新聞英文解析 台灣北中南三地將於7月1日推出T-PASS通勤月卡
The MOTC announced on Thursday (June 8) that atotal of eight public transport pass schemes passed by a review panel under the Directorate General of Highways are scheduled to be introduced on July 1, and the much-anticipated regional public transportation passes valid for 30 days of travel on buses, trains, and Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) trains will be up for sale starting June 15. 交通部宣布,公路總局審查小組通過總共八項公共交通卡計劃將於7月1日推出,眾所期待的效期三十天可搭乘公車、火車及捷運的交通PASS卡將於六月十五號開始發售。 *the MOTC:(n.)交通運輸部the Ministry of Transportation and Communications的頭字縮寫 *review panel:(n.)審查小組;研討委員會 *the Directorate General of Highways:(n.)交通部公路總局 *much-anticipated:(a.)眾所期待的 *valid:(a.)有效的 The ministry said that around 620,000 people in 11 cities and countiesare estimatedto utilize and are to benefit from these passes every month.With the T-PASS, people can enjoy unlimited access to various transportation modes, including metro systems, light rail trains, local or intercity buses, railroads, bicycle-sharing services, and even ferries in southern Taiwan. 交通運輸部表示,估計每個月T-Pass將惠及 11個市縣約62萬名的通勤者。使用T-PASS可以無限搭乘多種交通工具,包括捷運、輕軌、當地或跨縣市公車、鐵路以及腳踏車共享服務,甚至是南台灣的渡輪。 *utilize:(v.)使用 *benefit:(v.)受益;加惠 *unlimited:(a.)無限的 *access:(n.)進入 *mode:(n.)型態;模式 The monthly passes, dubbed "T-PASS,"are categorized into three types, catering to Taiwan's northern, central, and southern regions.Pricing for the new passes varies across regions. The "northern pass" that encompasses the cities of Keelung, Taipei, New Taipei, and Taoyuanwould cost NT$1,200 per month, giving people unlimited access to MRT systems, light rail, city buses, highway buses and the TRA services operating within the four cities. 名為TPASS的交通月票分為三種,滿足北台灣、中台灣以及南台灣的需求。新票價依照分區而有所不同。在台北市、桃園市、基隆市及新北市使用的T-Pass每月收費新台幣1,200元,可無限次搭乘捷運、輕軌、市營巴士、高速巴士及在這四城之內的台鐵營運服務。 *categorized:(v.)對…進行分類;歸類 *cater:(v.)提供服務;滿足需求或要求 *varies:(v.)改變 *region:(n.)地區 *encompasses:(v.)包括 *Taiwan Railways Administration:(n.)臺灣鐵路管理局 The "central pass" covers Taichung City and Miaoli, Nantou, and Changhua counties.While the Taichung residents can avail themselves of the "central Taiwan" pass for NT$699, the non-Taichung residents in the central region can purchase the pass for NT$999. The monthly fare for the pass in southern Taiwan, which includes Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung Countyisset at NT$999. 中部地區包括苗栗、南投以及彰化縣,月票票價為台中市居民699元,非台中市居民999元,而包括台南、高雄及屏東在內的南台灣月票價格則訂在999元。 *avail:(v.)有用,有助於 *purchase:(v.)購買 *fare:(n.)費用 The T-Pass would help the government achieve net zero carbon emissions, Minister of Transportation and Communications Wang Kwo-tsaisaid. 交通部長王國材表示,T-Pass將有助於政府實現淨零碳排放。 *achieve:(v.)達成 *net zero carbon emission:(n.)淨零碳排放 The number of T-Pass users could reach 620,000 during the initial phase, including 500,000 in the north, 80,000 in central Taiwan and 40,000 in the south, the Directorate General of Highways said, adding that it is still considering T-Pass plans proposed by nine other cities and counties. 交通部公路總局表示,初期T-Pass用戶數可達62萬,其中北部50萬、中部8萬、南部4萬,並補充說明仍在考慮T-Pass其他九個市縣的計劃。 *initial:(a.)起初的 *phase:(n.)階段 *consider:(v.)考量 *propose:(n.)提議;建議 The new cards in the three separate regions of north, central, and south Taiwan will be sold in the four major convenience store chains. Even nine counties and cities not involved in the new project are also preparing to launchtheir own monthly commuter cards during the second half of the year. 四大連鎖便利店將在台灣北部、中部和南部三個不同的地區銷售新卡。據交通部表示,即使沒有參與新項目的九個縣市也準備在今年下半年推出自己的通勤月卡。 *separate:(a.)各自的;單獨的 *commuter:(n.)通勤
新聞英文解析 賴清德與郭台銘於金門城隍遶境首度聯合公開露面
Vice President Lai Ching-te and Foxconn founder Terry Gou made their firstjoint appearance at the Cheng Huang Festival, a religious and culturaleventin Kinmen. In this significant display of unity,theyexchanged views on cross-strait peaceand expressed their shared desire for peace in the region. 副總統賴清德和富士康創始人郭台銘於金門的宗教和文化活動城隍遶境慶典中首次聯合公開露面,在這次重要的團結展示裡,雙方交換海峽兩岸和平的看法並表達對該地區和平的共同渴望。 *founder:(n.)創始人;創辦者 *joint:(a.)聯合的;共有的 *appearance:(n.)公開露面 *significant:(a.)重要的 *display:(n.)展示 *unity:(n.)團結;一致 *region:(n.)地區 Standing before the Kinmen Wudao Cheng Huang Temple, Gou warmly greeted Lai, the Democratic Progressive Party's(DPP)presidential candidate, with a smile and a firm handshake lasting over 15 seconds. The men then spoke for nearly two minutes before taking questions from reporters. 郭台銘站在金門浯島城隍廟前,面帶微笑,與民進黨總統候選人賴清德親切問候,並握手長達15多秒,在記者提問之前,兩人交談了將近兩分鐘。 *the Kinmen Wudao Cheng Huang Temple:金門浯島城隍廟 ☆金門縣浯島城隍廟為金門地區居民信仰中心之一,始建於明朝末年,歷經清朝及光復後(公元1945年)多次整修,直至民國82年(公元1993年)拆除並擴大規模重建,而成為現今樣貌,主祀神明城隍爺的爵號為「顯佑伯」,每年農曆四月十二為其誕辰,舉行大型遶境活動,為重要宗教盛事。 Saying he had a "small suggestion,"Gouhanded Lai a folder containing his proposal titled "Kinmen Peace Declaration." 郭台銘表示他有個「小建議」並遞給賴清德一個內含「金門和平宣言」的提案在內的資料夾。 ☆Kinmen Peace Declaration:金門和平宣言為鴻海創辦人郭台銘於5月13日在金門所發表,他主張在「一中各表」的原則基礎上,站穩中華民國的立場,主張組成跨黨派、跨族群、跨世代的談判團隊,重新開啟兩岸和平前景的談判,並以金門作為兩岸新的常設談判地點,進行金門和平會談。