Weekly Major Events 05/31~06/06
一週大事 05/31~06/06 ●Kinmen's Population Surpasses 95,000 The total of Kinmen's population has surpassed (1) 95,000. According to the statistics of Civil Affairs Bureau, Kinmen County Government, Kinmen's population is 95,038 in total. Among them, 48,937 are males, 46,101 are females. The number of household amounts to 32,031. Jincheng Township population has the highest density with 31,919. In regard to marriages involving foreign or mainland spouses, there are 474 foreign spouses and 1,456 mainland spouses. ●金門人口數突破九萬五千大關 金門縣總人口數已經突破九萬五千大關。根據金門縣政府民政局99年5月份統計,金門縣總人口數為九萬五千零三十八人,其中男性四萬八千九百三十七人、女性四萬六千一百零一人,家戶數總計三萬二千零三十一戶。其中又以金城鎮人口最稠密,總人口數為三萬一千九百一十九人。在陸配、外籍配偶人數統計方面,全縣計有大陸配偶一千四百五十六人,外籍配偶四百七十四人。 ●Ombudsman: Kinmen Hospital Should Provide Residents Better Medical Care Ombudsman Huang, Huang Xiong (黃煌雄) arrived in Kinmen on June 3rd to host a conference named "Comprehensive Monitor On The Universal Healthcare Insurance". He also initiated an inspection of the Lieyu Branch of Kinmen Hospital. When interviewed, Huang admonished (2) that the Kinmen Hospital should carry fully its responsibility and provide the residents with better medical care. Concerning Little Kinmen's healthcare, Ombudsman Huang considered the fundamental problem to be transportation. Once the Kinmen Bridge is completed, the problem would be effectively resolved. ●監委:署醫應給鄉民更好醫療服務 監察院監察委員黃煌雄6月3日抵金門辦理「全民健康保險總體檢」座談,4日並巡察署立醫院烈嶼分院。黃煌雄受訪時表示,署金醫院應善盡職責,為金門鄉親提供更好的醫療服務。有關小金門醫療,他認為根本問題在交通,只要金門大橋興建完成,當能有效解決問題。 ●Coast Guard Administration Organized A Mini-Three-Links Shipwreck Drill The Offshore Flotilla (3) 9 of Maritime Patrol Directorate (4) General, Coast Guard Administration, Executive Yuan, organized a Mini-Three-Links shipwreck (5) cooperative assistance drill (6) on June 3rd. In total, there were 11 units that participated in the exercise with 11 boats and 131 people being mobilized (7). The implementation of the drill was realistic and highly acclaimed (8) by county Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi. Magistrate Li revealed there would be a cross-strait shipwreck joint cooperative assistance drill in August this year. ●海巡署舉辦小三通船難救助演練 行政院海岸巡防署海洋巡防總局第九(金門)海巡隊6月3日舉辦小三通船難聯合救助(護)實作演練,總共有十一個單位參與,動員大小船艇十一艘、一百三十人參演;實演過程逼真,金門縣長李沃士給予高度肯定,並透露兩岸將在今年八月份共同舉辦一項海難救助聯合演練。 ●Students in KMVS Revealed The Enrollees' List Domestic universities and colleges offered offshore students in National Kinmen Agricultural and Industrial Vocational Senior High School (KMVS) a quota of 217 this year. The KMVS handled its 4-Year Technological & 2-Year Junior College Recommendation & Selection of offshore students who would "tear up the enrollee's (9) list" (revealed the enrollment list). The school stated that of the 325 graduates, 243 of them had offshore student qualification. The actual number of participants in "tearing up the enrollee's list" was 220. ●217個大學院校名額農工學生昨撕榜 國內各大專院校今年提供給金門農工的離島生推甄名額共有217個名額;金門農工6月2日辦理四技二專推薦甄選離島考生「撕榜」。校方表示,今年應屆畢業生有325人,其中243人具有離島生資格,實際參與撕榜者約二百二十人。 ●Kinmen Crowned as the Champion in Fujian Amateur Basketball Tournament Kinmen formed a basketball team that participated in the 2010 Amateur Opening in China (Fujian Division) and the 7th Fujian Tianxiang Cup Amateur Opening, and courageously (10) won the championship. The team returned with accolades (11) on June 2nd and turned in the Champion Cup to Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi. Li, Shang-Jie (李尚傑), Chairman of Kinmen's Basketball Committee, thought Kinmen Basketball Team should attribute their success to Coach Luo, Tian-Jin's (羅天金) training and coaching, and the players' overall performance. ●福建業餘籃賽金門代表隊封王 金門縣組隊參加2010年大陸業餘籃球公開賽(福建賽區)暨第七屆福建省天香杯業餘籃球公開賽,勇奪冠軍。代表隊成員6月2日載譽凱歸,將冠軍杯榮耀呈獻給金門縣大家長縣長李沃士。金門縣籃委會主委李尚傑認為,金門代表隊能有好成績,要歸功教練羅天金的訓練和指揮,以及球員整體表現。 ●Four of Eight Firms Applying for the Right of Becoming A Duty-Free Shop Will Be Admitted Kinmen government had accepted the applications of municipal duty-free shops. Currently, there are eight firms seeking one of the four available spots. The county government indicates the selection of duty-free shops will be made in July. Whichever four are selected will need to open their stores within two months after selection. With this effort, county government wishes to create a shopping paradise in Kinmen ●首波申設市區免稅商店8搶4 金門縣政府受理市區免稅購物商店申設,目前已確定共有八家企業將爭取四個名額。縣府表示,將於七月間辦理評選。中選業者必須在二個月內開店,盼打造金門為觀光購物天堂。 ●Residents Will Decide Kinmen Bridge's Form In a meeting of the Kinmen Bridge Steering Committee held on June 1st, it was concluded that the designing firm would offer five bridge models, and allow Kinmen residents to vote for their favorite design among these five. The Kinmen Bridge construction project is scheduled to have a design draft selected in mid-September this year, complete the contract in mid-October, and enter its construction phase in late-December. ●金門大橋造型將由鄉親決定 金門大橋推動委員6月1日召開會議,會中決議將由設計公司對外公告五款「橋塔造型」,由金門鄉親票選決定。金門大橋預定今年九月中旬由設計公司提出設計初稿,十月中辦理工程發包,十二月底開工。 ●Kinmen International Cultural & Arts Festival Closed Satisfactorily The 16-day Kinmen International Cultural & Arts Festival closed on May 30th, with many eye-catching performances staged that night. Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi viewed the entire closing ceremony, and showed-off some of his dancing skills on the stage to entertain the audience. Li commented that the International Cultural & Arts Festival enriched Kinmen's night life and thanked the organizers for their efforts and contributions to the success of the festival. He also anticipated the quality of Kinmen's leisure, art, and life to be continually improved. ●金門文化藝術節圓滿閉幕 為期十六天的金門國際文化藝術節5月30日閉幕,當晚推出多項精彩演出,縣長李沃士昨全程到場欣賞,並上台小秀舞技,與民同樂。活動吸引七、八百位民眾到場欣賞。李沃士表示,此次金門國際文化藝術節,豐富了金門夜間生活,要感謝承辦單位的努力。他也期許未來金門地區的休閒、生活與藝術也都能持續向前邁進。 【註解】 ●1. surpass-(vt.)大於、多於;勝過。 ●2. admonish-(vt.)提醒;告誡;警告。 ●3. flotilla-(n)(小)艦隊;(小)船隊。 ●4. directorate-(n)理事會、董事會;亦指負責某項特定事務的政府機關,而Directorate General這裡解釋為「總局」,也是海巡總局的正式翻譯名稱。 ●5. shipwreck-(n)海難;船舶失事、沈船。 ●6. drill-(n)操練、演習、訓練。 ●7. mobilize-(vt.)動員、調動。 ●8. acclaim-(vi.)稱讚、喝采。 ●9. enrollee-(n)入學者;上榜者。 ●10. courageously-(adv)英勇地、勇敢地。 ●11. accolade-(n)稱讚、盛讚。
Magistrate Li Personally Promotes Kinmen Shooting Star Project
李縣長親自上陣推銷金門流星計畫 Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, reviewed the "2010 Competitive International Tourism Fascination (1) Site Demonstration Project" on May 28. Kinmen County presented the "Shooting Star Project" to urge a three hundred million dollar subsidy from the central government, to hopefully design and integrate the "ZhaiShan" and "Sihwuei" Tunnels into an unique battlefield site. County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi personally attended the review meeting to urge subsidies from the central government. 交通部觀光局28日審查「99年度競爭型國際觀光魅力據點示範計畫」,金門縣提出「流星計畫」,爭取中央政府補助3億元,希望整合「翟山」、「四維」坑道,設計成具獨特且唯一的戰地景點。縣長李沃士也親自出席審查會議,爭取中央經費補助。 The Shooting Star Project, which reproduces the situation of Kinmen offshore marine trasportation and supply during Civil War, displays magnificent tunnel construction. County Government intends to invest 3.9 hundred million dollars within two years, with the hope that central government will supplement with three hundred million dollars with the local government providing and additional ninety million dollars. The intention is to add a 3D sight and sound effct in Zhaishan and Sihwuei tunnels, and also an imitation of "LCM transport and supply boats" of the bygone (2) years that will shuttle tourists between the tunnels. Features on Little Kinmen will include an imitation of the official military jeep, and a howitzer (3) field thus further creating a unique tour site in Kinmen. 該項流星計畫,以重現國共戰爭時期金門離島海上運補作業實況,並展現壯闊的坑道建設,縣府打算2年內投資3億9千萬元,其中希望由中央補助3億、縣府自籌9千萬元,在翟山、四維坑道內加入3D聲光效果,並打算仿造當年的「LCM運補小艇」,載運觀光客穿梭坑道間,再配合小金門的仿軍方吉普車及榴砲坑道陣地,打造出金門獨有的觀光賣點。 【註解】 ●1. fascination-(n)魅力;有魅力的東西。 ●2. bygone-(adj.)過去的、已逝的。 ●3. howitzer-(n)榴彈砲。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年5月29日報導
Chinese Investment Attracted by Kinmen Welcomed By County Government
陸資看上金門 縣府樂觀其成 Investment Commission, Ministry Of Economic Affairs approved five investment projects proposed by Chinese enterprises on May 27th. Among these projects, Huatian (華天) Shopping Inc. from Xiamen, Fujian cooperated with Zhiming (智明) Investment & Development Inc. from Taiwan to establish a joint venture (1) named Kinmen Yanming (延銘) Inc. and would like to invest in the development of a resort and international shopping center. This first indication of Chinese investors to willingly invest in the tourism industry in Kinmen stirred much public concerns. Kinmen administration showed its approval and anticipation of these investments. 經濟部投資審議委員會27日通過5個大陸企業赴臺投資項目,其中,廈門華天港澳台商購物公司與台灣智明投資開發公司,合資設立了「金門延銘有限公司」,將在金門投資開發休閒渡假村與國際購物中心。由於是第一次有陸資表達投資金門旅遊休閒業的意願,引起高度關注。金門縣政府表達樂觀其成立場。 Kinmen Industrial Development and Investment Promotion Committee indicated that any type of investment beneficial to Kinmen's economy is welcomed. The administration has already provided some incentives and implemented a number of investment-friendly measures, hoping these will encourage more foreign and domestic firms to invest and develop in Kinmen. 金門縣工商發展投資策進會指出,只要對金門經濟有幫助,都竭誠歡迎投資,縣府也訂有相關優惠措施,希望能多鼓勵國內外企業投資金門、發展金門。 According to the data provided by the Industrial Development and Investment Promotion Committee, the current key investments in Kinmen include the Industrial and Business Park BOT Project by Subsidiary (2) Company of Taiwan Land Development Corporation, Commerce Hotel Project in Jinhu Township, Kinmen Industrial and Commercial Resort Project by ASTRO CORP., and Fengshiye (Wind Lion God) Resort Development Project, etc. 根據工商策進會提供的資料,目前金門重大投資還有台灣工商發展公司的工商休閒園區案,金湖商務旅館案、泰偉公司金門工商休閒園區案,風獅爺渡假村開發案等。 【註解】 ●1. joint venture-(n)合資企業。 ●2. subsidiary-(adj.)附屬的、次要的。Subsidiary Company指的是「子公司」。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年5月30日報導
Weekly Major Events 05/24~05/30
