Magistrate Li Successfully Promotes Kinmen At Cross-Strait Forum
海峽論壇大會行銷金門奏功 Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi, representative delegation from county government, County Council Speaker, Wang, Zai-Shang, and several councilors returned to Kinmen on the evening of June 20 after attending the Cross-Strait Forum and visiting the Jinmen Compatriots Association. They discussed with authorities issues related to Mini-Three-Links across Kinmen-Xiamen Strait, and communicated with each other the topics of tourism and interaction. They also reached numerous cooperation consensuses. 縣長李沃士率縣府代表團成員,與縣議會議長王再生領隊的多位議員,在參加海峽論壇大會及拜會金胞聯之後,20日傍晚搭船返回金門。此行,除與大陸官員就金廈小三通和旅遊、交流等議題進行溝通之外,也達成多項合作共識。 Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi was invited to participate in "The Second Cross-Strait Forum" and "The Third Cross-Strait (Xiamen) Cultural Industries Fair." Limited by the regular session of the Kinmen County Council, Magistrate Li could arrange only a two and half day trip from June18 to 20. The most important event of this short pioneering journey was to take "Gold Dragon" (金龍輪) ferry directly from Shuitou Pier in Kinmen to Zhao Yin port area (招銀港區) in Zhangzhou, China. Li also hopes that the route from Kinmen to Zhangzhou will become a regular travel route, expanding the Mini-Three-Links navigation site. 縣長李沃士受邀參加「第二屆海峽論壇含第三屆海峽兩岸(廈門)文化產業博覽交易會」,由於適逢金門縣議會定期大會,行程上只能安排十八日至二十日二天半。雖然行程很短,但此行最重要就是首日搭乘「金龍輪」從水頭碼頭直航漳州招銀港,完成歷史性首航創舉。李沃士也希望未來能將金門至漳州開通為常態性航班,擴大小三通通航點。 In addition, Magistrate Li was also invited to deliver a speech with the subject of "Cross-strait cooperation to submit proposal of World Heritage so as to create a win-win situation" during the "City Forum" at The Third Cross-Strait (Xiamen) Cultural Industries Fair, and successfully promote Kinmen. 另外,此行李沃士也應邀在第三屆海峽兩岸(廈門)文化產業博覽交易會的「城市論壇」,以「兩岸合報世遺‧共創雙贏」為題,發表專題演講,成功行銷金門。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年06月21日報導
Weekly Major Events 06/21~06/27
一週大事 06/21~06/27 ●Swim Across Kinmen-Xiamen Strait Recruiting Lifeguards The 2010 Swim Accross Kinmen-Xiamen Strait will begin on August 8th. Kinmen County Fire Bureau recruited (1) 40 lifeguards (2) to participate in the on-sea monitor. The route of the swim starts in Little Kinmen (Lie-Yu Township) and ends in Xiamen. The entire course is around seven kilometers, and has 100 contestants. (3) On-sea monitor relies on 100 inflatable (4) rubber boats (IRB), provided by Xiamen, driven by 100 boat operators. Besides boat operators, lifeguards will be deployed (5) on boats. Forty of the lifeguards recruited by Kinmen County Fire Bureau will be responsible for the safety of the 40 Kinmenese contestants. ●金廈泳渡招募救生員 99年度金廈海域泳渡活動,將於8月8日舉行,金門縣消防局招募救生員40名,參與執行這次活動海上戒護工作。此次金廈海域泳渡活動,路線將以小金門為起點,廈門為終點,全程約7公里。參加選手為1百人。海上戒護工作則由廈門支援橡皮艇(IRB)100艘,配置操艇人員100名。此外,40艘救生艇之救生員,負責戒護40名金門選手。 ●God Of Clam Cookery Contest Accepting Applications The God of Clam Cookery Contest in the "Beautiful Summer Vacation in Kinmen-2010 Beach Clam Season Series in Jinhu Township" will start accepting applications until July 2nd. The contest will be held in Chen Gong Inlet Square. The team that wins first place will be rewarded 10,000 NT dollars. ●〈花蛤食神大賽〉即起受理報名 「夏豔‧金門─2010金湖鎮海灘花蛤季系列活動」之「花蛤食神大賽」,即日起受理報名至七月二日止。該項食神大賽預定七月十八日舉辦,地點在成功出海口廣場。得到第一名的隊伍,可得獎金一萬元。 ●Jincheng Police Resolved A Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Burglary Bringing Five Suspects To Justice Jincheng Police Station, Jincheng Precinct (6) announced on June 21st they've resolved a Kinmen Gaoliang Liquor burglary. (7) Chen, a teenager, conspired (8) with two other teenagers, Xu and Wu, in the crime, successfully stealing 95 dozen containers of Gaoliang Liquor from Chen's own residence. The accused teenagers sold the liquor at lower prices to local dealers Zhang and Yang. The teenagers have already consumed the money they received from the crime-around eight hundred thousand NT dollars. ●城警偵破金酒竊案五嫌移送法辦 金城分局金城派出所21日宣佈偵破一起金門高粱酒竊盜案,陳姓少年夥同許姓、吳姓二位同學,多次竊取家中存放之高粱酒,前後共計95打,再以低於市價之價格賣給張姓、楊姓二人,犯罪所得約80萬元,均已花用殆盡。 ●Yilan County's Kinmen Fellow Association Established Yilan County's Kinmen Fellow Association was established on June 20th with Li, Zeng-He (李增河) as the association's Chairman. Xue, Cheng-Tai, Governor of Fujian Provincial Government, gave the association a congratulatory (9) plaque in his own handwriting to express his felicitation. (10) County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi, visited Xiamen, accompanied by twelve chairmen from Kinmen Fellow Associations all around Taiwan and designated Chen, Yong-Fu (陳永富), Director of Taipei Service Center, Kinmen County Government to attend the event. ●宜蘭縣金門同鄉會誕生 宜蘭縣金門同鄉會20日正式誕生,由李增河當選創會理事長,福建省主席薛承泰特別親書賀匾祝賀。