣府團隊座談交流 國立成功大學工學院院長吳文騰1日率團訪問金門,2日並針對交通、水資源開發等議題與金門縣政府座談。吳文騰表示,經過評估與座談,將針對金門發展提出具體規劃與建議。 ●Li Strived for Budget At Legislative Yuan Li, Wo-shi, county magistrate, presented at a conference of Finance Committee, Legislative Yuan on March 31. His goal for Kinmen is to achieve a higher distribution rate on the revising(3) Act Governing the Allocation of Government Revenues and Expenditures (財政收支劃分法). He also requested that central government should allocate 3 billion NT dollars for the development of Kinmen. After the conference, Li met with other legislators representing each party. He also invited members of the Finance Committee of Legislative Yuan to visit Kinmen for a better understanding of the practical needs of Kinmen. ●爭取統籌分配款李縣長立院發聲 金門縣長李沃士31日出席立法院財政委員會的審查會議,針對財政收支劃分法修正案中的統籌分配款新制,爭取給予金門較高的分配比例,並要求中央撥給三十億元建設金門。審查會後,李沃士並與各黨派立委會晤,同時邀請立法院財委會委員到金門參訪,了解金門實際需要。 ●The "Kinmen Villagers' Information Desk" Available in Veterans General Hospital Kinmen County Government established the "Kinmen Villagers' Information Desk" in Taipei Veterans General Hospital which was available on April 1. County magistrate Li, Wo-shi hoped the Information Desk would offer assistance and information in medical matters. In the future, depending on the requests of villagers, an information desk might be established in the Tri-Service General Hospital. ●榮總「金門鄉親服務台」正式啟用 金門縣政府在榮總成立的「金門鄉親服務台」,1日正式啟用。縣長李沃士希望服務台能提供鄉親就醫協助與資訊;未來視鄉親需求,將考慮也在三總設置服務台。 【註解】 ●1. take part in-參與。 ●2. charter-(vt.-中高級) 租、包租。 ●3. revise-(vt.-初級) 修訂、修正、修改。
Kinmen Industrial & Business Park BOT Project Hopes to Bear Fruit In Two Years
金門工商休閒園區BOT案盼二年內看到成果 Qiu, Fu-Sheng (邱復生), CEO of Taiwan Land Development Corporation (TLDC), visited Kinmen Country Magistrate, Li, Wo-shi on March 30 to discuss the BOT project of Kinmen Industrial and Business Park. Magistrate Li anticipated that both parties will cooperate in consulting together on the project and reviewing its progress. Li also suggested the TLDC to adopt the integrated planning and implementation in zoning policy. Li hoped to see concrete results within two years. 台開公司董事長邱復生30日拜會金門縣長李沃士,暢談「金門工商休閒園區BOT案」。李沃士希望雙方找時間會商,就進度管控加以檢討,並建議台開公司整體規劃、分區執行,希望二年內看到具體成果。 Li indicated that it takes too long for the project to finish in 12 years. To see results within two years, Li suggested the project should be divided into two or three smaller sections. Qiu, Fu-Sheng agreed to set up a controlling mechanism and examining the progress monthly, and to cooperate closely with county government to complete this development project. 李沃士指出,這項開發案花十二年來蓋,時間太長,建議應將大案拆成二、三個小案來做,才能在二年內看到成果。邱復生則同意成立管控機制,每個月檢討進度,與縣府密切合作以完成開發案。 According to Qiu, the internationally highlighted "Kinmen Industrial and Business Park BOT Project" is the most important development project in Kinmen during this 10 year period. The TLDC has already established ample(1) capital following an increase of 940 million in capital last year, with an additional increase of 1.2 billion in July of this year. Three financial institutions including Yuanta Financial Holdings, Mega Holdings and First Financial Holding have agreed to finance for this project. 邱復生則表示,「金門工商休閒園區BOT案」廣受國際矚目,是金門幾十年來最重要的開發案。台開已將資金準備好,繼去年增資新台幣九億四千萬元,今年七月還要再增資十二億元,而且已經有元大、兆豐、第一等三家金控同意融資。 This project is currently underway with the pursuit of various plans and the invitations of international teams to participate in the designing. Under the demands of the county government, the project will be implemented in phases and obtain construction permits in zones. The first phase is expected to start in April next year with the main construction projects focusing on the building development for entertainment, shopping and local delicacies.(2) 目前正積極展開各項規劃,邀請國際團隊參與設計。未來將按縣府要求,朝分期開發、分區取得建築執照。第一期預計明年四月份動工,主要建築項目為娛樂、購物、美食。 【註解】 ●1. ample-(adj.-中高級) 大量、豐富、充裕的。 ●2. delicacy-( n ) 美食、佳餚。 本文改寫、摘譯自《金門日報》2010年3月31日報導
Xiamen General Chamber of Commerce Looking for Business Opportunity in Kinmen
廈門總商會組團抵金尋找投資商機 Because of the optimistic(1) investing environment in Kinmen, 30 people from the Xiamen General Chamber of Commerce (XGCC), lead by Zeng, Chi (曾琦), arrived in Kinmen on March 29. 由於看好金門投資環境,廈門總商會一行30人,由團長曾琦領軍,29日抵金門考察投資環境。 Zeng, Chi views Xiamen as having been a center of economy which is now flourishing(2). He sees the development of Kinmen different from that of Xiamen, and suggests that Kinmen could develop as a tourism center, with importance placed on the protection and maintenance of the natural environment in Kinmen. He agrees with the policy envisioned(3) by county magistrate Li, and also believes the future of Kinmen will be better. 曾琦認為,廈門已是一個經濟中心,目前發展蓬勃;金門發展應有別於廈門,建議朝旅遊休閒中心方向發展,重視自然環境的維護與保持;他認同李縣長施政遠景,也相信金門未來發展前景看好。 The Chief Executive Office of Kinmen County Industrial and Business Promotion Committee, You, Hong-Cheng (游鴻程), mentioned that, along with the positive development of cross-strait relationship, business in Kinmen is going into the consolidation(4) phase, and now needs especially more funds and resources. He expected the XGCC to support this, and to attract more funds and tourists from China into Kinmen. 縣府工策會總幹事游鴻程表示,隨著兩岸局勢轉變,金門商業發展已進入盤整階段,此刻尤其需要眾多資金與資源挹注,盼廈門總商會支持促成,引進大陸資金,帶進人潮。 You, Hong-Cheng also mentioned that Kinmen county government is coordinating with the central government, hoping that Kinmen could become the platform between China and Taiwan under the ECFA structure, combining funds, materials, and people from both sides. He also hoped that, basing on the consideration of mutual benefits, the XGCC would allocate(5) and deploy(6) resources first in Kinmen, cooperate with Kinmen and gain the biggest advantage together. 游鴻程也表示,最近金門正與中央政府溝通協調,希望在ECFA架構下,讓金門成為兩岸交流的平台,匯集金流、物流及人流。游鴻程希望廈門總商會基於利益考量,先至金門布局,金廈共同努力,以取得最大優勢。 【註解】 ●1. optimistic-(adj.-中高級) 樂觀的。 ●2 flourish-(vi.-中高級) 處於旺盛期;繁榮、興旺。 ●3. envision-(vt.)想像;展望。 ●4. consolidation-(vt.) 鞏固;強化。動詞為consolidate(中高級),使鞏固、加強。 ●5. allocate-(vt.-中高級) 分配、分派。 ●6. deploy-(vi.-中高級) 部署。 本文改寫、摘譯自《金門日報》2010年3月30日報導