一週大事 05/24~05/30 ●300 Teenagers Biked Around Kinmen Celebrating Their Coming-Of-Age The "100 km Route-Biking Around Kinmen", a ceremony to celebrate the 16th coming-of-age (1), was held on May 29th. Three-hundred teenagers participated in this activity to challenge their limits. Through the ceremony, they wanted to demonstrate their maturity. To encourage those teenagers, both Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi and Council Speaker Wang, Zai-Sheng was present at the ceremony and fired the gun to signal the start of the challenge. ●300青少年鐵馬環島宣告〈轉大人〉 金門縣29日有一項「鐵馬環島100公里」的16歲成年禮挑戰活動,三百多名青少年報名參加挑戰自我,用最特別的方式,向外界宣告自己「轉大人」。這場最特別的成年禮,由縣長李沃士、縣議長王再生等人一起主持鳴槍,並為參加的青少年加油。 ●The Kinmen Motorcyclists Association Established The Kinmen Motorcyclists Association was established on May 29 with riders from Taiwan, Kinmen and Xiamen uniting together in Shamei, Jinsha Township. The group of 20 motorcycles presented a spectacular sight. Wong, Guo-Bao (翁國寶), the elected chairman of the association, claimed that they will hold the activity regularly. The association also stated their strong opposition against drunk riding or drag racing (2). ●金門成立重機協會 金門縣重型機車協會29日成立,台金及廈門車友齊聚金沙鎮沙美參與盛會,現場二十多輛重型機車排排站,十分壯觀。當選首任協會主委的翁國寶說,協會將不定期舉辦活動,而且秉持騎車上路不喝酒、不飆車等原則。 ●Magistrate Li Shot For Exhibition Of NPM-Authorized Replicas In Kinmen In order to celebrate the founding of the R.O.C. a century ago, Magistrate Li,Wo-Shi paid a special visited to Chou, Gong-Xin (周功鑫), the director of the National Palace Museum (NPM) requesting that 70 NPM-authorized replicas (3) of precious national treasure be sent to Kinmen Culture Park for an exhibition which could extend to next Chinese New Year. ●李縣長爭取故宮文物複製品年底來金展出 慶祝中華民國建國一百周年,金門縣長李沃士28日專程拜會故宮博物院院長周功鑫,順利爭取到故宮於年底將70件珍貴的國寶文物複製品搬至金門文化園區展出,展期並可望延長到明年的農曆春節。 ●Regular Session of County Council Began The regular session of the county council started on May 26th, and will last for 30 days. On May 27th, Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi proposed his policy address. He specifically explained the ten policy achievements after his inauguration, then further explained the next ten important policy plans for the second half of this year. He stated that Kinmen is in a critical period, and that the County Government would seize this time to create opportunities for Kinmen with supervision from the County Council. ●議會定期會開議 縣議會第五屆第一次定期會26日開議,將展開一連三十天的會期。27日縣長李沃士向議會提出施政報告,特別將他上任以來十大重要施政成果,以及下半年度十大重要施政計畫一一說明。他強調,金門現階段正處於關鍵時期,縣府會積極把握時間,在議會的監督指導之下,共同為金門創造生機。 ●Reception of City God Rendered A Spectacular Event The "Memorial of the 330th year of Island Wu's City God's Migration into Hou-Pu", began on May 25th. Xue, Cheng-Tai, the Governor of Fujian provincial government, Li, Wo-Shi, Magistrate of Kinmen, Council Speaker, Wang, Zai-Sheng and legislator Chen, Fu-Hai went to the City God Temple with incense, and carrying the City God's sedan chair, and praying for peace and prosperity. With the participation of 27 City Gods from Taiwan, and uniting together for the first time in Kinmen, along with 48 bands of parade formation, 6 centipede (4) processions, other Gods' sedan chairs, and arrays of drum and gong performers, it is estimated that there were more than 10,000 people in attendance, setting a new record in Kinmen. ●城隍遶境 盛況空前 「浯島邑主城隍遷治330週年紀念」遶境巡安活動,25日盛大登場,福建省主席薛承泰、縣長李沃士、議長王再生及立委陳福海特別前往城隍廟拈香並參與扛輦,祈求國泰民安。來自全國各縣市27尊城隍爺首度在金門交會,另有48組陣頭及6座蜈蚣座,加上神輦、鑼鼓隊等,估計參與活動人潮超過萬人,創下歷史紀錄。 ●Praying In the Rain To The Kui-xing God Kinmen Culture Bureau held the "Praying To The Kui Xing, Adding To The List" activity in Kuige (奎閣), a county historical site, on May 23rd. Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi lead students to worship to the Kui Xing God which venerated (5) in Kuige. They prayed for the good luck in taking exams, to pass the examinations and to be added to the enrollment list. ●魁星祈福活動雨中展開 金門縣文化局23日在縣定古蹟「奎閣」舉辦「魁星點榜」祈福活動,縣長李沃士帶領學生虔誠祭拜閣中奉祀的魁星爺,祈祝庇祐考運亨通、金榜題名。 【註解】 ●1. coming-of-age-(n)成熟;成年、達法定年齡。 ●2. drag racing-(n)飆車。 ●3. replica-(n)複製品。 ●4. centipede-(n)蜈蚣。procession則是一長列隊伍的意思。合起來說就是指蜈蚣座。 ●5. venerate-(vt.)尊敬、崇敬。此處指被「供奉」在奎閣內。
Love Story of "The Terminal" Was Staged In Kinmen Airport
金門航站上演航站情緣 Su, Guan-Cheng (蘇冠丞), who is from Taipei, along with his girlfriend of seven years, Zhang, Zhao-Fang (張肇芳), returned to Kinmen on May 21st. A love story just like the movie "The Terminal" (1) was staged at Shangyi Airport under the delicate (2) planning of college classmates. 來自台北的蘇冠丞與相戀7年多的女友張肇芳5月21日重回金門,在大學同學的精心策劃下,於金門尚義機場上演了一齣「航站情緣」。 Seven years ago, Su studied in the Department of Sports Management, National Kinmen Institute of Technology where he met and fell in love with Zhang, Zhao-Fang and the two have got along with each other more than seven years. In order to propose to Zhang, Su sought the assistance of his college classmates, as well as the cooperation of the Kinmen Terminal, Aviation Police Station and flight carriers in order to perform a special marriage proposal (3) on May 21st. 蘇冠丞7年前就讀國立金門技術學院運動管理系,與同學張肇芳擦出愛的火花,兩人愛情長跑七年多。為了向張肇芳求婚,蘇冠丞透過大學同學的協助,取得金門航空站、航警及航空公司的配合,21日演出了一場特別的求婚記。 Su and his classmates deliberately planned the plot where Zhang, Zhao-Fang was taken to the police station for further examination and interrogation (4) because there was some contraband (5) found in her baggage. After deplaning (6), she was asked to open her luggage publicly at the waiting hall attracting a lot of media reporters, and passengers who crowded around to watch. When the "unknown package" was discovered in her luggage, fear, intense emotion, and tension filled Zhang's eyes with tears. As she opened the package, Zhang suddenly found Su's proposal letter. Meanwhile the screen in the terminal hall displayed the words of Su's proposal and the TV broadcasted the video about the history of their relationship. In the meantime, Su knelt down with 99 roses in hand and proposed to her. Zhang, taken by surprise, promised a lifetime commitment of marriage under everyone's witness. 蘇冠丞與同學刻意設計了劇情,讓張肇芳一下機就因為行李發現「違禁品」,被帶往航警所偵訊、檢查,並於機場大廳當眾打開隨身行李,且有媒體記者大陣仗採訪,引來現場旅客圍觀。當張肇芳在行李中找出「不明包裹」時,緊張、害怕的情緒,使她眼淚奪眶而出。打開包裹時才發現,原來是蘇冠丞的求婚信。此時航站大廳的螢幕上也同步顯示了蘇冠丞的求婚字句,電視機還播出兩人交往過程的影片,蘇冠丞則捧著99朵紅玫瑰花束跪地求婚。張肇芳既驚又喜,在眾人的見證下,兩人許下相愛一生的承諾。 【註解】 ●1. The Terminal-是2004年出品,由史蒂芬‧史匹柏導演的一部愛情喜劇,中文片名翻譯為「航站情緣」。其劇情雖與本文的求婚記不同,但活動策劃者刻意將場景擺在航站,並稱之為「航站情緣」,因此在翻譯時沿用原片名"The Terminal"。 ●2. delicate-(adj.)精美的、雅致的。 ●3. proposal-(n)求婚。動詞則是 propose (to)。 ●4. interrogation-(n)訊問、審問。 ●5. contraband-(n)走私品、違禁品。 ●6. deplane-(vi.)下飛機;從飛機上卸下。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年5月22日報導