縣長李沃士由於率縣府團隊及旅台十二個金門同鄉會理事長前往廈門赴會,特別指派縣府台北服務處主任陳永富代表出席。 ●Annual 2nd Semester Tuition Subsidy Benefits 4190 Students The audit on applications for student's Tuition Subsidy in the second semester of the 2009-10 academic year was completed by the Education Bureau, Kinmen County Government. A total of 4,190 students benefited from the 16,922,500 NT financial aid. According to Education Bureau's statistics, the beneficiaries included 1,619 students from Kinmen Institute of Technology, 631 students from Kinmen Senior High School, 911 students from Kinmen Agricultural and Industrial Vocational Senior High School, 960 non-local college students, and 69 non-local students from the vocational and senior high schools. ●年度第2學期就學津貼4190位學子受惠 金門縣政府98學年度第2學期「學生就學津貼」申請案,業經教育局審核完畢,總計有4,190位學子受惠,計發出就學津貼新台幣1,692萬2,500元。據縣府教育局統計,本年度受惠學子當中,金門技術學院學生有1,619人,金門高中631人,金門農工職校計911人。另旅台大專學生則有960人,旅台高中職學生69人。 ●Qionglin Added New Wind-Lion God Statue Qionglin resident Cai, Qi-Tai (蔡淇泰), with his ingenuity, (11) created a Wind-Lion God statue that sprays water automatically. He put the statue at the entrance of the deserted (12) Qionglin Resort, making it an eye-catching landmark. This modern Wind-Lion God is equipped with sensors which will activate an automatic spray when pedestrians or cars pass by it. ●瓊林新增一尊風獅爺 瓊林居民蔡淇泰發揮個人創意巧思,最近創作了一尊「噴水風獅爺」,他還把這尊風獅爺設置在昔日的瓊林度假村入口,相當醒目。這尊現代風獅爺裝有感應器,只要前方有車輛、民眾路過就會立刻噴水,相當有趣。 ●County Councilors Accuse Council Speaker of Misconduct During Kinmen Council's fifth regular session, a procedural dispute developed over the council's budget audit. The heated controversy (13) spread outside the assembly hall. Councilors Lin, Jin-Liang (林金量) and Yang, Yong-Li (楊永立), accused Speaker Wang, Zai-Sheng (王再生) of misconduct and demanded an apology from the speaker. Wang, Zai-Sheng stressed that he had hosted the session according to the law and had followed all related procedures. ●議員申告議長涉嫌瀆職 金門縣議會第五次定期會,有關議會自家預算審議的程序之爭,24日延燒到議場外,縣議員林金量、楊永立等人向金門檢署按鈴申告,指縣議長王再生涉嫌違法瀆職,要求議長道歉。王再生則表示,一切程序皆依法辦理。 ●Information on the National Examination Will Be Broadcasted on NER Ministry of Examination and National Education Radio (NER) will cooperate with each other for the first time to serve the examinees. Starting from July 4th, a radio program named "Golden License, Iron Rice Bowl (lifelong job)" that publicizes (14) national examinations, will be on air. After the program is broadcasted, it will remain audible on the radio station's website for sixty days, welcoming Kinmen examinee interested in attending any kind of national examination to listen to it online. ●國家考試資訊將在教育廣播電台聽得到 考選部首度與教育廣播電台合作,7月4日起,每週日晚間7時30分至8時推出宣導國家考試節目「金證照,鐵飯碗」節目。該項節目於播出後,將在該電台網站保留六十天,歡迎金門考生利用電腦點選節目線上收聽。 ●Jincheng Township Held An Introductory Session To Help Residents Understand ECFA To help Kinmen residents understand ECFA, an important issue that affects resident's living, Jincheng Township held an introductory session, inviting Liu, Zhi-Hong (劉志宏), First Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, to give a speech specifically addressing ECFA. Liu, Zhi-Hong indicated that after the ECFA is signed, a stable cross-strait economic and commerce cooperation framework can be established and a positive cross-strait interactive mechanism can be launched. This will strengthen ROC's competiveness in the international market and stabilize its economic growth. Liu appealed to fellow Kinmenese for their support. ●讓鄉親了解ECFA金城鎮所說明會 為了讓金門鄉親了解與全民息息相關的ECFA議題,金城鎮公所25日舉辦說明會,邀請經濟部一等祕書劉志宏專題演講。劉志宏指出,ECFA簽署後,將可建立兩岸穩定的經貿合作架構,開啟兩岸良性互動的機制,強化我國在國際市場的競爭力,穩定經濟成長。他並籲請金門鄉親多加支持。 【註解】 ●1. recruit-(vt.)招募、聘用。 ●2. lifeguard-(n)救生員。 ●3. contestant-(n)參加競賽者;角逐者。 ●4. inflatable-(adj.)膨脹的。inflatable rubber boat指充器式橡膠艇,簡稱IRB。 ●5. deploy-(vi.)部署。 ●6. Precinct-(n)警方的管轄區。此處指「分局」。 ●7. burglary-(n)夜盜;破門竊盜。 ●8. conspire-(vt.)密謀;共謀。 ●9. congratulatory-(adj.)恭賀的;祝賀的。 ●10. felicitation-(n)祝賀。 ●11. ingenuity-(n)心靈手巧;足智多謀。 ●.12. desert-(vi.)拋棄、遺棄。逃跑、開小差,擅離職守。 ●13. controversy-(n)爭論、爭議。heated即激昂、熱烈的。 ●14. publicize-(vt.)宣傳;公布;廣告。
Magistrate Li Invited To Deliver A Speech At The CIF In Xiamen To Promote Kinmen