後於5月30日城隍遶境當日提交給民進黨總統候選人賴清德。 To demonstrate his commitment to peace and stability across the strait, he urged that the DPP presidential candidate would carefully review the content. 為表明他對海峽兩岸和平與穩定的承諾,郭敦促民進黨總統候選人認真檢視內容。 *demonstrate:(v.)展示;表達 *commitment:(n.)承諾;必須做(或處理)的事 *stability:(n.)穩定 *urge:(v.)敦促;驅策;力勸 Lai emphasized the value of peace and the absence of winners in times of conflict, stating, "To pursue peace, we must pursue true peace."If the two sides of the Taiwan Strait do not communicate and Kinmen is not treated as a bridge between both, then "peace will never be possible," Gou said. 賴清德強調和平的可貴以及衝突時期沒有贏家,認為「要追求和平,就必須追求真正的和平」。郭台銘則表示,如果台海兩岸不溝通,不把金門當作兩岸的橋樑,「和平就永遠不可能實現」。 *absence:(n.)缺席 *state:(v.)陳述;說明 Taiwan People's Party(TPP)Chairman and presidential candidate Ko Wen-je also visited Kinmen to participate in the festival, arriving after Gou and Lai. 繼郭台銘和賴清德之後,台灣人民黨(TPP)主席兼總統候選人柯文哲也抵達金門參加祭典。 *participate:(v.)參與 Before meeting again later in the afternoon,Ko and Gou posed for a photograph together at the temple, and the two also joined in carrying the "centipede seat." 柯文哲和郭台銘在下午稍晚再次見面前,兩人在城隍廟合影留念,並一起抬著「蜈蚣座」。 *centipede seat:(n.)蜈蚣座 ☆蜈蚣座是浯島城隍遶境活動的經典陣頭之一,由長塊木板串接,左右可活動,上置36至108不等的椅座,上以人力肩扛或裝輪推動,行走間有如蜈蚣爬行之樣,故得名。每年均有專人為小朋友們梳化成歷史或神話人物,全程參與遶境活動,在神明加持下,小朋友未來能「聰明、健康、好育養」,而參與人力扛蜈蚣座的大人則能平安順利。 Amid the gathering, Kinmen County Council Speaker Hung Yun-tien voiced his support for Gou's potential presidential bid as Ko's running mate on the TPP ticket. 在集會中,金門縣議會議長洪允典表示支持郭台銘與柯文哲搭檔繼續參選。 *amid:(prep.)在其中 ☆amid 和among 意思相近,但有不同。Amid表示「在……之中」或「被圍繞」,而且其他的東西並不突出。 Among 則表示與其他東西混合在一起。 *voice:(v.)表達;吐露 *bid:(n.)競爭 KMT Legislator Jessica Chen, who represents Kinmen, said it's thrilled to see the presidential candidates showing such concern for the county. 代表金門的國民黨立委陳玉珍表示,很高興看到總統候選人對金門縣表現出如此關心。 *thrilled:(a.)感到激動的;感到興奮的
新聞英文解析 週休三日請願達政府回應門檻
Two petitions recently posted on the Public Policy Online Participation Network Platform calling for a four-day workweek and shorter weekly working hours have both passed the requiredsignature threshold for a government response. 近期公共政策網路參與平台上所發布的要求每週工作四天以及縮短工時的兩份請願書皆已超過政府作出回應的連署簽名門檻,並要求政府作出回應。 the Public Policy Online Participation Network Platform:公共政策網路參與平台,是由中華民國國家發展委員會所建置之政府與民間互動溝通的單一討論平臺。 petition:(n.)請願;請願書 threshold:(n.)門檻;閥 call for:呼籲 The first petitioncalls onthe government to "make Taiwan the first country in Asia to have a three-day weekend"and it has gained 5,736 signatures, surpassing the minimum 5,000 mark needed for a government response by June 26. 第一份請願書呼籲政府「讓台灣成為亞洲第一個週休三日的國家」,且已獲得5,736個連署簽名,超過了政府於6月26日之前做出回應所需的最低5,000個簽名。 call on:請求;號召 surpass:(v.)超過;大於;優於;勝於 surpass的本意是「超越」,用來指「大大超越限度」,不僅指數量、範圍,更用於指事物、性質,比如優點、道德、技能等。常引申作為「凌駕」的意思,用來正面地談論某個成就或基準得到了提高。 minimum:(n.)最低限度;最小值 minimum的相反詞是maximum,最大限度;最大值 The second petition appeals to revise Article 30 of the Labor Standards Act to lower the number of daily working hours to six or seven and cut work hours down to 30-35per week. It has garnered 5,140 signatures and now requires a government response by July 2. appeal to:訴請;尤指向公眾的呼籲 revise:(v.)修訂 the Labor Standards Act:(n.)勞動基準法 第二份請願書要求修改《勞動基準法》第30條,將每日工作時間減少至6-7小時,並將每週工作時間減少至30-35小時。請願書已獲得5,140個簽名,現在需要政府在7月2日之前做出回應。 One private company in Taiwan, the publishing firm Booklife, has adopted the four-day workweek on its own since 2013. The companysays that results aregood andthat productivity stays the same after the switch as well. 台灣民間企業,圓神出版社早在2013年就已經實施周休三日,而且該公司自認成效良好,在改變制度後運作效率也很正常。 adopt:(v.)採取 productivity:(n.)生產力 switch:(n.)轉變 Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan said that presently no country in Asia has promoted a policy of a three-day weekend. The president of Soochow University says he supports the four-day workweek and would be glad to implement itif relevant regulations were amended. 行政院副院長鄭文燦表示目前亞洲還沒有國家推行週休三日政策。東吳大學校長潘維大表示支持每週四日工作制,若相關法令鬆綁,將十分樂意配合執行。 promote:(v.)推行 support:(v.)支持 implement:(v.)實行 relevant:(adj.)相關的 regulation:(n.)法規 amend:(v.)修正 A four-day workweek scheme would not only impact workers but also schools, public sector, andmilitary, said Huang Wei-chen (黃維琛), director of the Department of Labor Standards and Equal Employment under the MOL on May 15.He said, the discussions will be held to evaluate the proposal,anddetermine which ministries would be affected, and present a government response to the petition before June 16. 勞動部(MOL)勞動條件及就業平等司司長Huang Wei-chen(黃維琛)於五月十五日表示,為期四天的工作週計畫不僅影響勞工,也將影響學校、公共部門和軍隊。他同時表示,將舉行討論以評估該提案以確定將會有哪些部門受到影響,並於六月十六日前對請願書做出回應。 impact:(v.)影響;衝擊 public sector:(n.)公部門 the Department of Labor Standards and Equal Employment:勞動條件及就業平等司MOL:勞動部the Ministry of Labor的頭字語縮寫 scheme:(n.)方案 evaluate:(v.)評估 proposal:(n.)提案
新聞英文解析 政府對中捷事件祭出111萬重罰