Weekly Major Events05/17~05/23
一週大事05/17~05/23 ●Magistrate Li: Integrated Kinmen and Xiamen Harbor Is the Guarantee For Kinmen's Prosperity On May 21st, County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi listened to the briefing of a consultant firm on the development of Kinmen's seaport. He felt that Liao-Luo Harbor should focus on freight in the future and pay relatively closer attention to section management. He also thought Shui-Tou Harbor area should remove nightly regulation. Besides, Li hoped Shui-Tou and Xiamen could be integrated into one harbor since it's the only way to guarantee the prosperity of Kinmen. ●李縣長:金廈整合成港 金門才有發展 縣長李沃士21日聽取顧問公司對金門港埠發展簡報,他認為,料羅港未來以貨運為主,分區管理相對重要;水頭港區應解除夜間管制,並希望能與廈門港整合,金門才有發展。 ●Local Election Candidates Drew Their Numbers The candidates for 2010 township election of councilors and village chiefs drew their numbers on May 21st. The election is scheduled to proclaim (1) the official slate (2) on June 6th and the ballot (3) to be held on June 12th. ●基層選舉候選人已完成號次抽籤 金門縣99年鄉鎮民代表選舉候選人暨村里長選舉候選人號次抽籤,21日在各鄉鎮公所同步舉行。該項選舉預定六月六日公告候選人名單,六月十二日舉行投票、開票。 ●County Councilor Li, Li-Mao's Election Adjudged Invalid In The First Trial County Councilor Li, Li-Mao was accused of election bribery (4) during her campaign. Kinmen District Court reached its verdict (5) in the first trial for her case and adjudged (6) her election invalid. Li, Li-Mao avowed (7) to prove her innocence and will appeal to a higher court. ●縣議員李麗貌一審判當選無效 縣議員李麗貌因競選期間涉及賄選,金門地方法院21日做出一審判決,認為她的當選無效;李麗貌表示,她還會上訴爭取清白。 ●Grounded Chinese Freighter Sailors Released After Compensation Recompensed Mainland "Zhe Dong Ji No. 156" freighter grounded into shoal (8) after running into reefs (9) on January 17th this year. Since the freighter's owner had compensated the cost of the cargo's recovery and sea-environment's restoration, which was assessed to be NT$4,500,000, the Kinmen County Government has already notified Kaohsiung's Seaport Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Transportation & Communications, to remove the restriction on the departure of the sailors. ●擱淺大陸貨輪賠錢放人 今年一月十七日凌晨發生的大陸籍「浙洞機156號」貨船於峰上外海觸礁擱淺海難事件,由於貨主已支付搶救貨物及海域生態復育等費用,計新台幣四百五十萬元,金門縣政府已發函交通部高雄港務局,解除對船員的離境限制。 ●Legislator Chen, FuHai Concerned with Compensation for Victims of Landmine's Detonation in Artificial Lake in Xiahu Legislator Chen, Fu-Hai expressed concern over the harm that landmine detonation (10) has brought to the construction near by the Artificial Lake in Xiahu. In response to the incident, local residents demanded compensation from the landmine clearance company for their loss. Chen received Fan, Liang-Xiu (范良銹), the Minister of the Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan, and asked the commission to give local residents support. Chen also stressed stricter scrutiny (11) on water quality around the lake, and the urgent need to find out why the seawater infiltrated (12). ●立委陳福海關切人工湖雷爆賠償 立委陳福海關切下湖人工湖工程因地雷爆炸造成損害,當地民眾向排雷公司追償事宜, 20日特別接見行政院公共工程委員會主委范良銹,請公共工程會伸出援手,並加強監督湖區水質,釐清海水滲透原因。 ●Four Firms Apply As Duty-Free Shops Set Up Four firms have applied for the right of becoming a duty-free shop since the beginning of the application of the "duty-free shop" in Kinmen. The county government indicates that because of the limited pick-up space at the seaport and airport, if there are more than five applicants, a procedure of evaluation and selection will be made according to related regulations. ●免稅商店設置目前已有四業者提申請 有關金門地區「市區離島免稅購物商店」設置,目前已有4家業者(含金酒公司)提出申請。縣府表示,由於機場、港口提貨空間有限,若申請達5家以上,將依規定辦理評選。 ●One Suspected Case of Enterovirus Found In Kinmen Seventy-seven people have already been infected with mild Enterovirus (13) in Kinmen County this year. Among these patients, forty-six of them were completely cured. According to the statistics given by Kinmen Public Health Bureau, more than twenty two public school classes (526 people) were suspended due to Enterovirus. According to the notification from Veterans General Hospital, Kinmen currently has an unconfirmed suspected case with severe symptoms (14) of Enterovirus. ●腸病毒重症金門疑有一例 金門縣今年已有七十七人曾罹患腸病毒輕症,其中有四十六人已痊癒。根據金門縣衛生局統計,全縣各校累計共有二十二個班級(五百二十六人)曾經因為腸病毒停課。由榮總通報的消息,金門目前有一個疑似重症個案,但尚未確診。 ●As Kinmen Greeted the City God, President Ma Telegraphed To Congratulate the County Kinmen's reception of the City God will reach its climax on May 25th (lunar calendar April 12th). President Ma telegraphed the Kinmen administration on May 18th to express his congratulations to the county. In response to Ma's courtesy, County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi thanked the President on behalf of all the local citizens. ●金門迎城隍 馬總統特來電致賀 金門迎城隍活動將於5月25日(農曆4月12日)達到最高潮,總統馬英九18日也捎來賀電致賀。