李沃士應邀文博會演講 行銷金門 Kinmen County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi was invited to participate in the opening ceremony of the Third Cross-Strait (Xiamen) Cultural Industries Fair (CIF) and delivered a speech on the "City Forum." The subject of the speech was "Cross-strait Cooperation To Submit Proposal Of World Heritage." 金門縣長李沃士19日獲邀出席第三屆海峽兩岸(廈門)文化產業博覽交易會開幕式,並在「城市論壇」中,以兩岸共同申報世遺為題發表專題演講。 Li, Wo-Shi said in his speech that southern Fujian culture has typical character. Take numerous traditional villages as an example, they are scattered throughout the southern Fujian coast and offshore islands, thus having become the living evidence of southern Fujian Culture and important culture heritages, as well as the sites for non-renewable (1) culture landscape (2). 李沃士在演講中指出,閩南文化極具典型。特別是分布在閩南沿海與島嶼地區為數眾多的傳統古聚落,已成為閩南文化的活證物,是重要的文化遺產和不可再生的人文景觀。 Li, Wo-Shi emphasized that Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, Xiamen, Kinmen and other places all belong to the Fujian culture, where language, culture and lifestyle run in the same groove (3). Therefore, from the standpoint of the "culture circle" of world cultural heritage, it is very reasonable that Kinmen, Xiamen, Quanzhou, and Zhangzhou (Fujian Four Places) should submit a proposal for world heritage together. 李沃士強調,同屬閩南文化範圍的泉州、漳州、廈門、金門等地,語言、文化、生活習慣同出一脈。從世界文化遺產強調的「文化圈」觀念而言,由金、廈、漳、泉「閩南四地」共同提出申請,非常合理。 Li, Wo-Shi and related officers not only participated in the Opening Ceremony of CIF, but also attended the Cross-Strait Forum on June 20, along with visiting the Jinmen Compatriots Association. 李沃士一行,除了參加文博會開幕式,20日並出席海峽論壇,拜會金門同胞聯誼會。 【註解】 ●1. renewable-(adj.)可更新、可持續、可恢復的。前面加上non- 就成為相反詞,指「不可再生」的。 ●2. landscape-(n)陸上的風景、景色。即地景。culture landscape則是人文地景。 ●3. groove-(n)習慣、常規。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年06月20日報導
Weekly Major Events 06/14~06/20
一週大事 06/14~06/20 ●Kinmen Chosen As One Of The Low-Carbon Counties Kinmen was selected to be one the first counties to implement the "Low-Carbon City" program mapped out by Executive Yuan. Being very concerned, Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi held a meeting on June 17th to discuss this issue with related subordinate agencies. Magistrate Li stated that, according to Executive Yuan's planning, this program is to create six low-carbon cities by 2014-Kinmen and Penghu being the first chosen counties, with four additional cities to be selected from the mechanism of competition. The total investment in this program is 30 billion NT dollars. ●金門入選低碳島縣市 行政院規劃的「低碳城市推動方案」中,金門獲選為第1波實施的縣市之一。縣長李沃士相當重視,17日邀集相關單位座談。李縣長指出,行政院這項方案,預定在民國103年打造6個低碳城市,其中金門、澎湖為第一波,另4個城市則透過競爭機制遴選,總投資高達300億元。 ●Consumers Requested Cutting Flight & Ferry Ticket Prices Remarks are constantly made about the price of air plane and Mini-Three-Links ferry tickets being higher than other routes. According to the statistics, the average Passenger Load Factor (1) between Taiwan-Kinmen has reached 75%, and is the most popular "golden route" in Taiwan. Consumers hope the airlines will adjust prices appropriately, and recover the 50% discount for children between 2 to 12 years of age. In addition, there are three routes among the Mini-Three-Links with destination travel to Dongdu, Wutong in Xiamen, and Shijing in QuanZhou. Although their route is different, the price is the same. Many consumers feel the price is not reasonable. ●台金機票、船票 民眾要求調降 台金機票、小三通船票價偏高,長期不斷有民眾反映。據統計,台金航線總載客率平均達七成五,是目前國內最熱門的「黃金航線」,消費者希望航空業者能適度回饋調降票價;也希望2歲至12歲幼童能恢復原先的對折優惠。此外,小三通有東渡、五通、泉州石井等3條航線,航程不同卻收取相同票價,消費者也反映有偏高之嫌。 ●Dragon Boat Racing in Kinmen The second Kinmen County Dragon Boat Race was held in Shuang-Li (Twin Carps) Lake, Guningtou on June 16. There were about 300 participants in this activity. The champion of the social men's group was KKL, and the champion of the social women's group was Kinmen Vocational High School. Magistrate Li expects to see the Kinmen Dragon Boat Races expand and become one of the important folk activities. County Council Speaker Wang, Zai-Sheng anticipates this activity will attract more tourist participation, thus bringing new opportunity for Kinmen tourism. ●端午金門舉行龍舟賽 2010金門縣第二屆端午節龍舟賽,16日在古寧頭雙鯉湖舉行,共有近300名選手參加,社會男子組由金酒公司奪冠,社會女子組由金門農工職校封后。李縣長期待金門的端午龍舟賽能逐步擴大,成為傳統民俗的重要活動之一。議長王再生則期待吸引更多觀光客參與,為金門觀光產業注入活水。 ●Drawing Result For WuQiu Township Councilors Disclosed Winner-Lin, You-Jin There were five candidates running for 3 seats in the 8th WuQiu Township Councilors Election. Candidates Lin, You-Jin (林有進) and Cai, Jin-Zhao (蔡金照) each received 69 votes. In accordance to the provision of the law, Lin and Cai attended a drawing held at WuQiu Township Office on June 14th, with Lin, You-Jin becoming the new township councilor. ●烏坵鄉代同票抽籤 林有進出線 烏坵鄉第8屆鄉代表選舉,5位候選人爭取3個席次,其中得票數排序第三的候選人有林有進、蔡金照兩人,同樣是69票。依選罷法相關規定,兩人於14日上午在烏坵鄉公所公開抽籤,結果由林有進出線,當選為鄉民代表。 【註解】 ●1. factor-(n)係數、商數。此處指載客「率」,亦可翻譯為Passenger Load Rate。
Kinmen To Be Highlighted During The Centurial Anniversary Of R.O.C