The operator of a construction site in Taichung, where a crane boom fell onto a nearby MRT track, was fined NT$1.11 million (US$36,170) for citing the severity of the injuries and loss of life. 台中一個建築工地的運營商因起重機吊臂墜落到附近的捷運軌道上釀成嚴重死傷,而被罰款111萬新台幣(36,170美元)。 *operator:(n.)營運商;專業公司 *construction:(n.)建物;建築 *site:(n.)地點 *crane boom:(n.)起重機吊臂 *fine:(v.)罰款 *cite:(v.)引起 *severity:(n.)嚴重 The accident that left one passenger dead and 10 others injured on Wednesday. A 52-year-old assistant law professor at Providence University and also an indigenous rights activist surnamed Lin (林), became trapped under the carriage when the accident occurred and was found without vital signs. She was pronounced dead from head trauma later. Ten other passengers injured in the collision, including a Canadian, were rushed to local hospitals, nine were discharged. 周三發生的事故導致一名乘客死亡,另有 10人受傷,一名52歲林姓靜宜大學法學助理教授暨原住民權利活動家,於事故發生時被困在車廂下,被發現已無生命跡象,稍後宣告頭部重創不治。另有十名碰撞中受傷乘客,包括一名加拿大人,被火速送往當地醫院,九名已經出院。 *passenger:(n.)乘客 *injured:(adj.)受傷的 *assistant professor:(n.)助理教授 *indigenous:(adj.)原住民的 *surname:(n.)姓 *trapped:(adj.)受困的 *carriage:(n.)車廂 *occur:(v.)發生 *vital signs:(n.)生命跡象 *trauma:(n.)創傷 *collision:(n.)碰撞 *discharged:(adj.)出院的 The crash not only left passengers terrified but also shut down service on the Green Line. A 250-person crew completed repairs lasting 18 hours. The operation was completed roughly at 4:30 a.m. on Thursday. After the damaged train, which had derailed in the accident, was towed away from the tracks. The TMRT did the dynamic testing to confirm that trains could travel safely, and then that trains were announced to resume at 6 o'clock. Based on preliminary estimates, 20,000 passengers are affected. 意外這起意外不僅嚇壞搭車旅客,連同台中綠線捷運跟著停擺無法運行。經過18小時漏夜搶修,出動250名人力,整個作業大致在週四清晨4點半完成,遭到撞擊而毀損的列車,被工程車拖離開軌道後,經中捷動態測試軌道可安全運行,宣布列車在六點恢復正式營運。 *terrify:(v.)驚嚇 *crew:(n.)全體人員 *repair:(n.)修復 *derail:(v.)出軌 *track:(n.)軌道 *dynamic:(adj.)動態的 *resume:(v.)恢復 *Preliminary:(adj.)初步的 *estimate:(n.)評估 The city government and labor ministry have both hit the construction firm with heavy penalties respectively on Highwealth Construction, which is responsible for the construction project near Feng-le Park Station on the Green Line. The labor ministry imposed NT$300,000 (US$9,774) fine, while the city wrote a NT$810,000 for violating the Building Act, for a total of NT$1.11 million. 勞動部和台中市政府分別對負責綠線豐樂公園站附近建設項目的華威建設處以新台幣30 萬元(合9,774美元)罰款和81萬元的違法建築法的罰款,總計111萬元。 *construction firm:(n.)營建公司;建商 *penalty:(n.)罰款;懲罰 ☆penalty廣義指人身的或金錢的、民事的或刑事的各種形式和性質的處罰。狹義指金錢的處罰,即因未實施應實施的或作出禁止的行為而強令其支付一定數額的金錢作為懲罰。也就是說,fine跟penalty都是可以用來指金錢的懲罰,但是penalty還可以用於指其他方式的懲罰。 *is responsible for:為…負責 *impose:(v.)強加 *violate:(v.)違反 Meanwhile, prosecutors have directed the police to collect evidence and investigated whether it was a case that involves death by negligence. Additionally, Taichung MRT chairman, Lin Liang-tay said on Thursday (May 11) that TMRT would file suit against the construction company responsible for a deadly crash on Wednesday (May 10) to seek over NT$200 million (US$6,498,000) in compensation and review the relevant emergency response procedures for accidents. 同時,檢方已指示警方收集證據,調查是否屬於過失致死案件。此外,台中捷運公司董事長林良泰週四(5月11日)表示,將對周三(5 月10日)發生致命事故的建築公司提起訴訟,追討逾2億新台幣(6,498,000美元)的賠償,並檢討相關事故應急處理程序。 *prosecutor:(n.)檢察官 *investigate:(v.)調查 *negligence:(n.)疏忽 *compensation:(n.)補償 *relevant(adj.)相關的 *response:(n.)回應;反應 *procedure:(n.)程序
新聞英文解析 內閣撥款13億新台幣打擊舞弊
The Cabinet yesterday announce an updated plan which dubbed the "next-generation anti-fraud action plan version 1.5" to counter fraud and it is to allocate NT$1.3 billion (US$42.39 million) in supplementary funding to the plan at a news conference at the Executive Yuan in Taipei. 內閣昨天在台北行政院的新聞發布會上宣布了一項最新的打擊欺詐計畫:「下一代反欺詐行動計畫1.5版」,並將撥出13億新台幣(4239 萬美元)的補充資金用於該計畫。 *updated:(adj.)更新的;升級的;最新型的 *dubbed:(V-pp.)被稱為 *anti-fraud:(adj.)反詐欺的 *counter:(n.)反對;對抗;反擊 *allocate:(n.)分配;分派;撥給 *supplementary:(n.)補充 *funding:(n.)資金 *the Executive Yuan:(n.)行政院 The funds would be used for public education campaigns to reduce people's susceptibility to fraud schemes with a focus on helping people spot scammers and avoid spreading messages on their behalf, Cabinet spokesman Lo Ping-cheng (羅秉成) said. 內閣發言人羅秉成說,這些資金將用於公共教育活動,以降低人們對欺詐計畫的敏感性,重點在幫助人們發現詐騙者並避免以其名義傳播信息。 *campaign:(n.)活動 *susceptibility:(n.)敏感性 *scheme:(n.):方案;計畫 *spot:(v.)看見;認出 *scammer:(n.)詐欺者 *behalf:(n.)代表 The new version seeks to lower the capability of fraud groups to spread false information via telecom technology and banking services. Advertisers would be requiredto register with their real names, enable the removal of fraudulent ads, introduce telephone number masking and block foreign numbers connected to scam groups, as well. 新版本旨在降低欺詐集團通過電信技術傳播虛假信息和使用銀行服務的能力,同時,將要求廣告商以實名註冊、刪除欺詐性廣告、引入電話號碼屏蔽並阻止與詐騙集團有關的外國號碼。 *seek to:(v.)尋求 *capability:(n.)能力 *require:(v.)要求 *register:(v.)註冊 *removal:(n.)刪除 *fraudulent:(n.)詐欺性的 *masking:(n.)屏蔽;遮蓋 *block:(v.)阻絕 *connect to:(v.)