縣長李沃士特別代表縣民表達感謝。 ●Winner For Snack King Contest In Reception Of City God Unveiled Kinmen Snack King Competition, part of the Reception of City God of 2010, took place at the square in front of "Qing Dynasty's Quemoy Troops Headquarters". "Nong Xiang Hang" (農祥行) was the winner of Oyster Noodles, "Lian Cheng" (聯成) the winner of Guangdong Congee, and "Ying Xuan" (瑛萱) the winner of Fried Instant Noodles. Among the aforementioned winners, "Nong Xiang Hang" also won the "most popular" award. ●迎城隍小吃王 獲獎名單出爐 2010年金門迎城隍活動金門小吃王競賽,20日在「清金門鎮總兵署」前廣場登場,比賽結果,「蚵仔麵線」的冠軍隊伍是「農祥行」,「廣東粥」的冠軍隊伍是「聯成廣東粥」,「炒泡麵」則由「瑛萱炒泡麵」奪冠。其中「農祥行」還獲得最佳人氣獎。 【註解】 ●1. proclaim-(vt.)公布、宣告。 ●2. slate-(n)候選人名單。 ●3. ballot-(n)投票。投票總數。 ●4. bribery-(n)行賄、受賄。 ●5. verdict-(n)裁定、裁決。 ●6. adjudge-(vt.)宣判、判決。 ●7. avowed-(vt.)自稱;公開表示。 ●8. shoal-(n)淺水、淺灘、沙洲。 ●9. reef-(n)暗礁。 ●10. detonation-(n)爆炸、引爆。 ●11. scrutiny-(n)監督;詳細的檢查。 ●12. infiltrate-(vi.)滲透、滲入。 ●13. enterovirus-(n)腸病毒。其中字首entero-,指「腸的」。 ●14. symptom-(n)症狀;徵候。severe常用來形容疾病的「重症」,如同SARS,第一個S就是Severe。
Magistrate Li Delivered "Fo-Tie", and Invited Tourists To Visit Kinmen
縣長送佛帖 廣邀遊客來金迎城隍 The lively head of parade formation (1) of "Kinmen's reception of the City God" Showed up in Taipei on May 14. Wearing the costume of the ancient Chinese magistrate, Li, Wo-Shi personally delivered the "Fo-Tie" (invitations delivered between the gods) to the Taiwan Provincial City God Temple. Magistrate Li also invited the ambassadors (2) of 26 temples belonging to the Association of the National City God to visit Kinmen. At a formal press conference, Li extended the invitation to all tourists worldwide to experience hospitality of Island Wu. 金門「迎城隍」陣頭5月14日出現在熱鬧的台北街頭。縣長李沃士身穿古代縣太爺官服,親自將「佛帖」送至台灣省城隍廟,邀請全國城隍聯誼會所屬26所宮廟代表來金,並召開正式記者會,邀請世界各地遊客都能到金門來「作客」,感受不一樣的浯島風華。 This press conference, held by Magistrate Li, convened (3) on the afternoon of May 14 in front of the plaza of Taiwan Provincial City God Temple on Taipei Wuchang Street, and included Legislator Lai, Shi-Bao (賴士葆) and the Minister Without Portfolio, Executive Yuan and Governor of Fujian Provincial Government Xue, Cheng-Tai,, Kinmen County Council Speaker Wang, Zai-Sheng. The President of Association of the National City God, Chairman of Taiwanese City God Temple Chen, Guang-Xian (陳光憲) also participated in the conference. 該項記者會5月14日上午在台北武昌街上的台灣省城隍廟前廣場舉行,由縣長李沃士主持,包括立法委員賴士葆、政務委員兼福建省主席薛承泰、議長王再生、全國城隍聯誼會會長暨台灣省城隍廟董事長陳光憲等貴賓都到場參與。 Since this year is the exact "memorial of the 330th year of Island Wu's City God's migration into Hou-Pu", Magistrate Li sent the "Fo-Tie" across the sea with a heartfelt (4) invitation to everyone to join this festival. 李沃士表示,今年適逢「浯島城隍爺遷治330年紀念日」,他帶著虔誠的心,跨海親送佛帖,希望邀請各界共襄盛舉。 At the press conference, an exhibition was set up by the Kinmen County Government and Taiwan Provincial City God Temple to provide samples of Kinmen specialties including Kinmen Tribute Candy, Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor, Kinmen thin noodles, etc. In addition, the Taiwan Provincial City God Temple also prepared samples of the glutinous (5) oil rice, Laba congee (6), and other local delicacies (7) for the people to taste. 配合記者會,縣府與台灣省城隍廟還舉行特產試吃,現場展出金門貢糖、高粱酒、麵線等金門農特產,而台灣省城隍廟也準備油飯、八寶粥等福食邀請民眾現場試吃。 【註解】 ●1. parade formation-有關陣頭的翻譯,有兩種說法,其一是band of parade,指的是遊行隊伍中的一組。另一種說法是head of parade formation,用以形容迎神隊伍中,走在最前頭的各式遊藝表演隊伍。 ●2. ambassador-(n)大使、使節。此處比喻來自各宮廟的代表。 ●3. convene-(vi.)召集、召開。 ●4. heartfelt-(adj.)衷心的、真誠的。 ●5. glutinous-(adj.)黏稠的。 ●6. congee-(n)粥。八寶粥起源於佛教的「臘八粥」,因此前面Laba是直接音譯「臘八」二字。 ●7. delicacy-(n)美食、佳餚。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年5月15日報導
Governor Huang, Xiao-Jing of Fujian Province, China Visited Kinmen
福建省長黃小晶金門行 Governor of Fujian Province, China, Huang, Xiao-Jing (黃小晶) led a Cultural Exchange Group and became the first provincial Governor from Fujian, China to step on Kinmen soil as he returned to Xiamen via Kinmen. County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi, and County Council Speaker, Wang, Zai-Sheng, arranged a banquet to greet Huang. Both sides exchanged souvenirs at the banquet. 大陸福建省省長黃小晶率領經貿文化交流團中轉金門返回廈門,成為第一位踏上金門縣的大陸福建省長。金門縣長李沃士、縣議會議長王再生設宴接風,雙方互換紀念品。 Magistrate Li observed that because of the limitations imposed by the previous regime(1), the quality of infrastructure on Kinmen fell behind that of Xiamen. In response to Huang's quick-witted remark about the deficiency of Kinmen Airport, Li conceded(2) that Huang was right about the Achilles Heel(3) of Kinmen. Li promised he would facilitate quality improvement of infrastructure and seek for the cooperation of Fujian Province, China to help bring benefits for both sides. 縣長李沃士表示,金門過去受限於體制,與廈門相較之下,許多建設明顯落後;對於黃小晶甫下飛機就一語道破金門機場建設不足的「快語」,李縣長認為「說到了痛處」。李縣長表示將全力加速金門各項建設,同時爭取大陸福建省合作,共創雙贏。 Speaker of the County Council Wang, Zai-Sheng revealed his amazement and envy of the bridge building techniques in Xiamen. He also thanked Xiamen for its willingness to support and generously share its bridge construction techniques and personnel with Kinmen. 縣議會議長王再生對廈門建橋技術精湛,感到欣羡又驚讚,也感謝廈門方面同意無條件提供建橋技術與人力支援。 