慶祝建國百年金門要讓世界看得見 Emile Chih-jen Sheng (盛治仁), Minister of the Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA), Executive Yuan, visited Kinmen on June 7th to inspect the proposed locations for the "Centurial Anniversary of ROC." 行政院文建會主委盛治仁7日抵金門踏勘「建國百年」慶典活動的相關據點。 Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi mentioned, Kinmen and Matzu, coexisting with ROC's sovereignty (1) for a complete century, are two of the only counties that have the longevity (2) of ROC. According to Magistrate Li, Kinmen is very excited, and looking forward to participating in the preparation of this centurial celebration. The motif (3) for this celebration will be a manifestation of the spirit of "Overseas Chinese, the Mother of Revolution," and battlefield, war, peace, and art will be combined into it. 縣長李沃士指出,金門與馬祖陪著中華民國完整走過一百年,是真正「與國同壽」的縣市,對參與籌辦建國百年慶典,金門感到期待與興奮。將以彰顯「華僑為革命之母」精神,以及戰地等主軸,將戰爭和平與藝術結合在一起。 During the inspection, Emile discovered the infinite (4) potential of Kinmen. He hopes that through this centurial anniversary, the entire world will know about Kinmen. Governor Xue, Cheng-Tai mentioned that Kinmen owns the southern Fujian culture, Overseas Chinese's hometown culture, battlefield culture and liquor culture. It's hard to find a precious and unique place like Kinmen in the world. 盛治仁表示,經過此次踏勘,發現金門潛力無窮,希望藉由建國百年活動,讓國際看見金門。省主席薛承泰則表示,金門有閩南文化、僑鄉文化、戰地文化、白酒文化,全世界再也找不到像金門這樣的地方,非常難得。 Zhang, Qing-Xiang (張慶翔), the Commander of Kinmen Defense Command also mentioned that the centurial anniversary is very important for the ROC, and that the army will do whatever they can to support the celebration. 金防部指揮官張慶翔也表示,建國百年是國家大事,軍方將以最大力量支持共襄盛舉。 【註解】 ●1. sovereignty-(n)主權;統治權。 ●2. longevity-(n)壽命;長壽。 ●3. motif-(n)中心思想,主題,主旨。 ●4. infinite-(adj.)無限的;極大的。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年6月8日報導
Malaysian Dato' Tan Seng Leong Brought His Descendants Home to Worship Their Ancestors
大馬拿督陳成龍率子媳返鄉祭祖 Dato' (1) Tan Seng Leong (拿督陳成龍), an acclaimed (2) "Industry Doctor" in Malaysia, brought his children and grandchildren home to worship their ancestors in Kinmen in the company of his wife Datin Lin, Xiu-Rong (拿汀林秀容) on June 6th. Dato' Tan Seng Leong expressed his desire for his descendants to know they were all originally from Kinmen 在馬來西亞有「產業醫生」之譽的「拿督」陳成龍(博士),6日偕同妻子-「拿汀」林秀容女士,領著兒孫回到金門尋根祭祖。陳成龍表示,他要讓自己的後輩知道他們的根源來自金門。 Dato' Tan Seng Leong was the initiator (3) of the BCB BERHAD (龍城集團). He was the third generation of Kinmen Han Chinese Immigrants in Malaysia. He was raised in a humble fisherman's family, and earned his own wealth from nothing. He had been awarded the Malaysian Successful Business Initiator (4) Award in 1996. He also earned acclaims such as "Industry Doctor " and "Kluang City Development Precursor (4)." 陳成龍是「龍城集團」的創辦人,他是金門人在馬來西亞的第三代。他的出身是一個漁販家庭,白手起家,事業有成;一九九六年曾榮獲馬來西亞創業成功人物獎。在馬來西亞有「產業醫生」和「居鑾(市)發展之父」等美譽。 This time, Dato' Tan Seng Leong returned home not only to worship his ancestors, but also to attend the shooting of "The Quest" (落番), a film produced by Kinmen National Park. He also visited the provincials government, the county government, and the county council. 陳成龍此次返鄉,除了祭祖,也應邀參與金門國家公園《落番》影片的拍攝,還前往省府、縣府、議會等處拜會。 【註解】 ●1. Dato'-(n)拿督。馬來西亞的一種封銜,比太平局紳(紳士,Justice of the Peace)頭銜高級。冊封標準是對國家有傑出貢獻,受封儀式多在王宮進行。拿督封銜又再細分三等級別。擁有拿督頭銜者為男士,其配偶尊稱為拿汀(Datin)。 ●2. acclaimed-(adj.)受讚揚的。 ●3. initiator-(n)創始者。 ●4. precursor-(n)先驅者;前輩。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年6月7日報導
Weekly Major Events 06/07~06/13
一週大事 06/07~06/13 ●Two-In-One Election Turnout Average 42.56% The tenth township councilors and village chiefs election (the eighth in Wu Qiu Village) in Kinmen County was held on June 12. A total of 32,102 people, or 42.89% participated in voting for township councilors, and the number of village chiefs election amounts to 31,540, a turnout (1) of 42.23%. Wu Qiu Village, which belongs to Kinmen County, was the first district to complete counting and announce the results of the ballots. In Wu Qiu, two candidates for township councilors received the same number of ballots (2); therefore, the final result will be decided by a drawing at 10 a.m. in Wu Qiu township office on June 14. ●二合一選舉平均投票率42.56% 金門縣第10屆(烏坵鄉第8屆)鄉(鎮)民代表暨村(里)長12日投票,其中,鄉鎮民代表選舉實投票人數3萬2千102人,投票率42.89%;村(里)長選舉的實投票人數3萬1千540人,投票率42.23%。金門縣所屬的烏坵鄉,是全國第一個開出選票的,且鄉民代表選舉有2人因票數相同,預定14日上午10時在烏坵鄉公所以抽籤決定當選與否。 ●Fisheries Research Institute Released Horseshoe Crab In Guningtou Conservation Area Fisheries Research Institute of Kinmen County released 30 pairs of adult, and approximately ten thousand baby horseshoe crabs. Superintendents in all areas of government, and more than 200 Junior High and elementary students participated in this event. Also, 30 students from Renoir Creative School in Taiwan, who came to Kinmen National Park for their outdoor education, were excited about touching horseshoe crabs for the first time. ●古寧頭保育區水試所展開鱟放流 金門縣水產試驗所11日一大早在古寧頭鱟保育區,進行放流卅對成鱟及十萬餘尾稚鱟。地區各界首長與中、小學生二百多人參與。此次還有來自台灣的諾瓦國小三十名學生,到金門國家公園進行戶外教學,他們首次接觸鱟,十分興奮。 ●Councilors Accompanied By County Govt. Officers Inspected Proposed DFS Sites When the County Government opened the application for duty-free shops (DFS), a total of eight businesses submitted their applications. During the interpellation (3) session of the County Council, the Council Speaker, Wang, Zai-Sheng led councilors accompanied by Magistrate, Li, Wo-Shi to the Mini-Three-Links Pier in Shuitou and Shangyi Airport to hold an on-site inspection of the scheduled delivery area of duty-free shops on June 10. Councilors urged the County Government to draw up an overall plan, and pursue the goal of being a duty-free island. ●府會首長偕議員實勘免稅店預定地 縣府開放免稅商店申請,總計有八家業者提出申請,縣議會10日利用縣政總質詢時間,由議長王再生率同議員,由縣長李沃士陪同,前往水頭小三通碼頭及尚義機場實地勘查免稅商店提貨區預定地。議會希望縣府儘速整體規劃,早日建設成為免稅島。 ●Mainland Fishing Boats Intercepted Smuggling Of Live Birds Kinmen Coastal Patrol Directorate General intercepted a Mainland fishing boat in the early morning on June 10 and arrested two suspects from China who were attempting to smuggle live birds into Kinmen. A total of ten boxes, 675 live birds were foraged (4), including 25 endangered species, Hwamei (Leucodioptron canorum), all which have to be killed according to the standard operating procedure. ●大陸漁船走私禽鳥遭截獲 金門岸巡總隊10日凌晨在金沙鎮洋山灣外海攔截一艘走私大陸漁船,逮捕二名涉嫌走私活體禽鳥的大陸男子,起出10箱675隻禽鳥,其中有25隻是保育類的畫眉鳥,均依標準程序予以撲殺。 ●Fatal Car Accident On Huan-Dao North Road A car accident occurred on Huan-Dao North Road early morning of June 9. It was suspected that a sedan accidentally hit some casuarinas (5) after overtaking a car, resulting in casualty of a couple, of whom the husband was dead, and the wife injured. According to the preliminary police investigation, the driver may have overtaken from the left side, thus accidentally hitting the trees which were on the right side. ●環島北路傳死亡車禍 環島北路9日清晨發生一起車禍,一輛自小客車疑似超車後不慎撞上木麻黃,導致一對夫妻一死一傷。根據警方初步調查,車禍原因,可能是駕駛人於左側超車後,不慎撞上右側行道樹所致。 ●Touching Memorial Ceremony For Tzu-Chi Volunteer, Li,Guo-Ming Buddhist Tzu-Chi Foundation Kinmen Branch held a memorial ceremony on June 6 for volunteer, Li, Guo-Ming (李國銘) who had passed away. Li was a former junior high English teacher, active supporter of local charity, the first seed of Tzu-Chi Foundation in Kinmen and its first committee member. He impressed the local people by riding a unicycle (6) up and down Mountain Taiwu while playing a flute. Besides, he also frequently played all kinds of musical instruments to amuse the patients in the hospital. He passed away due to illness in Taiwan on May 21 this year. ●慈濟人李國銘追思會場景動人 佛教慈濟基金會金門共修處6日為已往生的慈濟人李國銘舉辦追思會。曾任金湖國中英語教師的李國銘,生前熱心公益,是慈濟在金門的第一顆種子、第一位委員。最讓人印象深刻的,是他邊吹笛子,騎獨輪車上下太武山;他經常以演奏樂器為醫院裡的病人製造快樂。今年五月二十一日他因病在台往生。 【註解】 ●1. turnout-(n)出席人數。此處指投票率。 ●2. ballot-(n)投票總數。 ●3. interpellation-(n)質詢。 ●4. forage-(vt.)搜索。 ●5. casuarina-(n)木麻黃。 ●6. unicycle-(n)獨輪腳踏車。
County Government & Council SuPerintendents: Will Continue Support For The Development of NKMU
府會首長:賡續支持金大發展 National Kinmen Institute of Technology (KMIT) is going to upgrade to National Kinmen University on August 1. The last graduation ceremony of KMIT was held at the Kinmen County Stadium on June 5 for a total of 558 graduates. County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi, Council Speaker Wang, Zai-Sheng, other dignitaries (1), and teachers challenged the graduates to continue their hard work to soar (2) to greater heights, and bid (3) them farewell (4) with blessings and encouragement. Officials of Kinmen County Government and County Council also emphasized their continued financial support and assistance in the development of "National Kinmen University" (NKMU), and toward the greater goal of becoming the cross-strait "University Island" 國立金門技術學院即將於今年8月1日升格為國立金門大學,最後一屆金技學院畢業典禮,6月5日在金門縣體育館舉行,558位畢業生在金門縣長李沃士、議長王再生、各界來賓和師長的祝福下,完成階段性的學涯,展翅高飛。金門府會首長也強調會繼續支持協助「金門大學」,建設發展,朝兩岸「大學島」的目標往前邁進。 In the speech delivered by Magistrate Li, he mentioned that with efforts made by all walks of life (5), KMIT is going to upgrade to the NKMU on August 1, which is not only the glory of Kinmen, but also the most important milestone of the development of Kinmen. Li said that the future of NKMU still has a long way to go, and Kinmen County Government, County Council, and Kinmen Fellow Associations will continue to assist NKMU in moving forward to complete the next phase, approaching the goal of becoming a cross strait "University Island." 縣長李沃士應邀致詞時表示,在各界的共同努力下,金技學院即將於今年8月1日升格改為「國立金門大學」,這是金門的榮耀,也是金門發展的重要里程碑。他說,金門大學未來還有很漫長的路要走,金門縣政府、縣議會和金門鄉親會繼續協助金門大學往前邁進,完成下一階段成為兩岸大學島的目標。 Council Speaker, Wang said that education was a long term and monumental (6) work, and thanked the teachers for all their hard work at KMIT. 議長王再生說,教育是百年樹人的工作,他感謝金技學院的教師辛勤耕耘這一塊園地。 【註解】 ●1. dignitary-(n)顯貴;要人。 ●2. soar-(vi.)高飛、遨翔;向上躍升、飛舞。 ●3. bid-(vt.)祝~;向~表示;命令、吩咐。 ●4. farewell-(n)告別辭;告別。 ●5. walk of life-(n)指社會上某一特定階層或特定行業。此處all walks of life指「各界」。 ●6. monumental-(adj.)巨大、重要的;紀念性的;留存於歷史上、不朽的。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年6月6日報導