與…有關 The Ministry of Digital Affairs would be asked to devise methods to limit transactions linked to gaming and lock in-game credits after detecting suspicious activity, Lo said. 羅提及,數字事務部將被要求設計方法來限制與遊戲相關的交易,並在檢測到可疑活動後鎖定遊戲積分(或帳戶餘額)。 *The Ministry of Digital Affairs:(n.)中華民國數位發展部,簡稱數位部或數發部,隸屬於行政院,負責資安工作。 *transaction:(n.)交易 *credit:(n.)在遊戲裡通常指帳戶餘額或剩餘點數或積分 *detect:(v.)偵測 *suspicious:(adj.)可疑的 "Anti-fraud efforts must be a popular movement," Lo said. The Cabinet has drafted amendments to the Criminal Code and other laws concerning human trafficking, private information protection and prevention of money laundering to target criminal organizations involved in fraud. 羅表示,「反欺詐工作必須是一場全民運動。」內閣已經針對涉入詐欺的犯罪組織起草了《刑法》和其他有關販賣人口、私人信息保護和防止洗錢的法律修正案。 *popular movement:(n.)全民運動 ☆popular當作形容詞用,最常當作「受歡迎」以及「普及」的意思,在這邊是「大眾的」以及「人民的」意思,而movement是通常用於「移動」的意思,這裡是指「運動」,所以,兩個字加起來就是全民運動。 *amendment:(n.)修正案 *Criminal Code:(n.)《刑法》 *trafficking:(n.)販運 *laundering:(n.)洗錢 "The entire nation should be alert and ready to protect one another against scams," hesaid. 他:「整個國家都應該保持警惕,並準備好保護彼此免受詐騙。」 *one another:(n.)彼此 ☆one another指的是三者及三者以上群體的「彼此」,如果是兩者之間的「彼此」,用的是each other這個片語。 ☆protect為保護之意,若要保護某人或某事物以對抗另一件事情的危害,那就會使用against這個介系詞。
新聞英文解析 中國首度透過WTO通知對台貿易壁壘調查
An investigation into Taiwan's trade barriers on more than 2,400 Chinese products has launched, announced by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce yesterday. Economics minister Wang Mei-hua said that, for the first time ever, China notified Taiwan of the investigation via the WTO. 中國商務部昨日宣布,中國對台灣對2400多種中國產品實施貿易壁壘立案調查。經濟部長王美花證實,這是中國首度透過WTO管道將該調查通知台灣。 *launch: (v.)開始;積極投入;猛力展開(+into) *investigation: (n.)調查 *trade barrier: (n.)貿易壁壘又稱貿易障礙。對國外國間商品勞務交換所設置的人為限制,主要是指一國對外國商品、勞務進口所實行的各種限制措施。 *notify: (v.)通知 *via: (prep.)藉由;經由;通過 *英文中常用於表示「通過」的介系詞有by、through以及via,主要差別在於: 1. by強調從旁邊經過或路過,由於by的本義有「在附件」或「在旁邊」的意思,通常主體要跟隨工具在一起,或者說,主體和工具不能發生分離。 2. via是較為正式的用詞,日常生活中少用。via表達的意思是「經由某個人、區域或工具達到某個目的」,這裡的人、區域、工具都是中間媒介,扮演傳遞與連接等作用,主體跟工具是要分離的。 3. through的核心意思是從中穿透或貫穿,所以through強調從完全封閉的(比如身體)或部分封閉的(比如地表或峽谷),甚至可以是開放的(比如某一扇牆壁或門板)的內部穿透、貫穿、穿過、透過或通過。 *WTO: (n.) World Trade Organization世界貿易組織的頭字與縮寫 ☆WTO為最重要的全球性貿易組織,成立於1995年,成立的目的是確保國際間自由貿易,透過多邊諮商建立規範,降低會員國間關稅與非關稅貿易障礙,為會員國提供穩定及可預測的貿易環境。目前共164個會員國,佔全球98%貿易額。 The MOC on Wednesday announced that it had opened an investigation into tariffs and other "unilateral" restrictions on 2,455 Chinese products, including agricultural, textile and mineral products after the ministry received complaints from three Chinese trade groups. 中國商務部 (MOC) 週三宣布,在該部收到三個中國貿易集團的投訴後已對包括農產品、紡織品和礦產品在內的2,455 種中國產品關稅和其他「單邊」限制措施展開調查。 *the MOC: (n.)中國商務部 Chinese Ministry of Commerce的頭字與縮寫 *tariff: (n.)關稅 *unilateral: (adj.)單邊的;單方的 *restriction: (n.)限制 It was unknown when the results of the investigation would be unveiled. The investigation was scheduled to conclude before Oct. 12, the ministry said, but added that the probe could be extended by three months to Jan. 12 next year if necessary. 目前尚不清楚調查結果何時公佈。該部表示計劃在 10 月 12 日之前結束調查,但補充說明,如有必要,調查可以延長三個月至明年 1 月 12 日。 *unknown: (adj.)未知的;不清楚的 *unveiled: (adj.)被揭露的;公布 *conclude: (v.)結束;完成;作出(結論) *probe: (n.)調查 The launch of the MOC's probe has sparked concern that China might eliminate preferential trade conditions afforded to certain Taiwanese goods under the Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement. 商務部調查的啟動引發了人們的擔憂,即中國可能會取消根據《海峽兩岸經濟合作框架協議》對某些台灣商品所提供的優惠貿易條件。 *spark: (v.)引起;導致;觸發(尤指爭論或打鬥) *concern: (n.)憂慮;關切 *eliminate: (v.)排除;消除 *preferential: (adj.)優先的;(關稅)優惠的 *afforded: (p.p.)被提供的;被給予的 ☆「充足」為afford的基本含義,該字通常用來指「有足夠的錢買某物」、「有足夠的財力或時間做某事」,也可表示「經受得起」,常引申為「提供」或「給予」的意思。 ☆the Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement: (n.)《海峽兩岸經濟合作框架協議》又稱為兩岸經濟協議,簡稱ECFA,是海峽兩岸(台灣與中國大陸)之間的雙邊經濟協議,2009年馬英九總統於執政期間提出,將視其為加強臺灣經濟發展的政策。 The Chinese government's probe would look at import restrictions that Taiwan has either already imposed or is considering imposing on 2,455 types of products from China, the ministry said in a statement on its Web site. 中國商務部在其網站上發表聲明表示,中國政府的調查將審查台灣已經實施或正在考慮對來自中國的 2,455 種產品實施的進口限制。 *impose: (v.)推行;強制實行;尤其指把信仰或生活方式強加於……。 *import: (n.)進口 The Chinese ministry's regulations dictate that it will hold bilateral consultations or start a settlement mechanism for a multilateral dispute if the measures under investigation are confirmed to constitute a trade barrier. 中國商務部規定若所調查者被確認為構成貿易壁壘,該部將舉行雙邊磋商或啟動多邊爭端解決機制。 *regulation: (n.)規定 *dictate: (n.)下命令;決定;規定 *bilateral: (adj.)雙邊的;雙方的 *consultation: (n.)協商;磋商 *settlement: (n.)(結束爭端的)協定 *mechanism: (n.)機制 *multilateral: (adj.)多邊的;多方的 *dispute: (n.)爭端 *confirm: (v.)確認 *constitute: (v.)被看;作被視為;構成;形成 Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua (王美花) welcomed bilateral discussions "without preconditions" regarding an investigation launched by Beijing into Taiwan's trade restrictions on select Chinese goods. 經濟部部長王美花歡迎就北京對台灣對特定中國商品的貿易限制展開調查進行「無先決條件」的雙邊討論。 *precondition: (n.)先決條件;前提 *regarding: (prep.)意思等同於about(關於)
新聞英文解析 陸委會譴責中國包圍台灣演習