Governor Huang also made a special visit to Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc. Magistrate Li hoped that Huang could support the development of Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor into the number one brand in Fujian Province, China. Li also suggested that Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor be assigned as the "designated special liquor" and be gifted to guests of Fujian Province, China. In addition, Li advised Kinmen and Fujian to apply jointly for World Cultural Heritage by adopting the regional cooperation concept. In accordance with Li's suggestion, Huang expressed his supportive attitude. 黃小晶一行還特別前往金酒公司參觀,縣長李沃士希望黃小晶協助金酒發展成為福建省第一品牌,同時提議將金酒當作福建省饋贈嘉賓的「指定專用酒」。此外李沃士也提議以「區域」合作概念,讓金門與福建省共同申請成為世界文化遺產。黃小晶則表示樂觀其成。 【註解】 ●1. regime-(n)社會制度、政權、政體。 ●2. concede-(vt.)(帶有勉強意味的)承認。 ●3. Achilles Heel-(n) 阿基里斯(Achilles)是希臘神話中海洋女神忒提斯(Thetis)的兒子,他的母親為了保護兒子,曾抓著他的腳踝將他浸入冥河,使阿基里斯獲得刀槍不入的神奇能力,唯獨忒提斯握住的地方(腳踝)沒浸到河水,成為阿基里斯唯一的弱點或「罩門」。後世遂以阿基里斯的腳踝(Achilles Heel),比喻致命的弱點。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年5月11日報導
Weekly Major Events 05/10~05/16
一週大事05/10~05/16 ●MHY's Debut Caused Blockbuster In Kinmen "Ming Huang Yuan Arts and Cultural Group" (MHY)-Team of Character Huang, popular and well beloved by Taiwanese opera fans in Kinmen, made its debut (1) on May 15 causing a great blockbuster (2). Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi and over a thousand townspeople were intoxicated (3) by the spectacular story as they feasted their eyes on the performers, and clapped their hands until they were red. MHY was invited by Cultural Affairs Bureau to come to Kinmen for a three-day performance in accordance with the "International Cultural and Arts Festival". Their performances were loved by the local people. ●明華園首演轟動浯島 深受金門歌仔戲迷喜愛的「明華園黃字戲劇團」,5月15日首場演出引爆戲迷熱情。縣長李沃士與千位民眾共同沉浸在高潮起伏的劇情中,大飽眼福,也拍紅了手掌。明華園歌仔戲團此次應文化局之邀,配合「國際文化藝術節」來金演出三天,場場爆滿,深受民眾歡迎。 ●Magistrate Li Encouraged Examinees In TVE Entrance Examination The 2010 Joint Entrance Examination in Technological & Vocational Education (TVE) was held on May 15. Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi purposely visited the Kinmen examination district to encourage examinees (4). The ten established examination sites in Kinmen registered a total of 318 examinees for this two-day examination. ●李縣長為四技二專統測考生加油 九十九學年度四技二專統一入學測驗考試,5月15日下午登場,縣長李沃士也專程到金門考區試場為考生加油打氣。此次四技二專統一入學測驗考試,金門考區設有十個考場,共有三百一十八名考生報考,進行為期兩天的考試。 ●International Cultural & Arts Festival Unveiled The opening ceremony of 2010 Kinmen International Cultural & Arts Festival was held in the park at Ju-Guang Lake on May 14. The event attracted approximately 1000 participating townspeople. Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi, the Director of Cultural Affairs Bureau, Li,Si-Long and other dignitaries (5) touched the plasma (6) ball together to signify (7) the beginning of the Cultural and Arts Festival. ●國際文化藝術節璀璨開幕 2010年金門國際文化藝術節5月14日晚在莒光湖畔公園盛大登場,吸引近千位鄉親到場參加,縣長李沃士、文化局局長李錫隆與佳賓們一同觸動光球,正式揭開文化藝術節的序幕。 ●Bids For Medical Building Project Over 960 million The construction project of the Kinmen Hospital United Medical Building has been tendered (8) with 965,783,000 NT dollars. Kinmen Hospital hopes that with the signing of the contract with the company next week that the project can be completed within 875 calendar days. ●醫療大樓工程昨標出:9億6千多萬 金門綜合醫療大樓統包工程5月14日以九億六千五百七十八萬三千多元標出;署立金門醫院希望下週與得標廠商簽約後,讓大樓能如期在八百七十五個日曆天內完工。 ●MND Agreed Deployment Of Military Aircraft For Patients Referral From Kinmen Kinmen County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi, County Council Speaker Wang, Zai-Sheng and others visited Minister of Nation Defense, Gau, Hua-Zhu (高華柱) on May 13. Both sides engaged in rich discussions. Minister Gau promised to dispatch (9) military aircraft C-130 to assist in patients' referrals (10) from Kinmen to Taiwan, and expressed his support for the idea of unusable naval vessels anchoring at the beaches, thus promoting tourism in Kinmen. ●病患後送國防部同意派軍機支援 金門縣長李沃士與縣議長王再生等人5月13日拜會國防部長高華柱,雙方晤談收穫豐盛,高部長爽快同意出動C-130軍機協助輸運金門後送台灣的傷病患,還同意研究撥給報廢軍艦,停泊在金門海邊促進觀光景點。 ●Swim Across Kinmen-Xiamen Strait Slated For August 8 Following the success of 2009 Swim Across Kinmen-Xiamen Strait activity, the Kinmen County Government decided to expand the event this year which also has been approved by Mainland Affairs Council on May 7. The event is slated (11) for 9:20, Agust 8th and the swimmers are scheduled to set out at Shuang-Kou, Little Kinmen (Lie-Yu Village) and swim to Yefengzhai, Xiamen, a total of direct distance of seven kilometers. Meanwhile, the Eighth Long-Distance Swimming At Liao-Lou Bay, Kinmen was scheduled to set out at 8:10 a.m on August 7, a total direct distance of 3000 meters. ●金廈泳渡今年擴大舉辦預定8月8日登場 繼2009年兩岸泳士成功泳渡「金廈海域」活動之後,金門縣政府今年決定擴大舉辦。陸委會五月七日已正式核定,活動預定八月八日上午九時二十分,在小金門雙口海域鳴槍下水,游向廈門椰風寨海域,全程約七公里。同步舉辦的2010年搶灘料羅灣第八屆金門海上長泳活動,則訂八月七日上午八時十分在料羅海域下水,三千公尺海上長泳。 【註解】 ●1. debut-(n)初次露面、初次登台。亦即首演。 ●2. blockbuster-(n)大轟動。原意是磅數、重量很大的巨型炸彈,用以比喻極大的轟動。 ●3. intoxicate-(vi.)使陶醉、使狂喜。 ●4. examinee-(n)應試者。 ●5. dignitary-(n)顯貴、要人。此處指貴賓。 ●6. plasma-(n)離子。活動中常見的「光球」,通常是應用電離子原理隨機從各個角度散發光芒,因此稱之為plasma ball。 ●7. signify-(vt.)表示、表明、預示。 ●8. tender-(vt.)投標。tender常用為形容詞,指溫柔的、柔軟的。此處當動詞,可指投標或償付。 ●9. dispatch-(vt.)派遣。標題中則使用deploy,為軍事用語,指「部署」。 ●10. referral-(n)(病人的)轉診;轉介。 ●11. slate-(vt.)預定、選定。通常接界係詞for。
Magistrate Hopes For Assistance From Members Of Control Yuan