Weekly Major Events 05/31~06/06
一週大事 05/31~06/06 ●Kinmen's Population Surpasses 95,000 The total of Kinmen's population has surpassed (1) 95,000. According to the statistics of Civil Affairs Bureau, Kinmen County Government, Kinmen's population is 95,038 in total. Among them, 48,937 are males, 46,101 are females. The number of household amounts to 32,031. Jincheng Township population has the highest density with 31,919. In regard to marriages involving foreign or mainland spouses, there are 474 foreign spouses and 1,456 mainland spouses. ●金門人口數突破九萬五千大關 金門縣總人口數已經突破九萬五千大關。根據金門縣政府民政局99年5月份統計,金門縣總人口數為九萬五千零三十八人,其中男性四萬八千九百三十七人、女性四萬六千一百零一人,家戶數總計三萬二千零三十一戶。其中又以金城鎮人口最稠密,總人口數為三萬一千九百一十九人。在陸配、外籍配偶人數統計方面,全縣計有大陸配偶一千四百五十六人,外籍配偶四百七十四人。 ●Ombudsman: Kinmen Hospital Should Provide Residents Better Medical Care Ombudsman Huang, Huang Xiong (黃煌雄) arrived in Kinmen on June 3rd to host a conference named "Comprehensive Monitor On The Universal Healthcare Insurance". He also initiated an inspection of the Lieyu Branch of Kinmen Hospital. When interviewed, Huang admonished (2) that the Kinmen Hospital should carry fully its responsibility and provide the residents with better medical care. Concerning Little Kinmen's healthcare, Ombudsman Huang considered the fundamental problem to be transportation. Once the Kinmen Bridge is completed, the problem would be effectively resolved. ●監委:署醫應給鄉民更好醫療服務 監察院監察委員黃煌雄6月3日抵金門辦理「全民健康保險總體檢」座談,4日並巡察署立醫院烈嶼分院。黃煌雄受訪時表示,署金醫院應善盡職責,為金門鄉親提供更好的醫療服務。有關小金門醫療,他認為根本問題在交通,只要金門大橋興建完成,當能有效解決問題。 ●Coast Guard Administration Organized A Mini-Three-Links Shipwreck Drill The Offshore Flotilla (3) 9 of Maritime Patrol Directorate (4) General, Coast Guard Administration, Executive Yuan, organized a Mini-Three-Links shipwreck (5) cooperative assistance drill (6) on June 3rd. In total, there were 11 units that participated in the exercise with 11 boats and 131 people being mobilized (7). The implementation of the drill was realistic and highly acclaimed (8) by county Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi. Magistrate Li revealed there would be a cross-strait shipwreck joint cooperative assistance drill in August this year. ●海巡署舉辦小三通船難救助演練 行政院海岸巡防署海洋巡防總局第九(金門)海巡隊6月3日舉辦小三通船難聯合救助(護)實作演練,總共有十一個單位參與,動員大小船艇十一艘、一百三十人參演;實演過程逼真,金門縣長李沃士給予高度肯定,並透露兩岸將在今年八月份共同舉辦一項海難救助聯合演練。 ●Students in KMVS Revealed The Enrollees' List Domestic universities and colleges offered offshore students in National Kinmen Agricultural and Industrial Vocational Senior High School (KMVS) a quota of 217 this year. The KMVS handled its 4-Year Technological & 2-Year Junior College Recommendation & Selection of offshore students who would "tear up the enrollee's (9) list" (revealed the enrollment list). The school stated that of the 325 graduates, 243 of them had offshore student qualification. The actual number of participants in "tearing up the enrollee's list" was 220. ●217個大學院校名額農工學生昨撕榜 國內各大專院校今年提供給金門農工的離島生推甄名額共有217個名額;金門農工6月2日辦理四技二專推薦甄選離島考生「撕榜」。校方表示,今年應屆畢業生有325人,其中243人具有離島生資格,實際參與撕榜者約二百二十人。 ●Kinmen Crowned as the Champion in Fujian Amateur Basketball Tournament Kinmen formed a basketball team that participated in the 2010 Amateur Opening in China (Fujian Division) and the 7th Fujian Tianxiang Cup Amateur Opening, and courageously (10) won the championship. The team returned with accolades (11) on June 2nd and turned in the Champion Cup to Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi. Li, Shang-Jie (李尚傑), Chairman of Kinmen's Basketball Committee, thought Kinmen Basketball Team should attribute their success to Coach Luo, Tian-Jin's (羅天金) training and coaching, and the players' overall performance. ●福建業餘籃賽金門代表隊封王 金門縣組隊參加2010年大陸業餘籃球公開賽(福建賽區)暨第七屆福建省天香杯業餘籃球公開賽,勇奪冠軍。代表隊成員6月2日載譽凱歸,將冠軍杯榮耀呈獻給金門縣大家長縣長李沃士。金門縣籃委會主委李尚傑認為,金門代表隊能有好成績,要歸功教練羅天金的訓練和指揮,以及球員整體表現。 ●Four of Eight Firms Applying for the Right of Becoming A Duty-Free Shop Will Be Admitted Kinmen government had accepted the applications of municipal duty-free shops. Currently, there are eight firms seeking one of the four available spots. The county government indicates the selection of duty-free shops will be made in July. Whichever four are selected will need to open their stores within two months after selection. With this effort, county government wishes to create a shopping paradise in Kinmen ●首波申設市區免稅商店8搶4 金門縣政府受理市區免稅購物商店申設,目前已確定共有八家企業將爭取四個名額。縣府表示,將於七月間辦理評選。中選業者必須在二個月內開店,盼打造金門為觀光購物天堂。 ●Residents Will Decide Kinmen Bridge's Form In a meeting of the Kinmen Bridge Steering Committee held on June 1st, it was concluded that the designing firm would offer five bridge models, and allow Kinmen residents to vote for their favorite design among these five. The Kinmen Bridge construction project is scheduled to have a design draft selected in mid-September this year, complete the contract in mid-October, and enter its construction phase in late-December. ●金門大橋造型將由鄉親決定 金門大橋推動委員6月1日召開會議,會中決議將由設計公司對外公告五款「橋塔造型」,由金門鄉親票選決定。金門大橋預定今年九月中旬由設計公司提出設計初稿,十月中辦理工程發包,十二月底開工。 ●Kinmen International Cultural & Arts Festival Closed Satisfactorily The 16-day Kinmen International Cultural & Arts Festival closed on May 30th, with many eye-catching performances staged that night. Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi viewed the entire closing ceremony, and showed-off some of his dancing skills on the stage to entertain the audience. Li commented that the International Cultural & Arts Festival enriched Kinmen's night life and thanked the organizers for their efforts and contributions to the success of the festival. He also anticipated the quality of Kinmen's leisure, art, and life to be continually improved. ●金門文化藝術節圓滿閉幕 為期十六天的金門國際文化藝術節5月30日閉幕,當晚推出多項精彩演出,縣長李沃士昨全程到場欣賞,並上台小秀舞技,與民同樂。活動吸引七、八百位民眾到場欣賞。李沃士表示,此次金門國際文化藝術節,豐富了金門夜間生活,要感謝承辦單位的努力。他也期許未來金門地區的休閒、生活與藝術也都能持續向前邁進。 【註解】 ●1. surpass-(vt.)大於、多於;勝過。 ●2. admonish-(vt.)提醒;告誡;警告。 ●3. flotilla-(n)(小)艦隊;(小)船隊。 ●4. directorate-(n)理事會、董事會;亦指負責某項特定事務的政府機關,而Directorate General這裡解釋為「總局」,也是海巡總局的正式翻譯名稱。 ●5. shipwreck-(n)海難;船舶失事、沈船。 ●6. drill-(n)操練、演習、訓練。 ●7. mobilize-(vt.)動員、調動。 ●8. acclaim-(vi.)稱讚、喝采。 ●9. enrollee-(n)入學者;上榜者。 ●10. courageously-(adv)英勇地、勇敢地。 ●11. accolade-(n)稱讚、盛讚。
Magistrate Li Personally Promotes Kinmen Shooting Star Project
李縣長親自上陣推銷金門流星計畫 Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, reviewed the "2010 Competitive International Tourism Fascination (1) Site Demonstration Project" on May 28. Kinmen County presented the "Shooting Star Project" to urge a three hundred million dollar subsidy from the central government, to hopefully design and integrate the "ZhaiShan" and "Sihwuei" Tunnels into an unique battlefield site. County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi personally attended the review meeting to urge subsidies from the central government. 交通部觀光局28日審查「99年度競爭型國際觀光魅力據點示範計畫」,金門縣提出「流星計畫」,爭取中央政府補助3億元,希望整合「翟山」、「四維」坑道,設計成具獨特且唯一的戰地景點。縣長李沃士也親自出席審查會議,爭取中央經費補助。 The Shooting Star Project, which reproduces the situation of Kinmen offshore marine trasportation and supply during Civil War, displays magnificent tunnel construction. County Government intends to invest 3.9 hundred million dollars within two years, with the hope that central government will supplement with three hundred million dollars with the local government providing and additional ninety million dollars. The intention is to add a 3D sight and sound effct in Zhaishan and Sihwuei tunnels, and also an imitation of "LCM transport and supply boats" of the bygone (2) years that will shuttle tourists between the tunnels. Features on Little Kinmen will include an imitation of the official military jeep, and a howitzer (3) field thus further creating a unique tour site in Kinmen. 該項流星計畫,以重現國共戰爭時期金門離島海上運補作業實況,並展現壯闊的坑道建設,縣府打算2年內投資3億9千萬元,其中希望由中央補助3億、縣府自籌9千萬元,在翟山、四維坑道內加入3D聲光效果,並打算仿造當年的「LCM運補小艇」,載運觀光客穿梭坑道間,再配合小金門的仿軍方吉普車及榴砲坑道陣地,打造出金門獨有的觀光賣點。 【註解】 ●1. fascination-(n)魅力;有魅力的東西。 ●2. bygone-(adj.)過去的、已逝的。 ●3. howitzer-(n)榴彈砲。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年5月29日報導
Chinese Investment Attracted by Kinmen Welcomed By County Government
陸資看上金門 縣府樂觀其成 Investment Commission, Ministry Of Economic Affairs approved five investment projects proposed by Chinese enterprises on May 27th. Among these projects, Huatian (華天) Shopping Inc. from Xiamen, Fujian cooperated with Zhiming (智明) Investment & Development Inc. from Taiwan to establish a joint venture (1) named Kinmen Yanming (延銘) Inc. and would like to invest in the development of a resort and international shopping center. This first indication of Chinese investors to willingly invest in the tourism industry in Kinmen stirred much public concerns. Kinmen administration showed its approval and anticipation of these investments. 經濟部投資審議委員會27日通過5個大陸企業赴臺投資項目,其中,廈門華天港澳台商購物公司與台灣智明投資開發公司,合資設立了「金門延銘有限公司」,將在金門投資開發休閒渡假村與國際購物中心。由於是第一次有陸資表達投資金門旅遊休閒業的意願,引起高度關注。金門縣政府表達樂觀其成立場。 Kinmen Industrial Development and Investment Promotion Committee indicated that any type of investment beneficial to Kinmen's economy is welcomed. The administration has already provided some incentives and implemented a number of investment-friendly measures, hoping these will encourage more foreign and domestic firms to invest and develop in Kinmen. 金門縣工商發展投資策進會指出,只要對金門經濟有幫助,都竭誠歡迎投資,縣府也訂有相關優惠措施,希望能多鼓勵國內外企業投資金門、發展金門。 According to the data provided by the Industrial Development and Investment Promotion Committee, the current key investments in Kinmen include the Industrial and Business Park BOT Project by Subsidiary (2) Company of Taiwan Land Development Corporation, Commerce Hotel Project in Jinhu Township, Kinmen Industrial and Commercial Resort Project by ASTRO CORP., and Fengshiye (Wind Lion God) Resort Development Project, etc. 根據工商策進會提供的資料,目前金門重大投資還有台灣工商發展公司的工商休閒園區案,金湖商務旅館案、泰偉公司金門工商休閒園區案,風獅爺渡假村開發案等。 【註解】 ●1. joint venture-(n)合資企業。 ●2. subsidiary-(adj.)附屬的、次要的。Subsidiary Company指的是「子公司」。 本文摘譯、改寫自《金門日報》2010年5月30日報導