On Apr.8, the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) condemned that China has "used President Tsai's visit and transits in the United States as an excuse to conduct military exercises, which has seriously undermined peace, stability and security in the region" and lodged a protest against Chinese military drills around Taiwan, saying that Taiwan would not yield to threats. 陸委會於四月八日譴責中國以「蔡總統訪美為藉口舉行軍事演習,嚴重破壞地區和平、穩定與安全」,並抗議中國在台灣附近的軍事演習,稱台灣不會屈服於威脅。 *condemn:(v.)譴責 ☆condemn的本意是責備或非難某人的不良行為,具較強的批評意味。 *transit:(v.)轉機 *conduct:(v.)實施 *military exercise:(n.)軍事活動;演習 *undermine:(v.)破壞 *stability:(n.)穩定 *security:(n.)安全 *region:(n.)區 *lodge:(v.)提出(索賠/投訴/抗議等等) ☆常與lodge配合的有lodge a claim(索賠), lodge acomplaint(投訴), lodge a protest(抗議),用於比較正式的或官方場合。 *protest:(n.)抗議 *yield to :(v.)讓步 *threat:(n.)威脅 Beijing announced three days of military exercises around Taiwan on the day after President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) returned to Taipei from Los Angeles, where she met with US House of Representatives Speaker Kevin McCarthy.The "combat readiness patrol" and "United Sword" operations would be conducted around Taiwan for three days as a "serious" warning against pro-Taiwanese independence forces and to safeguard China's territorial integrity, the Chinese People's Liberation Army's (PLA) Eastern Theater Command said in a statement.China's military is rehearsing the encirclement of Taiwan during three days of military drills andwill run until Monday (Apr. 10). 蔡英文總統從洛杉磯會見美國白宮眾議院議長凱文麥卡錫返回台北後的第二天,北京宣佈在台灣周邊進行為期三天的軍事演習。中國人民解放軍(PLA)東部戰區司令部在一份聲明中表示「戰備巡邏」和「聯合利劍」行動將在台灣周邊進行為期三天,作為對親台獨勢力和維護中國領土完整的「嚴重」警告。在為期三天的軍事演習中,中國軍隊正演練包圍台灣的行動。該圍台軍演將持續至星期一(四月十日)結束。 *combat readiness:(n.)戰備狀態 *patrol:(n.)巡邏;偵查 *pro-Taiwanese independence forces:(n.)支持台灣獨立的力量;親台獨勢力 ☆pro-有「支持」或「贊成」的意思,一般來講,pro-independence是「支持獨立」的意思,pro-reunification則是「支持統一」。而pro-American group, 則譯為「親美團體」。 *safeguard:(v.)保護;防衛 *territorial :(a.)領土的 *integrity:(n.)完整 ☆Integrity一字源自拉丁文中的integer,有「完整」或「完全」的意思;若形容人具有integrity,則是指這個人能夠保持「品格上的完整無缺」,無論在什麼情況下,都能夠持守一套做人的核心價值,並且確保思想、言語和行動一致,絕對不會因為任何誘惑或壓力而有所妥協,更不會以利益去決定自己的言行,所以常翻為「正直」或「真善美」。 *rehearse:(v.)排演;試練 *encirclement:(n.)包圍 "The task force will simultaneously organize patrols and advances around Taiwan island, shaping an all-round encirclement and deterrence posture," a report from China's state broadcaster China Central Television said, and it went on to detail the type of weaponry China was using, including "long-range rocket artillery, naval destroyers, missile boats, air force fighters, bombers, jammers and refuelers." 中國國家電視台中央電視台的一篇報導稱,「特遣部隊將在台灣島周邊組織巡邏推進,形成全方位圍堵威懾態勢」,該報導接著詳細說明中國使用的武器類型,包括「遠程火箭炮、海軍驅逐艦、導彈艇、空軍戰鬥機、轟炸機、干擾機和加油機」。 *task force:(n.)特遣部隊,專門執行特定任務的部隊 *simultaneously:(v.)同時地 *advance:(v.)推進 *shape:(v.)使成形 *all-round:(adj.)全面的 *deterrence :(n.)威懾;遏制;制止 *posture:(n.)態度;立場;處理方式 *detail:(v.)詳盡說明 *weaponry:(n.)武器(總稱) The Defense Ministry said that 71 Chinese military aircraft and 9 naval ships were detected in areas around Taiwan as of 4pm on Apr.8, including 45 warplanes that crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait, an unofficial dividing line between Chinese and Taiwanese territory,or flew into the southwestern part of Taiwan's air defense identification zone.Taiwan's armed forces are monitoring the situation, and would remain on high alert, while making every effort to defend the country's sovereignty and national security. 國防部表示,截至四月八日下午4點,台灣周邊海域已偵測到71架中國軍機和9艘軍艦,其中45架戰機越過台海中線,此為中國大陸和台灣領土之間的非正式分界線,或飛入台灣防空識別區西南部。台灣武裝部隊正在監視局勢,並將保持高度戒備,同時盡一切努力捍衛國家主權和國家安全。 *naval:(adj.)海軍的;軍艦的 *as of:(prep.)自…起(=from) *unofficial dividing line:(n.)非正式分界線 *territory:(n.)領域;領土;活動範圍 *identification:(n.)識別 ☆Air Defense Identification Zone(縮寫:ADIZ)防空識別區,是一國基於國家安全和空防需要,單方面所劃定的空域,以利軍方迅速定位管制。其範圍大於領空,沒有國際法效力,亦無統一定義。中華民國防空識別區為五邊形,在美國要求下,空軍的活動範圍被限縮在海峽中線以東,為防備中華人民共和國,在中線以東與台灣西部海岸線間畫設R-8、R-9、R-11等數個禁航區。空軍在此區域執行空中巡邏。 *sovereignty:(n.)主權;統治權
新聞英文解析 文化部起草規則以防止倒賣黃牛票
Minister of Culture Shih Che (史哲) on Monday(Mar.20)said his ministry is drafting an amendment to help curb scalpers who use online purchasing algorithms to buy tickets in bulk and resell them at exorbitant prices. 文化部部長史哲週一表示該部正起草一項修正案以制止黃牛使用線上購買運算法大量購買門票並以過高的價格轉售。 *draft:(v.)起草 *amendment:(n.)修正案;修正條款 *curb:(v.)抑制 *scalper:(n.)倒賣(戲票等)的人;黃牛 *algorithm:(n.)演算法 *bulk:(n.)大團(塊);巨大的東西 ☆in bulk:大量=in huge quantities *exorbitant:(adj.)(價格、要求、收費等)過分的或過高的 ☆at exorbitant price:指離譜的價格,比原價高過數倍的價錢=at several times higher than the original price ____________________ For curbing scalping, Shih said without further elaboration that the MOC will amend the law to impose heavy penalties on people who use online purchasing algorithms to buy vast quantities of tickets and resell them at inflated prices. His comments came after many local fans of the K-pop girl group, Blackpink, recently complained about difficulties finding tickets to the group's concerts in Kaohsiung that wrapped up over the weekend due to scalpers. 