李縣長向監委提出八案盼請玉成 Members of Control Yuan, Chou, Yang-Shan (周陽山), Yu, Teng-Fang (余騰芳), and Li, Bing-Nan (李炳南) visited Kinmen on May 3 for an on-site inspection of the County Government. Members of the visiting team also held a conference with Kinmen County Government staff. Magistrate Li presented eight proposals that were relevant to the development of Kinmen which include water supply from Mainland China, etc. These proposals received a positive response from members of Control Yuan. 監察委員周陽山、余騰芳、李炳南5月3日蒞金巡察縣政,同時與金門縣府團隊座談,縣長李沃士提出「大陸引水案」等八項攸關金門發展與鄉親權益的重大議題,獲監察委員善意回應。 Magistrate Li especially appreciated the concern from Ombudsman Chou, Yang-Shan, Yu, Teng-Fang, and Li, Bing-Nan. Li presented eight proposals and hoped to receive assistances from the ombudsmen. These eight proposals include expanding the range of "Act for Promotion Of Private Participation In Infrastructure Projects" and revising the "Standards For The Recognition Of Major Construction Projects On Offshore Island"; advancing the "Water Supply From Mainland China Project"; simplifying and streamlining(1) the procedures of visa application such as Chinese tourists visiting Kinmen could be exempted from identification review; expanding the conditions of successful inheritance(2) application for Kinmen-rooted overseas Chinese; assisting in the restructuring of Kinmen Hospital to "National Cheng Kung University Medical College Hospital Kinmen branch", etc. 李縣長特別感謝周陽山、余騰芳、李炳南三位監察委員對金門的重視與關心,他特別提出8項提案,希望獲得監委的協助,共同促成。這8項提案包括放寬促參法適用條件,修訂「離島重大建設投資計畫認定標準」;推動金門自大陸引水案;簡化大陸人士來金觀光簽證手續,開辦「簡便辦證」措施;開放大陸人士來金門觀光得免審查身分資料;放寬金門籍華僑申辦繼承登記條件;協助署立金門醫院改制為「成功大學醫學院附設醫院金門分院」等。 Ombudsman Chou mentioned that he had once presented a proposal to Premier Wu of the restructuring of the Fujian Province into "Office of Executive Yuan On Offshore Islands", who is in charge of all related affairs of offshore islands. He will keep abreast(3) with this case in hopes it becomes a reality. 監察委員周陽山表示,他曾向吳院長提出,希福建省政府應改為行政院「駐離島辦公室」,統籌離島相關事務。他將持續追蹤本案,希望能實現此一理想。 When the ombudsmen visited Kinmen County Council, Speaker Wang, Zai-Sheng also stated that the building of the Kinmen Bridge is a national major construction, and it should not receive 1/3 of its funding from the local government. In addition, Wang presented several proposals including narrowing down the range of Kinmen National Park to coordinate with development of Kinmen; accelerating the improvement and extension of Kinmen airport; implementing a duty free policy around Kinmen island, etc. 監察委員一行拜會金門縣議會時,議長王再生也提出金門大橋屬國家重大建設,不應由地方政府出資三分之一;金門國家公園範圍應配合發展縮小範圍;加速改善金門尚義機場與航廈擴建;爭取金門零稅率等建議。 【註解】 ●1. streamline-(vt)使簡化;使合理化。 ●2. inheritance-(n)繼承;繼承權;繼承物(遺產)。 ●3. abreast-(adv.)與~並列、並排。be abreast with,指「跟上~」。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年5月4日報導
Director Of CAA: Kinmen Airport Expected To Upgrade Next Year
民航局長:金門航站明年可望升為乙等 Li, Long-Wen (李龍文), Director of Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA), Ministry of Transportation of Communications stated in Kinmen on May 2 that Shangyi Airport will be upgraded to Grade B early next year. CAA also plans to expand the west side terminal, removing bunkers and other obstacles along the runway in accordance with increasing passenger traffic. The original expansion plan was for four years; however, it is hoped that the time frame can be condensed to two years in order to accommodate the 3.5 million passengers that travel by air each year. 交通部民航局局長李龍文5月2日在金門表示,金門航空站最快明年就要升級為乙等航空站,民航局並將規劃進行西側航廈擴建工程,拆除跑道頭碉堡等,以因應與日俱增的客流量。而航廈擴建期程,原先規劃四年,希望壓縮為二年內完成,以容納一年三百五十萬旅客進出。 Li, Long-Wen also stated that the number of closures of the Shangyi Airport caused by heavy fog from February to April was three times more than the same period last year. In addition, with the boost of Mini-Three-Links, the average number of Chinese tourism groups and Taiwanese businessmen recently increased from 400-600 to 2000 per day, resulting in the overcrowding of passengers at the airport due to cancelled or delayed flights caused by heavy fog. 李龍文表示,今年二至四月尚義機場關場率超過去年同期三倍,而旅客運量也因小三通等相關開放措施,經中轉的大陸觀光團、台商人數由過去平均一天四百至六百人,提高到最近平均一天二千人,以致機場稍有狀況,例如因濃霧關場,就造成旅客「滿坑滿谷」現象。 Li also pointed out that although the Kinmen Airport is presently at a Grade C, passenger traffic has increased from 1.72 million in 2008, to 1.98 million in 2009, and already this year from January to April, the number has reached 660,000. Furthermore, the annual transportation is expected to reach 2 million people. According to the CAA stipulation(1), the Shangyi Airport will be upgraded to Grade B next year with an increase in airport station stafff. Prior to the upgrade, the CAA will designate five people from others terminals to assist in the Shanyi Airport. 李龍文並表示,金門航空站目前還是丙等航站,然而自民國九十七年以來,尚義機場客流量就達到一百七十二萬人次,九十八年增為一百九十八萬人次,今年一至四月已經有六十六萬人次,年運量可望達二百萬人次,因此,依規定尚義機場明年將升格為乙等航站,並擴大場站人員編制。升格前,民航局將從其他航站先行抽調五名人力增援。 The suggestions proposed by Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi include the removal of the "Great Wall Bunker" and relevant obstacles along runway 06, and the reduction of visibility of landing minimum from 1200 meters to 800 meterss, Li, Long-Wen indicated that he had negotiated with the Ministry of National Defense and the implementation projects would be separated into two phases. 此外,對金門縣長李沃士建議拆除尚義機場06跑道頭附近的長城堡等障礙物,將航機起降標準由目視能見度一千二百公尺降低為八百公尺以利疏運,李龍文表示,已經和國防部協調分二階段實施。 【註解】 ●1. stipulation-(n)規定;條文。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年5月3日報導