Weekly Major Events 05/24~05/30
一週大事 05/24~05/30 ●300 Teenagers Biked Around Kinmen Celebrating Their Coming-Of-Age The "100 km Route-Biking Around Kinmen", a ceremony to celebrate the 16th coming-of-age (1), was held on May 29th. Three-hundred teenagers participated in this activity to challenge their limits. Through the ceremony, they wanted to demonstrate their maturity. To encourage those teenagers, both Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi and Council Speaker Wang, Zai-Sheng was present at the ceremony and fired the gun to signal the start of the challenge. ●300青少年鐵馬環島宣告〈轉大人〉 金門縣29日有一項「鐵馬環島100公里」的16歲成年禮挑戰活動,三百多名青少年報名參加挑戰自我,用最特別的方式,向外界宣告自己「轉大人」。這場最特別的成年禮,由縣長李沃士、縣議長王再生等人一起主持鳴槍,並為參加的青少年加油。 ●The Kinmen Motorcyclists Association Established The Kinmen Motorcyclists Association was established on May 29 with riders from Taiwan, Kinmen and Xiamen uniting together in Shamei, Jinsha Township. The group of 20 motorcycles presented a spectacular sight. Wong, Guo-Bao (翁國寶), the elected chairman of the association, claimed that they will hold the activity regularly. The association also stated their strong opposition against drunk riding or drag racing (2). ●金門成立重機協會 金門縣重型機車協會29日成立,台金及廈門車友齊聚金沙鎮沙美參與盛會,現場二十多輛重型機車排排站,十分壯觀。當選首任協會主委的翁國寶說,協會將不定期舉辦活動,而且秉持騎車上路不喝酒、不飆車等原則。 ●Magistrate Li Shot For Exhibition Of NPM-Authorized Replicas In Kinmen In order to celebrate the founding of the R.O.C. a century ago, Magistrate Li,Wo-Shi paid a special visited to Chou, Gong-Xin (周功鑫), the director of the National Palace Museum (NPM) requesting that 70 NPM-authorized replicas (3) of precious national treasure be sent to Kinmen Culture Park for an exhibition which could extend to next Chinese New Year. ●李縣長爭取故宮文物複製品年底來金展出 慶祝中華民國建國一百周年,金門縣長李沃士28日專程拜會故宮博物院院長周功鑫,順利爭取到故宮於年底將70件珍貴的國寶文物複製品搬至金門文化園區展出,展期並可望延長到明年的農曆春節。 ●Regular Session of County Council Began The regular session of the county council started on May 26th, and will last for 30 days. On May 27th, Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi proposed his policy address. He specifically explained the ten policy achievements after his inauguration, then further explained the next ten important policy plans for the second half of this year. He stated that Kinmen is in a critical period, and that the County Government would seize this time to create opportunities for Kinmen with supervision from the County Council. ●議會定期會開議 縣議會第五屆第一次定期會26日開議,將展開一連三十天的會期。27日縣長李沃士向議會提出施政報告,特別將他上任以來十大重要施政成果,以及下半年度十大重要施政計畫一一說明。他強調,金門現階段正處於關鍵時期,縣府會積極把握時間,在議會的監督指導之下,共同為金門創造生機。 ●Reception of City God Rendered A Spectacular Event The "Memorial of the 330th year of Island Wu's City God's Migration into Hou-Pu", began on May 25th. Xue, Cheng-Tai, the Governor of Fujian provincial government, Li, Wo-Shi, Magistrate of Kinmen, Council Speaker, Wang, Zai-Sheng and legislator Chen, Fu-Hai went to the City God Temple with incense, and carrying the City God's sedan chair, and praying for peace and prosperity. With the participation of 27 City Gods from Taiwan, and uniting together for the first time in Kinmen, along with 48 bands of parade formation, 6 centipede (4) processions, other Gods' sedan chairs, and arrays of drum and gong performers, it is estimated that there were more than 10,000 people in attendance, setting a new record in Kinmen. ●城隍遶境 盛況空前 「浯島邑主城隍遷治330週年紀念」遶境巡安活動,25日盛大登場,福建省主席薛承泰、縣長李沃士、議長王再生及立委陳福海特別前往城隍廟拈香並參與扛輦,祈求國泰民安。來自全國各縣市27尊城隍爺首度在金門交會,另有48組陣頭及6座蜈蚣座,加上神輦、鑼鼓隊等,估計參與活動人潮超過萬人,創下歷史紀錄。 ●Praying In the Rain To The Kui-xing God Kinmen Culture Bureau held the "Praying To The Kui Xing, Adding To The List" activity in Kuige (奎閣), a county historical site, on May 23rd. Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi lead students to worship to the Kui Xing God which venerated (5) in Kuige. They prayed for the good luck in taking exams, to pass the examinations and to be added to the enrollment list. ●魁星祈福活動雨中展開 金門縣文化局23日在縣定古蹟「奎閣」舉辦「魁星點榜」祈福活動,縣長李沃士帶領學生虔誠祭拜閣中奉祀的魁星爺,祈祝庇祐考運亨通、金榜題名。 【註解】 ●1. coming-of-age-(n)成熟;成年、達法定年齡。 ●2. drag racing-(n)飆車。 ●3. replica-(n)複製品。 ●4. centipede-(n)蜈蚣。procession則是一長列隊伍的意思。合起來說就是指蜈蚣座。 ●5. venerate-(vt.)尊敬、崇敬。此處指被「供奉」在奎閣內。