為了抑制黃牛轉售的行為,史哲表示該部將對使用在線購買算法購買大量門票並以高價轉售的人處以重罰。此評論為近期K-pop 女子團體Blackpink粉絲抱怨由於黃牛的緣故而難以找到該團體在高雄舉行音樂會的門票之後所發表。 *scalping:(n.)投機買賣 *elaboration:(n.)詳盡說明;闡述 *the MOC:文化部the Ministry of Culture的頭字語縮寫 *amend:(v.)修訂 *impose:(v.)強制實行 *penalty:(n.)懲罰;罰金(款) *vast quantities of:大量的 *inflated:(adj.)指價格、成本、數目等「過高的」 ____________________ Scalping and the use of algorithms to buy tickets in bulk are mentioned under the Social Order Maintenance Act, which stipulates a fine of up to NT$18,000 for "buying transportation or entertainment tickets with no intention for use, and reselling them for profits," but the law does not include provisions regarding prevention. 倒票和使用算法大量購買門票在《社會秩序維護法》中有所提及,該法規定「購買無意圖使用的交通或娛樂門票,並倒賣以牟利」最高可處新台幣18,000元的罰款,但法律並沒有關於預防的規定。 *the Social Order Maintenance Act:《社會秩序維護法》 *stipulate:(v.)規定;明確說明 *transportation:(n.)交通運輸 *entertainment:(n.)娛樂 *intention:(n.)意圖 *profit:(n.)利潤;盈利;好處 *provision:(n.)條款 *prevention:(n.)預防 ____________________ On March 15, various lawmakers of the ruling DPP asked the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries Act, which governs concert ticket sales, to include punishments for scalping in order to protect the rights and interests of the public. The current fine is too low and is not enough to curb scalping, they added. 3月15日,執政的民進黨多位立法會議員,要求在規管演唱會門票銷售的文化創意產業發展法中,加入倒票行為的刑罰,以保障大眾權益,並補充說明單靠罰款太低,不足以遏制倒票行為。 *ruling:(adj.)統治的,支配的;主導的 *The DPP:(n.)民進黨Democratic Progressive Party的頭字縮寫 *interests:(n.)利益 *fine:(n.)罰金(款) ☆在這篇新聞中出現了penalty及fine這兩個表示「罰金(款)」的字,其中的差別在於:fine這個字被單純用來指「金錢上的處罰」,也就是「罰金(款)」,而penalty這個單字既可以用來指「金錢上的處罰」,比如罰款、罰鍰,也可以指其它「任何形式的處罰」,比如拘役、服勞役等等。 _____________________ In a radio interview, Shih said the MOC will be working to amend the Cultural and Creative Industry Development Act, which expects to be completed by the end of March or early April. 史哲在接受電台採訪時表示,文化部正在著手修訂《文化創意產業發展法》,預計將於3月底或 4月初完成。 *the Cultural and Creative Industry Development Act:《文化創意產業發展法》 ☆有關於「法」,常見的有Act及Law,A其差別為:Act在英美國家是指須由國會經過立法程序通過之成文法律;而Law則不僅指立法機關通過之成文法而已,具有較廣義的概念,包括法理、法律原則、判例、習慣法等在內。
新聞英文解析 四月起電費將漲11%
The prices of electricity are expected to be increased by an average of 11%, the MOEA said on Friday (March 17), following Taipower's NT$267.5 billion (US$8.74 billion) loss last year amid soaring global energy prices triggered by the Russia-Ukraine war. 繼去年俄烏戰爭引發全球能源價格飆升使台電虧損2675億新台幣(87.4億美元)之後,經濟部(MOEA)於週五(3月17日)表示,電價預計將平均上漲11%。 *the MOEA:(n.)經濟部the Ministry of Economic Affairs的縮寫 *soaring:(adj.)飆升的;驟增的 *trigger(v.)觸發 ☆trigger這個單字特別指在被迫回憶起過去發生的可怕事件時所產生的強烈情緒反應以及情緒被觸發,特別說明trigger的過去和現在分詞triggered都有「觸發的」以及「引發的」意思,但是triggered 特別指被某件事「冒犯到、傷害到」,換句話說,就是某個東西引發了一個人的負面情緒。 The price hikes will be implemented on April 1, and will mainly affect high-use consumers in the industrial and commercial sectors, including three major categories of consumers: residential users, small businesses and industrial users. 此次提價將於4月1日實施,主要影響包括三大類消費範疇:住宅用戶、小型企業和工業用戶在內的工、商業領域的高使用率消費者。 *implement:(v.)實施 *industrial:(adj.)工業的 *commercial:(adj.)商業的 *sector:(n.)部門;行業 ☆sector這個單字有「部門」的意思,但其實sector多用於指「某種國家經濟活動或者社會中的某個行業,比如:金融業就是the financial sector、服務業就是the service sector,所以在這裡我們看到的industrial and commercial sectors就是指工業和商業。 *category:(n.)類別;範疇 ☆category很常跟age連用,age category表示「年齡層」。 【例句】The vaccine is obviously eligible for every age category. 這疫苗明顯適用於各個年齡層。 *residential:(adj.)住宅的 Under the price adjustment plan, households and businesses exceeding the 700 and 1500 kWh thresholds will pay an extra 3% for power, up to 1000 and 3000 kWh respectively. Prices for residential use over 1000 kWh will increase by 10%, while prices for commercial use over 3000 kWh will increase by 5%.Users who consume more than 1,000 kWh per monthwill see their electricity rates rise by double digits. 超過700和1500千瓦門檻的家庭和企業分別在達1000和3000千瓦時將額外支付3%的電費。1000千瓦時以上住宅用電價格將上漲10%,而3000千瓦時以上的商用電價將上漲5%。每月用電量超過1000度電的用戶,電價將出現兩位數上漲。 *adjustment:(n.)調整 *household:(n.)家庭 *exceed:(v:(n.).)超過 *threshold:(n.)門檻;下限 ☆因為threshold有「最低限度」的意思,故也有臨界點及起點的意思,所以,pain threshold就表示「疼痛臨界」,而tax threshold則表示「所得稅起徵點」。 *respectively:(adv.)個別地 *consume:(n.)使用 *digit:(n.)數字 Electricity prices would increase 2.6% on averagefor residential consumers, and 14.2% on average for industrial users; however, the households usingless than 700kWh of electricity per monthand small shops using under 1500 kWh will not be subject to the increases, meaning that 93% of residential buildings and 84% of small businesses will not be affected, saidthe MOEA. 經濟部表示,住宅用電平均漲2.6%,且工業用電平均漲14.2%。用電量低於 700 千瓦時的家庭和用電量低於 1500 千瓦時的小商店不在加價的條件,這意味著 93% 的住宅建築和 84% 的小型企業不會受到影響。 *on average:平均 *be subject to:取決於;以…為條件 The adjustment aims to encourage energy conservation and takes the needs of disadvantaged groupsinto account, said the policymaker.Theministry also addedthat the rate increases would be halved for some heavy users in sectors affected by a downturn in the economy. 政策制定者表示此次調整旨在鼓勵節能並考慮到弱勢群體的需求。該部並補充說明對於受經濟低迷影響的行業的一些重度用戶,加息幅度將減半。 *encourage:(v.)鼓勵 *conservation:(n.)保護;節約;保存 *disadvantaged group:(n.)弱勢群體 *take… into account:考量 *policymaker:(n.)政策制定者 *halve:(v.)減半 *downturn:(n.)衰退;漸入低迷 The fisheries and agricultural sectors will not be affected by the increases as well as the schools, but this will be reviewed in the second half of the year, said Taipower President Yao-Ting Wang (王耀庭) 台電總裁王耀庭表示漁業和農業部門和學校一樣不會受到加價影響,但會在下半年檢討。 *review:(v.)檢討