Weekly Major Events 05/03~05/09
一週大事 05/03~05/09 ●Magistrate Li Beat the Drum to Start the Reception of City God On May 8th, the opening ceremony of "Kinmen's Reception of City God 2010" was held at the square in front of "Qing Dynasty's Quemoy Troops Headquarters". The events included the stepping parade, an array of drum and gong performers, the reception of the Gods' Sedan Chairs, and the folk dance, etc. The opening ceremony marked the first climax of the island's greatest temple fair that served to commemorate the Island Wu's City God's migration into Hou-Pu (ancient name for the urban of Jin-Cheng Township). County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi anticipated that all Kinmen residents ardently(1) show up and participate in the event. He also hoped this event-Kinmen's Reception of City God, combining folk and religious activities across-straits, would become one of the most distinctive religious events in Kinmen. ●李縣長鳴鼓 迎城隍揭序幕 「2010金門迎城隍」活動,5月8日晚上在金城鎮清代「金門鎮總兵署」廣場舉行開幕儀式,活動有傳統民俗化妝踩街遊行、鑼鼓陣、迎神輦、民俗舞蹈等精彩節目演出,為全島最盛大的廟會浯島邑主城隍遷治巡安掀起第一波高潮。縣長李沃士期望大家熱烈參與,盼結合兩岸宗教活動,讓金門迎城隍成為金門地區別有特色的一項宗教慶典活動。 ●Over 50 Houses in Xiaoqiu Village About to Collapse; Township Mayor Seeking Aid The sand houses that villagers in Xiaoqiu Village, Wuqiu Township are currently living in are about to collapse. This potential danger has made residents feel anxious and uneasy. To alleviate(2) the problem, township mayor Chen, Xing-Qiu (陳興坵) visited the Kinmen County Council on May 7th, requesting Speaker, Wang, Zai-Sheng to facilitate(3) the evacuation(4) and relocation of affected residents to Kinmen for temporary housing. Chen is also striving to receive financial aid from central government for the reconstruction of these sand houses. ●小坵村50多間房子要倒了 鄉長求助 烏坵鄉小坵村村民居住的海砂屋快塌了,居民寢食不安,鄉長陳興坵5月7日前往議會拜會,希望議長王再生協助安排居民來金門暫居,爭取中央經費補助重建。 ●KKL Undergoes Reshuffle of Key Personnel; County Councilors Sharply Query Involved Parties Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc. (KKL) underwent a reshuffle(5) of its key managing personnel causing much concern among county councilors during an extraordinary legislative session on May 7th. Councilors sharply queried(6) the involved parties. During the meeting, tension heated to a point where a cup cap was thrown into the seats. Several councilors emphasized their determination to take care of their "cash cow"(7) (referring to KKL). ●金酒人事大風吹 議員質詢火力十足 金酒公司主管人事大搬風,5月7日在縣議會臨時會引起多位縣議員的高度關切,質詢火力十足。會中一度出現保溫杯蓋砸向備詢台的畫面。多位議員強調顧好「金雞母」的決心。 ●Sequel To "Eat Drink Man Woman" Planned To Include Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor In Its Footage Well-known international producer, Xu, Li-Gong (徐立功) has been preparing for the shooting of the sequel(8) to "Eat Drink Man Woman". The sequel, which has an estimated cost of approximately 20 million RMB, was scheduled to premier worldwide next Valentine's Day, February 14th,. Xu visited Kinmen County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi to seek for collaboration opportunity. Magistrate Li felt it would be both meaningful and beneficial to have Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor included in the film's footage(9). He looked forward to building up Kinmen's international fame through the movie's promotion of Kinmen's tourism and to bring mutual benefit for both sides. ●飲食男女籌拍續集擬將金酒入鏡 國際知名電影製作人徐立功正籌拍「飲食男女續集」,估計斥資2千萬人民幣,預定明年2月14日情人節全球首映,他5月5日登門向縣長李沃士尋求合作。李縣長認為讓金門高粱酒入鏡,非常有意義,希望透過電影行銷金門觀光產業,將金門推向國際舞台,創造雙贏。 ●Singaporean Chinese Leader Zhang, Song-Sheng Returned To Shamei For Ancestors Worship Zhang, Song-Sheng (張松聲), the Chairman of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, was the fourth son of Zhang, Yun-Zhong (張允中), the initiator and Chairman of the Pacific International Lines (PTE) LTD. Zhang, Song-Sheng returned to Kinmen on May 5th and visited the county's administration. During the visit, Zhang invited County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi to have an inspection in Singapore. Zhang returned the morning of May 6th to Shamei, Jinsha Township, to visit his family and worship ancestors. ●星僑領張松聲返沙美祭祖 新加坡中華總商會會長張松聲,也是太平船務創辦人、集團主席張允中之四子,5月5日返抵金門,拜會縣府,邀請縣長李沃士赴新加坡考察,6日一早並返回金沙鎮沙美祭祖探親。 ●Director Hou Anticipates the Facilitation of Kinmen-Xiamen Film Festival Hou, Xiao-Xian (侯孝賢), the Chairman of the Executive Committee in Golden Horse Film Festival, visited Kinmen County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi on May 6th. Hou remarked that since Kinmen did not presently have adequate facilities to hold the Golden Horse Award Ceremony, it should promote the "Kinmen-Xiamen Film Festival" instead in the first place while waiting for the right time to request holding the Award Ceremony. Hou, Xiao-Xian also stated that in addition to holding a film festival in Kinmen, he wanted to film a movie in Kinmen in the future. ●推動金廈影展 侯導有夢 金馬影展執行委員會主席侯孝賢5月6日拜會縣長李沃士,針對金馬獎頒獎典禮移至金門舉辦,認為金門條件不足,建議明年起先在金門推動「金廈兩門影展」,待時機成熟再爭取舉辦頒獎典禮。侯孝賢並表示,不但要到金門辦影展,未來還想到金門拍電影。 【註解】 ●1. ardently-(adv)熱心地;熱切地。 ●2. alleviate-(vt.)減輕、緩和。 ●3. facilitate-(vt.)促進、幫助。 ●4. evacuation-(n)撤離;疏散。 ●5. reshuffle-(n)改組;改革。重新洗牌。 ●6. query-(vt.)質問、詢問。 ●7. cash cow-搖錢樹、金雞母。 ●8. sequel-(n)續集;續篇。 ●9. footage-(n)影片中的一個鏡頭。