新聞英文解析 陸委會宣布與恢復中國10城市航線及新增其他13城市兩岸包機
Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) announced on Thursday that air routes between Taiwan and 10 Chinese cities will be reinstated on Friday, with another 13 Chinese citiesseligible to apply for cross-strait charter flights.Premier Chen Chien-jen has called the move a show of goodwill to China 大陸事務委員會(MAC)週四宣布,將於週五恢復台灣與中國10個城市之間的航線,並選擇其他13個中國城市進行兩岸包機。行政院長陳建仁稱此為對中國釋出之最大善意。 *air routes:(n.)航線 *reinstate:(v.)恢復 *eligible:(adj.)具備條件格的;有資格的 *apply:(v.)應用於;用作 *cross-strait charter flight:(n.)兩岸包機 *goodwill:(n.)善意 Flight routes between Taoyuan, Taipei and Kaohsiung, and the Chinese cities of Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Qingdao, Wuhan, Ningbo and Zhengzhouwill resume from Friday. 桃園、台北和高雄與中國深圳、廣州、南京、重慶、杭州、福州、青島、武漢、寧波和鄭州之間的航線將從週五起重新開通。 *resume:(v.)恢復;重新開始 ☆resume當作名詞來使用的時候是指履歷(注意拼字相同但是唸音不同)。履歷有兩種:resume跟CV,簡單來說resume是個人的最佳廣告,也就是一份個人能力、技能與成就的摘要,長度通常只有單面A4 的大小,有點像是汽車的DM,必須要能吸引目光、展現最具競爭力的一面,引起人資的注意而取得面試的機會。而CV也是履歷,但是就比較像是汽車的詳細介紹或者是規格表,較為詳盡且長度比較不受限制。 The resumption of flightswas decidedwith the long-term considerations of Taiwan's people. The decisionwas made after comprehensive evaluation of the risks, airline operating capacity, and the amount of business and travel that traditionally took place between the cities. 恢復航班是為了國人所作的長期考量。該決定是綜合評估風險、航空公司運營能力以及傳統上在城市之間所進行的商務及旅行量所作出的。 *resumption:(n.)恢復 *long-term:(adj.)長期的 *consideration:(n.)考量 *comprehensive:(adj.)全面的;綜合的;包羅萬象的 *evaluation:(n.)評估 *operating:(adj.)營運 *capacity:(n.)能力 *amount:(n.)數量 *traditionally:(adv.)傳統上 *take place:(v.)發生;進行 Meanwhile, charter flights will be allowed between Taiwan and 13 Chinese cities that "have not met the conditions for resumption of flights," including Shenyang, Wuxi, Haikou, Changsha, Xi'an, Jinan, Hefei, Nanchang, Tianjin, Wenzhou, Dalian, Guilin and Xuzhou, and details on how charter flights between Taiwan and the aforementioned Chinese cities will operate will be announced later. 同時,包括沉陽、無錫、海口、長沙、西安、濟南、合肥、南昌、天津、溫州、大連,桂林和徐州在內之13個「不符合恢復航班條件」的中國城市將被允許包機往返台灣,且台灣與上述中國城市間的包機航班如何運作的細節將在稍後公佈。 *aforementioned:(adj.)前述的 *operate:(v.)運作 Travelers who adopttheferry links between coastal Chinese cities and Kinmen and Matsu, which largely resumed on Jan. 7, 2023, will be allowed to use ports which governed by Taiwan as transit stops for trips to Taiwan before and during the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday from Apr. 1 to Apr. 5, details of which will be unveiled next week. 採用中國沿海城市與金門和馬祖之間的渡輪航線(已於 2023 年 1 月 7 日基本恢復)的旅客將被允許使用台灣所轄之港口作為旅行中轉站在 4 月 1 日至 4 月 5 日清明節假期之前和期間前往台灣,詳情將於下周公布。 *adopt:(v.)採取 ☆提醒讀者區辨一下以下容易混淆的三個單字:adopt、adapt以及adept。要特別注意:adapt跟adopt都是動詞,前者表示「適應」,後者表示「採用」而adept是形容詞,表示「熟練的」。 *ferry link:(n.)渡輪航線 *port:(n.)港口 *govern:(v.)治理 *transit stop:(n.)轉運點 *the Tomb Sweeping Day:(n.)清明節 *unveiled:(adj.)揭露 The two sides were notified of the agreement to resume flights and ferry links by the SEF and its Chinese counterpart, the ARATS. 台灣半官方的海峽交流基金會(SEF)以及其對應單位:中國海峽兩岸關係協會(ARATS)已將恢復航班和渡輪聯繫的協議通知雙方。 *agreement:(n.)協議 *the SEF:(n.)海峽交流基金會the Straits Exchange Foundation 的縮寫 *counterpart:(n.)與其作用相同之不同地方或組織;相對應者 *the ARATS:(n.)海峽兩岸關係協會the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait 的縮寫 We hope that cross-strait relations through these means can achieve what the president has requested: healthy and effective cross-strait exchanges, alsosaidby PremierChen Chien-jen. 行政院長陳建仁也表示,我們希望兩岸的關係夠透過這樣的途徑能夠達到總統所要求的:一個健康有效的交流。 *achieve:(v.)達到 *request:(v.)要求 *exchange:(n.)交流
新聞英文解析 疾病管制中心報告首例台灣本地猴痘病例
Taiwan on Wednesday (Mar.1) reported two cases of locally acquiredMpox(formerly known as monkeypox), the first domestic infections of the viralzoonosis. The Centers for Disease Control(CDC)warned that the risk of local infection has increased. 台灣週三(3 月 1 日)報告了兩例本地猴痘 (Mpox) (舊稱猴痘)病例,這是國內首例病毒性人畜共患疾病感染病例。疾病管制中心(CDC)警告台灣本地感染的風險有所增加。 *acquire:(v.)得到 *Mpox:(n.)猴痘(英語:monkeypox,世界衛生組織稱為「mpox」) ☆Mpox是一種由病毒引起的人畜共通傳染病,潛伏期通常為7至14天或5至21天,症狀持續時間通常為2至4週。早期症狀包括發燒、頭痛、肌肉疼痛、淋巴結腫大、發冷和疲倦,其後身上出現類似水泡的皮疹並癒合。致死率從0%到11%不等,絕大多數患者都能康復。 *domestic:(a.)國內的 *infection:(n.)感染 *viral:(a.)病毒引起的;病毒性的 ☆viral也被用來比喻「像病毒般瘋狂流傳的」或者是「爆紅的」,比如:病毒式營銷是viral marketing,而viral video則是指網路爆紅影片。 *zoonosis:(n.)人畜共通病(複數為zoonoses=zoonoticdiseases),指任何可以經由動物傳染給人或由人傳染給動物的傳染病。 *The Centers for Disease Control (CDC):(n.)疾病管制中心 _____________________ A male in his 40s from Hsinchu County and a male in his 20s from Kaohsiung City started exhibiting symptoms in late February, including fever, itchy rash, blisters, swollen lymph nodes, and lesions on the tongue, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). 據疾病管制中心表示,一名來自新竹縣的四十多歲男性和一名來自高雄市的二十多歲男性在二月下旬開始出現發燒、皮疹、水泡、淋巴結腫大和舌頭病變等症狀。 *exhibit:(v.)顯示 *symptom:(n.)症狀 *fever:(n.)發燒 *itchy:(a.)生疥癬的;癢的 *rash:(n.)皮疹 *blister:(n.)水皰 *swollen:(a.)腫大的;膨脹的 *lymphnodes:(n.)淋巴結,是屬於淋巴系統和適應性免疫系統的腎形器官,由淋巴管連接。 *lesion:(n.)病變;器官損傷 _____________________ The patients tested positive for Mpox on Sunday(Feb. 26)and Monday(Feb. 27), respectively. Two men infected in February have no recent overseas travel history, said the CDC. 患者分別於週日(2月26日)和週一(2月27 日)檢測出Mpox呈現陽性。疾病管制中心說,在二月染疾的這兩名男子近期內沒有出國史。這使得台灣的Mpox病例總數達到 7 例,其中包括 2 例本地病例和 5 例進口病例。 *respectively:(adv.)分別地;各自地 *overseas:(a.)海外的 *imported:(a.)進口的 _____________________ The CDC said there were no connections found between the two localcases, while contacts had been identified.A total of 25 contacts, including 4 family members and 2 intimate contactshave been identified and asked to monitor their health for 21 days. The conditions of the two men would be monitored until March 20, saidPhilip Lo (羅一鈞), theCDC Deputy Director-General. 疾病管制中心表示,這兩起本土病例之間沒有發現任何聯結,同時已經確定了接觸者,總共確定了包括4名家庭成員及2名親密接觸者在內的25名接觸者,並且要求在21天內監測他們的健康狀況。疾病管制中心副主任羅一鈞表示,這兩名男子的情況將被監測到 3 月 20 日。 *connection:(a.)連結;聯繫 *contact:(n.)接觸者 *identify:(v.)確認 *intimate:(a.)親密的 *monitor:(v.)監控 _____________________ A global Mpox outbreak that began in May last year has affected 109 countries with over 86,000 cases, according to the CDC. The WHO on Feb. 15 said that mpox would remain a "public health emergency of international concern." Taiwan has listed Mpox as a category 2 notifiable communicable disease onJune 23, 2022. 根據 CDC 的數據,去年 5 月開始爆發的全球Mpox疫情已影響到 109 個國家,有超過 86,000 起病例。世界衛生組織在 2 月 15 日表示,mpox仍將是「國際關注的突發公共衛生事件」。台灣已於2022年6月23日將Mpox列為第 2 類法定傳染病。 *outbreak:(n.)爆發 *affect:(v.)影響 *concern:(n.)關切 *category:(n.)類別 *notifiable:(a.)(疾病或犯罪)須報當局的;應上報的 *communicable:(a.)傳染性的
新聞英文解析 主計處對今年度GDP的預測下修之幅度創近8年新低
The Executive Yuan's Directorate-General of Budget,Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) trimmed its forecast for GDP growth this year to 2.12 percent, down 0.63 percentage points from its previous projection. This year's GDP forecast has been revised down to a near eight-year low. 行政院主計處(DGBAS)將其對今年GDP增長的預測下調至2.12%,比之前的預測下調0.63 個百分點。今年GDP預測的下修幅度已創近8年新低。 *the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics :行政院主計處,簡稱DGBAS,為中央二級行政機關,主管中華民國政府歲計、會計與統計工作。 ☆trim:(v.)修整:減少,這是一個單音節短 母音的單字,所以必須要重複字尾+ed,所以過去式寫成"trimmed"。 ☆forecast:(n.)預測,預報,通常是指某事件尚未發生之前所做的預先告知動作。 ☆GDP:是Gross Domestic Product的縮寫,指 國民生產毛額。 *GDP(,國民生產毛額)是用來衡量一個國家生產力的重要總經數據,也代表一個國家的經濟成長率。 計算公式為:GDP = C + I + G +(X-M) 也就是,民間消費支出+固定投資+政府消費支出(出口X進口) 成立於國內從事達一年以上活動的生產單位即被認定為本國長住生產單位(Resident Producing Units),生產結果均計入本國GDP。 ☆previous:(a.)先前的 ☆projection:(n.)推測 ☆revise:(n.)修正 ------------------------------- DGBAS attributed to a lingering global economic slowdown constraining demand for goods and services and exports and private investment are expected to weaken amid economic uncertainty, which is unfavorable for Taiwan's export-oriented economy. DGBAS將此歸因於全球經濟持續放緩限制了對商品和服務的需求,出口和私人投資預計將在經濟不確定性的情況下減弱。這對台灣的出口導向型經濟不利。 ☆attribute:(v.)歸因於… ☆lingering:(a.)持續的;長時間的 ☆slowdown:(n.)趨緩;緩降 ☆constraining::(v.)限制;束縛 *constrain特別是指某人由於受外界壓力或環境的影響,而迫使去做某件事,也用於指受到良心、情感或飢餓等方面的內在力量驅使而去做某事。 ☆export:(n.)出口 ☆private investment:(n.)私人投資 ☆weaken:(v.)減弱 ☆amid(prep.)在…當中…;在…中間 ☆uncertainty:(n.)不確定性 __________________________________________ Certainty of a global economic downturn has increased. Private investment is expected to shrink 1.13 percent this year, DGBAS data showed. The electronics industry has been hit hardest, and many manufacturers and semiconductor companies are still clearing inventories. With persistent inflationary pressure, officials say going over the 2% inflation target set by the central bank has become the norm. 全球經濟不景氣確定性增高。DGBAS 數據顯示,今年私人投資預計將萎縮1.13%。電子業衝擊最大,不少製造業及半導體仍在清庫存,加上通膨壓力仍在,衝破2%的通膨警戒線已成常態。 ☆certainty:(n.)確定性 ☆downturn:(n.)衰退;鍵入低迷 ☆shrink:(v.)縮水 ☆manufacturer:(n.)製造業 ☆semiconductor:(n.)半導體製造業 ☆inventory:(n.)存貨 ☆persistent:(a.)持續的;頑強存在的,通常用來指任何連續不斷或重複出現的事物。 ☆Inflationary:(a.)通貨膨脹的 ☆pressure:(n.)壓力 ☆inflation:(n.)通貨膨脹;通膨指物價持續上漲,民眾購買力下降的經濟現象。 ☆target:(n.)目標 ☆norm:(n.)常態 -------------------------------- Although post-pandemic recovery and strong domestic demand have maintained momentum for growth, these factors cannot alter the reality of an overall economic recession. With the economy upended, even experts are finding it hard to make predictions. 雖然疫後復甦,強勢的內需維持成長動能,但這些因素終究無法改變整體經濟衰退現況。經濟何時反轉,連專家都難預測。 ☆post-pandemic:(a.)疫情後的 ☆recovery:(n.)復甦 ☆domestic demand:(n.)國內需求;內需 ☆momentum:(n.)勢頭;推動力 ☆factor:(n.)因素 ☆alter:(v.)改變 ☆reality:(n.)現實 ☆overall:(a.)全面的 ☆recession:(n.)經濟衰退;不景氣 ☆upended:(a.)顛倒的;混亂的 ☆prediction:(n.)預測,包括以事實為基礎做客觀預測以及以個人意見為基礎做的主觀預測。